Not your typical intuitive readings
Dive deep into your Divine Storytelling Time Package. These intuitive readings tap into your inner guidance.
The soul-nourishing story I channel for you becomes a tool in your self-discovery and decision-making process.
Yes, it’s entertaining, but that’s not all. As you play detective to decipher the symbols and messages in your story, you’ll be guided to take inspired action to get your life back into alignment with your True Self.
Your Divine Storytelling Time Package is a customized self-study guide for your transformational journey. The more you work with its recording, customized visual gifts and worksheets, the more you’ll grow.
Having trouble accessing your intuition to find direction?
Receive your intuitive readings from anywhere.
I work at a distance with your team of Divine Helpers, so it doesn’t matter where you live.
When I close my eyes and ask for guidance on your behalf, I then start “downloading” what looks like a Disney-Pixar movie in my mind’s eye.
Your story is filled with messages for you to decipher. I don’t give you the answers. You’re the best person to figure out what the storyline and symbols mean for you.
My style of intuitive readings will give you a chance to exercise your intuitive muscles to find clarity in your life.
Who Are They For?
Divine Storytelling Time Packages aren’t for those seeking to passively receive outside answers or predictions about the future.
They’re for those seeking to learn to work with their intuition in a fun way, knowing the answers lie within.
- individuals on a path of personal or spiritual growth seeking clarity & direction,
- couples seeking to work with messages from their combined teams of angels and guides,
- work teams looking to understand their chosen issue and solve problems in a fun and creative way.
Past Intuitive Reading Client Testimonial

“Honestly, working with Dominique was amazing! It was a very powerful experience that I highly recommend. So much of the imagery she created really resonated with me. Her visual gifts are lovely and she has an incredible talent at painting images and entire scenes for you with her words. Through her reading, Dominique was able to channel the answers I was looking for, showing me that they were deep within me all along.”
What You’ll Get
- The 60-minute recording of your channelled story
- instructions on how best to use the recorded reading
- a pdf workbook
- One downloadable print of your Spirit Calling Card reading
- As well as a custom digital visual art piece with the essence of your reading (to download/print)
- They’re not done in person or delivered in the usual Q & A style.
- approximately 4 hours are spent on my own as I connect with the energy of your Higher Self and Divine Helpers to “download” your reading and create your customized visual gifts.
- Your recording starts with an oracle card reading and then smoothly transcends into storytelling, like listening to a play-by-play of a fantastic movie filled with messages from your Guides.
- I collect the symbolism, but you tap into your intuition to decipher the messages, similarly compared to a detective game or a puzzle based on imagery.
What comes with your intuitive readings?
- Your reading comes with a workbook to help with the interpretation and come up with action steps, truly the most empowering step of the intuitive process and it’s up to you. No one is as qualified to understand symbols directed at you as you are. Although some symbols are universal, these journeys are filled with images that relate specifically to you, your feelings, your thoughts, and your life experiences.
This fun part of the process will help you:
– Connect with your Guides at a deeper level
– Trust your own intuitive skills
– Shift your inner and outer experiences.
- Re-listen to your reading whenever you have a major decision to make. Your guides have left clues, guidance, confirmation, and inspiration in the story that go far beyond the time of the reading.
- Work with it for years to come; the meaning will evolve as you do.
- The entire reading focuses on the highest version of your self. It does not address the details and drama of your current circumstances. It serves as a beacon to help you move forward.
Past Intuitive Reading Client Testimonial

“I cannot say in simple words how amazing this experience has been for me. Dominique’s Spirit Calling Cards gave me a mantra that resonates very clearly with me, helping me to move forward in my desire to grow into who I truly am. The audio recording is such a wonderful gift, something that offers new insights every time I listen to it. Dominique connected to a deeper part of me that I was unable to see on my own, and for that I am so grateful. This is more than just a reading. It’s a beautiful foundation to continue my own personal growth work.”
Try a Sample
Want to try a 6-minute sample before you invest?
Click here to see how to use my intuitive readings using the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life.
Order Yours
Let me know if you’d like an individual, couple, or group reading. In a few words, share your intention (general guidance or focus on one area in your life), but there’s no need to share details of your current situation.
Intuitive readings can be conducted at any time and from a distance.
We’re all connected through divine consciousness.
Your reading will be conducted with your team of Divine Helpers and email you your recording and bonus visual gifts to download. Then you will have material to work with for several hours, weeks, and months to come.
5 intuitive readings are slotted per week, so please don’t delay your booking!
There are no refunds on intuitive readings. Feel free to contact me with any of your questions and trust that your team of Divine Helpers will deliver exactly what you need for this chapter of your life.
Take a look at what others have to say about their experience – in the right sidebar.
Past Intuitive Reading Client Testimonial


” I have had various readings in the past and yours stands out. I will continue to be able to unfold layer upon layer of this information as I work through the worksheet and listen to the recording again. This has been a very lovely process. It really isn’t just a reading. It is a coaching process teaching the individual to trust self, turn inward and listen.”

“Where in this journey of symbols are the answers to the scheme? Listen to the images as the story unfolds into your heart. … Communication of the heart is not that of logical channels. It holds so much more depth, so much more information. It is worthy of explanation. It is worthy of exploration. It is worthy of learning to understand. It is in this source of heart-speak, we find ourselves with the power to be transformed beyond our imagination.”

” I was right there with you. …It makes so much sense, and I know exactly what the messages are, what they mean, etc. … It was powerful and exactly what Divine has been communicating with me of late. Thank you for being a conduit for those messages from Divine for me. I’m so grateful for your connection, your love and your acceptance of your being. … My Spirit Card reading and visual gift are so perfectly in alignment. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Wow Dominique! I feel as though it’s the story of my life! There’s the feeling of something important that I must uncover to find grace and peace. I look forward to being at the helm with the knowing and confidence of what I’m about as I’m guided onward without fear. Just amazing!”