you can see all of my paintings at

Embracing Evolution this Solstice

Do you know how a nautilus is created?

The nautilus is born with 4 chambers and when it outgrows those, it builds bigger and bigger chambers to live in. 

Isn’t that great symbolism for our own journey?

The older smaller chambers become pockets for gasses stored and used to help the nautilus navigate up and down in the water.

Similarly, all we’ve ever experienced fuels our capacity to navigate in our lives.

If that wasn’t cool enough, let’s admire this shell’s geometric perfection.

The nautilus isn’t only a spiral, my favourite shape, it’s a perfect example of the Golden Ratio spiral and the Fibonacci sequence – two aspects of sacred geometry. Learn more about these in this 5-minute Science ABC video.

The nautilus is a symbol of spiritual evolution, expansion, perfection, beauty and strength.

In this painting, you may perceive it as a spiral staircase or portal into the next phase of your journey.

Or it may simply represent the moon to you.

Either way, while I was painting it, it felt like an energetic invitation.

Standing with her arms raised to the Heavens, this woman is embracing the fullness of her spiritual evolution by accepting this invitation.

Both the nautilus and woman are covered in tiny glass beads that play with the light, as we’re also invited to do.

On this Winter Solstice 2021, what are you embracing?

How are you accepting the invitation to welcome the growing light to emerge more fully as your True Self?

May the challenges of the past two years of the pandemic and all you have personally experienced serve as the fuel for your expansion as an individuals and part of the Oneness in this time of ascension & light. Onwards and upwards!

Whether on your own or in community, Happy Solstice beloved!


Title: Embracing Evolution
Year: © 2021
Size: 9″ x 12″ (22.86 cm x 30.48 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: SOLD
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Walk in Peace – a labyrinth painting

Have you ever walked a labyrinth?

It’s a wonderfully meditative way to centre yourself as you journey the serpentine path to the centre.

Once there, you’re invited to pray, listen, reflect, express gratitude, etc. before walking back out again.

Unlike a maze, there’s only one path in and it’s the same as the path out. No stress. Just one foot in front of the other.

Back in 2017, walking the labyrinth was part of my weekly experiences. A whole series of labyrinth paintings were inspired by this wonderful addition to my sacred routine – each representing the different ways I traveled it and the gifts received. Located in the chapel of our local mental health hospital, it was open to the public once a week for an hour.

This fall, a 60-foot version of the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth was created in Bowring Park, just down the street from where I live.

What a blessing to have access at all hours and in all weather. I hear the City of St. John’s plans to keep it clear of snow this winter. Bonus!

Not surprisingly, a new labyrinth painting came out of my rejoicing that the labyrinth experience is now more accessible to all.

Walk in Peace – the painting

The richness of this painting is in the detail. Hours of prayerful mark-making and dot-making brought me to my centre, just as if I was walking the path.

The gateways or portals on the side represent the open invitation to young & old to walk in peace.

The greatest gift we can give to others is to be in our own peace. It’s from that space that we can lovingly respond to life instead of always reacting to it.

The archway in the middle, over the labyrinth, represents the embrace of the elements and of our unseen protection as we set intentions for  this contemplative journey.

One step at a time. One breath at a time.

In this chaotic era of overstimulation and distraction, the labyrinth is a tool for focus. It’s an invitation to slow down. It’s a portal to an inner journey.

So is this painting.

Layers of subtle peaceful energy are mixed in with the paint. Day and night, it provides access to the Universal Energy Flow.

Title: Walk in Peace
Year: © 2021
Size: 15″ x 30″ (38 cm x 76cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $1,377


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For the Children – the painting & purpose

For 5 weeks this Fall, I had the pleasure of sharing the joys & not-so-secret secrets of intuitive painting with 535 children at Beachy Cove Elementary School in Portugal Cove, Newfoundland & Labrador. Today is my last day.

I saw each of the 24 classes 3 times each for this multi-layered creative process that I’ll show you in an upcoming blog post.

Today, let me introduce you to the painting I created during a 22-hour painting marathon on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend to open the energetic portal for this ArtsSmarts school program.

Those hours weren’t only spent painting, but also in prayer and mental preparation to get out of my happy-hermit comfort zone, so that I could be an instrument of God’s peace & creativity with crowds of kids.

I invited a movement from me-to-we co-creation!

Hanging in my classroom, “For the Children” became an energetic and visual reminder of my purpose to open the door to creative inspiration and to stay in my peace doing it.

I’d received the vision of a circle of children sitting under a rainbow the week before the start of the program.

Then, on Friday, as I drove down the hill towards my house with a trunk full of art supplies, a giant rainbow appeared over my neighbourhood with the pine clad Southside Hills behind it. Spectacular!

The rainbow is a wonderful symbol of hope, promise, new beginnings, good luck, communication, inclusivity, peace, and so much more. 

I had no idea what kind of impact this program was going to have. I was OK with that. I knew I was guided there for a reason and trusted that teaching this creative process to children of Kindergarten-Grade 4 would spark something in them.  In me too!

So layer upon layer, I applied paint & prayers to help bring my best Self in the presence of these hundreds of individualized expressions of the Divine.

I was excited, but I was also scared. That mix is a sure sign of upcoming growth.

By the time I had created the last element of the painting, I was ready to enter this very different 5-week chapter of my life.

Can you see the energy doorway in the middle of the painting?

Stay tuned to see the results of what turned out to be an awesome project!

Title: For the Children
Year: © 2021
Size: 20 “ x 20 “ (50.8 cm x 50.8 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Original Sold.
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Starseed Kisses – the painting

Do you consider yourself an explorer? a seeker?

Do you like to dig deep into topics and self-discovery?

Do you like to reach beyond the obvious and common to discover worlds on the inside, outside and beyond?

Are you focused on expanding your own consciousness for the betterment of humanity and planet Earth?

Have you ever felt like Earth isn’t the only planet you’ve lived on?

You just may be a Starseed.

What’s that?

In the article What is a Starseeds? 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From a Different Light System, the author states

“Starseeds are highly advanced spiritual beings and souls that originated from distant planets, solar systems and galaxies, typically far from Earth….There are many different types of Starseeds, but their overall starseed mission involves paving new pathways for innovation, healing, creativity, understanding, expansion and Earth’s ascension.”

I’m not big on labels and will admit that the first time I heard the term, I felt out of the loop.

Then again, since I don’t spend much time online except to post, I missed many of the popular terms for waves of indigo, crystal, rainbow and other children coming into this world.

Listening to Steve Nobel meditations on a regular basis, however, has put me more in touch with the concept of Starseeds.

So I wasn’t surprised when I heard this painting give me its name, “Starseed Kisses”.

Starseed Kisses – the meaning

When I asked my intuition about the meaning of both the painting and the name “Starseed Kisses”, here’s what I received.

We’re being kissed with the energetic support of our Teams of Divine Helpers (including benevolent star races incarnating onto Earth) to remember who we truly are, so that we can fully become who we were meant to be.

It’s time to dig deep through the muck that covers our radiance, our Light, our connection to Universal Energy Flow and Divine Love that will help us ascend as individuals and as a planet.

The 3D world we live in can be dense and heavy. What’s 3D?

It’s the Spiritual Dimension that mirror’s the planet’s spiritual growth at this time.

It’s our global level of consciousness – shifting from one of fear, limitations, lack of inter-connectedness, suffering, working hard to succeed and being locked in time and space to something much Higher!

We’re on our way to being a 5D world – a Spiritual Dimension that feels much more effortless.

The more we move in that direction, the more humans will experience unconditional love, graceful manifestation, and a feeling of energetic support that allows us to emerge more fully into our True Selves.

This doesn’t happen on its own. Everything we do to raise our consciousness helps with the ascension of the planet.

Starseed Kisses – Creative Parallels

  1. To create this painting, I started with layers of liquid acrylics and energy work to connect to Life Force, to Divine Oneness. I then protected this layer with a clear isolation coat. Now I understand that this represents how our essence and unity is, at its core, always protected.
  2. Then I covered it in a very thick wet layer of pumice gel, created with volcanic ash. It’s a very messy process, as life can be.
  3. Carving into this thick wet surface is like scraping a path through very heavy mud or wet concrete. I always like to extend the tree branches to the very edge of the canvas, representing limitless potential and expansion. I had to repeat the scraping process many times as the high edges would cave in covering up the background. Then I had to take wet Q-tips to polish the spots left behind by my rubber-tipped tool. Similarly, reconnecting to our essence isn’t an immediate, straightforward path. Inner work takes time and you may need to revisit what you thought you’d already dealt with before. Life is filled with opportunities for growth.
  4. Creating the spiral designs in this thick opaque material could be done once dry – with great difficulty. But it’s easy to do when the pumice gel is still wet. Doesn’t that remind you how it’s best to deal with inner and outer conflicts, issues, patterns in a timely manner before they become engrained?
  5. Next came a need for great patience. It took a full week before the gel was dry enough to keep painting. After a few days, the surface had crusted, but if I’d applied any pressure, I would have potentially ruined the painting. Likewise, the path of spiritual growth takes patience. It takes perseverance.
  6. The Howlite stone that I added is an energetic stone for patience, perseverance and calm. A good dose of calm is a welcomed oasis on our journey of expansion.
  7. Once it was dry enough to paint over, I decided to stick to purple & indigo blue. My original though was to paint it in silver. But the iridescence of silver next to the iridescence of the radiant flow didn’t provide the necessary contrast. Comparably, in life, contrast isn’t such a bad thing. It can show you the way to what you want. As Abraham Hicks likes to say, it’s from a space of contrast that we shoot out rockets of desire to the Universe.
  8. Lastly came the stars – honouring and thanking all those in all forms, including our Higher Self, our oversoul, Source, for the support we’re receiving on our journey to shine as individualized expressions of the Divine. These are the Starseed Kisses throughout the tree.If you’re not into Starseeds, replace the word with Angel, Spirit, etc.

And there you have it. The painting, its visual reminders and energetic anchors.

Title: Starseed Kisses
Year: © 2021
Size: 11″ x 14″ (27.94 cm x 35.56 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, pumice (volcanic ash) and Howlite (for calm, patience and perseverance) on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $727

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What You Resist Persists! 2 New Paintings

Have you heard the expression “What you resist persists”?

Basically, it’s a reminder that you’re attracting whatever you focus on (even if it’s what you don’t want).

I totally resonated with what Mother Theresa said on the subject:

 “I will never attend an anti-war rally.If you have a peace rally, invite me.”

This reminds me of one of the lessons from the Universal Law of Polarity.

There’s a whole continuum of existence between polar opposites.When you focus on the opposite of what you don’t want, you start moving along the continuum towards what you want.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

The Resist Technique in Art

There are many ways to achieve a resist technique in art, depending on the mediums you’re using.

In the 2 paintings below, I used a very glossy clear tar gel by Golden Artist Colours (developed for use in the Oscar-winning movie Pollock).

As I then painted the whole with a wash of watery zinc white paint, the colour slid off the glossy textured design, leaving the colours underneath to shine through.

This is one case of when “What you resist persists” isn’t such a bad thing!

I kept the attention on the details I wanted to keep and the next layer simply flowed off of them.

Which of these two 11″ x 14″ paintings speaks to you the most?

Spirit Walkers

The birch forest painting “Spirit Walkers” highlights the flow of spirit that extends from one tree to the next, as shown through the washes of colours under the raised clear bark.

Together they stand, rooted in the earth, yet together they walk the surface of the planet gifting us with Life Force, with strength, with flexibility and with a never-ending invitation to walk among them to connect to Spirit.

The black obsidian is naturally formed volcanic glass that helps keep you grounded in a good life, protected from negative energy.

Title: Spirit Walker
Year: © 2021
Size: 11″ x 14″ (27.94cm x 35.56cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work and black obsidian stone on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $497


Like a breath of fresh air, the simplicity of this painting helps you let go of resistance to what is in order to appreciate the very flow of the Life Force that connects you to Spirit, to your intuition.

The soothing heart chakra colours of nature also give you more space to breathe.

Title: Breath
Year: © 2021
Size: 11 ″ x 14″ (27.94 cm x 35.56 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art


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Enlightened – the painting

Does this painting remind you of another one of my pieces?

Remember “Sacred Sight?”

It’s almost twice the size of this one with a different colour placement, subject & energy.

I love both so much! You?

I was inspired to create this piece after a client asked me to channel a smaller piece with a similar essence to “Sacred Sight”.

Once I’d had hers done, I just kept going.

Can you blame me for wanting to stay in the sacred geometry energy of the Vesica Pisces, the Union of Heaven & Earth, a little longer?

In this piece called “Enlightened”, I went deeper into the question “Who am I”?

It’s all about remembering who we truly are.

When we re-unite with Truth and see ourselves & the world through the eyes of God, we experience enlightenment.

We knew the Truth when we were One with All that Is, before incarnating in this current vessel that is our body on the Earth Plane.

We will know it again when we return Home.

Why wait!? We can raise our consciousness and open to enlightenment now.

Well…. one day! lol. I’m not there yet! But spending time in the energy of the Vesica Pisces reminds me to keep moving upward and forwards on that journey. It encourages me to keep the inquiry into who I am open for enlightenment.

The figure of the meditator – spirit in human form – was created with glass beads to catch the light in fascinating ways. Lots of symbolism to reflect on there too!

Title: Enlightened
Year: © 2021
Size: 12 ″ x12  ″ (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
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Lessons from 2 Bejewelled Trees

Both of the bejewelled trees below were sourced from layer upon layer of meticulous mark-making, bringing me back to the present moment, focused, calm, and at peace.

Those initial layers may have appeared to be chaotic, noisy, and busy. But in fact, they were my way out of that.

Sitting for hours delighting in delicious colours and playing with patterns…. the necessary releasing of what no longer serves to build something joyously new.

By the time it got to that point, I was back to being Me. The studio had done its job. I was filled with childlike curiosity and wonder at the possibilities of where these two small canvases would go next.

That’s when I saw it – a gradient glaze in the colours of passion, creativity, sunshine and personal power – a rising of my vibration and a celebration of self-expression.

From there, our beloved Treedom called to be honoured yet again in the textured trails that reveal what came before, making the layers of history an essential ingredient to the richness of unlimited potential.

As each piece evolved, it took on a character all its own; one soft and gentle in a comforting energy of love and compassion, the other radiant and joyous in the blissful energy of authenticity and alignment.

Which speaks to you more? (see more detailed shots on the shop pages)

At the Heart of Compassion

When your heart is so full to overflowing, you’re like a fountain of radiant love & compassion for those around you.

Your energy reaches out, gifting the fruit of your being-ness. In this case, they’re sparkling heart chakra pink & green fruits.

And when you need some of that love &. compassion for yourself, all you need to do is ask and be open to receiving.

This painting’s energy is enhanced by a rose quartz crystal at its heart, surrounded by mica chips, both with energetic properties of love & compassion.

Title: At the Heart of Compassion
Year: © 2021
Size: 8″ x 10″ (20.32 cm x 25.4 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, mica & rose quartz on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $427

Glowing & Growing

Enhanced by the energy of 7 chakra stones, the painting “Glowing & Growing” celebrates the expansion that arises from doing the inner and outer work to connect and align with our Highest Good.

Self-care and following our bliss are key factors in allowing our radiance to shine in the world.

As you glow, you grow. And as you grow more fully into your Self, you glow.

Depending on what’s going on in your life, you may feel one comes before the other. It doesn’t matter. It’s all part of the journey of Emergence, inviting you to recognize that this journey is the gift. That You are the gift. 

May this painting help remind you of the dance of Spirit within your very being, calling you to jiggle and shift in ways to let your True Colours shine.

Title: Glowing & Growing
Year: © 2021
Size: 8″ x 10″ (20.32 cm x 25.4 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, channeled energy work, and 7 chakra stones on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $427


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Indwelling – a soulful birch painting

Indwelling” is an invitation to recognize our own inner guiding force, our soul, as well as to recognize and honour that Life Force in others.

Standing tall and strong in the fiery colours of the setting sun, these birch trees reach out as a mirror to our collective evolution and growth in body, mind & spirit.

With their textured spiral grooves, they remind us of our connectivity with the divine, spiralling from the outer ego (the outside world) into the inner soul (cosmic awareness and enlightenment).

Can you spot the 2 words carved into the pumice just above the stone?

“I AM” – the metaphysical name of the spiritual Self, as distinguished from the human self. It’s the indwelling God: our connection to the Divine Mind, our ascension into Christ Consciousness.

No matter the intensity of the world around us, we can always find within that connection to our True Self, to Source.

The pumice (lava stone dust) used for the highly textured trees adds emotional calmness and grounding energy to the piece.

The Lapis Lazuli stone in the tree on the left has been a symbol of honour, gods, power, spirit and vision throughout the ages. It is still a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.

Does this forest alive in complimentary colours speak to you?

Title: Indwelling

Year: © 2021
Size: 12″ x 18″ (30.48 cm x 45.72cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, pumice (volcanic ash for grounding, and lapis lazuli worry stone  & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art


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An Ancient Prayer- a birch tree painting

“Ancient Prayer” (12″ x 18″) – $677

Are you a fan of birch trees? Do you know what lives beneath the layers of smooth birch bark? Life!

With every passing day, the trees in our environment grow more and more into their own all the while witnessing the world around them.

In this birch tree forest painting, I wanted to capture the juiciness of life within our standing brothers & sisters.

The shiny 3D texture is clear to reveal layer upon layer of texture and colour.

One of these layers includes the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. If you look closely, you’ll still find a few words popping up here and there.

This richness of detail doesn’t only represent the rings of years gone by, but all that our trees have heard, seen, sensed, smelled, tasted and touched over the years.

Their very presence is a testament to all that has ever been. It’s also a record of their own cycles and experiences.

Each tree is unique. Yet they’re all part of an interconnected communication network called the wood wide web.

Much wisdom can be accessed when connecting to trees. They have a lot to teach us.

They help us both ground and connect.

May we also help them continue to stand tall in all of their magnificence.

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Ancient Prayer – the Painting

Title: Ancient Prayer
Year: © 2021
Size: 12″ x 18″ (30.48 cm x 45.72cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy workon gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $677

P.S. Click here for details on the 2 events in 1 night – Beauty at the Birch exhibition opening (Free Open House & Mirror to Your True Self Guided Art Contemplation Experience – September 30th).

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The Violet Flame – a painting commission co-created with Saint Germain

Some painting projects take me further along my own spiritual path and then act as a portal for others to do the same. “The Violet Flame”, a painting commissioned by Judy Squires-Gleason in New York, is one of those projects. 

May this piece, co-created in the energy of St. Germain and the Violet Flame, be as much a blessing for you and for Judy’s tribe as it has been for me.

Who is Saint Germain?

Saint Germain is an Ascended Master. What’s that?

It’s an individual who has attained the mastery and wisdom to ascend through his/her lives here on Earth. This enlightened being of Divine Love is now freed of karma and re-embodiement.

Jesus is an Ascended Master. So are Buddha, Mother Mary, Vishnu, St. Francis, Krishna, Quan Yin, and others.

In this God-like state, Ascended Masters help humanity and this planet move towards ascension. They assist us to expand our consciousness and connect to Divine Love.

Saint Germain’s role is to help humanity achieve Christ Consciousness during this period called the Age of Aquarius. For this purpose, he is also named the Lord of Civilization.

In “The I AM Discourses of Saint Germain” audibly received in the 1930s by a group gathered for that purpose, he publicly released knowledge that had previously only been taught in mystery schools.

If you’re curious to learn more about Saint Germain, you’ll find lots of other books, meditations, and explanations on YouTube. Here are a few I listened to.

5 Things Saint Germain is Doing for YOU Today – (11 minutes) – by Ascended Masters 101  – here

The Inside Story of Saint Germain by Elizabeth Claire Prophet – (17 minutes) – here

Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King (7 hours 40 minute audio book) – here

What is the Violet Flame?

The Violet Flame is a spiritual fire that transmutes negative energy, feelings, thoughts, and karma into positive ones.

It’s an aspect of the Holy Spirit to help both individuals and the world.

Its seven qualities are:

  1. Mercy
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Freedom
  4. Opportunity
  5. Alchemy
  6. Diplomacy
  7. Transmutation

The Violet Flame is a tool for change no matter your religious denomination or spiritual beliefs. Introduced by Saint Germain, it helps all become better seekers of the Truth.

Here are just a few of the Violet Ray meditations & explanations I listened to during the week:

The Violet Flame Explained (13:27) – Ascended Masters 101 – here

Violet Flame Meditation for Global Healing (60 minutes of 432 Hz music) – here

Violet Flame Meditation – Instant Energy Shift (10:27) by Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler – here

New Violet Flame Technique with Saint Germain (33:21)- by Divine Love Meditations – here

5 Ways to Work with the Violet Flame to Change Your Life (8:40) – by Melanie Beckler – here

Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Awakening with St. Germain (40:44) – by Opheana & Sikaal – here

The Painting Process

Within days of being commissioned to channel a Violet Flame energy painting, I received a vision of a blank tryptic – two 12″ x 24″ canvases with a narrower one (8″ x 24″) slightly raised in the middle.

I was about to head into a 1-week silent Enlightenment Retreat at the Tree of Life , so I knew I wouldn’t be working on it for a while, but got immediate go-ahead on that size and format  from Judy.

I have no doubt that the inner work at the retreat helped prepare me for this project. I’d initially planned on attending 3.5 days, but other commitments got strangely rescheduled or cancelled, so I was free to stay the full 7 days. Everything felt divinely coordinated.

I received a few visions of the project while in contemplation. First were the light rays radiating from the bottom. Then came the angel wings.

The week after my retreat, as I was waiting for my ride to Golden Arm Park for a filming project (see previous post), I received a strong intuitive message: “Order amethyst light!”. My ride was expected in 5 minutes, and I had no idea what amethyst light was.

A quick Google search led me to this string of real amethyst stones with LED lights on a wire. I got a strong inner yes and ordered them before heading outside to meet my ride. Talk about efficient shopping!

The amethyst lights arrived a few days after my return from the campground.

Amethyst, it turns out, is the stone associated to Saint Germain. I smiled when I read that – not really surprised.

Although I have them wrapped around the central canvas in the photo, I’m sure these lights will find various ways to be used in Judy’s practice. I’ve envisioned them draped across the top of the 3 canvases as well as extending in a straight line from the central piece to the floor and out.

Once my campground film project was complete, I blocked off 5 days to dive deep into the project through meditations, two 8-hour St. Germain audio-books, and the intuitive painting process, which you can see glimpses of in the video at the top of this post.

Although I’d come across violet flame energy transmissions and meditations before, I wasn’t consciously aware of St. Germain. My left brain learned a lot and my right brain received a lot during this intensive studio time.

I wasn’t only creating layer upon layer of paint on the canvases. I was creating … or unveiling layer upon layer of connection and remembering on my own Path. It was intense. I was humbled and so grateful!

In her request for this painting for the Greater Good, Judy invited me to grow more fully into my Higher Self and for that, I thank her!

A Few Words From Judy

“Thank-you goddess Dominique for all that you do for the world. Your gifts are incredible. I am honored and humbled.

Saint Germain has been with me for years off & on. I recall that anytime I saw anything related to him & the violet flame, I paid attention. I didn’t know why then, nor did I question it. Yet it/he kept coming to me time & again – I guess to “get my attention”.
I facilitated a few violet flame workshops in my studio in upstate NY -when that felt right- again-not understanding why- nor questioning the guidance. I just did it.
Fast forward to this past June/ early July when at Cape Cod with a dear friend on a soul-cation. Saint Germain was VERY present- he most definitely got my attention while at the cape- I think he said – “finally”:  
  • hundreds of purple shells lined the ocean shore
  • cards turned up
  • purple crystals spoke to me big time and not knowing why
  • Messages continued in many forms -even back to when I was “home” to Newfoundland earlier this year 2021- purple continued to show itself to me to be “worked with”- for healing for many on many many levels.
  • New products appeared in  dreams & messages that I had to offer.
  • A new website was born.

So to wrap it up- this is still an ongoing process and for me.

When all of this started to come together a little more, I knew that I had to connect with you, Dominique to see what you could tap into around Saint Germain & the violet flame for me- that will assist me-  in assisting all in healing of all types and on all levels.

An energetic focus right now for me through this work is the healing of the children’s souls here, in the past & those that have passed that have ever been touched and harmed through childhood abuse, on all levels.

It’s important work that I currently feel is just one of the many reasons that Saint Germain has been attempting to capture my undivided attention.

He has my undivided attention in this- in all of this at this current time.

May he work his magic through me as a conduit of healing -as you have through your art, Dominique -for me, for those that all of this will assist.

Your beautiful art piece of Saint Germain & The Violet Flame will assist many – near and far – with us & passed. There is no linear time- we can do this. As you know, energy is far reaching -pure intentions are far reaching.

My current goal is to reach these beautiful souls that may need assistance in healing -through me-through you- your art & through Saint Germain & the Violet Flame.  I am humbly honored.  Deeply moved.

For those that wish to view what I have been working on in this & will continue to do so – my new FB page is  Just Judy’s Journeys | Facebook  and my new personal website is
Thank-you for all that you do.”
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