Love Oracle 25: See, Accept, Love

As we approach Valentine’s Day, let’s look at unconditional love.

What is unconditional love? A definition I’ve long contemplated is that to love someone unconditionally is to see them for who they truly are, accept them as they currently are, and wish for their happiness without expecting anything in return.

There are a few challenges here.

First, to see someone for who they truly are – at both a soul and human level –  we need to be able to see past the words, behaviours and many masks that so many have become used to wearing – sometimes different masks for different occasions or environments.

Next, to accept someone as they are in the moment – with all their quirks, behaviours, beliefs, drama, judgments, etc. is … tough. Their being-ness often splashes on us or our space. It may even go against everything we believe in, value, or want around us. Fear for ourselves and for their future brings in elements of control, manipulation, and all sorts of getting into their business.

And lastly, the most exacting of all – to not expect anything in return. Now that requires a level of selflessness that’s rare in this world. The closer they are in our inner circle, the harder this one becomes. The more their decisions seemingly affect us, the more we may feel our own happiness is at risk. Therein lies the spiritual practice and a discussion far beyond the scope of 1 blog post.

Rare are those who grew up unconditionally loved. Most children know at a deep level that when they are “good”, they are “loved” and when they are “bad”, they are not. They can see it in the look on people’s faces or hear it in the tone of people’s voices. They can feel it too. They shape their behaviour to please the conditions of parents, teachers, peer groups, society, etc. This is conditional love.

I also believe that everyone is doing the very best they can at any moment  – and that can vary with time. So there’s no one to blame in this world of conditional love. How can someone who has never been unconditionally loved then turn around and unconditionally love another?

The lack of love in the world dates back from the beginning of time on this planet. But the more aware we become of our lack to focus on learning to love ourselves and others, the more we can change the tides of time. The more we can ascend as individuals and as a planet.

That’s this week’s theme.

So take a good look at the 3 paintings above. Choose the one that calls you the most and scroll down to read its Love Oracle message. Does it inspire a shift in how you live your day – in how you see, accept and love those you’re with … you included?

* Note: Original Paintings will continue to be on sale through my online shop while I’m out of the country for a few months. If you’re interested in a payment plan, please contact me before Valentine’s Day. 

Love Oracle Message 1: Love Thyself

Dear Beloved,

Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror before reading on. Listen to your inner voice – is it the voice of someone from your past, of your ego, or of your Higher Self?

Now look again. Fake it til you make it if you have to. Talk to yourself as if you were truly seeing yourself through the eyes of your soul, of your Higher Self, of your Guardian angel. Use whatever works for you.

What would pure unconditional love say to you as you look deeply into your eyes?

How did that feel? Did you say it or hear it only at an intellectual level?

Try it again. Now this time, let the words absorb into every cell of your body.

Let them open your throat chakra, the chimney between your heart and third-eye chakra (intuition).

Let them penetrate through the walls of your heart.

Basically, feel the words as you speak them out loud.

Then repeat them in your mind, continuing silently. Allow love to imbue your thoughts.

How does it feel? Familiar? Strange?

With years of unconscious negative self-talk, self-criticism, and judgment, you may have carved grooves in your thought-patterns.

This exercise will help fill those gutters with love and create new pathways to self-love. 

If you feel you need to, schedule this exercise daily or weekly to transform your inner landscape.

Or simply pause before every mirror you encounter in a day, smile, and love yourself. Rinse past conditioning and repeat. You deserve it.

Painting: Holy Encounter (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. SOLD  More on the original painting here…

Love Oracle Message 2: I See You

Dear Beloved,

Have you ever closed your eyes while standing in the sunshine? Have you truly basked in the warm glow of the light. Have you noticed how bright the world seems, even through closed eyelids?

The Love of the Divine is always shining upon you.

You are seen for who you truly are.

You are accepted at your current stage of growth, whatever that happens to be on any day.

You are loved unconditionally.

But as the walls of a windowless basement cannot let the light in, a busy stressed-out life of fear can block your sight to what is always present. 

So take a moment to pause & pray. That’s like moving up one floor to a room with large windows. Use whatever words feel good to you. Here is a suggestion.

“Dear Mother/Father God, Guiding Spirits, Archangels, Angels of Light & Love, to all beings of all dimensions who wish for my Highest Good, help me to feel your Love. Help me to let the Light in. I welcome the warmth of your Love within and all around me. Shine your Light brightly in my life that I may see beyond my conditioning, that I may emerge more fully as the individualized expression of the Divine that I am. Thank you for fuelling the divine spark within me. Amen. So Be It.”

Now, when you’re ready, step out of the house, into the great outdoors, and start looking for the love & beauty in the world. Seek and you shall find. Your sight will penetrate others’ walls. Your scenery will appear brighter, more abundant, more vibrant.

I see you, says your Team of Divine Helpers, says the Great Creator. Feel how unconditionally loved you truly are.

Feel the warmth of that shine penetrate your very being and reflect it back.

Shine your love and the world will also reflect it back to you.

Painting: Dripping Sunshine (30″ x 30″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $3,177 CAD More on the original painting here… Buy it here.   Order prints here.

Love Oracle Message 3: You Are Not Alone

Dear Beloved,

You are a delicious fruit on the abundant Tree of Life. 

From bud to blossom to fruit to fertilizer, you are part of the Life Cycle of this planet.

And so are the other fruit on this tree… and on neighbouring trees in your orchard … and on different kinds of fruit trees in other orchards around the world or in the wild.

All these trees are connected at the root system, through the tree communication network.

You are not alone. You are connected to everything and everyone!

What a harvest life is! So much abundance. So much nutritious deliciousness to be a part of.

Look around. You are not a solo apple on a bare tree standing alone in a desert. You are part of the lusciousness of life.

You are nourished by Mother Earth’s Life Force, drawn through the roots of your tree. You are nurtured in the Light and Love of the Divine.

As are all those around you!

Every stage of your growth is a miracle of Nature. You have so many Gifts to delight and nourish many.

Join with the fruit of your community to create a feast for the world.

You can make a difference by adding your flavour to the mix.

You already are. Thank you for being you!

Painting: The Gathering (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges.
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