With Arms Wide Open – Mary Christmas!
Mary Christmas Dear One!
Nope, that’s not a spelling mistake. It’s an invitation to join me in yet another celebration of Mother Mary presented here in the painting “With Arms Wide Open”.
If you’re in need of a hug this Christmas, it’s coming right at you!
Enjoy the embrace!
Note: Keep scrolling past the poem to read about a second grotto visit, get a glimpse into the making of “With Arms Wide Open” and learn about some of its symbolism.
With Arms Wide Open
– A Collaborative Poem –
Thanks to all those who contributed name suggestions on Facebook! This is your poem as much as mine!
(The inner child speaks:)

“With Arms Wide Open” – Original (SOLD – 24″ x 48″) & prints available.
Holy Mary Grasped Anew,
Our Lady of Wisdom,
Guiding angel in the know,
Universal Protector,
Mary Magnificent,
Carry me within your
Open heart –
Wise love,
Mystery joined sacred,
Divine wisdom.
(Wisdom Mother answers:)
Rise up Beloved!
I see you, divine creation
Welcoming the Universe
With open arms.
Fly with me in wisdom wholeness
In this holy shower of love.
Welcome home.
This is your Heaven on Earth
Elevated consciousness
Love & freedom!
Much love & peace to you.
All is calm.
As above so below.
Ripples of consciousness flow from the divine
like waves of the eternal life-
Blessings on healing wings
Here to help you maneuver within
The realms of the unknown.
Open to the divine within.
Welcome home to yourself.
Spread your Radiance
In the Light of Love.
Embrace the divine ascension
Embrace the wisdom of Spirit
For you are doubly blessed.
Glory in the highest.
Heaven lives above the mother
Guides in waiting,
Divine Helpers,
Radiant Clarity
Universal wisdom
Life Force is here within
The offer & acceptance…
The wisdom of love is
An amazing experience.
(The inner child replies:)
Mary the Cosmic Matrix
Divine Lady of Radiant Wisdom and Protection
Owly Mary, mother of…
Thank you
Lady of Lourdes Grotto in Flatrock, NL
A few weeks after our visit to the Renews Grotto and the painting of “Our Lady of Light” , a small group of women made the 30-minute drive to Flatrock.
I’d parked there many times, but had been more interested in the beauty and energy of where the waterfall meets the ocean on the East Coast Trail. That’s the strongest land energy vortex I’ve felt in NL.
This time, we spent equal time at the shrine to Mary and the coast.
It was cold, snowy, and windy, so I didn’t record the meditation I channeled for the group.
That meditation was all about embracing the inner child, that divine child within every one of us.
A Bit of History
In 1954, the parish priest in Flatrock was one of millions of pilgrims to traveled to Lourdes in France. The pope of the time had declared 1954 the Marian year. Four years later, this shrine graced the community of Flatrock and has since received visitors from around the world.
Eight days before I heard him speak in Ottawa, Pope John Paul II had been on the island of Newfoundland to bless the fleet and pray at the Lady of Lourdes shrine in Flatrock.
The Making of “With Arms Wide Open”
When I returned home from our own mini pilgrimage, I continued working on the 2nd yellow background I’d started at the same time as “Our Lady of Light”.
This stained-glass-inspired frame was all about dots. Dots upon dots upon dots – like the layering of prayers.
I find dot-making so relaxing, so meditative, so blissful!
Why the Owl?
I’d forgotten about the owl that had flown in an infinity sign in front of our car when we drove back from the Renews Grotto. It was a barn owl.
It had swooped down in front of the car, around a tree and back in front of the car – showing itself twice during our daylight drive.
A few minutes later, we stopped at a craft fair and owls were everywhere – carved owls, beaded owls, etc.
We knew it was a sign.
Owls are companions to seers & mystics – soul-spirit animals linked to spiritual persons through a special bond.
It seemed befitting to paint one with Mary.
They’re great guides in times of transitions, helping us to see clearly through the shadows and darkness.
They come from wholeness, pure energy – messengers of wisdom carried on wings of change.
As I was waiting to go to a Christmas concert after finishing the archway of this painting, I saw a vision of the owl coming through the portal over Mary’s head.
As I said, I’d forgotten about it. It was back!
It was both accompanying her and a part of Mary’s energy walking through the portal to offer us a hug.
Together they swept into our lives to lift us up and hold us in their embrace. Magical!
Can you feel it?
In my research, I learned about its special feathers: tiny comb-like serrated edges that allow the owl to fly silently through the night.
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace…
In this case – we are the infant being reborn into Christ Consciousness – a deep spiritual bliss and union with the Divine.
Why is Mary White with Blonde Hair?
Unlike in my previous painting, Mary in “With Arms Wide Open” is blonde.
I made this choice after my house-sister forwarded me a few pages from the Book of Urantia that talked about Mary’s ancestry. I owned that huge tome twice in my life but have never read it. In it, it’s written that Mary was blonde with brown eyes.
Curious for more? Click here to access those pages on Mary, Joseph, and the birth of Jesus.
As for why she’s so white, it’s not to represent the caucasian race. I tend to paint many of my figures that way.
This colour that holds all colours (white light is composed of all colours of the spectrum) honours the Spirit-self, the Divine Light within all of us.
“With Arms Wide Open”
24″ x 48″
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas.
Prints of your desired size on paper, canvas, wood, acrylic and metal are available by clicking here.
Dominique, that is truly a magical and touching painting, a wonderful Christmas gift! Blessings from Austria, Geraldine
I’m so glad it resonated with you, Geraldine. Thank you for the blessings. xo