
Dominique, you raise my awareness in my heart and soul, and touch me on so many levels. Every blog , every affirmation, everyone of your beautiful works stir me in body, mind, and spirit. Your soothing, mellow, comforting voice is so authentic, loving, and uplifting. How I have benefited from your daily love over many months. I write in my journal each day giving gratitude. I feel your presence as I sit at my laptop. You are God’s gift of peace–you understand why you were sent to this special place –and it is yours to use for nature’s beauty. Namaste.”
Divine Storytelling Time – Intuitive Reading Package

“Honestly, working with Dominique was amazing! It was a very powerful experience that I highly recommend. So much of the imagery she created really resonated with me. Her visual gifts are lovely and she has an incredible talent at painting images and entire scenes for you with her words. Through her reading, Dominique was able to channel the answers I was looking for, showing me that they were deep within me all along.”

“”It’s pretty amazing how each listen is different. There is still a lot that doesn’t make sense yet … and some parts are so accurate it’s scary. I’m an ‘everything needs to happen yesterday’ type of person! Today I heard, patience, slowness, timing….those words stood out so strongly I had goosebumps while listening. It hit home that it may not be me but the timing, and I must have patience that my divine helpers will lead me when the time is right, not when I want it to be… Every time I listen I feel absolutely at peace and surrounded by the love as you mention. It gets stronger every time. Many thanks to you again for channeling such beautiful energy for me!”

” I have had various readings in the past and yours stands out. I will continue to be able to unfold layer upon layer of this information as I work through the worksheet and listen to the recording again. This has been a very lovely process. It really isn’t just a reading. It is a coaching process teaching the individual to trust self, turn inward and listen.”

“Where in this journey of symbols are the answers to the scheme? Listen to the images as the story unfolds into your heart. … Communication of the heart is not that of logical channels. It holds so much more depth, so much more information. It is worthy of explanation. It is worthy of exploration. It is worthy of learning to understand. It is in this source of heart-speak, we find ourselves with the power to be transformed beyond our imagination.”

“I cannot say in simple words how amazing this experience has been for me. Dominique’s Spirit Calling Cards gave me a mantra that resonates very clearly with me, helping me to move forward in my desire to grow into who I truly am. The audio recording is such a wonderful gift, something that offers new insights every time I listen to it. Dominique connected to a deeper part of me that I was unable to see on my own, and for that I am so grateful. This is more than just a reading. It’s a beautiful foundation to continue my own personal growth work.”

“Working with Dominique was truly wonderful experience. The reading I received helped me tune into my life in a deeper way by embracing and moving through the story she presented.”

” I was right there with you. …It makes so much sense, and I know exactly what the messages are, what they mean, etc. … It was powerful and exactly what Divine has been communicating with me of late. Thank you for being a conduit for those messages from Divine for me. I’m so grateful for your connection, your love and your acceptance of your being. … My Spirit Card reading and visual gift are so perfectly in alignment. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“It was so inspiring to be guided through a vision that was meant for me, that I would not have experienced otherwise. There was such a weight lifted from my shoulders, and an overall sense of comfort knowing and feeling that I’m going in the right direction with my life and my business. Thank you Dominique!”

“Wow Dominique! I feel as though it’s the story of my life! There’s the feeling of something important that I must uncover to find grace and peace. I look forward to being at the helm with the knowing and confidence of what I’m about as I’m guided onward without fear. Just amazing!”
Soul Energy Portrait Experience – Commissions

“What was wonderful is that day after day, my commissioned energy painting grew on me to the point where I no longer just like this painting, but deeply Love it. To me it carries a spiritual essence which sends me a message of greatness every time I look at it. It’s difficult to express in words because it definitely is not of this earthly realm. Thank you Dominique for this wonderful painting.”

“You did such a great job of involving me throughout the process that it was like a daily gift of joy. I felt so a part of the entire experience even though we were a thousand miles apart. I would definitely recommend your service. If you love art, there is nothing more precious than having a unique piece that is created in your energy. It delivers a message specifically to your needs and its beauty magnifies over time.”

“I was completely blown away with the power of your words, the images of my painting in progress as well as what my energy guides were telling me. I am amazed at the power my painting has on me for emotional releases and feeling joy, happiness, excitement, peace – it is truly a gift!
I do believe that the universe brought you to me as an opportunity for personal growth. You are truly a gifted artist with so many talents from painting, channeling Divine Helpers, providing messages for growth, engaging with community and the world.”

“Working with Dominique on an energy painting was a very surreal experience. Not knowing what to expect, I was surprised to find the process both powerful and transformative.
Each layer Dominique provided – from the very first email to the shared images of the painting in progress – had profound meaning for me on a personal and spiritual level.
I was moved to tears more than once, shifting into a new awareness of self.
Now, when I look at the painting we accomplished together, I’m reminded of that transformation. I’m so grateful for this experience, as well as for the beautiful piece of artwork that’s mine, and mine alone.”

On my birthday, to begin the process, Dominique downloaded a custom Discovery Journey Meditation, co-created with the help of our teams of divine helpers. And so began a most meaningful, joyful 2 weeks of my life.
Each day, as she worked on the painting, I would receive e-mails from her that she called Love Notes. I would reply with the results of my “homework” and to share what came up for me. The synchronicities that occurred during those 2 weeks convinced me that we were indeed joined together in this process.
When I gaze at my painting now, I get such a feeling of peace – a confirmation that I am on the right path and that my life is unfolding as it should, here on The Rock, surrounded by ocean.
I am now swimming free, shedding feelings of loss, fear, regret, and an unhealthy over-attachment to the past .
Thank you is too weak a phrase, Dominique…

“I knew there was something for me here. It was my time for this beautiful process to move me along my path. Your intuitive nature, painting style, and messages were exactly what I needed.
Initially, each day was an amazing process of discovery, for as each new layer was added on the canvas, a new level of subconscious beliefs was brought to the surface to be processed. With continued layers and daily intuitive messages, the truth took shape and my essences came to light.
Now, that the canvas is complete and a beautiful energy painting is hanging in my home, the process is not; it continues. As I look upon my painting, maybe a portion catches my eye and draws me in, and I continue to contemplate as I go about my day. Evolving reflection and growth happen well beyond the end of the “making”. This amazing process with you has been a truly uplifting journey that will continue for some time!”

“All of what I did with you was a part of my journey. I got a lot from it and from doing the exercises. I look at my painting now and I can already see so much growth and transformation. I certainly gained more self-awareness and self-love. I’m more confident and believe in myself more. It also helped me trust that I am worthy of the work and time I devote to my overall personal and spiritual growth. I read my prayer almost every day and I feel a much deeper connection to my higher self and divine helpers.“
Free Meditations & Custom Visioning Meditations

Not only was it fantastic for me but it was amazing for my clients. We did the visioning on their goals in a session together and it was extremely powerful. Most of them have done it several times since then, talking about their vision. Your voice is just perfect. They also told me your custom session on intuition development was super useful. It was fascinating for me to discover how my body and inner knowing talk to me – I discovered things about myself and how my intuition works. This has all meant so much to me. Thank you so much!

“Dominique’s visioning meditations were amazing experiences of self discovery. Her soothing voice allowed me to follow along effortlessly and with focus to explore the inner depths of my soul. It was exhilarating to participate live. Her gifted ability enabled me to gain a clearer understanding of answers I was seeking. She is truly inspiring!”

“I attended Dominique’s morning visioning meditations every day for a week while she was artist in residence at Ocean View Art Gallery in Carbonear. They were thought provoking and inspiring. By being open and embracing the experience, it allows you to connect to whatever you need at that particular time in your life. Although we all heard the same words to guide us, we all experienced something unique and wonderful. You may connect with a loved one who has passed or strengthen current relationships. Maybe a situation that was causing stress could be viewed in a different light with more clarity. Whatever you need to experience will occur as Dominique’s soothing voice and channeled guidance leads you where you need to go. Thank you Dominique!”

“Thank you so much! What a beautiful gift! I got some interesting insight that is helping me release the Winter and accept the positive as I accept my right work.” (Sing Your Spirit Song Meditation)

” What a beautiful guided meditation that just was so amazing… thank you SO much. That is sincerely the first time I was able to actually “go” somewhere, feel things and release them. Amazing release of cleansing tears. I felt the warmth and the love of so many, present and past, surrounding me. I am in awe of how I am feeling right now.”

“It was an extraordinary experience, so powerful in so many ways… I didn’t tell you what my interest in music is but you accurately focused on my voice. I have to say that my voice seems clearer, stronger, easier…and I’ve noticed that other people have noticed a change too. I love the image of the notes as rainbow colours reaching out into space, embracing planets and stars and I keep that in mind now when I sing.”

Oh my goodness, I’ve never received a meditation so vivid and clear. I was in the moment of the walk and the fire , it moved me. Tears were running down my face as I could feel joy from the inside as I was sitting by the fire. Thank you. I like your energy, I feel a really strong pull to you. I know you are the one sent to me. I look forward to working with you. Namaste

“Thank you for the lovely meditation you gave as your opt in gift. I have listened to it several times and love its message and your soothing voice. I believe it may be helping me start to shift into my purpose. It certainly calms me at night and allows me to fall into a beautiful dream state.”

” Your voice is so soothing. I just LOVE your voice..., and honestly would hire you to tell me whatever you wanted!!!”

“The meditation is fitting! I LOVE it. I love that it makes me take stock of my own energy, and how I feel / see it, and feel about it, as that is exactly what I need right now and probably will for a long time to come.”

“Thank you , Dominique.. I went to one of your guided meditations used at a group gathering last evening. It was so beautiful and meaningful hearing your voice. You can feel the angels and guides all around . I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for the experience.”

“Thank you for putting off your class yesterday at Holyrood library. I was looking for “something” in my life to calm my demons and i think i’ve found it now. It was such a pleasure to meet you. ”

“I was a little reluctant to try the meditation as I don’t sit still well… my mind and body always keep me busy. I was so surprised to see that I was able to sit still, relax, and disconnect my busy mind and allow myself to follow Dominique’s voice. I highly recommend giving it a try and taking some time for yourself. You will not regret it.”
Workshops & Presentations

My inner artist came out and it was a joy to witness. I’d been a little anxious when I started the workshop due to my inexperience with painting, my expectations, and uncertainty. However, with Dominique’s gentle encouraging words, I learned to let go of expectations and trust the process. She helped me to tap into my intuition and let it guide my artwork and listen to what it needed to say to me . It was an amazing experience and helped to open up my creativity and let it flow onto the canvas.

Dominique’s ability to intuitively nurture your highest self from within you to an expression of yourself on the canvas is nothing short of amazing! She helps you tap into the creative well within you to find your own presence and then helps you transform it from feelings to paint! (even if you don’t think you are creative!) The layers of love and life that are intertwined in your canvas will always be special to you every time you look at your artwork! The beauty of Love is within each of us and Dominique’s Love of beauty empowers your highest self to shine!

Dominique was an excellent presenter and entranced the students from the first moment. She has been a superb partner for this project; immensely creative, super organized, amazingly flexible and able to talk to Beachy Cove learners in French or English. Dominique gave 100% plus at every phase of this huge project, but always with patience, a warm smile and a caring heart.

Thank-you so much for sharing the space to unravel a definite creative fun place for me. The space with your amazing energy and paintings, food, meditation and untouched rituals… What a day filled with love, creativity and magic. You are a beautiful soul to this planet, thank-you for all you gave.

“Dominique came to us early in the school year with an amazing plan and ideas which we found we needed to adapt to suit a K-4 environment. She was quickly able to switch gears to meet the needs of our young learners and what ensued was a most valuable learner experience for all. Our learners were engaged in the deep learning of artistic creation and collaboration. Dominique’s guidance and leadership throughout the project provided a seamless learning experience for all. ”
For project video & blog post, click here.

“Dominique Hurley expertly facilitated an engaging intuition workshop at the Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat. I was struggling with a professional challenge and had been postponing a difficult decision. Dominique’s session brought me immediate clarity. I’ve since moved on in a better direction that has already grown my consulting business and provided me more peace of mind. For too long I have over-analysed the data and ignored my intuition. Dominique taught me to be in touch with what feels ‘right’ in my future.”

“Dominique Hurley was a presenter at the pre-conference portion of the 2018 NLOWE Conference. Her workshop, “Intuition into Action – 5 Steps to Whole Brain Success” was truly memorable. The audience was engaged from start to finish as they were led through a series of exercises to help develop their own sense of intuition. Dominique uses her vast knowledge to demonstrate to participants that something as seemingly abstract as trusting one’s “gut feeling” can be a valuable decision-making tool when running a business, as well as in day-to-day life. Based on feedback received by NLOWE, Dominique’s presentation was rated overall as ‘outstanding’ by session participants.”

Tu m’as tellement aidé à réaliser un de mes rêves (j’en ai beaucoup 😉) mais sur ce lui-là je peux faire ✔️ J’ai pu réaliser depuis 2 autres vidéos, et chaque fois ça fait pleurer mon conjoint, faut dire qu’il est sensible 😆. Le hasard fait souvent bien les choses car te rencontrer me permet d’être maintenant davantage autonome et à mon tour faire plaisir aux autres ..

“Thank you for all that you do for so many. I got so much from the 2 hour workshop. Spontaneous synchronicitiies, confirmations, symbols and epiphanies are continuing to unfold! You are so generous to make so much available for free. You are truly an Earth Angel.”

“Beautiful opportunity to explore creativity and spirit. An amazing safe environment to use creativity to get in touch with yourself, your journey, and to support awareness of next steps.”

“I was very emotional because I was feeling lost. I needed guidance and direction. By the end of the weekend, I felt connected to Spirit, to the women in attendance, and to myself. I felt ready to take on some of the “challenges” in my life and move forward with some of the things I’ve been trying to do. It was a “Fresh Start”. ”

“Fun, growth in creativity & spirituality with like-minded fellow journeyers. An experience in Being!”

“Wonderful experience! Perfect timing for me along my journey of discovery. Beautiful to receive divine guidance and fascinating to watch the evolution in the art and within.”

Thank you for the knowledge and inspiration. It surely opened my senses. I feel invigorated to get moving forward on things in my life, where before I felt stuck. I really enjoyed the day.

J’étais présente à la visualisation créative et ta conférence dans le cadre de la FAVA et j’ai adoré mon voyage dans mon monde créatif et mon expérience J’ai acquis pleins de belles et nouvelles connaissances par rapport à l’Art et l’intuition. Je pourrais l’appliquer sur le plan personnel et sur le plan de ma pratique professionnelle en tant que travailleuse sociale au College communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick lors de mes séances thérapeutiques avec les étudiants etc… Tes oeuvres sont magnifiques et elles nous font tous voyager dans un univers unique… regarder tes oeuvres constitue pour moi une visualisation créative en soi et un voyage avec mon intérieur et la découverte de ma raisonnance vis-à-vis chacune de tes oeuvres
Milles merci pour ta présence à la FAVA.

” I want to express my thanks and gratitude for the wonderful day you in-visioned and brought to fruition … It was so powerful to be part of the group and to share all the heart-based energies that bathed us for the entire day. Until now, my only real energetic “community” has been online and I held fear around being seen fully in my life, all the while desiring to connect with like-minded and like-hearted individuals and groups. I feel as though the Solstice event illuminated a new path forward for me, while uplifting and transforming the heaviness of past patterns and obsolete beliefs about myself. The powerful energy of your artwork, of your soul expressing itself through your visionary co-creative process and story-telling, combined with the energetic offerings of your co-leaders was phenomenal to experience!”

“Merci pour la belle journée que nous avons passé ensemble. Je suis venue à St. John’s à cause d’événements trouble dans ma vie, au niveau de ma relation amoureuse. Depuis samedi, je réalise que je suis ici pour les bonnes raisons. Je suis à la bonne place, au bon moment et je fais tout en mon pouvoir pour aller mieux. Je dois juste être patiente et m’allouez du temps! Je vais poursuivre mes réflexions, mais maintenant, je me sens mieux outillé. Merci encore pour tout!”

“THANK YOU! It was lots of fun… I had no doubt that you were a great teacher, whether in the ESL class or art class…but participating in your art class confirmed for me that you are a gifted teacher…you appeared so calm, organized, encouraging, excited and passionate about everyone’s work and the process. It was really great to be a part of that! ”

“Thank you so much for bringing your energy, spirit, talents & inspired art to Unleash Your Creative Spirit. … You brought my little retreat to a new level!”

“Thank you for sharing your awesome gifts with me. I loved my experience with your Divine Storytelling Time and received an insightful message that helped me grow my business.”

“Saturday was a great day for me. I learned so much about myself. Art, painting, spirituality, intuition. When I was telling others that I was coming to the workshop, I used all of the words above in an effort to have each one listening hear what might draw him/her. My reason for doing it this way was that I know from experience – having done workshops with Dominique before – that whatever reason draws the person, the person is destined to get the other three. Spirituality is what drew me… Intuition is what drew me….”
Intuitive Visionary Paintings

“It wasn’t an overnight aha moment or a planned thing to purchase Dominique’s artwork, but it was a calling that I listened to, just like traveling to a distant land. The pieces that I purchased all resonated to & for me for the time & place that I found myself. I have come to learn that I am in a place of trust. This doesn’t always make it easy in making a purchase as some pieces I would most definitely call an investment…yet the investment in this instance is the investment in my self- growth & investing in my spiritual path.
This in turn has helped Dominique move forward with her art & her path- we cannot lose art, we cannot lose artists, we simply cannot allow that to happen. Trust your calling.
Dominique thank-you for all that you do and for trusting your guidance as through your trust & intuition, especially in 2020.”

I was utterly blown away by your artwork. It’s beautiful to see in pictures online, but I wasn’t prepared for how it actually made me feel. The colours, textures, and especially the energy of the pieces totally blew me away!

“Truly amazing! Your art is like a retreat !!!!”

“This is an exhibition that will remain with me for a long time. Never in the province have I ever seen such intricate and thought-provoking artwork. It was an inspiration of truth, honesty & love.”

“I went through a shocking end to my 17 year marriage in 2009. During my recovery process, I found Dominique’s artwork. I bought a very small painting first. I realized later it reflected my fear of not being worth a larger piece. Slowly I kept being drawn to more of her works and finally ended up creating my new space with 12 of her paintings gracing my walls. These paintings brought me a sense of self worth, tranquility, beauty and inspiration. These were exactly the energies I needed to survive into my new life as single mother. Thanks in part to my love affair with Dominique’s art I am thriving in my new world. I always give new guests to my home the HURLEY tour. Thank you Dominique. Keep creating healing for our world.”

“I really appreciate your deep feeling attunement with the stones, dragonfly, color texture and nature and your whole Sourced magical integrated alchemies of all the elements and what you share. This is OMG!!!! Another beautiful dream of love and purpose and intention from you. Thank you for your beautiful teaching, offerring, artful magical talent and love and sharing”

“Spectacular – I have never seen anything like it.”
“I was moved. I cried”
“Super powerful paintings!”
“There are no words for the beauty. Amazing!”
“Unique. incomparable. Lovely”
“Emotionally moving.”
“So beautiful and energetically positive. It left me almost speechless.”

“I spend a lot of time carefully choosing sacred objects for my office because they, in no small way, impact the healing sessions. I have four beautiful pieces of art from Dominique that I selected based on the four elements; the healing they bring to the space is amazing. Clients initially sit in a chair between fire and water and comment that they already feel so supported and are ready to go to a deep level. My beautiful big goddess painting helps clients both reach for the sky as well as stay grounded and connected to mother earth.”

“Your energy and spirit are inspiring. I was touched by your sincerity, soul wisdom and childlike wonder. And I continue to be amazed at your blogging- you are so dedicated – and what you offer is rich with many treasures.”

“I first saw Dominique’s art in a therapy room and was instantly drawn to the colours, beauty and power. It was like nothing I had ever seen in person. I approached Dominique about putting her art on the walls of my shop. I knew it would be an amazing way to energize it. I really felt a connection to the art and bought my first painting soon after.”

“But how can someone paint something that good?”

“Oh Dominique, your work is LOVELY! My goodness, such a very high vibration!”

“I find that there’s a depth to Dominique’s art that I didn’t realize existed before. It’s alive — it changes every time I look at it and is a mirror of my moods.”

“Your art lets my imagination go where it wants with it and take what I want at any given time. It makes me question. There’s movement, motion. It inspires me, takes me inward, quietens me. The colours elevate me and soothe me. ”

Last night, I watched the video you did of Cape Broyle. It was pure magic! I was truly captivated by it. What beauty lies within the everyday things. You have a gift for putting it all together in such a meaningful way. It was like I was seeing my community for the first time. Great photography and videography. Wow you are talented. I also watched the Woody Island video of the retreat we were on and I think you did a fine job capturing the fun, spirit, and beauty. I will be hitting replay again and again. You captured the essence of each place and it felt sacred. I am in adoration. Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us.