In Passing – the Painting

“In Passing” (18″ x 36″) – $2,267 Cad. Purchase here.
There’s a story behind this painting that only revealed itself once my mother had passed from her human form back into spirit form.
That’s often the case in intuitive painting – the meaning behind the visions and inspiration, gradually comes to light in the space of quiet contemplation. The full picture becomes clearer hour by hour, layer by layer, dot by dot or once something happens that sheds light on it from a different angle.
Back in the Studio:
This was the first painting I’d been moved to create in 5 months following the intensively personal, spiritual & artistic creation of the Re-Connecting Collection.
I felt blissful as I delved back into the sacred rituals of creating an energy-infused painting. I was open, listening, and moving with the flow of paint and the imagery dancing in my mind’s eye.
Not My Own:
It had been a strange week.
As an empath and intuitive, I’m often picking up thoughts and feelings that aren’t my own.
It’s why I’ve learned to carefully select how, when and with whom I spend my time. I have to prepare myself when going in crowds, avoiding shopping centres unless absolutely necessary.
Luckily, with the years, I’ve learned to discern what’s mine and what’s just passing through, needing to be released or processed in service to my peace and the peace of others.
Maman Reaching Out:
For the week before my mother’s passing, however, I was having what many would consider suicidal thoughts. I knew they weren’t mine. They were like mind farts – just passing through.
These, however, repeated several times a day for several days in a row. That in itself was unusual, especially since they often popped up as I was peacefully snowshoeing or happily painting. “I’ve had enough.”, “I’m ready to go.”, “It’s over.”
I even mentioned it to my house sister and to a friend because something about these visiting thoughts was unusual. I wasn’t worried about myself – I had determined they weren’t mine. But I also didn’t stop to ask whose they were, knowing that many around me are struggling right now.
Two More Intuitive Messages Missed:
In hindsight, the intuitive messages were clear. Part of me regrets not having put 2 and 2 together, but I also know it’s OK.
On the last day of working on this painting, I had an intuitive hit that I’d be spending a long time in Ottawa, where my family lives. I thought it strange since I’d just spent 3 weeks there at Christmas. Again, it was a fleeting knowing, but I didn’t pay much attention to it as I was engrossed in the joy of painting.
When I went up to my room, I looked at my self-love wall chart that was still blank since it was the beginning of the week. It’s where I mark my weekly meditations, yoga, nature breaks, etc to make sure I don’t neglect my needs when I get busy. As I looked at its blankness, my inner voice said it would stay white that week. Again, I didn’t clue in, thinking it strange that I’d rebel against what I so love doing for my highest good. Why would I ever spend a week not fulfilling my commitment to myself?
The News:
The night my painting was finished, I got the call from my sister, who was at the Long Term Care Home. She told me that Maman was in a coma and in her last hours.
It suddenly dawned on me – the source of those intuitive messages was from over 2,000 km away. My leaving for Ottawa on the next flight would also explain why my whiteboard would stay white.
Thanks to technology, I got to speak to my mother’s sleeping body via FaceTime before she passed, leading my family in prayer and expressing my thanks and my wishes for her peace. I continued talking with her heart to heart, soul to soul afterwards as I ran around packing.
She’d been preparing me. I just wasn’t picking up on it consciously. I’m sure, however, that it contributed to the peace and acceptance I felt at her letting go of her mortal coil to return Home to God.
A few hours later, I was at my father’s side, where I feel so blessed to have spent a month. Our time together was a gift for us both.
“In Passing” – the Symbolism
On the night of Maman’s passing, as I was running around packing for my early morning flight to Ottawa, I found myself standing before my finished painting.
That’s when the name came to me – “In Passing”.
It wasn’t only about her soul passing from her body back into spirit form (notice how the pattern beneath the tree is the same as that of the orb above it).
It was also about her soul having been here on earth to live the life she had lived until her purpose was done. My mother was here in passing – part energy, part physical form – 88 human years, a drop in the ocean of time – her Soul Time and Time on this planet.
So that’s the story behind this painting.
“In Passing” honours the ephemeral quality of souls passing through the earth plane as individualized expressions of the Divine.
Made of the same essence as all sacred beings, we move in and out of physical form, leaving behind the everlasting effects of our love & light.
Thank you Maman for the time we spent here on earth as mother & daughter and for our evolving relationship through time & form.
Peace be with us all!
Tree: The textured tree filled with sparkly fruit symbolizes the human form. Rooted in Spirit and connected to all that it through its many branches, it’s half on the canvas and half beyond – moving between realities. Its sap is of same essence as the spirit orb above it.
Orb: Is it the sun? the moon? Source? a Team of Divine Helpers coming to greet the passing soul? A return back into spirit form? How would you interpret it? Covered in glass beads (see close-up photos above), it radiates light in fascinatingly changing ways as you walk past it.
P.S. As with many of my paintings, it’s the time I spend co-creating it that is important to me. Once the energy-work and artistic process are complete, it is meant to serve others. If this painting calls to you, contact me. I’m taking offers on my paintings to fundraise for a solo spiritual retreat in Ireland at the end of April (God willing with travel being so uncertain these days).
Hi Dominique — what a beautiful understanding of your Mother’s transition. Thank you for sharing it. It gives me another expression of the beauty and important happenings in that transition.
When I tuned into the image, I felt the golden orb was more a picture of a cell — all the cellular elements are still there ie mitochondria, different inclusions, DNA etc, but they are not as lively as the ‘tree’ form … I feel a waning energy in that golden space, still connected, but diminished in intensity compared to the blue ‘tree’ space.
For me it is a beautiful expression of the diminishment of physical bonds during the pre-death opening, preparing to let go of the earthly connections to move into Spirit.
How beautifully expressed, Sherrill. Thank you. I loved seeing it through your eyes – another layer, another dimension. <3
Hi Dominique, I’m glad to have gone back just now and read this over in detail about your mom’s passing. It reminds me to stay ‘tuned in’ and even when I don’t- it’s ok too. Sooner or later we connect the dots:) This phrase sticks out for me: “Made of the same essence as all sacred beings, we move in and out of physical form, leaving behind the everlasting effects of our love & light.” I like how the painting name came to you and everything worked out in perfect timing. Thanks so much, Janis:)
I’m so glad you resonated with the post, Janis. I’ve been thinking of you. We’re connected even without the technology. xoxo