Divine Storytelling Time: Patricia’s Intuitive Reading
There’s nothing like an example to help understand the transformation a service can help provide.
So today, I’m thrilled to share part of Patricia’s experience with her Intuitive Reading Package.
You’ve heard me say before that when I connect to your Higher Self and team of Divine Helpers on your behalf, they “download” their messages through these Disney-Pixar-like visions filled with symbolism to decipher. As we’re all connected through Divine Consciousness, I can channel this for people all around the world – no schedule necessary.
It’s an entertaining and fun way to find clarity and in this case, comfort.
Part of the process is for you (the client) to enter this experience with an open heart and the curiosity of a child playing detective.
The other part is to decide what these symbols and story mean to you, so you can translate them into inspired action. Guidance is useless if you don’t act on it.
I don’t do the interpretation for you. No one is better at understanding what something means to you than you are. It’s all part of helping you develop your own intuitive muscles.
For example, bread crumbs may remind one person of bonding with their grandmother while feeding the pigeons, but will symbolized being lost to someone who grew up reading the fairy tale Hansel & Gretel.
There’s nothing more empowering than coming up with your own decisions based on the meaning you find in the information your Guides provide through the 3 parts of your intuitive reading package.
- Your Divine Storytelling Time mp3 recording (Patricia’s was 65 minutes)
- Downloadable print of your opening Spirit Calling Card spread
- A custom-designed Visual Gift created by layering various of my photographs and a quote that represents the essence of your reading. (see above)
Please note that I knew very little about Patricia before doing this reading.
Patricia Shares:

Spirit Calling Card spread
“Oh Dominique! I’ve finished the 2nd listening and taken copious notes both times. I’m blown away.
So many things could relate to my husband and me. I cried when the diamond ring was found among the ashes because I lost my diamond engagement ring a few weeks before he died. I am leaking now as I think of finding it again in the fire pit in your story. In this vision, it acted as a key to a furthering of their journey, so I take comfort in that.
I asked this question before listening: “How will I know I have made the right move to come to Newfoundland?” The peace I felt when that beautiful angel appeared and healed the bird’s broken wing so she could fly again filled me up to bursting!!!
The ending held a message for me. You said she flew – dropping sparkles as she went (Wordsworth? We come trailing clouds of glory?) So my first inspired step will be to reread that poem and look for a message. [Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of early Childhood]
The bird then flew off and reached its crowd and regained its colour – again meaning here in NL for me – especially after meeting so many like-minded people.
There was also so much travel into the stars and planets and looking at the moon, etc. There is a series of lectures called “Painting the Stars”- offered at the Lantern here in town. I was pondering whether to go to that or take another singing course for 8 weeks, but now I believe my 2nd inspired step will be to explore that course at the Lantern.
Oh Dominique, I have just listened once more to my Divine Storytelling Time and through my tears of understanding, I just had to share more with you. I believe it made going back to the home I shared with my husband for 35 years easier than I expected.
My husband and I were very different but very close – having no children – just each other. And it was the hardest thing I have ever done – once our home and land was sold – to drive down our long driveway and away from the property we so loved.
My Husband loved his property and there was a niggling fear in me that he would not be happy I had sold it. But in this session, I feel he has given me his blessing and set me free to fly away – not to any specific new mission, but just to discover me. I feel I am finding that here on this quirky wonderful Rock (NL).
So many images in your vision I feel refer to us. There is a scene where a door of a planet opens and he goes in leaving me on the rocket outside. I send paper airplanes after him – almost like love notes. There’s a sense of happiness and sadness – happy that I saw him safely off in my craziness after his death. I went with him to the crematorium – checked that he had not been touched and watched him go through the door to his new destiny – like the door to the planet.
Then all the references to decision making- to the light and the dark – to being on the moon, making a decision. In Quebec, there’s a saying when you’re really not with it and running on auto-pilot – the French say we are “dans la lune” [in the moon].
Then there’s the zip line from the moon back into the heart of the woman in the Adirondack chair – could I have been finally coming back to my Self?
The blessing and healing on the mountain were also important to me. I broke my arm a few years ago – but the healing by the angel went beyond the healing of my arm. And then the message “You don’t need to find a new purpose or mission or as we say “raison d’être” – you are perfect as you are. We all need to hear that don’t we?
The feeling of holiness or a church gathering and communion and blessing resonated with me as I was Lay Worship leader after retiring from teaching, and I have just returned from Quebec where I went specifically to visit with the minister that encouraged me to follow that path and study for 2 years to be accredited.
In your free guided meditation, you lead us to a campfire where there was so much love and where all the ones who loved me were – including my guides and deceased parents. One person rose to embrace me. It was my former minister – and I felt I had to go home to visit with him. We had a wonderful time speaking of the Spirit and reminiscing. I told him all about you and the 3-day retreat and feeling I had met my tribe. Interestingly his wife is a Shaman in the North American tradition!
Back to the vision and the last part where the bird finds the little boy under the picnic table and he holds her in his arms. The interaction between the bird and the boy was SO_O_O_O meaningful to me. The light streaming between them – his dark comforting steady light – I called my husband My Rock , and my sparkly, more all over the place bright light was such a deep form of communication.
Then he took me out behind the restaurant (where I recognized the greasy smell from the vent) and he set me free – oh my … time out for Kleenex. But then you said he went back to his family (his parents are also deceased) full of pride and self assurance – so I could take comfort in the fact that I had helped him – I knew he was okay – better even – and he had released me to go on – we were both going to be okay.
It will be 7 years this coming Fall when my husband suddenly dropped in front of me right after giving me the most beatific smile he had ever given. 7- the number of perfection??? !
And now I have met you and received this comforting vision – a miracle really – and will continue, I hope, to use the message from your cards – “Follow the Miracles to receive Complete Clarity Now“.
I hope you also understand why I was impulsively moved to commission you to do one of your divinely inspired paintings for me (Co-Creative Soul Energy Portrait). I just HAD to.
Thank you so much!
Patricia – St. John’s, NL
It’s I Patricia who thanks you for sharing this with my readers. Not only have you helped me understand how my gifts are serving you, but helping others to feel whether this is something that would serve them too.
If something about this experience spoke to your heart, pay attention. Is your Spirit calling you to work with our own Divine Storytelling Time?
I work with clients all around the world from a distance and without the need to set a specific time. Click here for more information, testimonials, and to buy yours.
Thanks to you and Patricia for sharing the story and the gorgeous visual. Seems this was profound and freeing.
Heart stories are powerful indeed. I felt so blessed reading her email and glad she allowed me to share pieces of it.