Reconnect Lesson 4: Shine Your Superpowers

Lesson 4 in the Reconnect to Your True Self series was inspired by the creative process behind the painting “Supersoul”.

Did you know you’re on a hero’s journey?

How would your perspective on your life change if you truly understood that your soul had arranged to embark on this adventure with its series of blessings, challenges & people designed to help you be all you were meant to be in this lifetime?

Imagine that many of these people & events – be they mentors or petty tyrants, nightmares or dreams come true, were chosen by your soul before incarnation to fulfill the Path your spiritual self wanted to travel while in this human body.

Does that belief ring true to you? It does to me.

Looking back at your life through this belief system is one way of uncovering your unique set of superpowers, shaped by a life that is unlike anyone else’s.

You are an individualized expression of the Divine, crafted by your experiences on your hero’s journey. Your superpowers are what can propel you forward in your own journey to be of service to others. 

Isn’t that exciting?

Exercise 1: Uncover Your Superpowers

So what are your superpowers?

Here’s an exercise that can help you figure that out – recognition and acknowledgement are key to putting them to good use.

If you don’t use them, you lose them.

So for the sake of all others, let’s do that!

Take out a piece of paper and make 3 columns.

On the left, write 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, …. all the way to your present age.

In the middle write down the significant blessings/gifts, challenges, people, places, etc. that have shaped you. Think of the 5W – Who, What, When, Where, Why.

On the right, acknowledge what superpowers these have given you.

For example:


lived in Germany

open to differences, connection to nature/ intuition, strong self-knowledge


was bullied

alignment to True Self vs. peer pressure


Mme George gave me lead roles in high school plays

effective public speaker

You’ll have more than 1 in every age increment – those are just memory triggers.

The important columns are 2 & 3 for you to take account of how the blessings, challenges and people in your life have shaped you to be your unique combination of skills, gifts, & superpowers you are today.

Exercise 2: Shine Your Superpowers

“Supersoul” Original & prints for sale.

Once you’ve recognized & acknowledged these superpowers, it’s time to celebrate them.

How can you shine your superpowers in your life today?

To illustrate:

The amount of time I spent alone in nature as a young child kept me highly connected to my Team of Divine Helpers. I’m using that superpower today to help others tune into their intuition through my workshops and intuitive services.

My being bullied gave me great empathy for those who feel they can’t be who they want to be in the world. I can understand how many don’t even know who they truly are because their circumstances shaped them to be part of a cookie-cutter society. Being bullied also helped me take inspired action to live a life that’s aligned with my True Self no matter social norms or peer pressure. Now, I can offer inspiration and insight to those who wish to walk their own path too.

And thanks to my teacher Mme George who assigned me lead roles in many of our high school plays (we were a small school), I love being in front of a group. Yes, I thrive in solitude and spend most of my creative time alone, but I still make sure I use this superpower to share & inspire through keynotes & workshops after 25 years of teaching ESL around the world.

What about you?

Look through your list for patterns. Some of your superpowers may be your strongest because of a series of related blessings, challenges & people that helped you strengthen them. 

Are you using these now in your life or in the service of others?

Brainstorm how you could do so more.

There’s nothing quite as empowering as recognizing that everything has happened for you, not to you – and that it all contributes to the amazing being that you are today.

You’re like no one else. So don’t try to be someone else.

Your Higher Self needs you to activate these superpowers for your Highest Good in designing a life that’s well-suited to who and what you are. The world needs your superpowers too.

Creating a life by design means seeing where both those needs intersect for the Greater Good of All. 

Thank you for being you!

P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “Supersoul” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints of “Supersoul” in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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