Tune in to your intuition and come into bloom. It’s your time!
Which of these 4 photographs attracts you most today? Pick one.
Then scroll down to find out which area of your life is ready to blossom.
The text is just another tool for you to tap into the messages from your heart. Make sure to add your own interpretation.
You’re truly the best to figure out why you feel called to a particular life-enhancing energy-infused image.
P.S. These photos are all from my Blossoming Collection.

“Love sees the thorns but cherishes the rose anyway.”
― Jeffrey Fry
To love someone unconditionally is to see and accept that person for who he or she truly is.
If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to contemplate all your relationships.
Do the people in your life feel comfortable showing their true colours to you? Or do they wear masks because the price of being themselves in your presence is too high?
You can’t change how they choose to be. But you can certainly cultivate a more accepting and loving environment for them to grow in.
To really love, you first need to truly see. That means it’s important to look beyond the masks and mud to reconnect to the truth.
One way to encourage others to be who they truly are is to show yourself as you truly are. Show both your flowers and your thorns. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Be quirky. Be brilliant.
By seeing, accepting, and loving yourself for who you truly are, you’re opening the garden gate to others. They may feel freer to blossom in your light. Some won’t like it, but that’s their choice.
Living your life as someone else defeats the purpose of being alive. So be your Self and allow others to do the same.
As they reveal their essence to you, check in with your heart to see if you’re fully appreciating them, thorns and all.
Are you open to their differences? Can you empathize or sympathize with their growing pains? Can you celebrate their buds and their blossoms?
May you grow in both your giving and receiving of unconditional love.
* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

Doesn’t it feel great to give?
Do you like to give gifts, advice, donations, affection, time, or help?
Do you enjoy organizing parties or preparing meals for friends and family?
For someone to express their joy of giving, there needs to be someone whose equally happy to receive.
If that person, however, is so focused on what they don’t have, they close themselves off from you. They won’t even see your gift, appreciate your love, or hear the invitation.
If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being asked to explore the ways you can allow the Universe’s abundance into your life. How can you become a better receiver?
Do you graciously receive gifts and compliments? Are you open to asking for and receiving help?
Can you let go of control for even better solutions to present themselves?
Are you allowing the flow of energy into your life – be it love, money, inspiration, well-being, experiences, etc.?
Allowing is an art. It’s at the core of the Law of Attraction.
Get in touch with your heart’s desires in any area of your life. Appreciate what you already have and imagine the feeling of having more of it.
Like attracts like. So if you’re broadcasting to the Universe your appreciation for the money or love you already have, you’ll attract even more to you.
Allowing means not resisting how the energy of your thoughts and feelings work.
If your thoughts turn to lack, for example, it’s like closing yourself off from the flow of abundance. It’ll pass you by.
Get the flow moving. Be open. Ask and you shall receive. The Universe loves to give.
Think, act, and feel as though you’re abundant right now. In truth, you are! Once you allow for that truth to sink in, you’ll become a much better receiver to gifts of the Universe.
* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

Sometimes misunderstood, the Japanese Geisha is a professional entertainer, not a prostitute.
She’s a highly cultured woman trained in the arts of dance, music, conversation, and yes, a little flirtation.
In traditional Japanese culture, the wife’s role was to be modest and responsible. The Geisha’s role was to be skilled, entertaining and seemingly carefree.
If you’ve picked this card, you’re being asked to contemplate the balance of these qualities within yourself and your relationship.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, single, or married.
Are you blooming true or hiding parts of your authentic beauty? Have you become too serious and blasé about life?
If you’re in a committed relationship, are you both a friend and a lover? Or have you become more of a mother / father to your partner?
How can you be more entertaining with and for each other? What skills would you like to bring into your relationship? Dancing, communication, cooking, Kamasutra positions?
If you’re single, are you so focused on your work that you’ve stifled your need for culture?
What skills would you like to add to your life? Painting, music, dancing, etc.? You don’t need someone else to get dressed up for or go out with – get glamourous for the fun of it!
So go ahead! Bring your Geisha side out, so you can form, nurture and grow your relationship to Self and others!
* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

Are you bored or overworked?
It’s time to have fun outdoors!
If you’ve picked this photo, your soul is calling you to shake things up a little.
What can you do outside to raise your vibration? What brings you joy!
It’s never a waste of time to boost your batteries.
Get out in the sunshine and bask in the wonder of being human.
Feel the sun on your skin and the breeze in your hair! Stop and smell the flowers! Make snow angels! Play!
Beware of energy-sapping escapism. This isn’t about losing yourself. It’s about reconnecting to your Self and nature in fulfilling ways.
This could be on your own or with friends. Perhaps it’s travel, photography, nature contemplation, or skiing. Whatever it is, make time for it and do it soon.
You’re worth it!
* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.
How Will You Come Into Bloom?
What’s one inspired action you’ll take in the next few days to come into bloom? Please share in the comments below.
Surround Yourself with Beauty.
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