Tune In #2: Which Treedom Calls You Today?
Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you? Tune in! Which treedom calls to you most today?
Then, scroll down to find out what it means.
As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?
#1 – Humble
Your life is of great importance. You’re making a difference.
Indeed, you’re a Gift for those around you.
Do you doubt it?
It’s true.
Allow your being-ness to make an impression where you stand by simply standing there. There’s no need to shout from the rooftops.
Simply be in your here and now.
And connect to the greatness that is all around you.
Acknowledge the support you’ve received to get you here.
Be grateful for both the challenges and ease & grace.
Then, in the peacefulness of your heart, ask your Self why you’re being called to humbleness today.
Your answer is within.
* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.
#2 – Abundance
As above, so below. As within, so without.
Your life is a reflection of your inner reality.
What are you feeling? What are you thinking?
You’re already so abundant in so many ways.
Can you name 10 signs of your abundance in various areas of your life?
Bask in the golden glow of your life as it is now.
By first recognizing the light that shines within you and all around you, you attract more of the Universe’s gifts to you.
Yes, focus on your abundance and see it mirrored in its limitless beauty.
* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.
#3 – Healing
Rise up sister! Rise up brother!
Feel Mother Earth’s energy coursing through you from the soles of your feet all the way up to the top of your head.
Then raise your eyes to the Heavens and ask archangel Raphael to bless you with his healing green light.
Visualize these energies intermingling as they infuse your whole being.
Breathe deeply through your nose into areas that you feel need more attention. Your breath is your Life Force.
Then, as you exhale through your mouth, imagine that you’re letting go of all that no longer serves you in body, mind, and spirit. Trust that nature will recycle it into something that’ll serve the Greater Good.
You have amazing healing abilities, and there are so many resources available to help you on your Path to your Highest Good.
Asking for Divine Help, the power of visualization, and deep breathing are a few of these. So is the vibration of beauty.
Spend a few more minutes contemplating this image and soak in its life-enhancing energy.
* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.
#4 – Compassion
Are you feeling motivated to help relieve the suffering of the world?
You’re such a compassionate being.
Know that your thoughts and actions make a difference.
You’ve lived so much already in your life and that experience can help others. You understand them.
Spend a few moments brainstorming ways that your compassion can be put into action.
How can you add your Light to the world? At what scale?
Does a friend or family member need your help?
Are you feeling called to join a committee or organize an event?
Your Light grows as you shine it outwards.
Your Light also grows as you reflect and feed the Light of others.
You know what it means to be a part of the Divine Oneness. Thank for your compassion.
* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.
Did you resonate?
Which treedom spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message resonated and / or what you got from the image. Please comment below.
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Dominique, this is so perfect for where myself and a friend are at! We are in week two of facilitating a Self-Love workshop with an amazing group of people. We’ve been doing grounding excercises and using trees in poems and excercises to ground, pull Mother earth energy in and be ‘rooted in place’. When I saw your “Treedom” (the perfect creative name for the images) it called to me immediately and re-inforced what is showing up as a tree theme for part of our workshop. Trees must be full of Self-Love. They are touchstones of the Divine for me, I’ve always loved them. My Treedom pick was #1 Humble – when I am humble I can serve God is the message I received. The part about just standing in my beingness really resonates for me. I’m sending it to my friend to see which one she’ll pick. Thank you!! Love Janis:)
How absolutely wonderful Janis. Thanks for sharing that. There are many photos in my Treedom Collection, so stay tuned as you’ll have more chances to connect and ground through the blessings of trees here throughout the year.