Pre-Order your bilingual Visionary Word Cards

Here they are!

If you’ve been following me on Facebook, you’ll have seen that I had a test deck of these bilingual Visionary Word Cards printed to use in my upcoming Transformative Art workshops in French immersion schools.

I’m now taking pre-orders until November 1st so that I can get your order printed before Christmas.

They’re $177 Canadian for 111 large art cards.

Each package includes 111 large Visionary Word Cards  (5″x7″). These are much larger than usual oracle decks. They’re also the perfect size to place in stand-up frames.

Each card features:

  • 1 non-cropped Dominique Hurley intuitive visionary painting
  • 1 matched word (in French & English)

How Can They Be Used?

They can be used:

  • to stretch your imagination,
  • to improve your French / English,
  • to tune into your intuition
  • as your word for the day
  • as oracle cards (make a sentence with 3-5 intuitively picked cards)
  • as journal prompts
  • as an ice-breaker with circles of friends or family
  • the possibilities are endless!

Your pack of 111 cards comes with a handout that offers several suggestions for use.

Free Shipping included in introductory price of

$177 Canadian.


Pre-order your pack of Visionary Word Cards by November 1st – I will have those printed and shipped to you by Christmas.

I currently don’t know when the following print run will be, so order yours here today!

P.S. If you prefer to pay by e-transfer (Canadians), I appreciate it – send $177 + HST (or GST of your province) to [email protected] with Visionary Art Cards and your mailing address in the comments.



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