Reconnect Lesson 3: Cheers to Your Tribe
Do you remember the TV show “Cheers” – “Where everyone knows your name?” Norm would walk in and the whole bar would greet him with an exuberant “Norm!”
The characters knew they belonged. They felt seen for who they truly were. Why? Because they were comfortable enough to be their authentic selves. At least that’s how I remember it almost 30 years later.
Lesson 3 in this Reconnect to Your True Self Series is about surrounding yourself with those who can see, accept, and love you for who you are. When that happens, you can blossom more fully and quickly into your potential.
Here’s a caveat. You can’t control who that’s going to be. Not everyone will like or understand you. Don’t take it personally. Keep looking until you find where you belong.
Your goal in this lesson is to find your garden – where you can plant your seeds of authenticity, nourish your ground, grow, and bear fruit.
Let’s break this down into 3 exercises inspired by the creation of the painting “With Arms Wide Open”, #3 in my Re-Connecting Collection..
Exercise 1: Spend more time with those who welcome you whole-heartedly.

“With Arms Wide Open” – Prints available here.
Who already welcomes you with open arms?
Yes, this could be literal – I’m big into hello hugs. But it also means those who light up when you enter a room. You can see it in their eyes, in their smile, in their vibe. They’re just plain happy to see you… the real you.
You don’t need to pretend or hide. You don’t need to play games and manipulate.
You know that you’ll be accepted and loved for who you are no matter what.
If several people come to mind for you – awesome! You’re lucky. Reach out to them.
If you grew up feeling like you didn’t belong anywhere and that no-one truly understood you, you’re not the only one.
Know, however, that you’re surrounded by a Team of Divine Helpers (from your Higher Self to Source – whomever that is in your belief system) who cherish you and are ready to embrace you if you ask.
What you want is to have more contact with those who can welcome you whole-heartedly. Connect by phone, Skype or in person.
Be it your dog, a friend, an old teacher, a relative, a neighbour, a priest, your favourite tree, or your Team of Divine Helpers, make sure you connect with that feeling of belonging and acceptance as often as possible.
Those reminders that you’re OK just the way you are fuel your soul.
You’re not alone. You’re never alone. You’re loved. Open more to feeling it by connecting more often to those who already welcome you with open arms.
To help you connect on both the human and celestial levels, I channeled this meditation on Unconditional Love back in 2016. Start there if you feel called to.
Exercise 2: Greet People Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul
I’m sure you’ve entered a house, office, or store where the person doesn’t even look up from their computer or phone. They may grunt a “hi” in response to yours, but wouldn’t even notice if you’d dyed your hair in rainbow colours.
How did it feel? Are you guilty of doing that too?
A friend’s son used to call me “smiley voice” because even on the phone, he could tell I was happy to hear him.
Exercise 2 is about welcoming others with open arms.
In the video above, I refer to how dogs greet their people when they come home. Now, I’m not suggesting you jump on someone and lick their face. But I am inviting you to acknowledge another soul, even if it’s for a minute when they enter a room before you return to your project.
Are you present when people enter your space? Do you make eye contact, genuinely smile, hug?
For the next few days, try greeting others soul to soul – at work, at home, in the streets. You’re all part of the Divine Oneness. Train yourself to truly seeing these people for the expressions of the Divine that they are.
Look past the masks & fears to discover them.
Be the one who knows their name… “Norm!”
Exercise 3: Find Your Tribe
You can live in a city for years feeling like no-one gets you. You may have gone through school feeling that way too.
Your tribe is out there though – people who understand your journey or share similar values, passions & purpose.
Finding them requires a bit of work, but it’s worth it.
Keep taking a chance. Express your truth in small doses with those you meet. If they show genuine interest, keep expressing and sharing.
Even if you’re a loner who prefers Netflix to crowds, or are a busy mother who can’t imagine taking a few hours a week to socialize – prioritize finding your tribe.
They’ll boost you up and fill your cup. They’ll help you appreciate who and what you are so that you have more to give others.
I was 40 when I understood what soul family meant- and what a revelation that was! I’d always had 1 or 2 close friends in the many cities where I’d lived, but when I moved to Saskatoon, I suddenly found myself surrounded by people who spoke my language.
I blossomed in those 5 years because I felt appreciated and valued for who I truly was. They helped me see the gift that I was and what I had to offer on levels I hadn’t experienced before. Wow! What a feeling!
So whether it’s through an interest or support group, a spiritual community, or business meet-up – try a bunch of groups or settings until you find the right fit. And if there’s truly no one in town, explore social media groups. They’re a lifeline for many.
As you show up more as yourself, you’ll soon know if it’s a match.
Remember, however, that you’re there to give as much as you are to receive.
And even if you’re too busy to meet them every week, you’ll know in your heart that you’re not alone – that you fit in. And that feels good.
Are you happy with the company you keep? In this lesson, you’re asked to show up as yourself to attract those who will be thrilled to get to know who that is.
No more hiding. Cheers!
P.S. Click here if you want to dive deeper into the creation of the painting “With Arms Wide Open”.
P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium. Thank you for supporting my art!
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