Co-Creating From a United Light Meditation

Your Divine Helpers Are With You Always

Where does your mind go upon waking? Your need to pee? Anxiety about the day? Problems from the day before? Excitement at the plans ahead? Gratitude?

One of my teachers,  Abraham Hicks, says that whatever thought you can sustain for 17 seconds has the power to attract more thoughts like it and manifest your reality.

So what you think about first thing in the morning is key to setting the tone for the day. And what you think about throughout the day, for more than 17 seconds, just keeps on creating.

I know that my day unfolds with much greater ease & grace when I remember to call in my Team of Divine Helpers first thing upon waking and ask them to guide and support me for my Highest Good.

Spending focused time with my Team in a guided visioning meditation spreads that intention to every cell of my body and connects me to the intuition I need to take inspired steps in my day.

You’re never alone.

You’ve got a whole Team of Divine Helpers waiting to be invited support you on your journey.

You may know who they are or just sense a loving presence during a meditation. You don’t need to see them or know their names. Simply trust that if you call in those who work for your Highest Good, all those needed on that particular day will show up for you.

One way to do that is through the style of guided visioning meditation I offer.

So go ahead and pee and then come back to enjoy this inner journey to set the tone for the rest of your day.

Co-Creating from a United Light Meditation

Welcome to this week’s gift – a guided visioning meditation inspired by the sacred geometry of the Vesica Pisces that is often featured in my paintings.

It will help you to co-create from the space at the centre where the earthly and celestial realms meet.

You’ll be bathed in 3 lights as you travel from one realm to the other and then to the space in between where they unite.

This meditation was recorded live at Burry Heights Camp during the Body Mind Spirit retreat in June 2024.

The background music is “The Ecstasy of Being” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

Click on the video at the top of the page, get comfortable, close your eyes, and enjoy this guided journey into your inner landscapes.

P.S., the Vesica Pisces painting you see in the video was created for an upcoming fundraising auction for a local network of artists. Make sure to stay tuned if you want your chance to win this 11″ x 14″ painting covered in tiny glass beads.

Want More?

If you enjoy this style of guided visioning meditation that helps you connect to and strengthen your intuition, please consider gifting yourself with 1 or more of my 3 meditation collections available for $44 Canadian in my online shop:

  1. Chakra Balance: 9 meditations
  2. Universal Law Collection: 12 meditations
  3. Guided Visioning Journeys for a Happier Healthier Life: 11 meditations

You can also commission me to co-create a guided visioning meditation specific to your needs. Learn more here.


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