Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

As I recover from my first ever bout of COVID, I’m grateful it wasn’t worse than it was and that it’ll soon be over.

There’s been so much to be grateful for this past year!  I’m spending a few moments every day in the days leading up to Canadian Thanksgiving reflecting on the many aspects of my life:

  • the people
  • the places
  • the events
  • my generally good health
  • the inspired projects
  • my collectors & supporters
  • the opportunities to stretch my comfort zones
  • the potential for even greater alignment with my True Self
  • my Team of Divine Helpers
  • my passion & purpose
  • all of it.

I invite you to join me – eyes open or closed – to just breathe in life around whatever you are thankful for.

May that gratitude then flower and spread through  your eyes, your smile, your words, your actions, and your energy in the world.

May this and every day be a prayer of thanksgiving.

Blessings and thanks,




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