Love Oracle 36: Clearing the Communication Lines

Guidance is always there for you. Unfortunately, if the communication lines are blocked, messages simply aren’t coming through.

Think of intuition as your communication channel between you and your Team of Divine Helpers – including your Higher Self.

So what blocks your ability to tune into your intuition? Stress, anxiety, fear, depression, perfectionism, and mind-altering substance are all like static on the line.

Your questions and requests may have made it through to your Team, but their replies through the various intuitive channels aren’t being picked up.

If your usual clairsentience channel (clear feeling) is numbed because of substance abuse or medication, your Team will try again through other channels, including the 6 Clairs (clear seeing, hearing, knowing, tasting, smelling and feeling) as well as synchronicity.

But if that doesn’t work, you’ll miss out on important Guidance.

Your Team of Divine Helpers are here to help guide you and protect you. Their messages can be life-enhancing or life-saving. Whatever the case, wouldn’t you want to access those messages?

So what can you do to clear the communication lines? That’s what this week’s Love Oracle Messages are here to help you with.

Ask your Team of Divine Helpers “How can I better access my intuition?”. Then pick the painting that speaks to you the most. Scroll down to read its message.

Love Oracle Message 1: Meditation Magic

Custom Guided Meditations

Dear Beloved,

Meditation is the most important way to open and keep those communication lines clear. This is how you open your third eye to its present potential.

You may have heard the expression monkey-mind? If your mind is racing and screaming all over the place, how will you hear the whispers of your soul?

Slowing down your mind and your thoughts, allows you to pick up on those intuitive messages. 

It also increases your ability to recognize signs sent on the outside, not just on the inside.

If you walk through life as a walking meditation, you’ll be more aware of everything and everyone your Team places on your Path as an answer to your prayers.

What helps with meditation? Good sleep, fresh food, scheduling a regular practice, and coaching all help. Can you get behind that?

The more or the better you meditate, the more glimpses you’ll get of what your Team of Divine Helpers, your Higher Self and Source are trying to tell you.

What can you do today to focus more effectively on a life-affirming mediation practice?

Painting: One in Love (SOLD).   Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Champion Your Chakras

Dear Beloved,

Working  on opening and balancing your chakras is a great way for clearing the communication lines.

You have many chakras, but let’s focus on the 7 main ones. These are the energy centres along your spine, starting at the root located at your tailbone.

Each chakra is associated with a purpose, aspects of your health, etc.

When it comes to energy, you want it to be able to flow freely through your root (#1) up to and through the crown (#7).

Imagine it flowing from Mother Earth into your feet and through your subtle energy body up to the Heavens and back through you down to the core of the planet.

If there’s a block, your body won’t be able to act as the antenna it’s meant to be. Your intuitive channels won’t be optimized. 

For example, if your throat chakra (#5) is blocked, there is no communication between your heart chakra (#4) and your third eye (#6). If that happens, you’re walking around like a head without a body. Many do.

There’s much more to say than I can fit in this Oracle Message. But if this resonates with you, do more research on how to balance your chakras. Yoga and energy healing modalities are great! Also consider my Chakra Balance Meditation Bundle.

What’s really wonderful to remember is that the more you do to open and balance the lower 6 chakras, the more your crown chakra will naturally open.

A fully opened crown chakra means enlightenment. Then you become one with Source and fully intuitive. This can take lifetimes, but why not start now?

Enjoy the many benefits of clearing your communication lines by championing your chakras.

Painting: Sedona (SOLD).  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Create Space

Dear Beloved,

Your Team of Divine Helper is like a Guiding Light showing you the way that’s aligned with your Highest Good.

But if your space is so cluttered, inside and out, you will have a hard time spotting the light that’s right outside the door or deep within your core.

So if you picked this painting, you’re being asked to make space

  •  in your environment for the energy to flow,
  • in your body to become more sensitive to the messages
  • in your mind to better discern between fear and love
  • in your schedule to develop a regular intuition-development practice.
  • in your heart to trust your intuition – start with baby steps and one day you’ll take those leaps of faith

Clearing your communication lines requires focus and practice. 

You might:

  • do breath work to increase the flow of Life Force, that bridge between you and Spirit
  • walk in nature to get fresh air, reduce the stimulus and busyness of the city and try an intuitive walkabout
  • journal to process your thoughts and help your mind calm down
  • declutter your house and work with the Elements (Feng Shui) to ensure better energy flow
  • avoid overindulging in food, alcohol or drugs to keep your senses sharp
  • eat fresh and prioritize rest
  • meditate to open your third eye
  • join a meditation class or yoga class

There’s so much you can do to clear the communication lines. Your Team is there with you. With all the noise and distractions, however, it’s just hard to notice.

Please don’t get overwhelmed by this list. Pick 1 that appeals to you and follow your bliss. For when you’re relaxed and joyful, you’re vibrating at a higher frequency and better able to receive those oh so important messages.

Painting: Lighting the Way (Artist Collection). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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