11. The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm: Enter the Mandala



Welcome to the Law of Rhythm. This is  Mandala #11 in the Enter the Mandala Project, an artistic and spiritual quest to better understand the 12 Universal Laws.

The Law of Rhythm tells us that nothing is random. There’s order in the Universe through the repetitive movement, patterns, and cycles in everything:

  • the waxing and waning of the moon and planets
  • the ebb and flow of the oceans
  • the cycle of the seasons
  • the peaks and dips in the economy, politics, spirituality, and relationships
  • the ups and downs in our emotional, physical and mental energy
  • the successes and challenges in business,
  • etc.

Everything is either growing or dying.

By understanding this rhythm, we can act accordingly and sensibly.

Mastering the Law of Rhythm means finding balance and equanimity no matter which way the pendulum is swinging.  

It’s about getting off the emotional roller coaster to be in a state of inner peace and joy, no matter what.

Before getting more into the specifics of how to use the Law of Rhythm to your advantage, let me take you through the intuitive and creative process behind this painting.

Listen In

I love the Guided Visual Journeys my team of Divine Helpers take me on. 

I ask a question, close my eyes, and start downloading a mini-movie filled with amazing imagery and symbolism. The interpretation comes later.

Listen in – this is the intuitive reading that gave birth to the Law of Rhythm mandala (18 minutes).

And here’s the Spirit Calling Card spread I got at the beginning of the reading.  They were right – the symbolism they gave me for this painting was very clear.


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The Creative Process

I didn’t know the names of all 12 laws before I started this project. But when my Guides asked me to do 12 mandalas on the Universal Laws, I found the list of 12 online. Right before I start my intuitive reading, I read an introduction sentence or two on each.  But it’s only after I’m done the Guided Visual Journey and painting that I like to read what others say about the Law online.

It’s amazing how this time, almost all the symbolism that’s in the painting was talked about on other sites. What great confirmation!

My Guided Visual Journey was accompanied by sound this time – the rhythmic tic tock of the clock or metronome. My first 3 layers of repetitive patterns and cycles were created to this rhythm.

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The Symbolism Close-Up

The Ginger Bread Man

The symbolism for the Law of Rhythm was really clear…

Except for the gingerbread man.

It was cute seeing him rock side to side as he walked to to the rhythm of the tic tock.  I smiled when he appeared again swinging from the pendulum. But if it wasn’t for Google, I don’t think I would’ve figured out why he appeared here.

Do you remember the story of the gingerbread man? I didn’t.

He escaped from the old woman who baked him only to be chased by a pig, cow, and horse. In the end, a fox tricked and ate him.

According to Wikipedia, the story “depends on rhythm and repetition for its effect with one event following hard upon another until the climax is reached”.  That’s life – rhythm and repetition. The trick is not letting it take you off guard. Don’t let it eat you up!

In my painting, I linked the gingerbread man to the emotional roller coaster that comes from not understanding the Law of Rhythm. What goes up must come down. But if you get that it’s all part of the ride, you’ll enjoy the journey more.

The Monk

In my vision, I saw a monk sitting on an island of calm.

I painted him under a 3-D disk of gel. When I apply this medium, it’s white. But it spreads for hours and takes about a day to dry. Observing this process reminded me of the patience and time it takes to train the mind.


Take a look. The roller coaster that started at the extremes turns into gamma brain waves on each side of the monk. This represents the transcendental mental states scientists found while studying Tibetan monks in meditation.

Your Turn

Can you see how the rhythm of nature is reflected in the cycles of life and everything in it?

How is this true in your

  • health & fitness?
  • relationships?
  • personal finances?
  • productivity?
  • emotions?

Are you living in the world of extremes or finding balance to overcome the negative downturns?

Know that the pendulum will keep swinging. If it’s down, know that it’s going to head back up. Don’t sabotage yourself by lowering your vibration and getting depressed. If it’s up, don’t overindulge so that there’s nothing left when it starts heading down again.


If your income is flowing in big time, don’t spend it all. Save some for when there’s a natural slow down in cash flow.

If you’re in a peak physical state for some competition, know it won’t stay that way forever. You’ll need rest. You can’t keep pushing yourself to the max year-round.

If the contracts / clients aren’t as frequent during a period of the year, take the time to learn new skills and create new products.

If your relationship is going through a rough patch, focus on being more unconditionally loving – to yourself and your partner. It doesn’t always mean it’s over.

If you’re mentally tired and not as productive as you’d like, don’t give up.  Take advantage of that natural flow to schedule time in nature or networking opportunities.

Basically, don’t fight the cycles. Work with them to your advantage.

Can you think of other examples to help us understand? Please add your comments to the discussion below.


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