The Next Big Move – Spirit Calls Again
When you learn to trust your intuition, from baby steps to leaps of faith, you believe that your Team of Divine Helpers has your back.
You have faith that from their vantage point, your Angels and Guides can see the bigger picture of your life in the greater interconnected web of all humanity.
That’s a blessing because often, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Or at least I can’t.
There’s no way I could’ve ever imagined my life being what it is today as I took one inspired action at a time, following my intuition around the world.
I still can’t tell you what it’s going to look like down the road.
But I can tell you I live without regrets.
There have been ups and downs. Challenges and fears. And lots of love, learning, experience, and creativity.
I’m so grateful for every chapter of the 58 years I’ve lived so far. And it’s often only by looking back that I see how one chapter led to the other, all divinely coordinated – even the challenging times.
My job was to keep praying for Guidance for my Highest Good and to be an instrument of Divine Peace. It was also to ask for help from my Team of Divine Helpers every step of the way down the Path they showed me.
So when Spirit Calls come in through clear intuitive Guidance – be it through inner hearing, knowing, seeing, sensing, etc. it’s now much easier to say “Yes”!
Any fear of change, loss, and logistics becomes mixed with excitement and curiosity as to the bigger picture of what’s unfolding.
That’s intuitive living.
And yes, it’s a huge exercise in non-attachment.
The Next Big Move – Spirit Calls Again
One day a few weeks ago, during a conversation with my brother about his life, I got a full-body intuitive message. I’m meant to move in with my father to be his helper and companion.
I then confirmed this message with my Team of Divine Helpers using my pendulum. It’s a great tool when emotion isn’t in the way.
I don’t have all the details on the when & how, but as with any intuitive Guidance, the first step is just to say “yes” to the what.
If you read my blog post 2 weeks ago, you’ll know I extended my holiday trip to Ottawa to help out Papa after he experienced heart issues that landed him in hospital a couple of times.
I’m glad to report he’s doing quite well.
We haven’t walked the 7km to the cathedral and back as we did in early December, but we did manage 2km+ this Sunday in the snow to make it to my favourite Mexican restaurant after mass.
At 92, his level of activity has always inspired me. His strong character and attitude have served him well.
I never imagined myself moving back to my hometown. But then again, I never imagined myself living, studying and working on 3 continents and 5 provinces.
These have been the chapters of my intuitive life – with a few different careers in the mix.
The next chapter – Ottawa… again.
Embracing the Mystery through Non-Attachment
So this will be goodbye to Newfoundland after 14 years.
Forever? I have no idea. One inspired step at a time is all I need to know.
I’ve loved my east coast island chapter!
I’ve lived there longer than anywhere else in my adult life.
As a water baby and nature lover, the scenery nourished me on a soul level.
It’s where I became a full time artist / lightworker.
I’ve also connected with some amazing soul sisters and friends.
But nothing in life is constant but change itself.
This is not the first time I’ve been asked to let go and embrace the mystery.
Every inspired action is like adding a piece to the puzzle, even when you don’t know what the big picture is.
Is there a career move, more thriving art practice, life mate, or other purpose down the road?
I don’t know. And that’s part of the excitement.
For now, my outer mission seems to be helping my father de-clutter the house and transition to another chapter in his life. This in itself feels like sacred service and a blessing.
So I head back to St. John’s on Friday and start my own de-cluttering and letting go process.
I trust the Universe will continue to guide and support me with the details and logistics. I don’t own very much, but I do have over 50 paintings that I can’t imagine bringing east with me.
When am I moving? Not sure. I’ll be honouring previous teaching commitments this spring. So likely after that.
Will I continue my art / intuitive services in Ottawa? Not sure. My focus may be elsewhere for a while. I’ll keep you posted.
For now, all I know is that I’ve received strong intuitive guidance and I’m saying “yes” to it.
Because this decision was made as an answer to a Spirit Call and not something I thought I “should” do, I trust that it’s for my Highest Good and the Highest Good of All.
Amen. So Be it.
Ah my sweet soul sister Dominique. This news is not surprising, it feels right. The island will miss you, but you have left your imprint, and it will never forget you, no matter how far you roam. Much Love and Blessings on this new chapter and adventure!
Thank you soul sister! You were one of the first to welcome me here on this island and to open me to the spiritual layers of the Newfoundland Experience. You’re right, we will always be connected, no matter where we are physically. Blessings on your Path too.
What a blessing for your Papa and you, too!
Indeed it is. You’re very right, Shannon.
Thanks Natalie!
Love and blessings to Dominique and her darling papa.
Thank you so much!