Love Oracle 20: Beneath the Surface

The 3 tree paintings in this week’s Love Oracle series all have important layers of colour, symbolism and energy beneath the surface. These influence what you see & feel as you contemplate them.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, and read what message its layers have for you. There’s lots happening beneath the surface for you too.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Power of Prayer

Dear Beloved,

You are an answer to an ancient prayer – down the blood line but also from lifetimes past.

You are a radiant presence on Earth, reflecting the Light shining in your direction from above and all around. 

Your glow grows stronger because of the Light that emanates from within.

When you allow that brilliance to come through in your thoughts, actions, words, and works, you’re like welcomed sunshine after a grey winter.

Shine bright, dear one, showing others the Truth of who you are.

Let your presence be an open portal through which others can experience their own truth.

May your Light be a mirror for theirs, amplifying through your love their strength and spirit.

Be the inspiration you were meant to be. Add your prayers to the growing mass of loving energy that is changing the world.

Just as the glass beads on this painting refract the light and offer a different perspective to the layers behind them (including the woman in prayer beneath the tree) so too can your presence offer a portal for those around you with the eyes and hearts to see.

Painting: Open Portal (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics & glass beads on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. NFS

Love Oracle Message 2: Tap In to the Life Force

Dear Beloved,

You do not stand alone on this Earthly plane.

Together, in tune with the undercurrent of love that fuels our lives, we are becoming the change we want to see in the world.

You may be an individualized expression of the Divine, but take comfort in remembering that the same undercurrent of love & light that traverses through you makes up All That Is.

You’re an integral part of your soul family here to make a difference.

Just as our standing brother and sisters the trees have an underground communication network, so too are you nourished and guided through the Life Force within and all around you.

Tap into this undercurrent of loving life force.

Stand tall as part of a strong community of change-makers.

Your very presence as a channel for Divine being and doing is needed here and now.

You will know your particular role by listening to your intuition and taking inspired action.

Painting: Undercurrent of Love (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics & lapis lazuli (symbol of  honor, power, spirit and vision, wisdom & truth) on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges.  CAD $427 – Buy it here

Love Oracle Message 3: Compassionate Co-Creation

Dear Beloved,

There have been rough patches on your path.  These have been blessed opportunities for you to grow the love & compassion that are now your superpowers.

When your heart is so full to overflowing, you’re like a fountain of radiant love & compassion for those around you.

Your energy reaches out gifting the fruit of your being-ness.

And when you need some of that for yourself, all you need to do is ask and be open to receiving.

Trust that you are not shown or given more than you can handle.

Keep nurturing that compassionate heart of yours, so that your journey continues to inspire those on a similar path.

Keep opening to giving and receiving love, knowing that by your ability to do both, you’re an example for others.

Blessed be the day you were born. Celebrate the contrast and textures of your life as they have brought you here & now. This is exactly where you’re meant to be.

Painting: At the Heart of Compassion (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, mica & rose quartz on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. CAD $427 – Buy it here.


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