you can see all of my paintings at

Love Oracle 10: Keep the Hope Alive

Nothing in life is constant but change itself.

I don’t have to tell you that Earth and its communities have undergone a lot of change in the last few years. Good? Bad? How you judge those changes is up to you. Perspective is everything!

This week’s Love Oracle Messages urge you to keep hope alive as we continue to experience change on our planet and in our lives.

Pick the painting that speaks most to your heart right now and scroll down for its Love Oracle Message on how to keep hope alive.

Love Oracle Message 1: Look for the Rainbows

Dear Beloved,

The rainbow has been an important symbol in many cultures throughout history. This amalgamation of light fills our hearts with awe – a perfect harmonic combination that symbolizes beauty, promise and enlightenment.

During the pandemic, hand-drawn rainbows in windows became a popular symbol of hope.

They’re also symbols of unity, creation, expansion, connection, opening, transformation, initiation, LGBTQ pride, good luck and so much more.

There will always be sun & rain. Both are needed and natural. It’s in the time of transition when droplets of water are still in the air and the sun comes out that rainbows appear.

Whether you’re looking for a portal for divine connection, a gateway to healing, or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, look with an open heart to keep hope alive.

Sometimes, it’s best to keep your face to the sunshine to avoid seeing the shadows. But sometimes, it’s required or unavoidable to look in the opposite direction from the sun. That’s also where you’ll find the rainbows.

So yes, harsh news, challenges and struggles continue in this time of transition, but know that the sun is behind you and that if you look with your heart, you’ll find the rainbows in the morphing storms of life. Keep hope alive and you’ll also witness or be inspired to take part in the transformation.

Painting: For the Children (20″ x 20″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. SOLD  Order prints here.

Love Oracle Message 2: Trust in Transformation

Dear Beloved,

The intuitive painting you chose was infused with days of community prayer requests & intentions for:

  • joy & happiness
  • peace, love & healing
  • compassion & understanding
  • empathy & harmony
  • raw clarity
  • love & health
  • acceptance & inclusivity
  • safety
  • rising radiance
  • unattachment, trust & intuition
  • ease & serenity
  • humanitarian leadership & freedom

For these prayers and intentions to manifest in our world, starting with us, we need to open to the paradigm shifts that are possible when we look at things differently.

The eye at the heart of the Vesica Pisces (2 circles intersecting) represents true vision, possible when we ask to see through the eyes of our Higher Self in Divine Union.

“How would your vision shift if you were looking through the eyes of Spirit, of Love?” (or whatever other terms feels good to you)

Start with looking at areas in your life where you feel discomfort, dis-ease, pain, etc. Can you shift your perspective to see how challenges are happening for you, not to you? Can you see how you’re being called to grow into a more evolved version of you?

It’s time to let go of our caterpillar life to explore what it means to fly as a butterfly.

Where else are you being asked to look through your heart, not through the limited patterns of your mind?

And be gentle with yourself and others as we all learn to see with new eyes. Just remember to keep hope alive as you do.

Painting: Sacred Sight (20″ x 20″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas –$1,497 CAD – Buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Together We Thrive

Dear Beloved,

The painting you chose came to me in a vision as I was working the background, layer after layer.

You don’t need to know where it’s all heading to take action in your life, one inspired layer at a time. Trust you’ll be Guided.

By doing so, you’re joining the millions around the planet that are building something new, something more aligned with the Highest Good of all.

Keep hope alive and watch as opportunities, imagination, inspiration and intuition play their part in forming the world you want to see.

You are an invaluable instrument of change, moved in a Divine orchestration to co-create a better world. Thank you for all you are doing & being. 

And if this prayer written above the earth in an airplane right after completing this painting inspires you further, fantastic!

The Dreamcatcher Prayer

Oh Dreamcatcher
Trap within your holy weave
Our collective nightmare
That the illusion may dissipate
To reveal a new Reality.
May only goodwill funnel through your portal
As we re-member who we truly are.
Thank you for facilitating humanity’s awakening
And the ascension of the planet.
Oh web of Life
Encircled by soul families
And Divine Helpers united
Weave thy filaments of Love
To filter all manifestations of fear
That our hearts may blossom
At the dawn of this new day
To truly come to life
Through purpose, passion, and peace.
Oh sacred hoop
Symbol of hope & healing
Poised in the breath of the Great Creator
Illuminate the night sky
With your web of Light.
Allow hallowed blessings
To descend into the collective consciousness
To restore eternal life
For the children of the Universe.
May celestial dreams
Envelop this blue-green pearl
So that our eyes open
To explore and express
Harmony within diversity
Recognizing that we are
All individualized expressions
of the Divine Oneness.
May there be unity amongst all beings
As we celebrate
Our interconnectedness,
Points of light
Continuing our journey
By way of your sacred threads.
May our souls’ original visions
Pass through your gateway
Sliding down your feathers
To float unto Mother Earth’s lap
Where slumbering children await
To Awaken to the Truth
And see before them
The fields of limitless possibilities.
Aho. Amen. So Be it.
Painting: Dreamcatcher(24″ x 24″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas- $1727 CAD – Buy it here.


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Love Oracle 9: Emerge More Fully into Joy

Which of these 8″ x 10″ layered intuitive paintings speaks to you most today as you contemplate the questions and issues in your heart and in your life? 

They were all painted with layer upon layer of mark-making in warm & cool colours before harmonizing the background with a tinted glaze and applying the main subject with the use of a home-drawn & cut stencil.

Pick one and scroll down to read its love oracle guidance. May it help you emerge more fully into joy.

Love Oracle Message 1: Make Room For Joy

Dear Beloved,

Do you know how a nautilus grows?

When it gets too large for its existing space, the (ultimately) volleyball-size nautilus adds on to the open end of its shell, expanding the diameter in a spiral configuration. … Every 150 days or so, a nautilus forms a membrane at its tail end that separates almost all of its body from the older portion of the shell.The one exception is a tube-shaped appendage called a siphuncle that extends back through the previously constructed chambers.

When first formed, a chamber is filled with fluid. But over time, as the growing nautilus adds bulk, the siphuncle sucks the fluid from the chamber. As a result, the shell becomes more buoyant, counterbalancing the added weight of the living animals to maintain neutral buoyancy (a condition of neither sinking nor rising).

Over the course of its life, a nautilus might add up to 30 chambers. In addition to gradually adjusting for its own increasing weight, it also can add or remove fluid from the old chambers more quickly to compensate for sudden changes such as a hefty meal or a sudden loss of part of its shell. (source)

Basically, when it gets too big for its space, it expands that space instead of trying to fit where it no longer belongs.

And instead of totally ignoring or throwing away its old comfort zones, it makes good use of them.

So what message is your heart translating here for your life?

How can you repurpose the rich experiences of your past (no matter how you perceive them) to to help you create new meaning and joy today?

Which area of your life needs more space to breathe and grow?

What old points of view, ways of being and doing no longer serve you?

Are you still trying to fit yourself or your life in a box that is now way too small for who you’re becoming?

What mindset needs to shift for you to move forwards?

The only constant in life is change itself. Embrace that need for change and grow into a more expansive container for joy.

Painting: Essence of the Universe (8″ x 10″)  Professional acrylics & glass beads on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. SOLD

Love Oracle Message 2: Get Out of Your Goop to Spread Your Wings

Dear Beloved,

It’s time to emerge from the goop to spread your wings and fly. 

There’s a good reason caterpillars stuff themselves before hanging upside down and spinning themselves into a chrysalis (for butterflies) or cocoon (for moths). That’s where they digest themselves until they’re basically goop – a very necessary process in the life cycle.

They need that time to regenerate into a new and different form. From that enzyme & protein rich goop comes a complete transformation, a beautiful metamorphosis.

For most caterpillars, it takes 5-21 days. For others in really harsh conditions, it can take up to 3 years.

The pandemic qualifies as harsh conditions and we’ve been in it for a few years. It’s OK if you felt the need to cocoon and stuff yourself….

But if you stay in that state, you may suffocate in your own goop and not grow into who you were meant to become.

It’s time to satisfy a new thirst for life: to do what it takes to break out of your shell (whether that be your home, your shrunken comfort zones, or limiting beliefs).

It’s time to spread your wings – discover who you are today.

You are no longer meant to be a caterpillar and to measure your goals, dreams, etc. by caterpillar standards. 

It’s time to get to know the Butterfly-You! What delights does this newly-emerged version of you want to explore? 

Your cocoon / chrysalis may have served you. But is it time to break out now?

Enjoy the freedom to be Truly You no matter what stage of your life cycle you’re in!

Painting: Flutter-by Wish (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. CAD $427 – Buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Drink the Nectar of Life

Dear Beloved,

May the spirit of the hummingbird inspire your journey this week and for years to come.

This amazing tiny creature can move like no other bird – up, down, backwards, forwards and even hovering in one place. Its movement possibilities seem endless.

So are yours! You have so many choices in every moment of where to place your attention with an environment rich with blessings to take part in. 

Also, hummingbirds travels 2000 km twice a year between South and North America- another amazing feat!

One way they can do this is that they spend their time searching for the sweetest nectar to drink from. They trust that the nectar will be there. When they finally discover those juicy flowers, they don’t just drink from them, but fully experience and taste the sweetness of their nectar.

That’s your Love Oracle message for this week. Drink deeply from the sweet nectar of life, searching for the sweet moments and trusting that there is sweetness all around you if you have the eyes to see it and the heart to feel it.

So rise up, settle down, go forward, backwards or hover – know you have the power to choose what you focus on and what you drink from to nourish your vision of the world you want to see and the experiences you want to live.

Be in the moment. Choose your joy and really taste it! 

Painting: Lightness of Being (8″ x 10″)  Professional acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. – SOLD




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Love Oracle 8 – Creature Comforts of a Different Kind

What creature comforts of a different kind are your body, mind & spirit asking for this week? Pick a painting that speaks to you and scroll down to read its Love Oracle message. May it help you feel more comfortable in your life.

Love Oracle Message 1: Quench Your Thirst

Dear Beloved,

Your thirst has led you here today. What first comes to mind or heart when asked “What are you thirsty for?”

I’m not talking about the essential biological mechanism that balances your fluids. Rather, think about your thirsts on all levels – body, mind & spirit.

The next question is “Where are you looking to quench that thirst?”

Contemplate whether you’re engaged in behaviours or beliefs that trick you into thinking you’re dealing with your thirst. In reality, are they leaving you parched?

Often, you may think you’re thirsty for something on the outside, but that may just satisfy a superficial thirst or lead you to drink yourself into oblivion.

Go deeper. The true thirst quencher may very well be found within the great well of wisdom in your soul – that connection to All That Is.

Tune into your divine feminine, your intuition, as the well from which to draw for inspired connection & action.

Are you being fooled into thinking you’re satisfying your cravings with all the wrong things?

What can you drink of today to nourish your transformational journey? Tap into the juiciness of your Higher Self & Spirit to create your best life.

Painting: Age of Aquarius ( 30″ x 15″) Professional acrylics, channeled energy work & mica (energy of love & compassion) on gallery-wrapped canvas. SOLD.   Order prints here.

Love Oracle Message 2: Centring Time

Dear Beloved,

This week, you’re in need of creature comforts for your mind.

Are you feeling all over the place? Do what you need to feel good in the here & now.

Ground yourself in Mother Earth’s lap, either physically or through a visioning meditation (many available in the Guided Meditation playlist on my YouTube channel).

Be or visualize yourself in a natural space of your choosing connecting to whatever furry, feathered, scaly or smooth-skinned creature that shows up.

You may meet your monkey-mind. That’s OK. It was likely already there. Place your attention on what other creatures come to comfort you?

Allow their presence to calm your mind. Allow your breathing to mimic their full, deep, and relaxed rhythm.

Allow your hands (again, real or imaginary) to feel their textures and connect to their hearts.

What about their way of being on the Earth can help you centre yourself, ground yourself better into who you are?

Ask these creatures for a message you need to feel more comfortable in your mind and in your life this week. Then make space to hear their callings.

Painting: Earth Sea & Sky (15 “ x 30“) Professional acrylics, mica, rose quartz & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $1377 CAD. Buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Signs from Spirit

Dear Beloved,

This week, your heart is asking you to seek creature comforts for your spirit.

How many times has a bird appeared to lift your spirit or convey some other symbolic message of freedom, inspiration, or higher knowledge?

How many times has a feather floated into your awareness as a sign of hope, comfort, confirmation, a visitation from a dearly departed, or acknowledgment that was perfect for the time?… even if you were indoors!

Consider your choice of  Love Oracle painting as your feather!

Just like the angels, birds are messengers from God (or whatever term resonates with you). 

The crane here symbolizes spirit-centered creativity, happiness, balance, emotion, grace, connection to the Divine, prosperity, and longevity. It offers you an invitation to let go of what no longer serves you.

So take a moment to reflect on what it would feel like to be wrapped in the unconditionally loving presence of your feathered friends – be they angels or other divine messengers. What would they say to you, suggest to you to do right now to feel safe, protected, and comfortable?

Notice the birds that come into your space this week. Allow yourself to feel embraced by their presence. Invite them in and feel what happens. 

Painting: Birds of a Feather (48″ x 24″) Professional acrylics, mica & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. $ 3,700 CAD Buy it here.  Order prints here.


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Love Oracle 7: Embracing Tree Wisdom

Which of these forest jewels speaks to you most today? Open to its tree wisdom.

Trust that your choice of tree paintings will lead you to a Love Oracle message that will nourish your transformational journey.

And as always, information & links are provided at the end of each message if you feel moved to bring the original painting into your space while at the same time supporting my continued work.

Love Oracle Message 1: Align & Shine

Dear Beloved,

All of the inner and outer work you have done in your life has brought you to this very moment.

As you continue to choose the ways of thinking, being, eating, acting that are aligned with your Higher Self, the more you’re expanding into the Truth of who you have always been.

Just as the full tree is already present in the seed, your fully emerged, amazing, divine self is always present within you. You just need to nurture the right conditions to emerge more fully into your Self.

What energy centre or chakra is needing your attention? Safety & stability? Creativity & intimacy? Self-esteem, personal power & responsibility? Love & self-love? Effective communication and self-expression? Imagination & intuition? Higher consciousness & divine connection?

What does this reminder for dynamic yet balanced expansion inspire you to schedule this week?

Remember that it doesn’t have to feel like sacrifice and hard work.

Following your bliss is a key factor in allowing your radiance to shine in the world.

May this painting that spoke to your heart help remind you of the dance of Spirit within your very being, calling you to shake, shimmer and dance in ways to let your True Colours shine.

Painting: Glowing & Growing (8″ x 10″) Professional acrylics, channeled energy work, and 7 chakra stones on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
CAD $427 – Buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 2: Walk On with Spirit

Dear Beloved,

Within the physical manifestation of your individualized divine self is a current of energy, of love that connects you to all those around you and to the whole world.

You may look different than those around you – in colour, shape, size & features…  But you’re also made of the same great stuff.

The flow of spirit that runs through you like sap through a tree extends beyond you. You are part of collective generative sharing.

How does that feel?

Together we stand, rooted on the earth, yet walking the surface of the planet giving and receiving Life Force.

When your heart picked this painting, it invited you to remember how strong, flexible and connected to Spirit you truly are.

Do what you need to do to stay grounded in a good life, protected from negative energy. Then walk on, as a living physical and energetic tribute to All That Is.

Painting: Spirit Walker (11″ x 14″) Professional acrylics, channeled energy work & black obsidian stone on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. CAD $497 – Buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Embrace Your Juicy Journey

Dear Beloved,

With every passing day, you’re growing more and more into who you truly are and were meant to become.

Your beauty and richness doesn’t only represent the rings of years gone by, but all that you have heard, seen, sensed, smelled, tasted and touched over the years.

Embrace life’s juiciness. Let it flow within your veins, your spirit, and your aligned choices.

You are gorgeously layered with the texture and colour of your experiences. Don’t reject any of it. See how it has all contributed to the magnificently unique being that you are today.

One of the  layers of this painting your heart has led you to includes the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. See if reciting it creates a space for inspiration to flow to the surface.

Lord make Me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness joy.
O Divine master grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand.
To be loved. as to love
For it’s in giving that we receive
And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born…
To eternal life.

Painting: Ancient Prayer (12″ x 18″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  CAD $677 – Buy it here. 

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Love Oracle 6 – Rise up with the Universal Laws

Let your heart & spirit guide you to picking the Universal Law Mandala that will most help you rise up and shine this week.

Pick a painting then scroll below to read its message. Ponder how it applies to your life right now.

The 12 Universal Laws help you transform your life from the inside out. 

May this week’s Love Oracle message support you in becoming the conscious creator you were meant to be.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Divine Oneness

Dear Beloved,

Sourced from Divine Energy, all that is seen and unseen comes from a field of infinite possibilities.

Together, we move as one within a spiralling web of interconnectedness.

To help you grasp and feel how you are moving as part of the Divine Oneness, be more mindful of your actions.

What you do for one affects everyone. The smile you give others may brighten their day and thereby their circles day and so on.

Here’s another example. When paying for an item at a store, imagine all those involved in the process of bringing your purchase into being. Also imagine how the financial energy you’re giving through your purchase will impact the many, from the store employees and owners to their families, producers, etc.

Basically, see your every word, smile, state of being, action, and reaction having a ripple effect into the world.

Even when you’re alone at home, the peace you nurture within yourself is felt all around the planet. So is your anger and pain.

So when you are feeling alone or in pain, imagine that there are millions of other people with you, supporting you, doing and being what they can to help you too – even when they don’t know it.

You are not separate. You are not alone. We are connected through Divine Oneness. Breathe that in.

Painting: Law of Divine Oneness. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Vibration

Dear Beloved,

Absolutely everything is alive with pure energy vibrating at different frequencies – humans, animals, plants, physical objects, space, time, history, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, disease, etc.

As a vibration manager, your role is to reach for higher frequencies to attract more of what resonates at that same frequency.

So what can you do or be to feel higher right now?

Take a look at your physical environment. Is there anything vibrating at a frequency that brings you back to painful moments of your past? Let that go. Even if it’s a valuable art piece or wedding present that reminds you of what you’re ready to leave behind.

Take a look at your friends and social circles. Do they bring you down, keep you small, wallow in negativity? Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to help you connect with people who will truly see, accept and love you for who you are while helping you shine.

Before you eat, consider whether your choices will nurture a higher vibration or bring you to a false high only to leave you crashing.

Also, are you making time in your day to prioritize activities that bring you up? Know that if you start your day with something that raises your vibration, everything else that follows it will be closer to that vibration.

Like attracts like. Make the choices that helps you FEEL good, knowing more good will follow.

Painting: Law of Vibration. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Action

The Law of Action mandala

The Law of Action

Dear Beloved,

When fuelled by the fires of purpose and passion, each inspired step towards your dreams will lead you to the opportunities and tools you need to achieve them.

Through the continuous process of tuning in, communicating to the Universe, staying open and receptive, and following through on guidance, you’ll create the necessary momentum to manifest your vision.

Are your actions forced, dull, or inspired?

Are you living your life through should, woulds and coulds? Are you just going through the motions of life? That’s not living.

Be spontaneous and consciously follow through on inspiration, ideas, dreams?

You may not know why you were suddenly moved to call someone. Do so before your ego starts telling you why it’s not such a good idea.

You might not have a conscious grasp of how you’ll achieve a major goal. But trust that one step at a time, you’ll be shown.

Or, you may not know why you’re feeling moved to attend a workshop, sign-up for a group, or change jobs or cities. If it feels guided, take that action and trust that it’s leading you to your Highest Good, especially if that’s what you’ve been asking for.

You may not know the big picture. You don’t need to. Put one piece of the puzzle in place at a time when it becomes clear to you through inspiration and intuition. Life is an adventure to have fun with, one inspired action at a time. Enjoy!

Painting: Law of Action. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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Love Oracle 5 – Go With Your Flow

This week, let’s turn to the wonders of the water world to help you go with your flow.

Water is symbolic of emotion, fluidity, creativity & intuition.

Pick a painting that speaks most to you today and read its message below. Then open to your inner guidance to take inspired action and welcome a more aligned flow in your life.

Love Oracle Message 1: Powerful Emotional Elegance

Call to Swana Grace Intuitive swan paintingDear Beloved,

Dare to dream your desired emotions into being. How do you want to feel on a daily basis? Trust that by visualizing and feeling this state in your body, mind & spirit through imagination first, you are flowing closer to living it on a more regular basis.

This isn’t a flighty fantasy. Swan energy is a balanced energy – comfortably grounded on the earth, powerfully flying in the air, or elegantly gliding on water.

Through love and devotion to self and others, it’s your time to nurture your nest of desired feelings into being. Protect this cherished vision of the emotional life you want to live. Don’t let others take away your power. Show them the power of love & loyalty and in so doing, nurturing theirs.

Your relationships are where you’re invited to glide with ease & grace, bearing witness to what the ripples of your movement through them creates.

You’re not alone in your flow, but by having the courage to go with your flow, you’re spreading love & beauty in the world. Thank you!

Painting: Call to Swana Grace (18 x  12″)  Professional acrylics, Botswana agate,  glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $677 CAD – read its collaborative poem here; buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 2: Enjoy Your Mindful Journey

seahorse paintingDear Beloved,

When you recognize how blessed & lucky you are, you’ll appreciate your journey more, and you’ll know when to protect yourself and when to let your guard down.

Going with your flow means being content with where you are, not always rushing to change everything. You weren’t built for speed.

Sure, be persistent in your goals, but don’t be so fixed on them that you can’t appreciate the surprises and opportunities that life offers you in the moment. Stubbornness can be a sign that it’s time to pause, check in, and redirect your course.

It’s through your awareness of your self, others, and your situation that you’ll gain truthful perspective. Then you can make your next move.

You have the amazing ability to hold true to what you value in troubled waters. The more you stay true to your Self, the easier life becomes.

You move at your own unique speed. The more you respect & understand this, the more magic you create in your life.

Painting: Horsing Around (12″ x 12″) Professional acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.
CAD $497 – Buy it here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Go Deep

blue painting of whaleDear Beloved,

You’re such a blessing to those who know you. You’re real. Authentic. Love in Action.

Your desire to go deep within yourself for understanding has led you to emerge more fully as your whole self in life.

Your ability to go deep in your relationships and your community has nurtured caring communication of the most authentic kind.

That’s when you’re most happy – when you allow yourself to be real. Really you!

Take the time to dive deep into your emotional depths as the source for your well-being, creativity, and caring community-building.

Go beyond the surface of what you see, feel, experience & witness.

The more you explore and healthily express your emotional depths, the clearer is your path to Cosmic Consciousness.

Painting: Deep Dive (11″ x 14″) Professional acrylics, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. NFS – chosen as the prize for the Community Spirit Treasure Hunt


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Love Oracle 4: Soul Mates

Let my Soul Mate series of energy-infused paintings help you connect to your intuition to increase the unconditional love in your life.

As for last week’s Love Oracle post, your relationship status doesn’t matter when it comes to using this Love Oracle set of paintings. And although I painted the faces of a man and a woman, let your imagination picture whatever relationship comes to heart as you read the message.

Note also that the term “soul mate” doesn’t always mean “lover”. Soul mates come in many forms – friends, family, etc. Some come together for a moment, a day, a chapter, or until death parts their human incarnations.

However long, soul mate relationships have a purpose rooted in a deep love that stems from their time in spirit form before you were incarnated.

Think of it as an agreement your souls made to meet up in this lifetime to help achieve something you’d wanted to experience as a human.

Some soul mates, of course, come together in sacred romantic relationship to fulfill their role as supporters of each others’ soul growth.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, then scroll down to read its inspired words. 

Let your heart interpret the painting and message in whatever way serves your Highest Good.


Love Oracle Message 1: Your Love is Eternal

Soul Mate Series painting of moon & sun

Dear Beloved,

Your love is immortal. It existed long before you were born and will continue long after you are no longer physically together.

Be comforted that your souls are continually shaping meaning in your co-created life, beyond what your physical incarnations have or have yet to create.

The momentum of your relationship is everlasting. This is true whether you are moving towards each other, in the same direction, or now in separate directions.

Know your love is intact in the bigger picture, deep within you and beyond your current circumstances.

Take a look at this purposeful relationship in this new light.

How is your soul mate relationship helping you bring your soul’s journey to its rightful place?

What is the next inspired action you can take for your love to live on: seeing, accepting, and unconditionally loving the other without expectations.

Painting: Betwixt Day & Night (18″ x 24″)Professional acrylics, glass beads, mica, amethyst & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 

Love Oracle Message 2: Be Completely Yourself in Love

Soul Mate Series with sun and moon in double vesica pisces

Dear Beloved,

The romantic relationship you seek (with God, Self, life, or another) is a divine union with a divine purpose. 

To experience such a world-changing partnership, you must bring your complete self.

This is not about two “halves” making a whole. It’s about two “haves” making a holy union for the Highest Good of both individuals and the Greater Good of the planet.

What can you be or do right now to feel more connected and complete within yourself?

Look to your vertical connection with the Divine to remember who you truly are. Connect to this Source of true unconditional love to fuel your sacred journey as You.

Look also to connect on the horizontal plane with those in your circles, seeking the mirror they provide to your values, beliefs, ability to love, limiting behaviours, etc. Be grateful for these mirrors, showing you the gap between your projected little self and your True Self.

Then nourish your relationships in a way that helps magnify and shine the light within you and the other back out into the world.

Painting: Twin Flame (18″ x  24″) Professional acrylics, glass beads, mica, mirror & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. Price: $1,247 CAD – Buy it here. (or save $500 for all 3). Prints also available

Love Oracle Message 3: Let your Divine Feminine & Masculine Shine

Re-United sun & moon soul mate painting

Dear Beloved,

As our days and nights dance to the rhythms of the sun & moon, your life dances to the rhythms of the divine masculine and feminine within your self and your relationship.

Can you recognize your feminine side: receptive, intuitive, creative? Your masculine side: action-oriented, analytical, rational?

Are you experiencing an inner war between your masculine side (often most valued and trained in society) and your feminine side (which may have been squashed by your environment)? Does one need more space to shine?

What about in your relationships?

Your inner war or harmony will impact how you perceive and act/react with others.

Recognizing the importance of both the divine feminine and masculine within yourself and cultivating inner harmony can only help you appreciate the differences and cultivate harmony within your relationships.

Each has its role, its gifts to give. Each has the right to be valued, respected, nurtured, and to shine… Again, within yourself, the other, and your relationship.

Reflect on how your inner feminine and masculine move together or against each other. Apply the necessary unconditional love and compassion to allow both the moon and sun to shine within you.

Although you may stand whole in your own light, this light is mirrored and magnified as you come face to face with your soul mate.

So radiate your light, respecting and appreciating how the other’s light (albeit different than your own) equally nourishes your relationship’s tree of life.

Painting: Re-United (18″ x  24″) Professional acrylics, mica & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. Price: $1,247 CAD  – Buy it here (or save $500 for all 3). Prints also available


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Love Oracle 3: Partnership

Let’s focus on romantic partnerships.I’m not talking about the Hollywood versions many of us grew up with.

I’m talking about being an active partner in an unconditionally loving couple.

It doesn’t matter what your relationship status or sexual orientation is.

Let your heart interpret the painting and message in whatever way serves your Highest Good.

Being heterosexual and currently single, I paint my visions of what I wish to manifest in my life.

If you’re single and want a relationship, allow your oracle message to nourish your visions of your ideal relationship.If you’re happily single and want to stay that way, you may want to interpret the meaning as it pertains to your own inner masculine and feminine sides.

If you’re in a same-sex relationship, simply change the pronouns and what you see in the paintings to what serves you.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, then scroll down to read its inspired words. 

May your Love Oracle message help you develop your ideal partnership, whatever that means to you.

Allow the energy of the painting and love notes to permeate your body, mind & spirit, then open to any inspired action that emerges from your contemplation.

Love Oracle Message 1: Expand Your Sacred Container

Dear Beloved,

It’s natural for you to grow and change with time. Your life experiences are meant to help you emerge more fully into your True Self. Please remember that the same is true of your partner. This may not look like what you expected or would choose.

Seek to see, accept, and unconditionally love them for who they are right now.

Envisage your partnership as a sacred container. Just as the nautilus grows new and bigger chambers to accommodate its growth, you too are asked to create more inner / outer space to accommodate the growth of yourself, your partner, and your relationship.

What that looks like will depend on both of your vision for your future together. Is this based on lifestyles, goals, or values?

No two containers (i.e. partnerships) will look the same. You’re shaping it as you go, unfolding your unique meaning as you both evolve at your own rhythm. 

Also like the nautilus, you’re being asked to use the parts of yourself that you’ve outgrown to propel you forward. Don’t get stuck in the past. Use its fuel as momentum to co-create something better for yourselves.

How is your relationship right now? Like the couple here looking at and past its reflection in the patio door window, use your relationship as a mirror. Does it match your common vision of what you’d hoped to manifest? If not, what adjustments can you make – either in your partnership or in your vision?

Just as the couple in this painting, admiring and respecting the power of the ocean beside which it has built its home (water symbolizing emotions), hold each other’s emotions as part of the sacred landscape upon which you live.

Evolving the sacred container of true partnership means creating a safe space for each of you to grow more into who you truly are and caring for each other’s happiness as well as your own.

Take the time to shape (or re-shape) your vision of the future, moving forward in whichever way best serves your Highest Good as both individuals and a couple.

Painting: Visualization Vibration Radiation” (VVR) (18″ x 36″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $2,267 CAD More on the original painting here…

Love Oracle Message 2: Create Balance

Dear Beloved,

Do you see one face or two?

As I painted this couple lying in bed (the couple, not me), I envisaged them as the perfect balance of the yin yang energies, mirroring the opposing yet harmonizing nature of the feminine and masculine, not only within the couple, but within each one of us.

She’s looking up towards the Heavens – in a relaxed, open, receptive, and intuitive state.

He’s looking at her in a more action-oriented, forward-moving state.

Individuals and couples need both for balance. If you’re too focused on one element in the polarity, you’ll live in a state of imbalance.

If you’re constantly on the move, you’ll eventually burn out. Likewise, if you’re constantly at rest, you’ll struggle to make forward momentum.

Notice how these energetic polarities play out in your relationship and life.

Are you in a state of balance? Or is your relationship suffering because there’s too much of one and not of the other?

Sit down with your partner to consider this question together, then take inspired action to bring you into greater balance – within yourselves and the couple.

Painting: Side by Side (30″ x 40″) Professional acrylics, granular gel, light molding paste, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. $3,700 CAD. More on the original here…. Order prints here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Be Real

Sacred Romance - Meet Me in the Middle - painting of couple in Vesica Pisces

Dear Beloved,

It’s time to be real! What first came to heart or mind when you read this?

By choosing this Love Oracle painting, your soul is saying you’re ready to let go of the illusions and delusions that have kept you separate from your True Self and others.

Open your heart. Open your eyes. Come back to the here and now to share your truth.

Join with your partner in a space of curiosity and wonder, not expectation.

You’re ready to create something new – two elements of the Divine Oneness coming together in that sacred space in the middle to be real.

Is your partner impacted by your truly seeing, accepting, and celebrating him or her? Absolutely!

Romance is that awareness and celebration of the delightful, comforting, vulnerable, revealing truth of the moment.

So let go of what used to be, should be, could be, would be.

Be here now. Appreciate the truth of the moment. 

Nurture and celebrate the unconditional love that is possible when both people in a couple are present in Truth, committed to seeing and being seen, as well as accepting and being accepted for who they truly are.

It starts with you. 

Painting: Meet Me in the Middle  (18″ x 36″)  Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $2,267 CAD More on the original here…
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Love Oracle 2: Peace Be With You

Welcome to the 2nd post in this series, delivering love oracle messages to your heart through art.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, then scroll down to read its inspired words. May it help you connect to the peace at your centre.

Allow the energy of the painting and love notes to permeate your body, mind & spirit, then open to any inspired action that emerges from your contemplation.

Love Oracle Message 1: Peace-full Teachings

Shanti - intuitive paintingDear Beloved,

Peace is something you can only find within yourself. But like with any journey anywhere, it can be helpful to have a supportive Guide to show you the way there.

Take comfort in the words of your Teachers, whether that be Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Ghandi, or Jimi Hendrix.

May one of these quotes (or other teachings you are led to) act as a mirror or a mentor, inspiring you in your own learnings and teachings on peace.

What quote would your Higher Self add to this list based on your unique life experience and in your own unique words?

Make a poster of it or one of these below and place it where you’ll see it every morning when you wake up, every night as you go to sleep,  and several times in between. May it remind you of what’s already within you. Peace be with you!

“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.”  – Buddha

“Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace”. – Dalai Lama

“Peace Begins with a smile” – Mother Theresa

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —Saint Francis de Sales

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” —Jimi Hendrix

“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one.” —John Lennon

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” —Mahatma Gandhi

“You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” ―Indira Gandhi

“When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with the world.” —Maha Ghosananda

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” —Desmond Tutu

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” – Jesus (John 14:27)

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.” – Buddha

Painting: Shanti (9″ x 12 “)Professional acrylics, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. SOLD

Love Oracle Message 2: Walk in Peace

Dear Beloved,
The greatest gift you can give others is to be in your own peace.

Every step you take in life is an invitation to reconnect to the peace that lives at the core of your being-ness.

Every breath you take (yes, take a good deep breath) helps take you out of your head and ground you into your body. It also helps you connect to Spirit.

Much of your worry or stress is a result of what’s happening in your mind – be it regret for the past, fear for the future and a whole gamut of negative thoughts in between.

Slow down. Come back to the present. Be here with your Self now.

Feel the miracle of this moment. Be grateful for the blessings ever present amidst the chaos. Smile. Step. Breathe. Connect. Repeat.

And once you’ve found that peace at the centre of who you truly are, bring it back with you into your daily life as a gift to all those who are blessed to cross your path.

Move forward one conscious step at a time – aware of what your inner and outer landscapes have to share with you.

For you are the peace and the gift that the world needs right now.

Peace be with you!

Painting: Walk in Peace (15″ x 30″)  Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. CAD $1,577. More on it here…

Love Oracle Message 3: Peace in Motion

Dear Beloved,

You’re being called upon to be peace in motion right now.

There may be times when sitting in silence is what’s needed. This isn’t one of those times. Not for you.

Know, however, that there’s a difference between busy-ness and conscious action.

Make wise choices on how you go through your day; cull your schedule so that what you spend your energy on has more meaning, more impact.

You’ve got this! You’re never given more than you can handle.

Take a deep breath, connect to your Higher Self and Spirit, then take flight. Make it a purposeful flight with direction and resolve, knowing that your very presence brings peace to others, especially if you make that part of your purpose.

All the inner & outer work you’ve ever done has brought you to this time & place. Let your peace shine bright in the world. Peace be with you and all those around you!

Painting: Peace Evolution ( 10“ x  10“) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on cradle-board with painted edges. No framing required. SOLD More on it here…



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Love Oracle 1: Discover Your Truth

Welcome to this series delivering love oracle messages to your heart through my art.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, then scroll down to read its inspired words. May it help you discover your Truth.

Allow the energy of the painting and love notes to permeate your body, mind & spirit, then open to any inspired action that emerges from your contemplation.

Love Oracle Message 1: Go Deep

Dear Beloved, You are so much more than what the eyes can see. The world and life itself is so much more than the drama and chaos that may appear as the popular truth.

Look deeply within yourself, others, and worldly events –  past the surface illusions to connect to the Divine Essence that flows through the Universe and through you. As you let go of the denseness of thoughts and matter, what truth emerges?

Remember who you truly are, an individualized expression of the Divine. Ground & connect yourself through that Universal Energy Flow that unites everyone and everything.

What can you be or do right now to allow this loving energy to permeate your week?

Painting: Starseed Kisses (11″ x 14″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, pumice (volcanic ash) and Howlite (for calm, patience and perseverance) on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  CAD $727 – More on it here.

Love Oracle Message 2: Journey In Before You Journey Out

Sky Dancer intuitive painting
Dear Beloved, The answers you seek are cradled within yourself, awaiting your journey to your centre to be revealed.

This may come through quiet contemplation, journaling, mindful walking, dancing, dream analysis, or even washing the dishes. How do you best tap into your right feminine intuitive side? Which of these or other practices feels more delightful right now?

Follow your natural rhythm and the rhythms of nature as invitations to be and live who you truly are.

You’re worth taking the time to get to know to your core. Your truth awaits discovery through the journey itself. Celebrate both the journey and the answers you seek, then bring this inner wisdom back out into your life, one inspired step at a time.

Painting: Sky Dancer (18 “ x  24“) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required.  $1,297 CAD. More on it here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Become One Again

Dear Beloved, Have you forgotten that you are Spirit in a human body? Much of your pain or suffering may come from feeling separate from your Self, from Spirit, from Source – from All That Is.

Becoming One again is part of your purpose here on Earth to help with the ascension of the planet.

How? This reveals itself in what brings you authentic joy. It manifests itself in what opens your heart to both the giving and receiving love.

Truth rests in the perfect space where Heaven & Earth meet – where Spirit and humanity connects.

As you raise your vibration (increasing your positive, loving energy flow) it becomes easier for you to connect to your Higher Self, I AM presence, soul, supersoul & Source.

As your humanity joins with your Spirit (and therefore the God within and everywhere), you will know your Truth. You will See yourself, others, and the world around you through the Eyes of God, through the Eyes of Truth.

You knew your chosen purpose when you were One with All that Is, before incarnating in this current vessel that is your body here on the Earth Plane. Why wait until you return to the other side to re-member it?

How can you raise your consciousness and open to enlightenment now?

Painting: Enlightened (12″ x12 ″)  Professional acrylics, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  CAD $497 – More on it here.
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