The Ocean Labyrinth Drum

The Ocean Labyrinth Drum was inspired by the same labyrinth as the painting “Into the Sea of Infinity” that I introduced you to in an earlier blog post.

The dedication ceremony for the Ocean Health labyrinth at the Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador is happening during the Sunday service at 11am on September 29th. All are welcome!

The labyrinth at both the Cathedral and at the centre of this drum is a 7-circuit version of the 11-circuit Chartres labyrinth.

The Ocean Labyrinth Drum

The Ocean Labyrinth Drum is a hand-painted 16” vegan Remo Buffalo drum, perfect for humid climes like on this island.

“The Remo Standard Buffalo Drum is inspired by the indigenous cultures of the Americas. Equipped with a rope handle and a single mallet. The Remo Standard Buffalo Drum is manufactured with Remo’s Fiberskyn® drumheads and patented Acousticon® drum shells for enhanced durability in any environment. Producing the same tonal characteristics found on traditional wood shell drums, the standard Buffalo Drums feature excellent projection and enhanced low-pitched fundamentals.”

I was surprised when intuitively guided to paint a crab as the featured creature for this drum. I knew little about crabs except that they walk sideways.

It’s not surprising, however, that what I found when Googling its symbolism is perfectly matched to the Ocean-Health theme for the labyrinth at the St John’s Anglican Cathedral:

The crab stands as a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and protection. At the core of the crab’s essence is the spirit of persistent determination. With its tenacious grip and the armor-like exoskeleton, the crab embodies the art of self-preservation and the capacity to thrive in shifting environments.”

My hope is that every beat of this drum, just as every dot painted, enhance worldwide prayers and actions for a happy healthy ocean.

May this drum be a blessing for all the creatures who live in the ocean deeps as well as all earthly beings who benefit from it in so many ways.

As the United Nations explains, Ocean Health is something we should all care about because:
  1. The ocean regulates our climate and provides the air we breathe.
  2. The ocean feeds us.
  3. It provides jobs and livelihoods.
  4. The ocean is a tool for economic development.
  5. We need a healthy ocean to survive.

And I’m sure you can come up with your own reasons. For me, living by the ocean, I am nourished by its beauty. With each wave, I see Mother Earth breathing. I feel her heart beating…

Is This Your Drum?

You’ll know when watching this video if this drum was meant for you.

Hand-painted drums are $999 Canadian. You can buy this one from my online shop here.

The Mother Drum and Labyrinth Drum are also still available.

If you’re interested in a drum commission, they’re $1,111. Contact me here to discuss.


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