Oasis labyrinth with 2 angels

Two More Labyrinth Paintings

Two weeks ago, I introduced you to “Chakra Journey” and “Peace Flow”, my first 2 labyrinth paintings in this new series. It celebrates the various moods and blessings of my regular labyrinth walks. In painting them, my journey continues. In owning one of them, so can yours.

Today’s two labyrinth paintings show you the difference between a Chartres-style labyrinth and the classical 7 -circuit one.

3. Oasis of Inspiration Labyrinth Painting

Oasis labyrinth with 2 angels

“Oasis of Inspiration” – prints available

In this labyrinth painting, I wanted to thank my angels for their support in my intuitive process.  I know they’re there with me, waiting for me to invite them into my journey. Ask and you shall receive.

Thanks to all those on FB who contributed name suggestions. Once again, I incorporated them into a prayer.

Prayer: Oasis of Inspiration

Dear God and Guiding Spirits
Angels of Light & Love
Overseers of my Highest Good
I’ve come to this oasis
Ripe with in-sight
To walk in faith
Embraced by your love.

As I journey within,
May I breathe in the Life Force
That connects me to you.

I am a dream walker
Here to voyage in the silence of my inner soul
Seeking clarity and inspiration.

I am an angel walker,
Here to explore the space between your wings
Seeking balance and peace.

As I walk this labyrinth,
May I remain attentive to the signs
And be truly transformed
In the space between each step.

Walking for Answers

Labyrinths are a great tool to access intuitive guidance.

Before you enter, ask your question and pay attention to all your senses as you slowly make your way to and from the centre.

A memory may rise to the surface or a bug walk across your path. Everything has meaning when you’re on an intuitive walkabout. 

You can find out more about how to get the most out of the process in my free 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life online tutorial.

The original “Oasis of Inspiration” is 16″ x 20″ – SOLD
  • Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required
  • Several thick clear isolation coats and varnish were applied to give this piece a super high-gloss look.
  • It comes with a soft paintbrush that you can use to move your way through this Chartres style labyrinth.

Click here to order prints.

4. Mother Earth Labyrinth Painting

When I started creating these labyrinth paintings, my friend Jill asked if I would paint her a classical 7-circuit one instead of the Chartres-style one.

When I meditated on it, I envisioned a pregnant woman with the labyrinth as her belly. This didn’t surprise me as Jill is a doula who uses labyrinths to help expectant mothers in the birthing process.

Soon after, my vision of a pregnant woman turned into a primal goddess with the whole planet in her uterus. She’d become the Great Mother, Gaia, Mother Earth.

I’m glad to say Jill was thrilled with the results of her commission.

You too can have “Mother Earth”! Prints-on-demand are available by clicking here. Order yours on paper or canvas of many sizes.

P.S. The prints on canvas are great to use as finger labyrinths and can be wiped down with a moist cloth for hygiene purposes. This makes them great for wellness centres and hospitals as well as home.

Which speaks to you more? Why? Please comment below.

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