The People On Your Path

Soul Agreements

Something shifted for me decades ago when presented with the idea that our souls had made agreements with many other souls to meet in this lifetime so we could experience something that would help us on our path to enlightenment.

How does it feel to contemplate that you chose your family – your parents, siblings, children?

What about those who have graced your life with encouragement, acceptance, love? How did you grow from that?

Now what about the petty tyrants whose presence you likely would have preferred not to encounter?

Why do you think your souls pre-arranged such conflicts, mis-treatment, challenges?

What have been the gifts hidden under the layers of pain & suffering?

It was only decades after being bullied in elementary school that I recognized that those challenging years offered me a crucial choice between peer pressure and following my already strong sense of Self, my intuition.

I chose the latter and am who I am today because of that defining yet painful chapter of my life.

It took years to heal the wounds, but I now focus on the gifts of that time and am grateful for them.

Would I want to go through that again? No way! But I don’t feel I need to.

It’s time for other teachers, other experiences along the continuing Path.

How is Your Presence on the Path of Others?

While volunteering at Ananda Village for 2 months last spring, I was blessed with many welcoming, heart-warming encounters.

You would expect people living in a spiritual community to have a higher vibration.

But people are people. Everyone is on a Path and has both good and bad days.

In that environment, I was even more aware of both love in action and calls for love.

I sometimes felt triggered and I triggered others. Luckily, our common goals made it easier to discuss such things.

For example, it was much easier for me to shine my Light and radiate love & joy when surrounded by the beauty of the Crystal Hermitage Garden, following creative inspiration with my camera, or at the morning breakfast shift – being a morning person.

Late at night, however, past my usual bedtime, it took a lot more work to be people vs. task-oriented.

I apologized more than once for my irritation and task-master tendencies when all I wanted to do was get the kitchen duties done so I could go to bed, knowing I had to get up early again the next day.

Overall, despite being an introvert, I was pleased with what I brought to my roommates, karma yogi team and community at large.

By the time I left, I could imagine signing-up as a karma yogi for a few months every year. Not bad since the whole experience was a stretch of my comfort zones that had me squirm in fear when intuitively guided to go.

How about you? What kind of impact are you having on the lives of those around you?

How can your self-awareness help you be more of the light & love that you were always meant to be on others’ Paths?

Role Models: Ram & Denise

One of the greatest blessings of this karma yogi experience was being around so many loving people, when I’m used to a more hermit lifestyle back in Newfoundland.

Meeting Ram and Denise (featured in the video above) is a great example of that.

I didn’t get to know them well. We may have crossed paths only 4-5 times in 2 months.

But their impact was heart-felt. Their light shone bright, providing a beautiful model for how I’d like to be more of in the world.

During my first Sunday service at the Temple of Light, Ram was to the left of me in the same pew. His singing went straight to my soul, enhancing the spiritual experience.

He introduced me to his wife Denise and their welcoming smiles always felt so genuine.

Then, one day, Denise invited me to drop by their home inside the Vana Deva Sanctuary. I’ll admit, I felt awkward just knocking on their door – perhaps because this kind of “unannounced interruption” isn’t something I’d enjoy.

Inballah, one of my fellow karma yogis, gave me a ride after one of our shifts. We soon felt right at home and delighted to be there.

Ram & Denise gave us a private concert and tour of their garden. When I asked if I could film it, they didn’t hesitate to say yes.

The results are not only in the video above but in my heart.

And this is only one of the many examples of the beautiful encounters I had during my 2 months.

Some people and circumstances bring out the best in us. I was obviously ready for this kind of experience since my soul guided me there.

I’m aware that my own joy, openness and giving attitude contributed to what I was experiencing at Ananda Village. We get what we give.

I wouldn’t consider myself someone with the greatest people skills, but I can only hope that all the examples of love and authenticity I experience are helping me be more of that myself.

How about you? Who inspires you to be more of your True Self without the layers of fear and conditioning that may keep you small?

Remember. You are the gift.

Thank you for being you – in your good days and more challenging ones.

Now go back to the top of the page  if you haven’t watched the video yet and enjoy your visit to Ram & Denise’s home too.


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