Need an intuitive hearing aid?

“I’ve Got Your Back” Original and prints available in my shop.
Are you running on empty? Then it’s time to get off the hamster wheel. You know it’s not going anywhere.
That’s what happened to me after four years in my dream job.
I was 25 years old and crying on Sunday nights because it didn’t feel right anymore. I felt stuck and had no idea what to do.
That’s what life is like when you’re not living in alignment with your Higher Self.
That’s what happens when you’re not connected to Guidance – no matter if you call that intuition, the Universe, God, your Angels, or Guiding Spirits.
There’s good news. When you ignite your intuition, you create that spark that lights up your life.
So I ask: “Are you ready to add meaning, purpose, and passion to your life?”
My Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to A Happy Healthy Life can help.
Here, I’ll demonstrate how one tool supports you as you practice that formula.
Living One Inspired Step At A Time
Living an inspired life takes practice. Intuition is a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it.
I’ve been living this way for decades. I’ve learned to trust my intuition with no regrets.
There’s no way I could’ve imagined how all the pieces would fit together one day. But they have. And I’m not done yet.
My intuition has led me to working and studying on 3 continents and 5 provinces across Canada.
I’ll be turning 50 this year, but I’m just starting out as a full-time intuitive artist and lightworker after decades of doing it part time, along with careers in recreation, education, and arts administration. It’s been amazing!
To tell the truth, I resist change. I’m not a natural risk-taker. But when I’m strongly guided, nothing stops me.
I feel the fear and do it anyway. I keep accepting the invitations to grow by aligning my life with my soul.
Want to try?
Intuition comes in many ways, and there are many tools to help you access it.
Although I’ve always lived intuitively, I had to learn how to use my intuition more consciously when my dream job wasn’t so dreamy anymore.
Let me spare you decades of trying to figure it out on your own. My Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life will speed up your way back on track.
I’ll explain them using one of the tools I offer clients – Discovery Journey Meditations – a style of guided creative visualization.
I’ll also give you access to a free one at the end, so you can experience tuning in to the callings of your heart & soul.
What are Guided Visualization Meditations ?

“One In Love” (9″ x 12″)
They have 2 purposes.
First, they raise your vibration as they activate a particular theme.
One client wanted me to channel a custom meditation to help her with her music. Another wanted support for her healing journey.
Second, they’re a fun way to exercise your intuitive muscles.
Because you can listen to them repeatedly with different intentions, they offer limitless opportunities to seek and find Guidance.
As you sit or lie there with your eyes closed, you’re guided on a discovery journey that opens up worlds of experience, connection, and meaning.
It’s like you’re being led through scenes from a movie, but the movie pauses once in a while. This gives you a chance to explore that moment through your own imagination, inspiration, and intuition –the 3 stages of Higher Knowledge according to Rudolf Steiner.
How Do Guided Visualizations Fit Within the “Intuition Into Action Treasure Map“?
These meditations help you practice The 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life. This is how:
1. Ask
Guidance comes when you ask. You’re asking all the time, but it’s best when you do it intentionally rather than subconsciously.
By choosing a themed meditation, you’re asking your team of Divine Helpers and your Higher Self for support. They’re always present, but because of “free will”, they need to be invited into your process.
Ask and you shall receive…
2. Access & Accept
This step is about collecting clues and receiving messages.
You’re constantly receiving Guidance. It’s just hard to hear it with all the noise out there or in your own mind. Stress and desperation are like static on the line.
Intuition is about being in a hyper-aware state.
You can sustain this for days or even weeks once you’ve de-cluttered the distractions and honed in your skills.
For now, guided visualization meditations give you a structure to tap into your intuition within a set time frame.
You may see, hear, feel, know, smell, taste, or remember things as you experience the journey.
It doesn’t matter how the messages are presented. Your Guidance will find a way to communicate through whichever channel is most open.
When you get into a meditative state with the help of music and a loving voice, you focus your attention and open to hearing your inner callings. That’s when your imagination, inspiration, and intuition kick in.
The beauty with these recordings is that you’ll experience them differently each time you listen.
You may ask different questions, connect to different Guides, and receive different clues throughout your discovery journey.
3. Analyze
It’s best to keep the receiving and interpreting separate in the intuitive process. They involve different sides of your brain.
The right brain, or your feminine side is active in Step 2, along with your heart. Now, it’s time for left brain, or masculine side, to join in.
Guided visualization meditations help you to receive information.
Reflecting on your meditation afterwards is just as important. Some like to journal, talk about it with friends, or think about it on long nature walks – whatever works for you.
What you want to do is make connections between the messages you’ve received and the question / intention you’d set.
Intuitive messages often come through symbolism.
As you play detective, you’ll decipher the codes.
No one is as qualified to understand the symbolism you receive as you are. Just give yourself time, open up to the possibilities, and learn to trust your Self.
4. Act
Guidance is of no use if you don’t act on it.
It’s so important to follow through with inspired action that comes from any intuitive exercise.

“It was an extraordinary experience, so powerful in so many ways… I didn’t tell you what my interest in music is but you accurately focused on my voice. I have to say that my voice seems clearer, stronger, easier…and I’ve noticed that other people have noticed a change too. I love the image of the notes as rainbow colours reaching out into space, embracing planets and stars, and I keep that in mind now when I sing.”
By consciously reconnecting to a scene from the meditation each time she sings, Lucy’s performance has noticeably improved. In turn, this brings her one step closer to her vision as a sound healer. The power of her custom meditation is amplified by her inspired action.
Your Divine Helpers won’t drop you if you forget to follow-up. But the more you trust your intuition, your Guidance, the easier and more successful the relationship will be.
Start with baby steps and one day, like me, you won’t hesitate to take the leaps of faith, no matter what that means to you.
5. Allow
This is the last of the “Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life”.
Allow your life to evolve while staying tuned to guidance every step of the way.
Once you’ve taken action, trust that the results will fit in the big picture even if you can’t see it with your nose up against it.
Know that if you were guided, there’s a reason.
I once received a clear knowing during meditation. I was directed to study photography on Vancouver Island. This came as a complete surprise! I was just finishing my Masters of Education in Calgary and planning on going back overseas to teach English. I already had a Certificate in Professional Photography. No matter. The guidance was strong. So I did some research and chose one of the two programs on the island.
It took 3 months to figure out that this program was only meant as a doorway. As part of our curriculum, I arranged to intern with the internationally renown spiritual photographer and author Courtney Milne in Saskatchewan. I was then blessed to work with him and his wife for 2 years before his passing.
These 5 steps aren’t a one-time thing. They’re as good for major decisions as they are for daily connection. It’ll keep you on track as you journey on your Path to your Highest Good.
Getting my dream job right out of university was the result of living intuitively for most of my life. But I too hopped onto the hamster wheel and stopped listening.
It was only when I became so unhappy that I realized it was time to ask for help again. That’s when I learned to use my intuition more consciously.
You can too, and I can help you.
Guided Visualization Meditations are but one kind of hearing aid I offer.
Try a free 26-minute one (that you can download) by clicking here.
You can also hire me to come lead a live meditation for your group. Contact me here.
Would you like me to connect to your team of Divine Helpers to channel a custom recorded meditation based on your needs no matter where you live?
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