Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection

Tune In #4: Your Soul’s Call for Connection

Tune In to your intuition pick a photo 5-Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection

Let’s face it. We live in a busy world. And sometimes, we create even more busy-ness to avoid connecting with our Selves, others, and our team of Divine Helpers.

Intuitive hearing aids like these visual prompts are meant to help you cut through that noise to get back into alignment with your soul.

So tune in and find out what’s your soul’s call for connection!

Which of these 4 photographs from my Connection Collection attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out what this says about you.

Note: My description is just a cue to ignite your own intuition.  Contemplate the image and listen to your heart to gain even greater meaning from your choice.

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Yes, please!

#1 – Miracles

"Miracles" from the Connection Collection - white horse in setting sun

You’re being invited to greater depths of self-awareness and awareness of your environment through your interaction with Mother Nature’s creatures.

Animals can open us to the miracle of beingness – our own and theirs in relationship.

They’ll let you know if you’re truly present, open, and respectful in the moment.

Indeed, these creatures are great mirrors to our current states of being. We can learn so much about ourselves from being around birds, pets, and wildlife.

Horses, for example, are highly aware of our energy, feelings, thoughts, and body language.

This 15-year old Welsh Pony mare called Lacey is part of the team at the Ravenheart Equine Learning centre and retreat in Saskatchewan. Such equine-assisted wellness centres offer programs for self-development and personal growth, healing, grief, relationships, team-building, recovery, and learning.

How are you being called to deepen your relationship with your Self, others, and Mother Nature through the highly sensitive and responsive animals in your life?

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#2 – Prosperity

"Prosperity" from the Connection Collection - butterfly on echinacea flowers

Stop and smell the flowers, my friend.

Your life’s garden is already so rich with beauty and colour. Take the time to appreciate all that you’ve cultivated.

Your inner garden too is teaming with the resources and answers you need to move forward in your life.

So take the time to pause and truly be present.

Take nourishment from the health-giving wisdom of your heart. It knows what’s in your Highest Good. It can guide you, through your intuition to the prosperity you deserve.

So first, appreciate the well-being that you have.

Then, keep cultivating from your strengths to create the good life, whatever that means for you.

By tending to your garden, you’ll harvest the rewards.  What does this mean to you?

Weed out what no longer serves you to give room for goodness to grow into the Light.

Then share your prosperity with the world in ways that fulfill you. Don’t do it out of obligation. Share your bounty in ways that resonate with your life’s purpose.

Trust your feelings in this process. A sense of expansion means it’s aligned with your soul callings. An immediate feeling of contraction means it isn’t.  Any expansion followed by contraction means that fear and ego are stepping in the way.

How can you best weed these out for your well-being and that of world around you?

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#3 – Rockface

"Rockface" from the Connection Collection

Are you so preoccupied with looking far ahead in space or time that you’ve forgotten to appreciate the spot in which you’re standing?

Yes, I’m speaking literally as well as metaphorically.

Take a moment. Where are you standing?

Look around. Look up, and yes, look right beneath your feet. What do you see? What are you grateful for?

This photograph was taken one day on a coastal hike. I was so taken with the views of the ocean and islands in the distance that I hadn’t realized what I was standing on. This rock… the most beautiful rock face I’d ever seen…

So what or who are you taking for granted in your immediate environment.

Are you wasting precious energy longing for something in the distance when the gifts are right there in your space?

It’s by first recognizing and connecting to these gifts that your vision for the future will become clearer.

This is also an invitation to reconnect to nature.  There’s a life-giving energy there that is unlike any other.

Take the time to go for a walk in nature, no matter the season.  You’ll see. It’s a portal to your intuition, clarity, peace, and so much more.

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#4 – Laughter

"Laughter" from the Connection Collection - laughing Buddha photo

You’re so typically yourself.  It’s OK. Laugh at that! It’s great medicine!

And if you and your patterns aren’t funny enough for you, find something else that makes you laugh.

If comedy shows don’t work, have you tried laughter yoga? Or how about inviting your friends, family, or co-workers to lie with heads on each other’s bellies and start a contagious laugh-out.

According to Helpguide.org, ” Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.”

Do you laugh enough?

Your mental, physical, and social health needs it.

So go ahead, bring a bunch of playful people together for a game night or any other activity that might get you laughing – at yourselves and with life.

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

Did you resonate?

Feel free to share how your image choice spoke to you in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

Surround yourself with beauty.

Dominique Hurley with intuitive energy-infused paintingsDo your walls need a makeover? It’s so important to surround yourself with objects and art that support you on your journey to your Highest Good.

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2 replies
  1. Susan Fawcett
    Susan Fawcett says:

    That was wonderful Bless you.I chose 3. As it was for yesterday I looked back to my day and Yes I did connect with nature in the rain and yes it was a wonder. Thankyou.

    • Dominique Hurley
      Dominique Hurley says:

      That’s wonderful Susan. You can come back often and the photo and meaning will evolve as your life does. They’re not tied to one day. They provide intuitive guidance for anytime of the year. Thanks for the feedback.


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