The intuitive visionary energy painting “Time of Ascension” honours all of our conscious work to live a life that’s aligned with our core values and emerge more fully into our Higher Self.
As you contemplate “Time of Ascension”, #9 in the Re-Connecting painting collection, consciously breathe light into your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies..
Recharge with every in-breath.
Release any toxic energy that can be released with every out breath.
Allow the energy infused into this painting and the support from the Archangels to nourish your transformational journey.
Invite your whole Team of Divine Helpers and your Higher Self to be here with you now as you soak in the energy from this new painting.
Ask Archangel Metatron to bathe you in the golden light of the Christ Grid, that energy that comes from the Central Sun through our sun.
Then ask Archangel Sandalphon to energize you with silver light from the crystalline grid of the core of our sacred planet.
This light energy from above and below are clearly represented in this piece.
Less evident but still present is the energy available to us from the horizontal plane.
Invite Archangel Raphael in the east, the healer / magician angel of air to bathe you in green light.
Then ask Archangel Micheal, the warrior/ protector angel of fire in the south to bathe you in electric blue light.
Next invite Archangel Gabriel, messenger angel of water from the west to hold space for you in diamond white light.
And finally ask for support from Archangel Uriel, angel of earth and physical structures to bathe you in ruby red fire.
Don’t rush the contemplative process. You take the time to recharge your phone. Don’t forget to recharge yourself.
Each individual that does the inner work to raise his or her consciousness, helps in the ascension of the planet. Our Teams of Divine Helpers and Universal energy are happy to help – we just need to remember to ask for that support and to connect to the resources available to do so.
Prints also available – order here.