Here are some of my photography projects and outings.

Tune In #20: Can You See the Connection?

Today’s intuitive exercise is all about the relationship between things. Can you see the connection? Tune in.

  • Pick the photo that attracts you most and ask your Self “What is it telling me about my life?”
  • Contemplate your image before reading the text below.
  • Journal before and after to go even deeper.

Tune In 20-Can you see the connection?

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#1 – Life

"Life" from the Connection Collection

Have you seen the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?”

There’s a scene featuring Dr. Emoto’s work that had a profound impact on the way I talk to myself.

It showed how positive words, prayers and music transformed distilled water into beautiful water crystals when frozen. On the other hand, negative words created disfigured crystals.

If 90% of your body is water, what are your words and thoughts doing to you? What do you see and say when you look in the mirror?

Words and thoughts are energy. There’s a relationship between your health on all levels and your self-perception.

So take a few minutes and truly look at yourself in the mirror through the eyes of your soul. Then shower yourself with love. If habitual criticisms creep up, gently smile and love yourself even more.

Then expand from there.  Who are you thinking or talking about negatively – to their face, behind their back or in the “privacy” of your own mind?

You’re a powerful being. Let your love flow, and know that it’s transforming the world for the Highest Good of the planet.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Renewal

"Renewal" from the Connection Collection

Do you think of yourself as small in the big scheme of things?

It’s true you’re one of 7 billion people on the planet.

It’d be easy to lose you if you were alone in the Rocky Mountains or in the crowds of downtown Tokyo.

But that doesn’t mean you’re not making a huge difference. The very fact you were born has affected countless lives.

Whether in your personal or professional life, your actions and ways of being are constantly transforming the realities of those around you.

Your words may have comforted a friend. Your smile to a stranger may have saved his life. Your purchase may have kept a budding entrepreneur afloat. Your idea may have inspired others. Your self-expression may have brought joy, love, laughter, beauty into the world.

Can you begin to fathom how different the world would be if you’d never been born? What would your version of the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” look like?

Knowing this is a powerful motivator to continue doing and being what nourishes your soul and therefore feeds others.

Take a few minutes to reflect on how your life has made a difference from childhood on.

When you acknowledge and appreciate your own worth, you add energy to your step.

If you’re ever feeling complacent or wondering if your efforts are worthwhile, remember that you’re magnificent in the eyes of the Creator and the hearts of so many you’ve met on your Path.

So renew your faith in yourself. If you’re here, it’s for a reason. How will you choose to make a difference today?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Namaste

"Namaste" from the Connection Collection

“(A)ll things appear and disappear because of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. Wherever there is light, there is shadow; wherever there is length, there is shortness; wherever there is white, there is black.”
The Teachings Of Buddha, by Bukkyo Dendo Kyonkai

Do you believe that everyone you encounter is both a mirror and a teacher?

Isn’t it wonderful when your love is reflected back at you in the pleasantness of your of perceptions and judgments of others?

How great is it when you can learn the lessons they offer with ease and grace?

But some people are more like petty tyrants. They have the uncanny ability to irritate and annoy you no matter what they say or do. Do you have anyone like this in your life now?

These people torment you. It seems impossible not to take what they say or do personally.

They bring you face to face with your limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotional reactions in a way that forces you do something.

The question is what. You have a choice. You can use your energy to lash out or to change whatever it is inside you that has disconnected you to your own peace.

How different would your life be if you saw everyone as a gift. By unwrapping that gift, you open yourself up to lessons of growth and love, including the self-love necessary to step away from abusive relationships.

Be grateful for your petty tyrants. Observe how they affect you and use that information to love yourself and others more deeply – even your petty tyrants. They probably need it most of all…

By changing yourself, you change the world.

“Namaste” – the Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Mystical Realm

"Mystical Realm" from the Connection Collection

Why do you think you were attracted to this image?

Was it because of the contrast between light and dark?

Artists and designers know that the eye is drawn to where there’s the greatest contrast.

It’s the same in life. It’s from contrast that you create focus for your intentions and attention.

We live in a world of contrast to help us choose.

When you’re experiencing something you don’t want, you become more aware of what it is you do want. This creates the momentum to manifest that in your life.

Sure, it’d be wonderful if your Light were constantly glowing at full force into the world. That’s enlightenment. But if you’re like me, you’re not there yet.

So for now, appreciate the role that contrast has in this mystical realm called life.

Are you more aware of your good days because of your “bad” days?

Light against dark and dark against light. It’s beautiful. It’s necessary. It draws you in so that it can reflect right back at you.

Take a look at your life.  What dark parts of your history have gifted you with the ability to shine your Light in your uniquely beautiful way today?

Then keep on shining! You’re radiant!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Can You See the Connection?

I’d love to hear how your image choice supported you in any way. Please share in the comments below.

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Tune In #19: Are You a Wallflower?

Are you keeping yourself small or staying on the sidelines of your own life? Are you a wallflower?

Tune in! Pick the photo that attracts you most.

Contemplate it to feel its advice on how to show up more fully in one or more areas of your life.

Then, scroll down to discover extra layers of meaning. Always take what serves you and leave the rest.

Tune In 19-Are You a Wall Flower

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#1 – Wellness

"Wellness" from the Blossoming Collection

It’s time to dance, skip, swim, or make love!

Move in that lovely body of yours in ways that make you happy.

Have you been putting your wellness on the back burner because your work or kids seemed more important?

Has your relationship to your Self, your partner, your friends suffered because the busy-ness of life took over?

Have you rationalized your way out of your own groove?

Movement raises your vibration by inviting Life Force, through your breath, to circulate through your body, soothing your mind and spirit too.

Exercise can be fun. Find what works for you.

If you can, start your day with a few minutes of movement to wake you up to your healthy happy Self.

Then incorporate it in your day.

Park a few blocks from work and walk the rest. Run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.  Start a lunchtime yoga or dance club with your co-workers. Join in for some backyard play with the kids. Go hiking with friends.

Whatever you do, don’t put your wellness on the back burner. You’re worthy of wellness. Claim it!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Open

"Open" from the Blossoming Collection

The life of a hibiscus flower is short. But what a difference it makes to those who witness its delicate beauty, drink its flavourful teas, or heal of its medicine.

What difference is your life making to those around you right now? How is your being here serving the world?

Here’s a great exercise I learned from the author/educator/businessman Stephen Covey to bring more of your Self into your life.

Imagine your own funeral. What would you like someone to say about you in your eulogy? How do you want them to remember your contributions in both your personal and professional life?

Vanity won’t matter once you’ve transitioned, so your answers will likely reflect the truth of your purpose and passion.

By starting with the end in mind, you can start working towards the truth of your essence.

Be more and do more of what you want to be remembered for. And be less and do less of what you’d rather no one say about you.

How can your unique voice add to the symphony of life?

Shine your beauty, dear one.  We need it!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – In Passing

"In Passing" from the Blossoming Collection

Go ahead, get glamorous!

Dress the way you want to feel.

You’re a fascinating, sensuous, colourful person.

So dress that way.

Are you hiding in your clothes?

Are industry standards suffocating you?

Does your hairdo need a make-over? Are you still doing your make-up the same way you did 20 years ago out of habit?

This isn’t about dressing for others or pretending to be something you’re not. It’s about being your True Self on the outside as well as the inside.

Have fun! Play dress-up until you find your perfect fit.  When you do, your radiance will naturally turn heads.

Let your clothes, hair, jewelry reflect your unique presence on this planet – even if it’s to go to the grocery store.

And if nothing in your wardrobe speaks your language, visit boutiques and thrift stores to find something new-to-you that reflects your Magnific-Essence.

In passing, you’re gorgeous. I see you. Now show yourself!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Softness

"Softness" from the Blossoming CollectionWhether you’re a man or a woman, you’ve got both a masculine and feminine side.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being asked to honour and express your feminine side more.

Like it or not, this is still a masculine left-brain dominant world – at least here in North America. Learning to favour your masculine side is applauded in this society.

I didn’t even know I was doing it until an intuitive told me my right-brain was shrinking…. “Do something creative Dominique – anything – cut paper dolls!”.

Many have had to wear masks or ignore half of themselves in order to succeed. They’ve learned to only show strength and focus on goals, planning, control, actions, and results.

Where’s your feminine side? Has your right-brain been neglected?

This isn’t about dissing the left brain or masculine side. It’s about balance.

Do you need to soften up in the way you express or present yourself to the world?

Would you and those around you benefit from a more nurturing, creative, intuitive, spontaneous approach?

Do you need to enjoy the journey as well as the destination? Life isn’t all about work. You need to play and take holidays to rejuvenate and connect.

Don’t let your femininity be a wall flower. Bring your whole self to all areas of your life.

Here are some ways to nurture your feminine side:

  • contemplation
  • self-expression,
  • opening up about your feelings
  • time in nature
  • creative projects
  • play (cooperative vs. competitive)

So how can you be softer with yourself, others, and the projects in your life?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

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Tune In #18: Knock on Wood

Have you ever said “Knock on wood!” after sharing your good luck or hopes for the future? Did you actually touch wood to avoid tempting fate or attracting bad luck? Your head doesn’t count…

Where do such phrases come from? In this case, I’m not surprised to find out that it had something to do with the good spirits that people believed lived within trees and forests. I certainly feel more connected, protected, grounded, and alive in their presence. Don’t you?

Want to find out what the trees are saying to you? Tune in! Pick the photo that attracts you most today.

Then, scroll down to find out what it means.

Tune In 18: Knock on Wood

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

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#1 -Curiosity

"Curiosity" from the Treedom Collection

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but where would we be without it?

Curiosity has led great minds into the mysteries of life and the Universe.

It’s also key to finding your own purpose and passion on your Path to your Highest Good.

Life is so much more interesting when you live it with a childlike sense of curiosity and wonder. You’re open, you’re aware, you’re awake and connected to everyone and everything around you. You’re present!

You become more accepting of differences and less set in your ways.

By exploring the possibilities, intricacies, opportunities, and diversities, you have a better chance at truly understanding what resonates with your essence and what doesn’t.

Curiosity is your ticket to authentic living.

You become clearer about who you are: your likes, dislikes, strengths, passions, etc.

What are you curious about? What’s your spirit calling you to explore?

Make time for it this week. Book a date with your Self. Mark it in your calendar and have fun.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.


"Glowing" from the Treedom Collection

Two slides   (remember those?) of the same  scene were sandwiched together to create this image. The first was in focus and at the correct exposure. The second was blurry and open to the light longer. It’s what’s called an Orton slide sandwich.

I did this to add a glow and motion to the photograph. Doesn’t it feel more alive?

The same thing happens when you add layers of Light and perception to your experiences.

If you always look at the same thing in the same way, you’re bound to stay stuck in the same place.

If you soften your gaze and open your heart, however, you’ll connect to the energy behind the object of your focus.

Reality isn’t as it seems.

There’s so much more to the people you meet, places you visit, books you read, etc.

Don’t be so literal with everything. Open up to the metaphors of life. Connect with the essence of the moment. Be in the energy by recognizing your Light and the Light of others.

You’ll see – everything will seem more alive and in motion.

Enjoy the glow!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Awareness

"Awareness" from the Treedom Collection

Do you know why your life is the way it is?

Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality.

If you grew up believing that money doesn’t grow on trees, you may be operating with a scarcity mentality.

If you suppressed your emotions as a child, your body, mind, or spirit may be suffering the consequences today.

If you persist in believing that people don’t like you, they won’t.

It’s as if you were constantly broadcasting your requests to the world through your belief system and emotions. And the Universe was answering by bringing to you what you asked for.

It’s so important to become aware of what you’re broadcasting. Don’t beat yourself up about it though. There’s no use smashing the radio… just change the station.

Look into mindset tools and coaching in the areas you feel need it the most: abundance, relationship, etc.

Be grateful that you’re now aware of your power as a manifestor.

Do what you need to raise your vibration and be happy. Like attracts like. Be what you want to have in the world.

If you want to be richer, be more generous. If you want to be liked, keep your judgments in check. If you want to have fun, play. If you want to be loved, love.

As above so below. As within, so without.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Forgiveness

"Forgiveness" from the Treedom Collection

“Forgiveness is the economy of the heart… forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.” Hannah Moore

Is there something you haven’t forgiven yourself for? What about others?

Are you keeping yourself prisoner by refusing to forgive someone for their perceived wrongdoings?

Who or what first came to mind as you read that?

Humans make mistakes. Although it’s hard to believe at times, everyone is doing the very best they can in that moment – your parents and yourself included.

If you picked this mystical mirrored forest, then you’re being invited to elevate your spirit by leaving your grudges behind.

Don’t let them fester and rot inside you. Let them go and set yourself free.

It doesn’t matter if the other person is aware or accepts your forgiveness. Trust that it’s making an energetic difference in your relationship. The true gift is the one you’re giving yourself.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Did your treedom bring good luck?

What’s one way your choice of treedoms helped open you up to a better future? I’d love to know. Add your comments below.

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Tune In #17: Connect the Dots

Sometimes, it’s only in hindsight that we can connect the dots. By looking back, we see how our lives have been guided, helping us trust our intuition and take leaps of faith when they’re called for.

  1.  Start by asking your Higher Self and team of Divine Helpers:  “How have you guided me so far?”
  2. Then pick the image that attracts you most. Tune in! Contemplate your photo first without reading the messages below. What is it telling you about your life so far?
  3. Then, scroll down to find out extra layers of meaning to help you connect the dots on your Path to your Highest Good.

Tune In 17-Connect the Dots

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#1 – Mystic Vision

"Mystic Vision" from the Connection Collection

When I create digital art by mirroring an image, something magical happens down the centre line, where identical parts join in perfect symmetry.

Can you see how the frosty ice crystals on my backlit window at night form an angel near the bottom?

It’s as if the connection of two identical halves into a whole created new and mystical designs.

Similarly, miracles happen in our lives when we re-unite with Source (or whatever term you use).

Actually, I believe that we’re always spiritually connected – created in the image of God and housing God energy within us. We’re a microcosm of the macrocosm. We just lose our awareness of it because of all the noise – internal and external.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could stay aware of our connection to Divine Oneness all day, every day?

When have you felt it?  Maybe it was during morning meditation, holding your newborn for the first time, or facing the natural wonders of the world?

Experiencing it is a blessing. But remembering it is near impossible once the busy-ness of your day starts. Life takes us away from our Selves and Source – stress is like static on your direct line of communication.

Don’t worry. There’s help. Call upon the angels to bridge the perceived gap between you and the Creator. They’re here to marry your energies if the chasm seems to big to jump on your own.

Angels are a part of almost every religion. We’ve all got them. Because of free will, however, it’s important to ask for their help. They’re here to support your soul-driven requests.

According to Doreen Virtue, world angel expert, we were all born with guardian angels and we can call upon more when needed. I’ve certainly experienced this. Have you? Can you think of a few examples where you asked angels for help and were amazed at the results?  What do you need help with now?

Different archangels can be called upon for protection, healing, harmonious relationship, etc.  Groups of angels such as the abundance angels and romance angels are happy to join your team of Divine Helpers for specific projects.

Trust that the angels are here to help you remember your Divine Oneness, creating magic and mystical designs in your day. The best stuff happens along that center line where the Light in you reflects the Light of the Universe. Angels are here to help you do that. Ask and you shall receive.

#2 – Visit

"Visit" from the Connection Collection

You have sailed through life like a boat upon the ocean.

What gifts have you left behind in your wake?

List 5 of your greatest accomplishments. It’s not important if others acknowledged your success. How do YOU feel you’ve made a difference in the world?

These could be in your personal life: raising a happy child, overcoming addiction, achieving the perfect work/life balance, etc. They could also be in your professional life: designing a successful course curriculum, hiring the perfect staff, winning some award, etc.

Now for each of these, reflect on how your Team of Divine Helpers supported you in these efforts.

Did an earth angel in the form of a nurse, new friend, or pet appear in your life to help you surmount a challenge?

Did a series of synchronicities put you at exactly the right place at the right time for a life-changing position?

Did your community’s prayers lead to a miracle?

Did your intuition lead you to making a career change that now allows you to better spread your gifts into the world? It may have come through subtle messages or, if those weren’t heard, through stronger messages like unhappiness or disease.

By acknowledging the various ways your Team of Divine Helpers communicate with you and support you, you increase your awareness and receptivity to their presence in your life.

You’re not alone. You’re never alone. May this exercise help you uncover how blessed you truly are and what a blessing you are in return.

#3 – Messenger

"Messenger" from the Connection Collection

Intuition is a muscle. You need to exercise it.

Paying attention to your environment for answers to your questions is a great way to help you tune in to your very own messenger service.

Everything has meaning. Then again, nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. You’re the very best one to interpret the symbolism that appears for you when you’re seeking for guidance. Cultural and universal symbolism are helpful, but always check in with your heart to decipher the messages left all around you all the time.

Have you ever felt the presence of a deceased loved one in the appearance of a bird or butterfly?

Has a song on the radio carried a message to you with divine timing?

Do your messengers speak to you through dimes found on the street or tools like oracle cards?

Does one of your daily email services always send you the perfect message for your day?

Do your answers come in dreams?

There are so many channels through which your intuition speaks. Figure out which has been the strongest for you and keep exercising that muscle.

The more attention you pay your messengers, the easier it’ll be to hear / see / feel / know / smell /and taste their guidance.

If you’d like to learn more about my 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life, take the time to watch this 75-minute free tutorial.

#4 – Mindfulness

"Mindfulness" from the Connection Collection

This image was created by layering a photo of the horse’s head and a motion shot of its tail.

But there’s so much more in between.

Do you spend too much time in your head? Are you stuck on the past or worried about the future?

Can you think of a time when things broke down in your body and life because you weren’t paying attention? The messages may have been coming in, but you weren’t receiving them.

Your body speaks. It gives you clear yes and no messages about people, circumstances, and choices.

How aware are you of your body, emotions, and environment around you?

Our intuition speaks as taps on the shoulder – quiet messages through our senses.  But if you don’t hear them, you just might get a helpful 2 by 4 that wakes you up to what’s going on inside and around you. It’s best not to let it go that far.

Mindfulness is achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It’s a mental state that brings you right into the here and now and opens your intuitive channels.

The more aware you are of the present, the better you can manage your health and happiness.

There’s lots you can do to improve your mindfulness:

  • focus on your breath for a minute
  • close your eyes and scan your body from head to feet
  • listen to a new piece of music without judgment
  • sit in nature and simply observe – notice everything!
  • walk through your home with a spirit of appreciation for the big and small blessings
  • really pay attention while doing something you do every day like brushing your teeth, driving, or opening a door
  • practice yoga or meditation to increase your body and mind awareness

The more you practice the more present you’ll be. What a gift!

Did You Connect the Dots?

Which image spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the photo or text helped you connect the dots. Name one inspired action you’re going to take because of it.

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Tune In #16: Your Transformation Revolution

Tune In 16: Transformation Revolution“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” Marianne Williamson

Want to find out what your role is in the transformation revolution? Tune in!

Which of these 4 photographs attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out how you can make a difference through personal transformation.

Feel free to add your own interpretation to the image before even looking at the messages below.

You’re truly the best to figure out why you feel called to a particular life-enhancing energy-infused image.

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#1 – Blessings

"Blessings" from the Transformation Collection

It’s not only women who have the prerogative to change their minds. It’s OK to change your colours. It’s part of human nature.

Every morning when you wake up, you’re different than you were the day before.

Your experiences, blessings, challenges, and reflections have altered your inner reality and your experience of your outer reality.

Nothing in life is constant but change itself.

Even your body becomes entirely new every 7 years as your cells get replaced by new ones.

So isn’t it natural that your old belief systems, patterns, opinions, preferences, and even commitments might change?

Because you’re essentially a different person than you were before, it’s important to re-evaluate your choices.

Transformation is a blessing. Life would be boring if you were stagnant in your ways of being and doing.

The same goes with those close to you. Please don’t expect your partner, for example, to be exactly as they were yesterday. You’re literally waking up beside someone new every morning.

Have fun discovering who that is and who you are – on your own and in relationship to each other. Grow together on the path of constant personal transformation.

According to Dr. Greg Baer of,

“Real Love is caring about the happiness of another person without wanting anything in return.”

This means that unconditionally loving your partner, friends, and family members can mean letting them go if their personal transformation journey leads them away from you.

Hanging onto anything too tightly will suffocate it. Encourage growth by connecting to what your beloveds truly need.

Don’t be afraid of change in yourself or others.

Be grateful for the blessings of this day and seek the blessings at every step of the journey. They’re always there if you look for them.

#2 – Layers

"Layers" from the Transformation Collection

Every layer of experience, emotion, desire, lessons learned, and more have made you who you are today.

This is why there’s no one else exactly like you. Your beauty is exceptional. Your blend of talents and skills is unique. Your ways of being and doing are distinctive.

Like one of my intuitive paintings. you’re evolving layer after layer. Although the previous layers may be hidden, they still energetically affect the final work of art.

As an ever-evolving multi-layered being, it’s important for you to understand the effects of the underlying layers of your life.

How is your past still affecting you today?

As Dr. Gabor Maté writes in his book “When the Body Says No – The Hidden Costs of Stress”,

“A major contributor to the genesis of many diseases … is an overload of the stress induced by unconscious beliefs. If we would heal, it is essential to begin the painfully incremental task of reversing the biology of belief we adopted very early in life. Whatever the external treatment is administered, the healing agent lies within. The internal milieu must be changed. To find health, and to know it fully, necessitates a quest, a journey to the centre of our own biology of belief. That means rethinking and recognizing – re-cognizing: literally, to “know again” – our lives.”

Your emotions have a huge role and are key to this process. Understanding these emotions is crucial to your health.

The cost of repressing, denying, avoiding, or overreacting to your emotions, is high. You’ve been paying it all your life.

As a child, you learned to fulfill the conditions of everyone around you, trying to make them happy and ignoring your own emotional guidance system.

The result is that you may have lost touch with the messages of your body, mind, and spirit and have ended up in a state of physical, mental, or spiritual dis-ease.

Are you unhappy or unhealthy in any way?

The key to transformation, therefore, is discovering who you truly are, at your core, and living in alignment with your emotional guidance system.

It’s time to let go of the layers that no longer serves you.

#3 – Sanctuary

"Sanctuary" from the Transformation Collection

At the source of this image is a photograph of the intricate frost designs on my bedroom window at night with the street lights shining through. I mirrored the image to create the top half and then mirrored that to create the oval, the egg.

A whole new world is created where the 4 sections join – filled with symmetry and mystery.

In this transformation, my bedroom window became reminiscent of the stained glass windows of the great cathedrals.

If you’ve chosen this image, you’re being invited to retreat into your inner chambers where your reflections can lead to transformation.

Your sanctuary is within you.

No matter the chaos of your environment, all you need to do is close your eyes and breathe deeply into your Self where peace and beauty are co-created.

Find the quiet within.

Dive into the symmetry of your inner and outer reality to find inspiration.

It’s from connecting to your Magnific-Essence that you can mirror your Self into the world and in all your ways of being and doing.

Meditation, yoga, contemplation, journaling are all ways to become more self-aware and to journey deeper within.

Once you’ve found your own peace, it becomes a beacon for others.

Your Light reflects the Light of those you encounter, moving them to recognizing their own potential and beauty.

So go ahead, leave behind the world of reaction. Take inspired action and build the strong foundation, walls, and stained glassed windows of your personal sanctuary.

#4 – Imagination

"Imagination" from the Transformation Collection

According to Rudolf Steiner, there are 3 stages of higher knowledge: imagination, inspiration, and intuition.

Imagination is a gateway through which inspiration and intuition can enter. It’s key to receiving Guidance and being creative.

That’s why it’s important to nurture your imagination and that of the children in your life.

Don’t let comments like “That’s just your imagination.” feel like a criticism.

Turn that around. It’s a compliment.  Own it.

A great way to exercise your imagination is through creative visualization.  This is the style of meditation I channel for my clients. There’s also a few sample ones on my site. Click here to try one.

At first, you’re guided by my voice and music through scenes that help raise your vibration, relax your body, and heighten your awareness. At times, you’re invited to explore and evolve a scene on your own. You may be asked to interact with one of your Guides, implement a certain action, discover a hidden object, etc.  It varies in each meditation and your experience of it will be different each time you listen.

It’s in these Self-guided interludes that some get stuck. They tell me they don’t see anything or hear anything. That’s OK.

Although you were born intuitive, you may not have exercised that muscle much. And if you don’t use it, you lose it.

Flashes of insight, visions, inner hearing, distinct smells, tastes or feelings come when your intuitive channels have opened up.

There’s no need to be discouraged, however.

Your imagination is a wonderful gift to get you started on that path.

For example, imagine that you’re being invited to look to your left to connect with an animal that is present in your meditation. If you can’t see, hear, feel, or know what it is immediately, make it up.

There’s a reason you may have chosen to have a giraffe standing next to you instead of an ant eater. Don’t discount this as “just my imagination”. Consider it your use of the power of symbolism to tap into your essence, your guidance.

The more you do that, the stronger your intuitive muscles will become until one day you’ll either see it there in your mind’s eye or connect to it through the various other intuitive channels.

So go ahead. Make up stories during these musical interludes of my creative visualization meditations. Then take time to uncover the symbolic messages that your imagination has revealed to you about your self and your transformational journey.

How Are You Joining the Transformation Revolution?

Please share in the comment below how your image and text spoke to you. Are you inspired? I’d love to hear.

Add Art to the Heart of Your Home & Office.

It’s so important to surround yourself with visuals that support you on your journey to your Highest Good. Does your artwork raise your vibration and support your personal transformation?

I invite you to visit my online shop for:

P.S. Sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter by clicking here & get a bonus guided meditation mp3.

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Tune In #15: Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

No matter the size of the tree, it either started as a nut or a seed.  After all, mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

It’s the same for all successful ventures – be they professional or personal.  Instant greatness is an illusion. Everything takes time to grow and needs to grow in its own time.  In today’s post, your intuition will help nurture that growth. Are you ready?

Tune in! Pick the photo that attracts you the most and scroll down to harvest its message.

Tune In #15 - Pick a photo and grow

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Do you want more of my art & inspiration? Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Wisdom

"Wisdom" from the Treedom Collection

While working on campus for a day, a colleague asked: “Wouldn’t it be nice to be their age again?”. We both looked at each other and answered “No”. Then she added: “Well, maybe, if I knew then what I know now.”

We learn so much about ourselves and the world growing up and growing older. Sometimes, we’re blessed enough to unlearn a few falsehoods and limiting beliefs too.

If you want to be happy, learn to love what is here and now. Then, if you’re guided to make changes, take inspired action.

I can’t imagine a tree wanting to be something it’s not. It starts off as a seed or nut and does what it does without resistance until it becomes what it becomes.

There’s great wisdom in nature.  Trees teach us about radical acceptance.

May this photograph energize your intention to truly see the worthiness and the gift of all you are and all that is.

Your full potential has been present at your core from the time you were in your mother’s womb.

Simply reach higher and higher, accepting yourself and your circumstances. Grow at your own perfect speed and adapt to your environment while continuing to journey towards the Light.

For trees, radical acceptance isn’t a practice. It’s just a way of being.

Eternal witnesses and keepers of ancient wisdom, trees offer the planet life-sustaining energy, nourishment, and shelter. They also provide us with a mirror.

Will you accept their invitation to love what is, no matter what? With their invitation comes a key to happiness.

#2 – Heart Song

"Heart Song" from the Treedom Collection

Bathed in the colour green, your heart chakra sings with joy.

Green is energizing. It’s healing.

Contemplate this image or bring yourself into nature and just stand there.

Feel your crown lifting up and your heals descending into the earth as if you had roots.

Connect with the energy of Mother Earth. Centre your hands in front of your heart as in prayer position or “namaste”(the spirit in me honours the spirit in you).

With focused soft eyes, become aware of your inner self through your breath. How does it feel to be grounded through the roots and lifting up to the sky at the same time?

And as you continue to breathe in deeply of the love, peace, and joy that’s alive in nature’s beauty, allow your heart’s song to embrace you.

Feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Listen to her chorus of winged ones. Welcome the lyrics of your soul.

As your heart song joins with the chorus of nature and the Universe, the heavens celebrate your union.

#3 – Letting Go

"Letting Go" from the Treedom Collection

Deciduous trees shed their leaves every year as a strategy to survive harsh weather conditions.

Shedding leaves helps trees to conserve water and energy.

This seasonal letting go is also what leads to rebirth and renewal.  The shedding of leaves helps trees to pollinate in the spring. Without leaves to get in the way, wind-blown pollen can travel longer distances and reach more trees.

What are you ready to let go of as a strategy to survive and thrive?

This could be anything from old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you, grudges against family members, or the excess of stuff in your closets and desk.

The Universe abhors a vacuum. When you make space and set the intention, it’ll fill the void with whatever serves your Highest Good.

So embrace the cycle of letting go of any physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual clutter. It’s liberating!

Then get ready to manifest new growth, a fresh start, a healthier body, mind, and spirit.

#4 – Promise

"Presence" from the Treedom Collection

Which area of your life shows the most promise in the next week, month, year? As you read through the list, reflect on why one area shows more promise than the others.

  1. Health & wellness
  2. Romance & family
  3. Finances & life planning
  4. Social Life & community
  5. Physical location & environment
  6. Fun & recreation
  7. Business & career
  8. Personal & spiritual development

The Law of Rhythm applies to every area of your life. It’s natural that you have more energy and time to dedicate to different areas at different times. You’ll have different priorities depending on the circumstances of your life.

As you went through the list, however, did you feel an unexpected surge of energy or feeling in a particular area? Is there a seedling ready to emerge from the soil where it requires more of your Light, your time, your care?

There is great potential and promise in all areas of your life. Feel where the momentum is building and give that area what it needs to fulfill its promise.

Bring Nature In

Today’s images all come from the Treedom Collection. It’s so important to surround yourself with the love and beauty of Mother Nature. 

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P.S. Sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter by clicking here  & get a free guided meditaiton mp3.

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Tune In #14: Turn Over a New Leaf

Are you ready to turn over a new leaf? Want guidance on how to do that?

Tune in! Which photo from my Blossoming Collection attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to read its message. Always take what serves you and leave the rest.

Tune In 14- Turn over a new leaf - Pick your favourite photo and see what it means

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Do you want more of my art & inspiration?. Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Veneration

"Veneration" from the Blossoming Collection

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Do you have a sacred routine that doesn’t involve checking emails and Facebook first thing in the morning?

Try something new that will put you in the right frame of mind for your day.  How about meditation, journaling, prayer, dancing, yoga, listening attentively to your children’s dreams, etc.?

Find something that works for you and stick to it for at least 21 days in a row to turn it into a habit.

Same thing at night.  What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?

This is a great time for writing a gratitude lists, asking your team of Divine Helpers for Guidance, praying for those you love, showing appreciation to your partner, etc.

Again, find something that’s aligned with your beliefs and lifestyle.

The important thing is to start and end your day in a state of respect and awe on your journey as a spiritual being having a human experience.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Perseverance

"Perseverance" from the Blossoming Collection

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Not everything comes easily, even if you felt guided to achieve it.

You may face difficulties, obstacles (real or imagined), or opposition.

Don’t give up. If you’re following your guidance, you’ll also be inspired as to what actions you need to take to get there. Keep asking your team of Divine Helpers for support.

What often happens is that you’re trying to force things to happen your way. You’re attempting to control the “how” as well as the “what”.

Leave the “how” up to the Universe. Keep your vision focused on what it is you want to achieve and be open to new ways of how to reach your goals.

I’m not saying sit back and wait for it to magically happen on its own. No. You need to take action. Just take inspired action.

And check in on your attitude, thoughts, self-talk, and the quality of the energy you’re putting into your project. Is it aligned with your desired results?

Re-align your ways of being and doing with your initial enthusiasm and motivation and pay attention to different ways of succeeding.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Possibility

"Possibility" from the Blossoming Collection

Your outer reality is a mirror of your inner reality.

Is there something in your life you’re not happy with?

Then take a look inside at your attitude, expectations, perceptions, emotions.

Every experience of anger, impatience, fear, jealousy, discouragement,etc. is an opportunity to learn more about yourself. There’s potential for growth through every challenge.

Get to the root of these emotions. There are so many possibilities as to why you’re experiencing your outer reality as you do.

Food sensitivities cause irritability. Lack of sleep makes you more apt to being triggered.  A lack of unconditional love will skew your judgements of others and their actions.

If you can identify the root of why you’re feeling the way you do, great. Take care of that, and you’ll naturally turn over a new leaf.

If you can’t identify the “why” right away, do something that will help raise your vibration up the emotional guidance scale. You won’t go straight from despair to joy, but keep climbing up to higher states of feeling.

Disappointment, for example, is a huge step up from revenge. And hopefulness is a few rungs up the ladder from boredom.

Music, nature, physical exercise, etc. can help move you upwards. Find what works for you and do it.

Soon, you’ll see that your outer reality is looking much better than it did, even if nothing else has changed but your inner reality.

Life is a mirror. Use it to your advantage.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Meditation

"Meditation" from the Blossoming Collection

There are many kinds of meditation.

Some involve formal techniques taught during workshops and retreats.

Others simply involve going into an altered state of being through focused attention. Painting works for me. Washing the dishes or hot baths and soft music work for others.

Some like to meditate for over an hour a day. Others do it for 10 minutes upon waking.

Some do it on their own in silence. Others prefer guided creative visualizations like the ones I channel. If you’d like to try a 26-minute one, click here.

Find a style of meditation that will increase the level of peace, happiness, and well-being in your life. If one style doesn’t work for you, don’t give up. Keep trying until you find your perfect fit.

What’s important is to find something to help you transform your busy monkey-mind and hectic life into one in which you can benefit from the physical, mental, and spiritual effects of meditation.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

How Will You Turn Over a New Leaf?

Are you feeling inspired to turn over a new leaf? Please share one change you’re going to make based on either the energy of the image you chose or the text that went along with it.

Bring Nature In

Dominique Hurley Hire Me for your Holiday PartyBring energy-infused imagery into your life to support your intentions to turn over a new leaf.

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P.S.  Click here to sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter and get a free meditation mp3 to help you tune into your intuition.


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Tune In #13: Are You Connected?

Are you connected? It’s so easy to feel disconnected in body, mind, or spirit in this busy noisy world.

Find out how your intuition is asking you to reconnect.  Tune in!

This time, contemplate your chosen image first without reading the messages below.

Tune into your heart and let it speak to you.  Why do you think you picked that photo? What is it saying to you?

Then, scroll down to find out extra layers of meaning to help you connect to your true essence and Highest Good.

Tune In 13-Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection and see what it means


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#1 – Flow

"Flow" from the Connection Collection

As Abraham Hicks says, everything you want is downstream. So go downstream with ease and grace. Why bother fighting the current by paddling upstream?

Part 1:

There’s nothing quite like being in the flow.

Athletes and creatives call it being in the zone.

It’s that hyper-focused spiritual state of mind where time flies by and everything seems possible.

I feel it when I’m painting. I’m in such a state of bliss that meal times pass by. I can happily be at it for 16 hours in a row!

What do you enjoy so much that you can get happily lost in it? When do you feel most powerful and purposeful?

Your soul is calling you to add more of that in your life.

Part 2:

Are you in your own flow or dragging behind in the wake of others?

If you’ve picked this photograph, you’re being asked to contemplate if your life is on track – your track.

Sure, this may mean journeying with others on a common project or working for an organization that you believe in.

The question is whether your work and your life are aligned with your True Self: your values, your vision of the future, your natural strengths and preferences.

Is there something you’re doing or being that doesn’t feel like a good match anymore?

What small step or major decision can you take to redirect your energies so that you’re flowing with heart and soul on your Path to your Highest Good.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Listening

"Listening" from the Connection Collection

Get in touch with the essence of what your heart desires.

Then listen to your intuition as it guides you in often unexpected ways to getting what you want.

I was really looking forward to the experience of photographing fireworks in Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island as I stepped off an Alaskan cruise ship. Alas, all the crowds witnessed through their see-through umbrellas that evening was a smoke show. This made for pretty boring pictures.

But something told me to go upstairs and sit in the front seat of our double decker bus on the way back to the ship. I was then inspired to photograph the traffic lights while the bus was in motion. Back onboard our ocean liner, I had a lot of fun creating my own fireworks show in Photoshop by layering photographs of the crowd and street lights.

I love this image! Creating it, however, meant accepting what was and staying open to its opportunities.

Are your thoughts and expectations at the root of your unhappiness in any area of your life? Are you limiting your experience by being stuck on the details rather than opening and connecting to the essence of what it is you desire?

Listen to your heart. What do you truly want? Ask the Universe to help you manifest it and get ready to recognize its essence when it magically appears in your life… even if it doesn’t look like what you thought it would.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Kwan Yin

"Kwan Yin" from the Connection Collection

In India, children are taught from the very beginning to bow down and touch the feet of their elders as a sign of respect. In return, they receive a blessing. You may have seen this in Bollywood movies…

When I photographed this sculpture of Kwan Yin surrounded in rose petals, I felt inspired to focus on her foot with much of the same feeling of respect.

Kwan Yin, whose Sanskrit name means “Born of the Lotus”, is loved in the temples of China, Korea, and Japan as the Mother Goddess of Compassion and Mercy.

She’s often seen as the eastern counterpart to Mother Mary and has made her way into the hearts of many around the world.

At the gateway to enlightenment, she turned back to earth to answer the cries of those in pain.

In addition to her mercy and compassion, she removes obstacles, erases past offences, and gives healing and spiritual graces – always meeting the true inner needs of the soul.

What rituals (prayer, meditation, chanting) do you feel moved to bring back or bring into your life to help nurture these qualities in you?

If you’ve picked this image, you’re being asked where you can help alleviate your own suffering and the suffering of others through love and compassion.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Garden of Light

"Garden of Light" from the Connection Collection

Nourish your body, mind, and spirit with the life-giving energy of beauty.

Colour is light and you need light to survive. Don’t be afraid to add vibrant colours to your wardrobe or environment.

Surround yourself in beauty – whether it’s through a nature break, a visit to an art gallery, or browsing a photography website.

Have you ever felt moved to tears by beauty before? Have you experienced breathtaking awe? Close your eyes and reconnect to what gave you that feeling.

Yes, you need food, air, and water to survive.  You also need beauty.

Make sure you’re exposed to what YOU feel is beautiful every day.

Choose your art and your wardrobe for how it makes you feel.

Then look into the mirror and keep looking deep into your eyes until those critical voices of your ego quieten down and you’re left in awe at the very miracle of your being.

Recognize your own beauty and the beauty of your creations. Let these shine in your garden of Light.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.


Did it Help You Connect?

Which image spoke to you today? I’d love to hear one message it gave you before you read my description or something my words have inspired you to be or do in the coming days.

Please comment below.

Bring Visual Connection Into Your Home & Office

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P.S.  Click here to sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter and get a free meditation mp3 to help you tune into your intuition.

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Tune In #12: What’s your Treedom of Expression?

A walk in nature can be both grounding and uplifting. It can free us up from our limiting self-beliefs so that we can better express ourselves in the world.

Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you? Tune in!

Pick the photo that attracts you the most and scroll down find out how it can liberate your treedom of expression?

Tune In 12-Pick a photo and learn how it can liberate your treedom of expression

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Do you want more of my art & inspiration?. Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Invitation

"Invitation" from the Treedom Collection

Do you believe everyone sees the same thing when they’re looking at a scene, situation, or person?

They’re not.

Each is seeing what’s in front of them through various filters of experience, judgment, and perception.

If you’ve picked this image, you’re invited to look at yourself and the world through new eyes. Change the filter.

Are you seeing reality through rose-coloured glasses, x-ray vision, or a smoke screen?

Basically, are you looking at the world through the eyes of love or fear?

If you don’t like what you see, first take a look at why you’re seeing it that way – the answer will reveal a lot about your beliefs and judgements.

The more you realize the power of perception, the less you’ll take others’ judgments of you personally. It’s really freeing when you realize that a person’s perception of you or your work says more about them than it does about you.

You can always use their judgment as a mirror to examine if there’s any truth in it for you, but there’s no need to adopt their filter.

Once you let go of worrying so much about what other people think and trying to please everyone, you can start expressing your Self and creating from a more authentic space.

Your job is to keep a watch on your own filters and to live in a way that’s true to your heart.

Not everyone will like what you have to offer, but that’s OK.  Others will love it and accept you for who you are. They can only do this if you take off the masks and show them who that is!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Present

"Present" from the Treedom Collection

Are you fully present with those next to you?

It’s become so easy to separate yourself from the people right beside you or on the other end of the phone line.

There are so many distractions pulling you in all directions.

Have you lost your power of focus?

Can you sit for a meal without checking for texts and emails?

Do you connect to strangers on the bus or in line ups?

Can you have a phone conversation without multitasking?

Are you truly listening when someone at work or home is talking to you, or are you thinking of a million and one other things?

Do you turn off all social media when you’re working on a project?

If you’ve picked this image, you’re invited to pay attention to how present you are in the presence of others.

Find union and harmony in your interactions.

And feel the blessing of a heart to heart, soul to soul interaction with another member of the Divine Oneness.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Surrender

"Surrender" from the Treedom Collection

Is there something in your life that simply isn’t working?

Are you feeling overwhelmed or oppressed by the weight of the world?

Are you spending too much effort trying to impose your will or force things to happen in ways you think they should?

Sometimes, the best thing to do is simply to let go. Surrender your concerns, depression, and fears to God (or whatever term you use to identify what is greater than you).

Ask for help and give your troubles over to your team of Divine Helpers and the Universe.

This conscious handing over of your load opens you to a deeper level of faith. It’s easier when you remember that you’re not alone and don’t have to carry that load all by yourself.

You may choose to express this surrender in a short prayer or ritual.

Once you’ve done this, it’ll help you to allow everything to be exactly as it is. There won’t be such a need for control or fear.

You’ll start feeling the warmth of Divine Light shining on your shoulders and guiding you out of despair or confusion to appreciate the contrast in life.

Contrast is a good thing. It’s from this contrast that you’ll know what it is you want and what you don’t want.

Once you’ve figured that out, surrender these desires, knowing that they’re being taken care of in ways that are aligned with your Highest Good. All you need to do is ask, believe, let go, and allow. You’ll be guided out of the darkness and into the light.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Promise

"Promise" from the Treedom Collection

Oh that glow of spring after a long winter…

Colours and fragrances pop!

The weather and hearts warm to the promise of new beginnings.

If you’ve picked this image, you’re being invited to search within yourself for the seedlings of a rebirth in any area of your life.

Is it time to start a new creative project? It’s gestated long enough. It’s ready to sprout and grow in full colour and with vibrant life.

When you read the lines above, did anything come to mind? Is there something you’ve been wanting to do, but it wasn’t the right time yet?

Follow the rhythms of your personal seasons. Nourish your fertile soil and bask in the sunshine of your beingness.

Allow your creations to blossom –  to reach for the heavens in ways that elevate your vision and your sights.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Are You Feeling Your Treedom of Expression?

What photograph spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message resonated and / or what you got from the image. Please comment below.

Bring Nature In

Today’s images all come from the Treedom Collection. It’s so important to surround yourself with the love and beauty of Mother Nature.  

I invite you to visit my online shop for:

P.S.  Click here to sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter and get a free meditation mp3 to help you tune into your intuition.

Did you find this inspiring? Please share it.

Tune In #11: Connect to the Shades of Time

Tune In 11: Connect to he Shades of TimeFrom our past emerges our present. But life isn’t about hanging onto the past with unhealthy attachment. Connect to the shades of time to layer upon them new meaning, new growth.

Want to find out what your heart and soul might be saying to you? Tune in!

Which of these 4 photographs from my Shades of Time Collection attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out what message it has for you.

The descriptions below come from my experience of these photographs of abandoned and rusted cars in a Saskatchewan junk yard, but feel free to add your own interpretation.

You’re truly the best to decode the power of symbolism in your life.

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#1 – Moonscape Autoscape

"Moonscape Autoscape" from the Shades of Time Collection

As you read this passage from the Bible, feel your way to your Truth.

What lines have your whole being saying “yes” through a feeling of expansion?

What words have you contracting from a clear “no”?

And what phrases have you feeling “yes”, but then immediately contracting with fear?

It’s important to know the difference between a clear “no, this is not in my Highest Interest or true” and your ego’s attempts to keep you small by maintaining the status quo.  Herein lies your intuition’s invitation to grow. It’s asking you to stretch your comfort zones.

So as you read this, practice discerning between a “yes”, “no” and “yes, but!”.  Your goal is to take inspired action based on all of them.

Ecclesiastes 3 – King James Version (KJV)

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

What time is it for you?  List a series of inspired actions you can take in the next few weeks based on your inner guidance.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Halo Autoscape

"Autoscape Tree Halo" from the Shades of Time Collection

Part 1:

There’s rust around the hole which once held the mirror on the the side of this car.

The mirror is gone.

It was no longer of any use.

What’s left behind are the scars and the texture of time – a halo around a new sphere of possiblity.

How does that black hole feel to you?

Is it an opening, an invitation into the mystery of going deeper than the surface reflections?

What does this mean to you in terms of symbolism in your life? Trust your first inner answer. Journal if you’d like to explore it in greater depth.

Is there anything or anyone that you have used as a mirror in your life that has served its purpose and can be let go of?

Part 2:

Time has eroded the last paint job to reveal previous coats of colour. The pastel shades on this car add a softness to the image. I chose to accentuate the pastel yellow of the original image in the tree silhouette I added.

So although I shot that tree in winter, by adding it here, it has become aglow with new life, new light, new colour.

Is it time to add new colour to an area of your life that has been hibernating or gestating? Where are you most hungry for growth?

How can you add something new to the layers of your existence to better reflect your true essence, your Higher Self, your vision of the life you’d like to create?

If you’re having trouble connecting to the answers, try an intuitive walkabout in nature.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Green Tree Autoscape

"Green Tree Autoscape" from the Shades of Time Collection

Your unique beauty and evolving purpose come from your layers of experience – past, present, and future.

You’ve been loved and left.

You’ve journeyed far and stood still.

You’ve seasoned through springs, summers, winters, and falls.

Your beauty is even richer now. It’s gone beyond the superficial to the depths of your essence.

You’ve spent years being and doing as others wanted. Now it’s your turn.

It’s OK to just be you. You’re perfect, even in your imperfection.

This is a time to nourish your being in ways that bring your inner colours out.  It’s not about being or doing for the sake of others.

Focus on what it means to be you. Appreciation will naturally flow your way from those who are aware enough to notice. But that’s not the purpose.

This is a time of re-birth – of deciding for yourself what your life will look like and what purpose it will serve.  Connect to your inner GPS so that your choices and decisions are aligned with your soul. (Click here for my tutorial).

Let go of limiting beliefs, patterns, and perceptions that no longer serve you.  Let go of plans that don’t excite you to allow for intuitive living. If you feel called to, let go of social norms and self-imposed obligations.

See your challenges as having happened for you, not to you.  Then grow from there.

Be you. Open to opportunities for self-love and ask your team of Divine Helpers to show you the ways.

Re-create in ways that bring you peace and happiness.

This isn’t about negating your past, but allowing it to show you what is aligned and what isn’t. Let it inform your next steps on your Path to your Highest Good.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Spring Autoscape

"Spring Autoscape" from the Shades of Time Collection

Is your life bursting at the seams?

Are you too busy for your own good and the good of those around you?

Is your schedule too full with stuff you’re doing for the wrong reasons?

Are your closets and storage areas so full that you’re feeling buried by your belongings?

Lighten up before you burst!

Go through this week’s schedule and ask yourself why you’re doing everything.

Examine your choices in every moment.

Is the root of your decisions love or fear?

Look at every area in your life in this same way.

I agree with Dr. Greg Baer, the author of Real Love, when he says that we stuff our selves and our lives with many forms of imitation love to fill the gap left behind by the lack of unconditional love in our lives.

We compulsively try to fill our emptiness with whatever feels good in the moment—money, anger, sex, alcohol, food, violence, power, conditional love, approval of others, and more.

If you’ve chosen this image, you’re invited to simplify your life to allow true light and love to add a new spring to your step.

Read more in my article “Living Simply by Simply Loving“.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Did you resonate?

Feel free to share how your image choice spoke to you in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

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