Fill Your Cup in Body Mind & Spirit

We all need to fill our cups to be able to truly be there for ourselves and others.

Running on empty is no fun and  just doesn’t work.

So, how do you fill your cup?

You may have your favourite ways to nourish your body through activity and a healthy diet. Your love of learning may nourish your mind. Sacred rituals, ceremony or deep connection with family and friends might nourish your Spirit.

It doesn’t matter if you have various ways of filling your cup on various levels, but if you’re low on time or simply want to experience the whole package of your magnificent being, look for opportunities to nourish all levels in one place at one time.

That’s what going to a well-organized retreat can do for you.

It always does for me, and co-facilitating at Lucy O’Driscoll’s recent “A Body Mind and Spirit Retreat” was no exception.

I’ve taught at many of Lucy’s retreats since I arrived on the island of Newfoundland back in 2011. Every time, even though I’m working, I come back feeling refreshed and on track.

What a joy to witness this group come together to prioritize their wellbeing in body, mind & spirit.

We learned, laughed, moved & fed our bodies, spent time in nature, and opened to yet another layer of spiritual emergence through being seeing, accepted and unconditionally loved.

Lucy has been organizing these retreats since 2000, twice a year, in different locations around the island of Newfoundland. 

Participants always get to choose between different workshops taught by different facilitators at each time slot. You can get an idea by looking at the links for the previous retreats on her website.

In her own words:

Lucy’s Body, Mind and Spirit Retreats helps you as a participant to Move Beyond Drama, create your own path and Make room for good energy.  We Relax and Release in a safe environment.  We learn to take care of our own needs.  Most of us are very, very good at taking care of others’ needs.  There is always laughter, awe inspiring moments and deep gratitude.  We have two retreats scheduled for 2022.  Woody Island September 11-13, and Max Simms Camp, Bishop Falls October 21-23.  Please join us for the magic.

Feel free to email Lucy  if you’d like to be put on the mailing list for the 2022 retreats.

Every year, there’s a silent auction and 50/50 draw to raise funds for scholarships if finances are an issue. And there’s always car-pooling available. This was my first year driving myself in my very first car! I went alone so I could wander an extra day afterwards.

The Woody Island Retreat Video

This was also my first time at Woody Island Resort (accessed from Garden Cove on the Burin Peninsula).

I was able to balance the giving & receiving, solo & group time, joyfully active and peacefully passive times. When I wasn’t teaching, I was preparing or participating.

My camera stayed in my bag most of the time, but when scoping the island for the best route for my Intuitive Walkabout workshop, I filled my heart with beauty and creative mind with photo-taking fun! I wasn’t planning on making a video, so focused on taking stills.

But on the last day, after rising early to capture the sunrise and then hopping on the boat for a boil up on another island, my inner child just couldn’t resist! Movie-making time!

Respecting our retreat’s photo guidelines, I had fun with hands and feet. You’ll see my friend Glenda coming off the boat, but she said it was OK.

As for the wonderful staff at Woody Island Resort, well, they were simply charming and very photo-cooperative.

Enjoy the 12:42-minute video at the top of this post for a taste of our Woody Island Resort Retreat.

How Will You Fill Your Cup?

When making your choices on how to fill your cup, ask yourself how you can meet all your needs in the time you have.

If you can do it all in one. Great! If not, which level of your being is hungrier for tender loving care.

You don’t have to dedicate a full weekend. You can benefit from 10-minute spirit-snacks, body-breaks and mind-boosters throughout your day!

You deserve it! So do those around you who will also benefit from your cup overflowing. 


P.S. If you’re in St. John’s, consider filling your cup at my Beauty at the Birch opening events Thursday, September 30th (1 night, 2 events) – get more information here.

If you’re not in St. John’s or unable to attend, there is also a 47-minute video premiere at 7pm NL Time (GMT-2:30; 5:30pm ET; 2:30pm PT) that includes a brief tour of the exhibition followed by a 37-minute “Mirror to Your True Self” visionary experience. It’s a way to use any one of my energy-infused paintings (online version or yours) as a way to connect to your intuition and Team of Divine Helpers. The video will remain on YouTube so you can experience it at your convenience.

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