From September 2013 to June 2014, I was a student at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art. During that time, I also studied for a month in Bali and was artist in resident in Italy for a week. See the “My Travels” category for those posts.

The Art Of Fundaising

Today marks the last official day of fundraising for my Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship Fund.  I’ve just received my last paycheque from Memorial University for my summer ESL teaching contract, and I’ll be receiving my last payment for one of the auction paintings later today.  After that, I have no income planned for my year as a student. Truth be told, I’ve gotten quite used to having “money flow my way each and every day” (one of the affirmations I sang as I walked to school these past 6 months).  Alas, that has come to an end, and now it is time for the funds to flow out for a year – all part of the plan.  Indeed, it’s as it is meant to be – just like the tides of this beautiful Atlantic Ocean I’ve been blessed to live next to for the past 27 months. I have successfully manifested the funds I needed and now it is time to put them towards those plans – it is simply the ebb and flow of this energy form called money.  The tides of change and money will continue as I live and breathe. All is well.

Last night I pulled 3 cards and received this message:

abundanceI have been very public about my latest Spirit Call and my fundraising needs as I follow my heart.  It only seems right, therefore, that I also share the results.  Part of me feared that this may seem like bragging or that “we shouldn’t talk about money, especially online for all to see”, but a bigger (or Higher) part of me trusts that this may serve as inspiration to anyone out there who has a dream and wants to make it happen. If I can inspire one person to listen to their inner guidance and live a life of greater meaning, so be it!  It’s the least I can do after having received such a gift from so many.

First, I’d like to reflect on how the Universe/God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.  When I first got the call to attend this visionary art school in Europe, the thought of fundraising $30,000 in 6 months for a 4-month sojourn overseas (and my remaining time in Newfoundland) was quite overwhelming.  If you’ll recall, I was sharing that with a friend in her car before yoga on the day I made my decision, but then walked in the studio to find one of the students wanting to buy one of my paintings hanging on the wall.  That’s when I knew I would be OK – it was the sign I needed (one of many in those first few days).  After that, I trusted I could raise that $30K with hard work and dedication.  It was only after I had exceeded that original goal that The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art changed their curriculum, leading me to decide that I needed to attend for a full year.  There’s no way I could have handled the the idea of raising $44,000 + 6 months living expenses in Canada before leaving had I originally thought I needed to be there for a year.  Once I could handle it, however, everything came into place.  It’s all part of the Divine Timing.

I did not raise the full $53,000 needed ($44,000 for a year in Europe and all associated costs of getting there)  + $9,000 (6 months of Cdn living expenses), but I came very close, and with the money I had my savings account, I will be able to live this experience debt free.  So far, that’s how I’ve managed to live my life, and I’d definitely like to keep it that way.  I must now trust that the next step on my journey after Vienna will replenish my empty bank account.  One step at a time, though. First, Vienna!

To some, my final numbers may not seem so impressive – there are plenty of folks out there used to 6-figure salaries.  What you need to understand, however, is that I moved to Newfoundland after a year devoted to exploring my art.  I then chose to live a lifestyle here that afforded me time to develop my art business in a new location from scratch while taking occasional ESL teaching contracts to finance my immediate needs.  I also chose to take the time to appreciate life and to discover this new province I quickly fell in love with.  Although I can’t imagine it now after 6 months of driven fundraising work, I actually had time to read 53 Newfoundland novels in my first 1.5 years here.  That gives you an idea of the wonderful life I had created for myself on this island.  So when I say that I managed to raise $46,586.15 in 6 months, that’s HUGE!!!

How did I do it?

1.  Donations: $1,771.42
First, I asked for help.  I got over my qualms and started sharing my dreams, my goals, my story with people in writing, one-on-one, and on stage in various venues.  Family and friends sent me money in the mail or handed me $20 bills after a spiritual retreat I was teaching at or in yoga classes.  It felt both strange and wonderful – I simply had to step out of my own way by being grateful instead of shy and embarrassed and to remain open as to where the necessary funds would come from.  My friend Cathy in Saskatoon organized a fundraising drum circle and sent me a cheque for $100.  My friend Cheryl organized a karma yoga class here in St. John’s and folks donated $205 towards my dream in addition to buying bookmarks, metallic prints, and oracle cards.  In total, I raised $1,771.42 in donations.  This includes a few of the crowdfunding cheques I received from those who didn’t want to pay online (I should have separated those in my records, but I didn’t). It does not reflect, however, the money I’m saving by house & cat-sitting this month or the generous donation-in-kind by Dr. Gillian Peters, who didn’t charge me for my yearly dental cleaning, check-up and x-rays.  Thank you all for your donations!

2.  Rockethub Crowdfunding: $4,357.11
( after I decided to go study in Vienna, a friend introduced me to the concept of crowdfunding in which people donate funds online towards a project in exchange for various thank you gifts.  This inspired the creation of a few new artistic offerings: screensavers, magnetic bookmarks, metallic prints, 55 full sets of Spirit Calling Cards, combo packages of these and custom Energy paintings.  This campaign ran from April 11- July 11. A lot of work and money went into producing the gifts and marketing the campaign, but it was all worth it.  I didn’t reach the full $11,111 goal set in that campaign and so Rockethub kept a 12% commission.  That’s OK – all part of the energy flow.  This campaign taught me so much about myself and people.  So much!  One of the many highlights was being commissioned to do 2 channeled energy paintings by the ocean in Bay Roberts – a very powerful and affirming experience. One of those was paid for by cheque and so that’s why the total above doesn’t reflect the total on the website.  Another highlight was creating my Spirit Calling Cards, which are a daily blessing in my life. Thanks to all who funded this campaign!  Hope you’re enjoying your thank you gifts!

3.  Lotto: $31
During my campaign, I bought 1 lottery ticket a month.  I did win, but not much. Still, I made a profit 🙂  Thanks Lotto 649!

4.  Tax return & HST:  $1,643.79
I counted every penny coming in and every penny going out during this campaign (as always – a habit I began in the 1990s in order to be conscious of the financial energy flow in my life and to make sure I was spending according to my priorities).  So I include my federal tax return and HST payments in my fundraising total.  Thank you Government of Canada!

5.  ESL Teaching Contracts:  $14,343.74
This is my total from teaching at Memorial University since the day I made my decision.  I worked much more than I would have ordinarily wanted to, and my boss generously asked me to do various other tasks in between sessions.  Thanks Janet for your support!

6.  Art Sales:  $21,554

  • a.  Art Business: $10, 633.20
    This includes full price sales during the many exhibitions I organized in town (Ebb & Flow, Shakti, Natural Health Shop, Whole Health, MUN Botanical Garden, Eastern Edge Gallery) and the fundraising art gala that my friend Leslie organized for her family & friends, where I sold many of my paintings.  It also includes the sales of magnetic bookmarks, metallic prints, and Spirit Calling Cards outside of the online crowdfunding campaign.  Last but not least, it includes the 3-day painting workshop I was hired to teach for Mental Health Week and a weekend spiritual retreat I taught at.  Thanks to all!
  • b.  Art to Go Auction/ Make Me An Offer Sale:  $10, 921
    This includes the sale of the 125 paintings and photographs on canvas that found a home during and immediately after my online auction at that started June 18 and ended August 1 with exhibitions in 6 locations. It was also part of an inner call to liquidate the amount of stuff I was leaving behind in NL to manage while overseas (a calling that later became clear when I decided to stay a year instead of the original 4 months).  So much work went into preparing, marketing, and managing this auction, which came into being when I realized that my other fundraising efforts wouldn’t finance my study plans.  I’m thrilled with the results! Not only did I raise a large part of what I needed, my art has been brought into the homes and businesses of my fans where they were meant to be.  Yay! Happiness all around.  I even got to help out 2 of my artist friends by asking them to join my last exhibition at The Sprout and the online auction.  That feels great too and their participation increased my benefits on many other levels too. That was fun! Thanks Lori, Sama, and St. John’s / Newfoundland!

7.  Garage Sales / Kijiji $2,885
This is a big shocker!  Always is. Every time I move, I have some form of garage sale, and it always amazes me.  This time I did it via Kijiji and Facebook as well as on my living room floor the weekend folks came to pick up their stuff.  The only big items I had were my bicycle, my collection of paraliminal CDs, and my art supplies – no furniture!  About half of what I made here was from many little things at cheap prices (or the ever so successful “pay whatever you want over $1, 2, or 5.” – “whatever you feel is fair”).  If you’re in fundraising mode, don’t neglect the opportunity to de-clutter. The universe abhors a vacuum.  By liberating what you don’t need or want anymore (and that someone else will treasure), you’ll open up energetic and physical space for what you need to come in.  And in the end, it feels good to give whatever doesn’t sell to friends and charity.  Thanks shoppers!

So that’s it – that was my 7-point plan to fundraising.  Wow!  Yes, I’m exhausted after 6 months of driving myself to my limit.  But I’ve succeeded, and I feel so very grateful about so very much – including what I’ve learned about myself in the process.  This includes my need to check in with myself about the energy I was putting out there – I found myself having trouble turning off “the marketer” and sometimes being in a “money-grabbing” state that halted the flow of incoming funds, reminding me to shift back to a state of trusting, letting go, and allowing.  This was definitely part of the hard work I had to do this year.

I also learned a few fundraising tricks.  One trick is definitely creating win-win situations in which everyone is happy – happy to contribute towards a cause, happy to bring home gifts they’ll cherish, happy to participate in an experience, etc.  Another is to totally let go of attachment.  For example, some of my artwork was purchased for less than I what I paid for in terms of supplies to create it … but it really didn’t matter. In the end, it added to my total, and I am so relieved that I don’t have to manage my art from overseas – all that in addition to my art having found appreciative homes for it.  Perfect!  Also, I’ve never really missed the stuff I’ve sold in garage sales in my life.  Some of what I felt moved to let go of this time surprised me, but it all became clear once I figured out I was meant to go to Vienna for a year and not 4 months.  Follow your intuition – trust your Self – it can see a much bigger picture than your day-to-day to-do list creator/follower and money manager.  In addition, I had to detach from what many in the artistic community felt about my auctioning off artwork at the cost of materials – as explained in an earlier blog, some felt sad and told me it seemed desperate.  It all comes down to perception – I was glad, and it fulfilled my needs – a real cause for celebration. It was all part of a creative financing plan that definitely was outside the box of “the arts”, “business practices”, etc., and I have no regrets!

So once again, my eternal gratitude to all those who contributed to my dreams in so many ways – those mentioned and unmentioned. None of this would have been possible without the support of family, friends,fans, and strangers in the many communities I have lived in.  I’m sure there’s so much more to share about this whole journey, but that may come with time and further reflection.

I hope that my openly reflecting on my abundance will be of some help to others.  Feel free to share this post with others.

To sum up, here’s the card reading I got this morning before starting this blog


P.S.  The 25 full sets of Spirit Calling Cards left (out of the 55 printed) are for sale at Ebb & Flow Boutique.

Total needed: $44,127.42 for Vienna + $9,000 for 6 months in Canada =$53,127.42
Total raised in 6 months from all sources: $46,586.15
Difference:  $6,541.26

What’s your dream? What wonderful life projects do you want to manifest?  Commit to something and be open to the creative ways you’ll be inspired to make it happen.  In my case, it required 6 months of heavy-duty planning and work.  That’s the route I chose, and I’m thrilled with the results.  Maybe next time I’ll win the lottery…

Love & Light,

Dominique Hurley
Art &

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A Change Of Plans … Mystery Revealed

There’s been a change of plans … The Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts announced yesterday that it has made some major curriculum changes that I agree are a great improvement for many reasons (both for the academy and its students).  Despite this, I’ve got mixed feelings about it all – and I recognize that these are entirely scarcity based (you’d think I’d be over that by now …).  So I’m writing this as part of my process of letting go.  On a deeper/ higher level, I knew this was coming, and it’s exciting to not have to wait to figure out why I’ve had a major urge to purge through garage sales and my art auction as well as to silently raise my original financial goals, which, at the onset, seemed huge.  As it turns out, I’ve been telling friends for a month now that I felt I was being prepared for something more than just a trimester away.  I didn’t know what it was, but I told them I was open to finding out.  Now that I know why, the bigger picture is so much clearer.

Let me explain.  If you’ll remember, I learned about the school through a series of synchronistic events that made it very clear that I was being called on a soul level to join the inaugural class.  At that time, figuring out the logistics (visas, housing, etc.) and finances for a single trimester seemed daunting.  Plus I didn’t really feel called to being there more than a trimester because of my health concerns about oil paints. So I decided that my main artistic goal was to focus on my drawing, which was their original program for the entire first trimester.  It will take at least 3 months of dedicated focus on this skill for me to undo the years of frustration and resistance.  Drawing is one of those things that I want to be good at AND be a natural at.  I quit ballet when I was 7 or 8 because they didn’t teach me to leap and fly within a few classes…  So the teaching staff (and I) will have their hands full with me 🙂 .  I also wasn’t attracted to the full-year program because the idea of spending a full year on the same painting didn’t really suit my personality and free-flowing intuitive painting style.

Now, however, drawing will only be done in the first month of each trimester, followed by a month of monochrome underpainting and a month of colour. Each trimester will result in 3 completed paintings based on a different theme, which makes the full-year program absolutely enticing (with Figure, Composition, Sacred Geometry,  Colour etc. for each theme):

  • Fall: The Humanist Style – The ‘Western’ Canon of Classical Greek & Renaissance Art
  • Winter: The Hieratic Style – The ‘Eastern’ Canon of Ancient, Islamic & Hindu-Buddhist Art
  • Spring: Combining the Humanist & Hieratic Styles in Contemporary Visionary Art
  • Special courses in the Promotion & Exhibition of the artist’s work are held at the end of each year.


So now I understand why I’ve been feeling that I’m being prepared for more than a trimester away.  Five months ago, when I started fundraising, there was no way that I could conceive of doing so for an entire year studying in Europe. I personally needed to take the baby step (grant it a big baby step) before taking the leap. Now that I’ve reached my original goal through part-time jobs, art sales, crowdfunding, garage sales, and the beginnings of the Art To Go Auction, which is going quite well with 2 weeks left, it seems that anything is possible.  I haven’t sat down yet to figure out numbers / a concrete new goal, but I’m now quite sure that being in Vienna a year (and remain debt free) is what I am meant to do.

For those of you in St. John’s, there are still over 50 of my paintings without bids on them in the Art To Go Auction – please tell your friends. For those of you anywhere and everywhere, I’m now selling my limited edition decks of Spirit Calling Cards (sold out). There are 43 sets left.  Know that you’re making my dreams come true and helping me live my life’s purpose of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love (even if I wasn’t fully aware of all the details of what I’ve been manifesting in my career as an artist – my prayers have obviously been heard).  Thank you!

When I pulled my cards this morning, asking about these changes in the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts’ curriculum, the “Flow” card jumped out while I was shuffling and, along with the 4 other cards I picked with my left hand, the hand of the subconscious, I have been advised to:

July 17I know myself. I’ll need a little while before committing to the full year program. My sense, however, as it was even a month ago, is that this is what is going to happen. Yesterday’s announcement simply helped me understand why.

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Sadness Begone – This is a Cause for Celebration

I was talking to another artist this weekend who said he was sad going through my auction site because everything was so cheap. As an artist, this was obviously hard for him to take. If any of you out there are feeling the same, please know that I’m not sad at all! Quite to the contrary, I’m feeling great! Let me explain.

It’s actually very freeing, very fulfilling to know that all my artwork will find good homes (that’s my goal, anyway) and that I won’t need to manage a huge collection from afar. It’s actually a huge relief! Plus, I’ve already gained such benefits from each and every painting in the very act of creating it. Now I’m exercising letting go, detachment, and it’s a lot of fun.

Yes, I agree, they were expensive to produce, and I’ve spent countless hours marketing, moving, exhibiting, etc., but it was all worth it on many levels. Plus, I’ve enjoyed an abundance of sales over the years and for those I am truly grateful as they helped me continue to paint. Now, I love the idea that when I get back, at whole new level as an artist (that’s also the plan), I will start fresh. I’ll be living in the NOW instead of managing the past. More than that, however, I love knowing that the many fans of my work who previously couldn’t afford it now can. I just hope the news of my auction reaches them.

I’m sure many in the art business wouldn’t advise doing what I’m doing for many good reasons, but I’m not following tradition or popular wisdom – I’m following an inner calling that has motivated me to find alternative ways of financing my dreams while giving back to the community. Now that’s uplifting! I trust in the process, and the support I have felt from friends, fans, hosting businesses, and strangers alike has been amazing! I’m learning so much! This is nothing to be sad about – it’s all cause for celebration – a win-win situation indeed!

By the way, I am now guaranteed to reach the financial goals I set for myself last winter and soon I’ll be off to study at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art, so join in my happiness and feel free to spread the news. Thanks.

Art To Go Upload

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Spirit Calling Cards – one of the Goods in my upcoming crowdfunding campaign

When I first told my friend Cheryl about my decision to attend a trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts and my need to raise funds for it, she told me about crowdfunding.  My research revealed that crowdfunding websites “provide Internet platforms which support the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money and other resources for projects initiated by other people”. I was very impressed by the multitude of art / social projects out there and the visible support they were gathering – just like with the art patrons of olden days, but on a mass scale.  In the modern version, patrons also receive Goods in exchange for their contribution, which is why I was inspired to create these “Spirit Calling Cards”.  I just finished writing the instruction sheet to go along with them, so I thought I’d share that here to give you a glimpse of the Goods that I’ll be giving through my crowdfunding campaign (April 11-July 11).  Feedback on it is welcome – just leave a comment.

spirit card combination

Spirit Calling Cards by Dominique Hurley

In January 2013, I handmade a set of 14 index cards with a word and small photo that I used to make up sentences and affirmations to guide me on my day. I was so inspired by them that when it came time to think of what Goods I would offer supporters of my “Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship” crowdfunding campaign, I felt moved to create 2 decks of 44 cards – one based on my photography and one on my paintings. These can be used separately or combined.

Why did I name them “Spirit Calling Cards”?  For years, I have referred to the strong guiding messages I have received as my Spirit Calls (from my Higher Self, intuition, God, Great Spirit – whatever name or concept you are comfortable with). These Spirit Calling Cards are two-way communication tools that facilitate the asking for and receiving of such Calls.  First, they’re a way for you to tune into that source of guidance, just as you would use a calling card to connect by phone with loved ones around the world.  Second, they’re a way for your source of inspiration to announce its presence, much like the calling cards used by visitors of olden days.

painting deck shot

How to use them:

Feel free to use these cards in any way you feel moved.  I’ll outline a few options here. I recommend using your left hand to pick cards as it’s the hand of your subconscious/ intuition.

1 – Spontaneous Sentences/Affirmations:

Pick a number of cards (8 or more) for your week.  Quickly combine them every day in different ways to find inspirational messages.  With my original 14, for example, I was able to create seemingly endless combinations every day for 6 weeks.  The trick is to not think about it too much while you’re placing them together.  Reflection about their meaning / messages comes afterwards – in meditation, journaling, etc.  Note: you’ll need to change the parts of speech as needed (nouns to verbs, verbs to adjectives, etc.) and add little words like a, the, with, etc.

For example, on one day, I made up:

  • “Contemplate the flow of love in your life”
  • “Be trusting of the spirituality that guides your imagination towards the light”
  • “Unite with the creativity that nourishes an abundance of beauty”

And on another:

  • “Create union by trusting love”
  • “Be the spiritual light”
  • “Flow with the guidance you receive in contemplation”
  • “Imagine beauty and you’ll nourish abundance”

2 – Daily Picks:

Shuffle and pick 3-5 cards to make up one affirmation/guiding sentence for that day.

3 – Question & Answer:

Focus on a question while you shuffle and pick a card. Journal about the guidance you feel it’s giving you – feel free to write in the voice of your source of guidance (ie: a letter from your Guardian Angel)

4 – Past, Present, and Future:

Shuffle and pick 3 cards to help you understand a particular situation.  The first on the left will show you your past in relation to the situation, the second your present purpose/mindset, and the third your future.  Reflect about your journey.

5 – Whole Being Perspective:

Ask for guidance on a particular issue and pick a card with your right hand to show you how your action oriented left-brain is perceiving it. Next, with your left hand, pick a card to show you how your intuitive right brain is perceiving it. Then pick a third card to show you how to synergize both sides.

6 – Message of Love:

Tune in to your source of guidance and to a loved one.  Ask to be given a message of love for them and gift it to them by letter, email, phone, etc.  Have fun discussing the possible interpretations and timing for the message. It beats talking about the weather…

7 – Team Brainstorming:

Use them in a group setting (yes, try them at work) and have each member of a group pick between 3-5 cards while focusing on your goal/ challenge, etc. Have them each make up sentences and brainstorm about their meaning.  Members can do this alone in writing first or more spontaneously out loud as what one member says may enlighten another on their contribution.

8 – Relationship Building:

Couples, friends, parent/children, etc. can use them to connect to each other on a deeper level.  They make great conversation openers that help people get past the banalities of life and into really seeing, hearing, accepting, and loving another person’s true Self.  This can be accomplished in a game fashion (pick 5 cards and explain how it relates to your day) or on a common question / feeling / etc.  (How is this challenging situation an opportunity for us to grow?).

The ways in which you use these are limitless and may evolve with time.  You can also find many different tarot card spreads explained on the Internet.

May these cards enhance your calls to Spirit & Spirit’s calls to you.

photo deck shot

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The Guideposts Along the Way

How did I arrive at my decision to register for the inaugural fall trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts?  Some have asked, and so I’ll do my best to answer here.  I’m sure this has been a lifetime (or more) in the making, but here are some of the more recent guideposts.

First, people have been encouraging me to join Facebook for years … but I was scared that it would go against my ongoing efforts to simplify my life.  Had I never joined Facebook, however, I don’t know if the Universe would have found another way to inform me of this brand new school that I’m obviously meant to attend – I’d like to think that it would, but that it didn’t need to because it gradually led me into letting go of my resistance to being a part of the Facebook world.

You see, in the recent past, Facebook came out with their Pages to help businesses network with their clients – something that was in line with my priorities as an emerging artist in Newfoundland.  I soon found out that with just a Page, I could avoid some of the challenges I had feared while taking baby steps into social networking.  Interestingly, I did experience some frustration at the fact that I couldn’t explore the Facebook Energism Art Group that a fellow artist in Saskatoon had told me about when she informed me that there was a whole movement of artists out there with a similar purpose and energetic feel to their work. Joining groups is something only individual members can do – not business Pages. My curiosity was peaked, but still, that wasn’t enough for me to join.  Fear is a powerful thing…

Then, in January, I went to pick up an order of supplies at a local art shop and my friend Leslie, who gave me a ride, wanted to browse, so I did too (I’m not a browser, so that was unusual).  My eye caught sight of the book “Brave Intuitive Painting” by Flora Bowley, an artist whose process is very similar to mine. This was the kind of book I would have liked to have written– even some of the chapter titles were some that had been brewing in my mind and in my workshops.  When I found out she offered an e-course, I told one of my blog-followers in Hawaii about it since she had expressed disappointment that my workshops had been so far.  She immediately signed up.  At this point, I was extremely busy and so I didn’t even explore the e-course website, but I did contact the artist to thank her for her book and to tell her of the synchronicities.  Between her replies and my reading about the course, I ended up signing up and what an incredible journey that was (recorded on Facebook). To be able to network with my Bloom True classmates though, I needed to join Facebook as an individual, so this time I did (and my years of fear around that led to some weird technical challenges and a few stressful nights, but I’m over most of that now).  Just to let you know, I activated the settings that block “friend” requests in order to not be too overwhelmed all at once.  Instead, I focus my Facebook time on the “Energism Art” and “Bloom True E-Course” groups, and now also on the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts private group, where I’m getting to know my future classmates and getting tips before moving to Austria for 4 months.  There are days when Facebook consumes several hours of my precious time, but it’s worth it, and I’m slowly learning how to filter what’s not needed or desired.  Life is truly an ongoing opportunity to grow, learn, and “feel the fear and do it anyway”.  So that’s my journey into Facebook, which led to my finding out about the school.

OK – let’s put Facebook aside as I bring in the magical world of vision boards.  As the year started, I made a consciously planned Vision Board outlining my priorities for the year.

vision board 2Looking at it daily was instrumental in my joining the Bloom True E-Course, a decision I’ll never regret.  My art is my passion and my continued learning in that field is a top priority.  The visual reminders of that helps to make decisions in line with those priorities.  A few weeks later, my friend Corie asked to have another vision board gathering like I had organized in 2012, and so we got together and this time I created an intuitive board – the kind that gives no time or space for thinking and planning, and the type I’ll be teaching at the upcoming Body, Mind, and Spirit Retreat.  As you can see in this photo, there’s a strong focus on creativity, learning, and health.

vision board3After putting it all down on paper, I was able to interpret most of it readily to my friends …. all except one bit of text in the top right, under one of my photos of pelicans flying off into a dreamscape.  It says: “I don’t predict, I invent, I am a visionary”.  One thing you need to understand is that the term Visionary Arts was not one I used or was very conscious of, despite the fact that my main tarot deck was created by a Visionary Artist.

Ok – back to Facebook.  One day, someone posted a notice in the Energism Art Group that the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts was publically launching on that day.  I followed the link, which led to chills down my spine and total awe at the teachers’ artwork and references to the sacred and beautiful.  For a week, thoughts of it would pop into my mind at the oddest times and a growing excitement in every cell of my body was sending clear messages.

Despite these feelings, however, I was experiencing some confusion on an intellectual level.  To begin with, I had spent an increasing amount of time being an artist since I moved to Newfoundland almost 2 years ago, and so the school’s 2 & 3 year diploma programs were way out of my budget.  In addition, their focus on oil paints (which are more toxic than acrylics), and on working meticulously on 1 painting for a whole year did not particularly attract me.  My current art flows from a much more spontaneous intuitive style which leads to highly prolific painting spurts.  Figuring all this out simply required a few more hours of research and some emails back and forth with Florence, the very helpful and friendly school administrator.  You see, their first trimester will be all about drawing, sacred geometry, and acquiring visions through energy work.  This does appeal!  Finally, I will learn to draw after years of frustratingly “trying” (even tracing out my simple yoga tree silhouettes causes me challenges)…  But more than the drawing, there is something about spending a few months with this group of people that is calling me.  As my friend Kim told me, this is a lot more than about drawing  – I could learn that here…

I told Kim about my decision the night that I had committed to it in my mind.  We were in the car outside of yoga class.  Of course I expressed my concerns about the finances of such a project (something I had calculated would require raising $30K in 6 months).  The moment we entered the yoga studio, however, I noticed a student looking at the artwork on the wall and before I knew it, she had bought a small painting.  To me, that’s a sign – I sometimes go months without selling something, so this was no coincidence.  Someone had also left money for me after purchasing some of the magnetic bookmarks I have for sale there.  I felt my decision was being clearly supported!  On the way home from class, I checked my emails and found another confirming sign.  A workshop leader from 2 years before was contacting me because she wanted to chat about the impact of her Hawaii “Communing with Dolphins” retreat on my artwork because her upcoming workshop was aimed at visionary artists. Definitely another sign.

So I paid my deposit on tuition and housing within days (helping me feel totally committed), and then I started working on my fundraising plans, all the while spending 3-5 hours a day on my Bloom True e-course on top of teaching English Second Language. 2013 has been a hoppin’ year so far!

So how did I arrive at my decision to go to Vienna?  That was mostly the job of my right brain – the intuitive, receptive side of me.  I have developed a strong awareness and trust in the messages I receive from my Higher Self/ God / The Universe (I use many names). Basically, I’ve learned to hear and answer the Spirit Calls.  How will I make it happen? That’s in part the job of my left-brain – the action and goal-oriented side of me that will work in unison with my creative self that is manifesting the support I need on this path. Luckily, I’ve spent a lot of time developing both the right and left sides of my brain in this lifetime– not always in a balanced or harmonious way, but that’s all part of the learning.  My biggest lesson yet, however, is that things always work out best when it’s the heart/intuition that leads and the pragmatic action-self that follows.  It’s not about forcing things though (a lesson I’m still learning) – it’s about knowing when to act on what needs to be acted on…. even when that meant joining Facebook 🙂

OK … long enough for one post, eh?  “I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter.” Blaise Pascal

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Spirit Calls Again… and I’m answering

The last time I received a strong inner call to move was over 2 years ago when my intuition guided me to Newfoundland.  It’s no wonder, therefore, that I’ve come to trust these Spirit Calls – my time here has been so fulfilling on all levels, and I plan to return after I answer this latest calling to study for a trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts in Austria in the Fall.

I found out about the school the day it was publicly launched on the Internet – the online gallery of the teachers’ work and description of their purpose sent chills through my entire being.  The following few days brought many undeniable signs confirming my initial intuitive guidance. I’ve since paid my tuition and housing deposits. I’m committed!

Their first trimester will be totally focused on drawing the human figure, sacred geometry, and seeking inner images through visualizations and visionary healing modalities. I’ve wanted to draw, but have been unsuccessful at it my whole life, building resistance and lots of frustration. The upside of that has been to develop my photography skills and to use photo gel transfers instead in my work – there’s a reason for everything.  I’m now ready, however, to focus on developing drawing skills so that I can integrate that more into my art.  Doing so with a group of like-minded artists whose purpose is to express through the beauty of the sacred will be such a blessing.  I know my intuition has guided me there for much more than just learning to draw – I could do that here – so I look forward to experiencing the reasons I’m meant to be there as I once again embrace the mystery and take the leap of faith.

This means raising over $30K in the next 5 months through art sales, ESL teaching contracts, and grass-roots fundraising efforts (details to come as plans evolve) to cover the costs of tuition, flights, visas, health insurance, student residence housing, living expenses, school supplies, etc. and my time here in St. John’s before I go and upon coming back.

So if you were ever considering buying one of my paintings or photographic prints (or another one), now is a great time.   You can see my work on my website or live in St. John’s at The Natural Health Shop, Ebb & Flow Boutique, Whole Health, Shakti Yoga Studios, the Craft Council Gift Shop, and Newfoundland Canvas.

I will announce further win-win fundraising plans as they evolve.  At this point, I wanted to share this happy news with you.


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