Supersoul – the Gift of Me & You

Original (24″ x 48″) and prints available.
Here’s #4 in the Re-Connecting series – Supersoul (said with a musical tone like Superman).
This painting honours our roots – in this lifetime and before – that make us who we are today.
The imagery may be specific to my life, but the energy behind it is Universal.
There’s no one on this planet exactly like me. The same is true about you.
We’re both individualized expressions of the Divine.
We’ve all had our blessings and our challenges. They’re what give us our unique superpowers.
Our journeys to this day have been rich, equipping us for what’s yet to come.
This is a hero’s journey we’re on – emerging more into our True Selves as we transform our lives.
Through our daily adventures and wins (even those we may judge as losses), we’re asked to shine.
My painting “Supersoul” honours my life’s journey until now and leaves room to embrace the mystery of what’s to come.
As you read about the details, imagine what your Supersoul painting would look like. Better yet, take out your crayons or paints and create your own. As you can see, childlike drawings are perfectly acceptable!
From Whence We Came
This is how I see it. You may see it differently. That’s fine.
I believe that before we incarnated into these bodies and in this lifetime, we experienced many others – either chronologically or simultaneously… I don’t have a clear read on that.
But when I read years ago that we made agreements with other souls in the spirit realm to meet in this lifetime to help each other with certain growth goals, it rang true to me.
It certainly makes it easier to accept and yes, even love, those petty tyrants that sometimes cross our paths.
All that to say that I don’t think we come into this life as completely blank canvases. We come in as part of a current of vibration that flows from the Great Beyond and returns there in between lifetimes. We’re like a drop of colour that came out of the Great White Light – which encompasses all colours.
That’s what this first layer of the painting is about. I used Golden High Flow paints for this – they have the consistency of water but the same pigment intensity as their fluid and heavy body paints.
Our Companions
Every painting in the Re-Connecting Collection is framed in a stained-glass-inspired design. The sides of this one represents our Path in life – our journey.
The thick layer of mica chips on each side emanates the energy of love & compassion. This represents the unconditional love that’s always there for us as we walk our Path. In some cases, it’s from others on the earth plane, but in all cases, it’s from our Team of Divine Helpers.
On the right, you’ll see my baby steps becoming adult footsteps.
On the left are the companions that have walked with me:
- my parents & family
- the thousands of dogs that brought a smile to my heart (I was obsessed as a kid)
- Jesus, my guardian angel, the saints I read about as a child, my Spirit Guides, my whole Team of Divine Helpers (known and unknown)
- my 3 cats & totem animals
- the men in my life (a couple of boyfriends, my ex-husband of 10 years & ex-partner for 3)
- all feathered creatures/messengers
- my friends & communities
- the signs perceived by all my senses that confirm I’m never alone.
The Overhanging Arch
The top frame of the painting was inspired by 2 symbols from my religious upbringing.
First is the architecture of the my childhood church in Ottawa, l’Église Sainte Geneviève. I went back with my father this past Christmas for the first time in decades. The arch over the altar from which the crucifix hangs still fascinates me. Mine is loosely based on it.
Next is the resurrected Jesus as portrayed on the cross my brother brought back from South America a long time ago. I’ve always loved it’s welcoming nature vs. the traditional crucifix of a tortured Christ.
Beams of violet light and mica shine down on Him and through Him to us below.
This is the first painting of Jesus I ever create. I was surprised by my feelings around that.
Jesus was my best friend as a child. He was my buddy. He’s always been a part of my Team of Divine Helpers, but I took Him for granted the last few decades. He just became part of the background.
I’ve painted Buddha, Kwan-Yin, Mary Magdalene, angels, Lakshmi, 2 Mother Marys (this past few months) and other figures without batting an eyelash. But part of me felt uncomfortable painting Jesus. I never had the dramatic break with the Church that many talk about. I just embraced a wider circle of beliefs and practices.
It’s time I honoured Jesus and His role in my life. It’s also time I explored the layers of feelings that came up as I did so.
Integrating all we are is part of developing our superpowers.
The Foundation
At the base of this painting is the foundation of my life in this lifetime, my:
- formal and informal schooling
- culture: my French mother tongue, 5 early childhood years in Europe, travels
- home life and the places I’ve called home
- religious upbringing & spiritual life
- spiritual workshop cruises & training
- time on 3 continents and 5 provinces (white dots where I lived & red dots where I visited)
- various careers as a cultural programmer, teacher & artist
- early time alone & with others in Nature in the Black Forest and around the planet since
These are the settings where I developed my character, skills, motivations and personality. It’s also from these that I continue to discover my essence.
And from this foundation rises Supersoul – our inner super hero propelled by our Higher Self to be all we were meant to be.
Like the oak tree already present in the acorn, so too are we growing more and more into who we already are. This part of the painting is about allowing that to happen.
It’s time to embrace all we are and all we’ve experienced to shine in the world with our own unique superpowers.
I’ve portrayed her as a teen here, as I’m still growing into my Supersoul. This painting series is allowing and celebrating that process.
So what are your superpowers?
I’ve decided mine is my willingness to feel the fear and do it anyway when it comes to following Guidance. I’m not a natural risk taker. I’m actually quite risk averse and don’t particularly like the idea of change.
Yah, I know. I don’t give that impression…But it’s true.
From baby steps to leaps of faith, I’ve exercised and learned to trust my intuition to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. It’s a cool superpower!
Around Supersoul, this glass-bead figure that allows the gold at its core to sparkle, is the same essence from whence we came. I didn’t want to fill all that space in. I’m giving her room to embrace the mystery and grow more fully into her Self. She’s moving upwards & onwards with ever more powerful confidence and faith.
And above her shines the counter-clockwise spiral, the same as in my logo. Coated in mica chips, it denotes the movement of Spirit into Human and rests at the base of a triangle made of 3 smaller white mica spheres representing the traditional Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Your Turn
Once again, I invite you to think of what your superpowers are and how your Supersoul painting /drawing / collage would look like.
Please remember dear one, you’re the gift we’ve been waiting for. Don’t keep it wrapped up.
There’s nothing selfish about spending the time to discover who you are and why you chose to come into this life at this time.
Connect to your True Self and let your unique radiance shine. We’ll all be better for it!
Prints available in many sizes & mediums.
As usual, this dovetails perfectly to where I’m at in exploring the parts of myself and releasing old stuff which is allowing me to step into the next phase of growth and evolution. I may just paint or make something with the Super Soul it touches me. So much more I could say but mostly Thank you Dominique! Janis:)
So happy to hear that Janis. I’d love to see it if you’re up for sharing it. If not, I’m just glad it touched you. Namaste sister.
This is just so beautiful Dominque and such a tribute and celebration of your life.
Thank you Patricia. So glad it spoke to you too.