Not Forcing It This Summer

When I left for a week in a cabin in the woods at the Tree of Life Retreat Centre, I had no expectations but to relax.

It took 2 days to decompress and another 3 days to finish reading an inspiring 650-page biography. I took a few photos on my nature walks, but was happy just being. Yoga, meditation, reading, eating & sleeping. A time of quiet and stillness. That was about it.

On Day 4, when my good buddy Leslie joined me, I took a few videos, thinking I’d post a few Story clips on Facebook. But by the time we left on Day 8, I had spent several hours shooting and editing this video. It just naturally emerged from the joy I was feeling.

Creativity isn’t something that can be forced. But it can be inspired or sparked. 

Sometimes just sitting at the studio table with paint and a blank canvas, or walking in a beautiful setting can get the creative juices flowing. It’s not forcing it. It’s giving it space to come to life.

There may be lulls in life. Or crazy busy times. This summer, I encourage you to create the inner and outer space (in your schedule, for example) to allow creativity to naturally emerge. 

Follow your bliss. Play with your camera, with paint, clay, music, movement, found treasures on the beach, etc.

Remember when summer was a time for play? Bring some of that back into your life. Welcome the childlike curiosity and wonder that leads to magical moments and uplifted spirits.

May it be so.

P.S. I may not be blogging every week this summer. I don’t want to force that either. If I come up with something inspiring to share, I will. Just giving myself permission to do that feels necessary right now. Thanks for your understanding.



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