Law of Vibration Mandala

Journey Into the Law of Vibration – Enter the Mandala


Here it is – the second of the Enter the Mandala Project paintings – The Law of Vibration.

As an intuitive artist, journeying into the Law of Vibration has meant riding the sinuous waves of energy throughout space and time as well as skipping from one God Particle to another within all things.

What a trip!

I’ll do my best to share with you the wonders of both the creative and spiritual processes here.

The Spirit Calling Card Reading

As you know, my goal in this series is to explore and express the Twelve Universal Laws.

It’s part of my own spiritual journey, using my intuitive gifts to generate a better understanding of the concepts on a body, mind, and spirit level.

In addition to the initial interpretations I share in the audio below, this Spirit Calling Card reading affirmed that by answering the call of my Angels and Spirit Guides to create this series, I am planting seeds on all levels. By using intuition and colour as my mediums, I am evolving and opening a gateway for those interested in journeying with me.

Thanks for coming along!


Listen In

I love the visual journeys I take when I channel a Divine Storytelling Time! Whether I’m doing one to source information for myself, a painting, or as part of an intuitive reading for a client, they’re such rich sources of experience and symbology.

You get to join me on this short journey, which starts right after the Spirit Calling Card reading.

I invite you to listen as you explore the meaning of The Law of Vibration through the photos below.

The Creative Process

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Up Close

It took me about 75 hours to create this 30″ x 30″ painting.  I spent about 16 of those dot-making … a very meditative process.

As it was the last week of the Hay House Summit 2015, I also spent many of those hours listening to inspiring podcasts.  While my left brain was listening, my right brain entered the mandala, riding the waves of creativity and energy.

The Spiritual Process

It’s amazing to think (and know, and feel) that absolutely everything is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies.

I’ve long accepted this when it comes to the things we can see with the naked eye – be it people, plants, man-made objects, etc. I was paying attention in science class!

I also knew that this was true of what we can perceive with our other senses, such as sounds and smells. It even made sense that dog whistles, which we can’t hear, are vibrating at an imperceptible frequency.

I remember being fascinated, however, when I was introduced to the fact that thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are also vibrations.  Even consciousness is vibration! These aren’t only spiritual concepts, but quantum physics ones as well.

If you haven’t seen the movies “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”  and “What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole” yet, I recommend them. They do a great job of explaining parts of this.


I don’t remember hearing or reading anything about it, but what has intrigued me most through this intuitive painting experience is the idea that time and history also vibrate at specific energetic frequencies. Is that why repressed emotions from this or past lifetimes get stored in our bodies and psyches? Is that where the idea of time travel came from? The fact that my visual journey through the Law of Vibration took me from cavemen to Columbus to modern times fascinates me.

The more I painted and the more I listened, the more I understood. Teal Swan, one of the Hay House speakers who was born with extrasensory perception, explained how she doesn’t see negative space like most of us do. For her, there is no empty space. Everything is vibrating in waves of energy, including the wind, the air, etc. There is no clear separation between things.


My experience journeying through this mandala also reaffirmed the link between the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction.  By vibrating at a certain frequency, through the power of our emotions, we attract what is also vibrating at that same frequency.

As Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks) explained in a great interview by Dr. Wayne Dwyer, we have 17 seconds after having a negative thought to get off that vibration frequency. Esther herself, when she notices such thoughts, simply starts counting backwards to unhook from that frequency.  It stops her from spiralling down the chain of negative thoughts that remind her of related negative thoughts, etc.  I also like Abraham’s description of sleep as a reset button.  That’s why it’s so important to spend the first minutes upon waking on the higher frequency vibrations instead of instantly checking emails or listening to the news.  I don’t listen to the news, but I do jump onto the computer a little too quickly …

As spiritual beings here on earth to have human experiences, we are bound to vibrate at various frequencies during our lives, our chapters, our days and even our minutes. The importance of our roles as vibration managers though, is an interesting one to think about.  Are we following the leadership of our Guides and Higher Selves or are we so caught up in the details that we’re spinning on the lower frequencies – stuck until we remember to reconnect to our true essence?

I could go on, but you get the picture.  The Law of Vibration is as it is. There are many ways to understand it, including the various spiritual and metaphysical teachings I’ve been studying for years.  This was simply another way to explore and express it, helping me perceive and experience life and the world in a much more unconditionally loving way.



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11 replies
  1. Geraldine Rabl
    Geraldine Rabl says:

    Dominique, truly amazing! Could look at it for days and still see, feel and sense something new. Thanks a lot!


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