The Angel Drum
One of the visions I received in my initial late night download was for an Angel Drum. Here she is, #6 in my 8-Painted-Drum-Fundraiser.
I’m sometimes tempted to get frustrated at my inability to paint exactly what I see in my visions. My skillset just doesn’t allow for that.
But then, when I translate that vision into my unique painting style infused with Divine Energy, I feel so blessed for having allowed that co-creation to have come into being through me.
This drum is a perfect example of that. It brought me to tears … the good kind.
The vision was of a nestled angel looking down at me with its wings embracing the sides of the circle, a symbol for union and divinity.
This angel may not look anything like the one I saw in my mind’s eye, but when I look at her, I feel the same intensity of unconditional love, compassion, gentle acceptance, recognition, comfort, and protection.
Those wings in ever-changing iridescent colours that look more like pastels from some angles represent her relationship with Source/Mother-Father God in the feeling tone of the vision.
Some angels have more of a strong warrior protector vibe to them. This one was a soothing feminine vibe.
She has our Highest Good at heart, conveying our prayers to Source while adding her own for us to the mix.
I couldn’t stop staring at her once she was complete, touched by her very beingness. She also spoke to quite a few of my FB Friends, one of whom now uses her for her angel healing work in the States. Her touching story below also brought me to tears – again of the good kind.
Why Vici Armsby Brought The Angel Drum Home
I am extremely grateful to have been able to purchase the Angel Drum created by Dominique. The minute I saw it, I knew it was supposed to be mine. I had a visceral reaction – similar to when I saw the painting “Held”, which I also own. I have been intuitive my whole life and have had a very close relationship with the Angelic Realm and in particular The Blessed Mother Mary – Queen of the Angels. I work with the energy of Mary and the Angels each and every day. I am the Owner and Creator of Divine Sisterhood, NY – a Women’s Empowerment Center and the All You Need is Love line of Eco-Friendly Angels which I create. I knew when I saw the drum that the piece would be instrumental on my path moving ahead.
Sooooo much has happened and continues to unfold as I work with ALL the tools I have. As someone who works on a daily basis with the Angels, I can sometimes have issues with staying grounded. Living in upstate New York and on 30+ acres of land is wonderful, but during the colder snowy days of winter it can be more challenging being in the woods. The vibration and sound that emanates from this drum is very comforting and grounding. When I close my eyes and play the Drum I feel simultaneously grounded and expanded-connected, if that makes sense. Using this piece in meditation or simply looking at the image, touching the image and sitting with it along with “Held”, I feel as if I’m home and among the closest of family/friends. I feel I have Wise Ones working with me and through me to bring love, compassion, healing and hope into the world! They are assisting me in remembering who I am, why I am here and what my soul’s purpose is.
Another very interesting thing that happened, after I purchased the drum (but before I received it) was that I was in an energy session, and it came through! I had told no one that I had purchased the drum! My energy practitioner described the colors of it along with its design and shape, and said it would be instrumental in the next “leveling up” of my energy and vibration.
I share all of this with you as what I hope will be an encouraging message! Trust your intuition and those nudges from God, your Angels, Mother Earth etc even when you have NO IDEA why you “want” or “need” something. Not from a spiritually materialistic standpoint but from a longing or call to remember who you are. It may not be easy – in fact it can be downright AWFULLY uncomfortable (trust me on this one)! But when you are courageous enough to move through it AUTHENTICALLY and have friends and family who hold the space for you to do so, MIRACLES happen and old dense energy gets left behind!
Thank you Dominique for sharing your beautiful art with the world and being a conduit for such beautiful loving energetic connections to be made! I am blessed for knowing you and doubly blessed to own these Sacred Pieces!
For more information on Vici’s Angelic creations visit her website or follow her on Facebook & Instagram.
The Angel Drum Video
Enjoy getting more of a feel for The Angel Drum in this short video.
It doesn’t show the work in progress this time because after a couple of weeks of painting under bright lights with a camera hanging overhead, I decided to take a break.