Intuition into Action Takes Courage

An Invitation to Grow

Intuition is often an invitation to grow.

Your heart, your Team of Divine Helpers, Source – whatever your beliefs – are pulling you forward, showing you the next best step on your soul’s journey.

It’s an answer to a spoken or unspoken need – an answer to your prayers.

Your ego is trying to protect you – wanting to keep you in the status quo, wanting to keep you small.

But staying in that place, ignoring your intuition, leads to dis-ease of many sorts. It’s stifling.

Emerging more fully into your True Self means growth. And growth often comes with a stretch of your comfort zones.

Change is scary. Stretching your comfort zones can be daunting. But it can be exciting too.

That mix of fear and excitement is often a sign that you’re about to grow. Go for it!

Going from intuition into action takes courage, and it’s worth it!

Every time I say “yes” to an invitation to grow (often following a “not again!”), it has led to some amazing experiences – and a life without regrets.

From Baby Steps to Leaps of Faith

I’d say I’m more of a chicken than most – no stranger to anxiety.

But I also have a very strong faith – a trust in my Team of Divine Helpers, in my intuition.

It’s evolved over the years the more I’ve said ‘yes!’ and experienced the amazing results.

From baby steps to leaps of faith, I’ve lived, worked and studied on 3 continents and 5 provinces.

That doesn’t mean I don’t experience the fear. I just do it anyway.

As you’ll see in the story below about how this video came into being, living intuitively can be fun, inspiring, creative, fulfilling, and yes, still a stretch of my comfort zones.

So take those baby steps. When you get an intuitive hit to call someone, go somewhere, do something – and can discern that it was intuition and not ego-driven, then go ahead!

Sometimes, the reason becomes obvious and immediate. Sometimes, it remains a mystery.

I’ve occasionally  found out years later that something I wrote, said or did led to major changes in someone’s life. That’s when I thank Spirit for the Guidance, knowing that my role was to say ‘yes!’ and now to give the credit to Source.

The more baby steps you take, the more you’ll learn to trust your intuition.

The more fulfilling results you experience from your baby steps, the easier it’ll become to take those leaps of faith that can totally transform your life. 

The Making of The Lotus Lake Cowboy

Just going to Ananda Village to live in community and volunteer for 2 months was a stretch of my comfort zones.

I’ve written in previous posts how the thoughts of having a roommate, physical labour, and long scheduled hours caused me a bit of trepidation before heading across the continent to be a karma yogi in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains of California.

But when I’m Guided, nothing stops me.

It turns out I loved it so much that I can see myself repeating the experience on a regular basis.

The fact that the scenery was so soul-nourishing helped. I shot quite a bit of video footage.

Walking around Lotus Lake, just 2 minutes from my room, was one of my usual nature breaks in between volunteer shifts and yoga classes.

Weeks into my stay there, I saw horseshoe prints in the dried up mud. I immediately thought: “Oh, I’d love video footage of a horse here”.

Within hours, the first photo on my Facebook feed (the only one I see when I turn on fb to post) was of a horse and person. Inner bells rang!

I looked at who posted it – it was Mai Lee, a local who had just become a FB Friend after messaging me to ask if she could share my photos of the Crystal Hermitage Garden.

I’ll admit, there was a moment of hesitation before reaching out as I can be quite shy. The camera has given me courage over the years. Part of me knew that seeing that post was a gift from my Team of Divine Helpers.  

So I turned intuition into action and messaged Mai, asking if the horseshoe prints at Lotus Lake might have been from that horse in the picture.

She said yes and gave me Andrew Heinemann’s contact information. I only found out later that it was her husband!

Soon, we had a sunrise date and he even brought a change of wardrobe. This guy was ready to play! Yay!

Andrew later told me he doesn’t usually go to Lotus Lake but had felt called to on that muddy day. This was divinely coordinated for our joy (and hopefully yours too through the video above).

Ruby (the horse) and Red (the dog) were just as photogenic and cooperative!

I was thrilled that Andrew had taken his intuition into action and that I’d followed through on mine too.

Was it a stretch of my comfort zones? Sure. A happy baby step!

This is the last video from my Ananda Wishlist with all the footage I captured during my 2 months.

The storyline evolved as I was playing with my 105 clips from our session and the song “The Spirit of the West” from Epidemic Sound (a source of royalty free music I pay a yearly membership to access).

I won’t tell you too much about what I was thinking, but see if you can tune into the themes of:

  • going around in circles
  • circling opportunities
  • transformation
  • darkness to light
  • walking on the Right Path
  • wise Guides

And if you’ve enjoyed this post and are moved to support my creative endeavours, I invite you to donate through PayPal here. Thank you!

To learn more about taking intuition into action, sign-up for my free 75-minute tutorial here.


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