Love Oracle 8 – Creature Comforts of a Different Kind
What creature comforts of a different kind are your body, mind & spirit asking for this week? Pick a painting that speaks to you and scroll down to read its Love Oracle message. May it help you feel more comfortable in your life.
Love Oracle Message 1: Quench Your Thirst
Dear Beloved,
Your thirst has led you here today. What first comes to mind or heart when asked “What are you thirsty for?”
I’m not talking about the essential biological mechanism that balances your fluids. Rather, think about your thirsts on all levels – body, mind & spirit.
The next question is “Where are you looking to quench that thirst?”
Contemplate whether you’re engaged in behaviours or beliefs that trick you into thinking you’re dealing with your thirst. In reality, are they leaving you parched?
Often, you may think you’re thirsty for something on the outside, but that may just satisfy a superficial thirst or lead you to drink yourself into oblivion.
Go deeper. The true thirst quencher may very well be found within the great well of wisdom in your soul – that connection to All That Is.
Tune into your divine feminine, your intuition, as the well from which to draw for inspired connection & action.
Are you being fooled into thinking you’re satisfying your cravings with all the wrong things?
What can you drink of today to nourish your transformational journey? Tap into the juiciness of your Higher Self & Spirit to create your best life.
Love Oracle Message 2: Centring Time
This week, you’re in need of creature comforts for your mind.
Are you feeling all over the place? Do what you need to feel good in the here & now.
Ground yourself in Mother Earth’s lap, either physically or through a visioning meditation (many available in the Guided Meditation playlist on my YouTube channel).
Be or visualize yourself in a natural space of your choosing connecting to whatever furry, feathered, scaly or smooth-skinned creature that shows up.
You may meet your monkey-mind. That’s OK. It was likely already there. Place your attention on what other creatures come to comfort you?
Allow their presence to calm your mind. Allow your breathing to mimic their full, deep, and relaxed rhythm.
Allow your hands (again, real or imaginary) to feel their textures and connect to their hearts.
What about their way of being on the Earth can help you centre yourself, ground yourself better into who you are?
Ask these creatures for a message you need to feel more comfortable in your mind and in your life this week. Then make space to hear their callings.
Love Oracle Message 3: Signs from Spirit
This week, your heart is asking you to seek creature comforts for your spirit.
How many times has a bird appeared to lift your spirit or convey some other symbolic message of freedom, inspiration, or higher knowledge?
How many times has a feather floated into your awareness as a sign of hope, comfort, confirmation, a visitation from a dearly departed, or acknowledgment that was perfect for the time?… even if you were indoors!
Consider your choice of Love Oracle painting as your feather!
Just like the angels, birds are messengers from God (or whatever term resonates with you).
The crane here symbolizes spirit-centered creativity, happiness, balance, emotion, grace, connection to the Divine, prosperity, and longevity. It offers you an invitation to let go of what no longer serves you.
So take a moment to reflect on what it would feel like to be wrapped in the unconditionally loving presence of your feathered friends – be they angels or other divine messengers. What would they say to you, suggest to you to do right now to feel safe, protected, and comfortable?
Notice the birds that come into your space this week. Allow yourself to feel embraced by their presence. Invite them in and feel what happens.