The Gift of Letting Go Meditation

Here’s the guided visioning meditation I channeled at last week’s Body Mind Spirit retreat. I named it “The Gift of Letting Go Meditation”, but so many other names could have been chosen for the many gifts it includes.

As usual when I decide to record these, I ask my Team of Divine Helpers to tune into those who were there at 7am for this optional gathering as well as to all those who would ever listen to it. So I received it for you too.

For some retreat participants, this was a calming or joy-filled experience. For others, it was a cathartic transformational one. For you – it will be exactly as you need it to be. Trust in the process.

The meditations I channel come to me through visions that I relay as I receive them – like a movie behind my closed eyelids. At some points, the visions pause to give the meditator the opportunity to tune into their own guidance in between following the journey I describe. For that reason, your experience will be different every time you listen to it.

Trust what comes to you – through imagination or any of your intuitive senses: inner sight, hearing, sensing, smell, taste, knowing (memories, downloads, ideas, etc.).

May this 36-minute experience bring you within our circle of beautiful souls at the retreat and within your Self – raising your vibration and leading to inspired action in your life …

Enjoy this gift as a part of the Intuition into Action Treasure Map to your best life.

Meditation Collections Available to Download

You’ll find 3 collections of guided visioning mp3 for sale in my online shop – $44 Canadian each.

1. Chakra Balance Meditations:

Chakra Balance Meditations - 9 Guided Visioning Audio Files

9 channeled guided visioning meditations to help you balance your 7 main chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye & crown.

Each meditation is enhanced by the chakra-specific musical compositions of Christopher Lloyd Clarke from his Seven Sacred Centres album.

Buy it here for $44 Canadian.


2. Universal Law Meditations:

Universal Laws Meditations - 12 Guided Visioning Meditations

12 guided visioning Universal Law meditations to help you transform your life from the inside out.

Consciously co-create your life.  Use each of the 12 Universal Laws to your advantage. Start by doing so in your inner landscape with these 12 guided visioning meditations. Then watch your outer life change too.

Learn more and buy it here for $44 Canadian


3. Guided Visioning Journeys

cover image - guided visioning journeysEnjoy 11 guided visioning journeys to help raise your vibration for a happier healthier life. Each meditation will help you connect to your intuition to open to inspired being and doing.

Connect with your Team of Divine Helpers and benefit from this dedicated time and space on your spiritual path.

Learn more and buy it here for $44 Canadian.


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