you can see all of my paintings at

The Angel Drum

One of the visions I received in my initial late night download was for an Angel Drum. Here she is, #6  in my 8-Painted-Drum-Fundraiser.

I’m sometimes tempted to get frustrated at my inability to paint exactly what I see in my visions. My skillset just doesn’t allow for that.

But then, when I translate that vision into my unique painting style infused with Divine Energy, I feel so blessed for having allowed that co-creation to have come into being through me.

This drum is a perfect example of that. It brought me to tears … the good kind.

The vision was of a nestled angel looking down at me with its wings embracing the sides of the circle, a symbol for union and divinity.

This angel may not look anything like the one I saw in my mind’s eye, but when I look at her, I feel the same intensity of unconditional love, compassion, gentle acceptance, recognition, comfort, and protection.

Those wings in ever-changing iridescent colours that look more like pastels from some angles represent her relationship with Source/Mother-Father God in the feeling tone of the vision.

Some angels have more of a strong warrior protector vibe to them. This one was a soothing feminine vibe.

She has our Highest Good at heart, conveying our prayers to Source while adding her own for us to the mix.

I couldn’t stop staring at her once she was complete, touched by her very beingness. She also spoke to quite a few of my FB Friends, one of whom now uses her for her angel healing work in the States. Her touching story below also brought me to tears – again of the good kind.

Why Vici Armsby Brought The Angel Drum Home

I am extremely grateful to have been able to purchase the Angel Drum created by Dominique.  The minute I saw it, I knew it was supposed to be mine.  I had a visceral reaction – similar to when I saw the painting “Held”, which I also own.  I have been intuitive my whole life and have had a very close relationship with the Angelic Realm and in particular The Blessed Mother Mary – Queen of the Angels.  I work with the energy of Mary and the Angels each and every day.  I am the Owner and Creator of Divine Sisterhood, NY – a Women’s Empowerment Center and the All You Need is Love line of Eco-Friendly Angels which I create.  I knew when I saw the drum that the piece would be instrumental on my path moving ahead.

Sooooo much has happened and continues to unfold as I work with ALL the tools I have.  As someone who works on a daily basis with the Angels, I can sometimes have issues with staying grounded.  Living in upstate New York and on 30+ acres of land is wonderful, but during the colder snowy days of winter it can be more challenging being in the woods.  The vibration and sound that emanates from this drum is very comforting and grounding.  When I close my eyes and play the Drum I feel simultaneously grounded and expanded-connected, if that makes sense.  Using this piece in meditation or simply looking at the image, touching the image and sitting with it along with “Held”, I feel as if I’m home and among the closest of family/friends. I feel I have Wise Ones working with me and through me to bring love, compassion, healing and hope into the world!  They are assisting me in remembering who I am, why I am here and what my soul’s purpose is.

Another very interesting thing that happened, after I purchased the drum (but before I received it) was that I was in an energy session, and it came through!  I had told no one that I had purchased the drum!  My energy practitioner described the colors of it along with its design and shape, and said it would be instrumental in the next “leveling up” of my energy and vibration.

I share all of this with you as what I hope will be an encouraging message! Trust your intuition and those nudges from God, your Angels, Mother Earth etc even when you have NO IDEA why you “want” or “need” something. Not from a spiritually materialistic standpoint but from a longing or call to remember who you are. It may not be easy – in fact it can be downright AWFULLY uncomfortable (trust me on this one)! But when you are courageous enough to move through it AUTHENTICALLY and have friends and family who hold the space for you to do so,  MIRACLES happen and old dense energy gets left behind!

Thank you Dominique for sharing your beautiful art with the world and being a conduit for such beautiful loving energetic connections to be made!  I am blessed for knowing you and doubly blessed to own these Sacred Pieces!

For more information on Vici’s Angelic creations visit her website or follow her on Facebook & Instagram.

The Angel Drum Video

Enjoy getting more of a feel for The Angel Drum in this short video. 

It doesn’t show the work in progress this time because after a couple of weeks of painting under bright lights with a camera hanging overhead, I decided to take a break.


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The Activation Drum

The Activation Drum was the 2nd to be painted in my 8-Painted-Drum-Fundraiser.

Early after I announced the project, I was kept up until 2 am receiving vision after vision of drums that wanted to come into being. This was one of them.

It was chosen by my friend Joanne Best of Earth & Sky Wellness, who recently moved to St. John’s from Twillingate and offers drumming as part of her empowerment circle offerings.

“I chose the drum  to  powerfully  launch and  activate my Sound Healing /Drum Circles and Women’s Empowernment circles in this new chapter of my life.

Before I saw the drum in person, I woke early to visions of violet energy rays streaming into my crown chakra, reminding me of the violet flame of St Germain. My mind’s eye was filled with an amethyst crystal, which represents enhanced intuition and knowing. I also saw myself standing outdoors with arms opened to the skies,  gathering  golden sun rays, being energized and activated for a great purpose. So when I saw the drum, there was a deep sense of recognition.

The Activation drum was present in January at a very special Full Moon Drum Circle at the Birch Centre for children and their parents to honour my daughter’s birthday.”  ~ Joanne Best

Symbolism & Energy

Every drum I painted had very different energy flowing through me during the co-creative process.

Powerful. That’s how I would qualify the energy transmissions that came through me for this one. I almost called it the Transmission Drum.

It felt like a Divine Call to open and say ‘Yes!’ to all that lies dormant, is germinating or sprouting within us that is meant to come into full bloom in this lifetime.

It’s as if rays of Celestial Light & Love were unlocking the codes inside us that help us live in Divine Alignement.

The same spiral pattern, a symbol of spiritual evolution (amongst many other things), is seen in the gold Central Sun ring, the purple & golden rays flowing down and in the many layers of colour on the person itself.

I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The energy in The Activation Drum is here to remind us of our spiritual nature.

And the amethyst (for spiritual awareness, communication, inner peace and healing) embedded in mica (energy of love & compassion) is there to support the process.

“Drumming activates deep connection to one’s true nature, connection to the true nature of others, to the heartbeat of Mother Earth and to the Spirit of  all that is.” ~ Joanne Best

May The Activation Drum help those who get to play it shift their own energy and support the group’s transformational drumming journey.

If you’re in St. John’s,  your opportunity to play it is in the afternoon of March 5th at The Birch Centre. Follow Earth & Sky Welln for details.

Watch It Evolve


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The Seed Drum

What messages are you receiving from The Seed Drum, #7 in my 8-Painted-Drum-Fundraiser?

The vision for it had been germinating for a few days before I started painting it.

I’d received the vision near the end of the week but decided to take the weekend off painting.

The first weeks of January had been a super intensive (and blissful) studio painting marathon while I caught up with my initial late-night download of visions.

After preparing myself, the space and smudging drum #7, The Seed Drum vision sprouted into its 3 foundational golden rings and then burst into fullness during the long and beautiful hours of the following day.

Oh such joy!

Overall Message

Its message is a valuable reminder on our growth journey as we emerge more fully into who we already are at our core.

The blueprint of the whole tree already exists within the seed – perfectly designed and complete as it always was. With Nourishment, it emerges and grows more and more into its innate self.

Feeling its energy as I painted, I also kept “hearing” that the oak tree never wishes it were a maple or a pine. A cherry tree never envies the apple or plum tree. They are all simply what they were always meant to be.

Such great reminders of self-acceptance & love – as well as acceptance and love for others for who they are.

More Symbolism

At first, I imagined the mature tree would be in shades of white & pearl – more of a spirit tree. I thought it would stay at the essence and presence within the seed.

But once I’d painted the white branches, it called to bloom into full colour – branches, leaves, spirit-fruit, clusters of seeds.

Interestingly, because of the colours, I kept sensing strong peacock energy. At first I wondered how that related to the story and purpose of this drum. But it makes sense.

What most impresses me about peacocks is their ability to eat poisonous snakes and plants and transform these toxins into nourishment.

Peacock energy helps transform lurking poisons into beauty. It assists you to use your experiences for growth. Challenges can then be accepted as happening for you, not to you.

So this drum is not only about acknowledging and nourishing the miracle that you already are, but also to accept and transform your challenges as fodder for growth.

Now let me tell you about the roots.

My first message was to paint the hoop purple. This way, the seed/seedling/tree could be rooted in Spirit. You’ll notice that a few Spirit-fruit already exist at the root level.

Then, quite “accidentally”, the roots on one side stretched farther than those on the other. I know there’s a meaning, but did not receive clarity on it.

Is this a call for more of a balance between the Left (masculine, rational, analytical) and Right (feminine, creative, intuitive) brain? It’s hard to tell which is the left & write on a round tree…  I’ve a feeling the drum’s new owner may receive more insights about this along the way.

A Home for the Seed Drum

The Seed Drum was quickly adopted while it was still a seedling.

Doreen Layman, a landscape horticulturalist at Murrays Landscape reached out and paid her deposit after seeing the initial layers of the gardener on my Facebook profile.

What a thrill for someone to find their piece before it was even complete.

I often feel that I’m channeling a painting for someone specific but it can take years for that person to find it or to invest in it. That’s why I’ve often been open to payment plans. I don’t like to stand between a person and the energy-painting that was meant for them.

Luckily, as this is a fundraiser for my summer studies in Italy, this drum has already found its home. Thank you Doreen!

“The Seed Drum spoke to me! This year, I’m starting a foundation for installing vegetable gardens at schools and seniors centers. However it’s not launched yet. I’ve applied for funding for the first project. I should know in March if it’s a go!” ~Doreen Layman

May the Seed Drum help support you as you work on your project. May its energy add to the groundwork you’ve done on your foundation, so it may become all it was always meant to be. Thank you Doreen for your contributions to greener & healthier communities!

Watch It Evolve

Only 1 Left


As of March 2nd, all 8 drums in my fundraiser have found homes. Commissions are possible for $1111 – contact me to enquire about timing as drum must now be special ordered.



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The Rainbow Harmony Drum

The Rainbow Harmony Drum was the first drum to be painted in my 8-Painted-Drum Fundraiser.

When I started, only 1 person had pre-paid her deposit, giving her the opportunity to pick or pass as each drum was painted, until she had found her drum.

As the vision for it came through, I wasn’t surprised that she said “Yes!” to this first drum.

The whole painting process & energy channeling that went into it felt like it was meant for Lucy O’Driscoll. 

The vision and the painting that emerged from it was very aligned with what I knew Lucy’s work to be – bringing people together for yearly Body Mind and Spirit retreats here on the island of Newfoundland.

I first attended one of her retreats on my birthday back in 2011, the year I was guided to move here.

Since then, I’ve led workshops every year or two at her retreats, filling my cup as I help others fill their own,

What a thrill to know this drum will be used to help bring community together and create sacred space at all her retreats.

The Rainbow Harmony Drum Symbolism

As Mother Earth herself ascends, she is creating a slipstream that is helping humanity to ascend with Her. She is supporting our transformational journey into Higher Consciousness.

Having said that, as we do our inner work to raise our vibration and live more in alignment with our True Selves and our Higher Purpose, we too help our planet ascend and thrive.

Re-connecting to our Selves, each other and our planet’s sacredness, we nourish everyone’s transformational journey.

This can be accelerated by communing with the Elements represented on this drum: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Aether (Spirit) and I added Vibration (the energy within all beings and all things).

The gathered people in the circle are chakra or rainbow-coloured. Both chakras and rainbows are sacred symbols associated with colour. Colour is energy vibrating at a frequency we can see.

Open or balanced chakras represent the free flow of Life Force in the energy centres of the human body. The kinds of activities practiced at spiritual retreats help achieve that within the individual and the community.

Rainbows are a bridge, an invitation to spiritual growth. Among many other things, they represent new beginnings, change, hope, encouragement, and ascension.

The community sitting in sacred circle, is a symbol of unity, interrelatedness, Oneness – of coming together.

You can see why this was the perfect drum for Lucy and her calling to create sacred community, something she’s been doing in Newfoundland & Labrador for over 30 years.

Watch it Evolve

Enjoy this short video that shows you how I brought the vision into being – you’re seeing days’ work at super-speed!

Want a Drum?

All 8 painted drums in my fundraiser have found homes. Commissions are possible for $1,111 CA. Contact me too enquire.

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The Blessings Drum

Imagine your heart and eyes being opened to all the blessings around you.

As you choose to focus your attention on these, you’re opening the portal for even more blessings to come streaming into your life.

That’s what it feels like to drum on “The Blessings Drum”.

Its vibration is like a giant THANK YOU!

The green is a heart chakra opener.

The open hands represent both the receiving and the sharing of blessings.

The multitude of rainbow-coloured orbs symbolize 2 things.

First, they’re a multitude of people, places, things, experiences, opportunities, challenges, etc. that bless your life.

Second, they’re are all those beings on this plane and from beyond who carry with them the help and messages that nourish your Journey.

As I was painting, I played with the name “The Abundance Drum” as the energy that came through during the initial vision and during the energy work filled me up with an awareness of the abundance all around me in its many forms. Ironically, that name felt limiting – results focused.

I also wanted to call it The Gratitude Drum, then remembered that name was taken by one from my 2015 series.

That’s when the name “The Blessings Drum” came through.

It’s not only about the multitude of blessings that exist all around us in so many shapes, sizes and sometimes disguises. It’s about the action of being blessed by Source and His/Her many messengers, as well as the action of blessing others in return with our very being & doing. 

So this drum and the energy infused in it is a tool to help you be that channel for the continuous flow of energy in both the giving and receiving of a multitude of forms of blessings for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of all.

If you’re called to bring this blessing into your life, also blessing me and my Spirit Call to study in Europe this summer, you can buy it here. Thank you.

If not, may even looking at its photo or being with it in the video below bring some of that blessed energy to you. I know I feel blessed for having co-created it with Spirit and to share it here with you.

This drum, along with the 7 others in this fundraiser,  has found a home with a sacred circle of women.

If you’d like a drumYou can commission one for $1,111. Contact me for that.

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The “All One Under the Sun” Drum


What a blissfully intensive time of channeling visions, painting and doing energy work in the studio since the beginning of this promising new year.

I’ve already got 6 of the 8 drums in my Painted-Drum-Fundraiser completed. They’re averaging 16 hours each, so yes…. intensive! But I’ve always loved long hours in the spirit / creative zone.

Four of the drums have already found homes. My Facebook followers & Friends usually get first glimpse at my work so feel free to look me up there too.

Each of the drums has such different energy.  Because of this, I’m sure that each drum will find its right person. Just like with my paintings.

This one, the “All One Under the Sun Drum” took the longest to paint.

As you’ll see in the video below, the drum hoop itself was elaborate to paint with all its loving people and happy colourful confetti dots.

This drum is infused with the joyously harmonious energy of diversity, inclusivity, community, togetherness and vibrancy. 

Drumming it, I could feel the heartbeat of our beloved Mother Earth, Gaia and all of her children.

I could also feel the love pouring down on us from our Father/Mother God, the Central Sun, through our sun.

This drum reminds me of when I discovered drum circles in Saskatchewan back in 2006. My employer, the late mystic photographer Courtney Milne and his wife Sherrill Miller gave me a buffalo hide drum, and I had plenty of opportunities to use it with our circle of friends and at spiritual events.

A few years into my time in Saskatoon, Jade Cathy Chicoine started offering community drum circles, which she still does. This soul sister’s events brought such joy into our community. If you’re in that area, check out Zen Rhythm Co – Listen. Feel.Play. for events.

At the end of her circles, she always had us gather the energy we’d generated in the room and, with a swoop of our arms, send it to all those who needed it around the planet.

As Jade says,

“The circle is the container with the power to hold us all. United we are strongest, divided we could fall.​​”

This drum has now SOLD

All 8 drums in my fundraiser have found homes. Commissioned drums are available for $1,111. Contact me too enquire.

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The Gathering – last painting of 2022

I truly hope that your new year is off to a great start, whatever that means for you.

Whether you’re focused on dreams, goals or thriving through your challenges – you’re not alone. Please know that!

Sometimes in the studio, I enter a prayerful painting mode with requests in mind and at heart. I may spend more time alone than most people, but that doesn’t mean I’m not connected energetically – and that’s what this painting is all about.

Feel free to connect with your prayer requests – for you or your loved ones.

This was the last precious energy-infused gem I painted in 2022.

It filled my heart with the Solstice spirit, even if it was co-created a week before.

I had my reflection and celebration time while creating mini-paint-buttons in the studio since I’d be on a plane far above the planet on the actual Solstice. I do love to fly at significant times.

I started the background months before and got called back to it when pondering the Winter Solstice energies.

It’s called “The Gathering” – a soothing reminder of our interconnectedness.

We are the fruit of the Tree of Life.

Together we were born to nourish our own and each other’s transformational journey.

The trees may be without their leaves here in North America right now, but when I look at them, they are still filled with light, life, and presence.

This painting is a mix of all these things.

But it can be something entirely different for you. What you perceive is what matters when you contemplate art. Honour that.

Viewed From Above

Every December, I purchase a toy/tool for my art business. For the past few years, these all had to do with my relatively new passion for videography.

This past holiday season, it’s for both videography & painting.

I bought an extension arm for my tripod so I can film from above, since I paint flat on a table. I’ll need it if I offer an online intuitive painting workshop – something I’m considering.

Here’s a short video showing you how I made the swirly paint buttons on today’s painting.

I’ve long loved making these, but these are the smallest I’ve ever made!

Title: The Gathering
Year: © 2022
Size: 8″ x 10″ (20.32 cm x 25.4 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $427- Buy it here.
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Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage & Painting “I Saw the Lord in a Vision”

So much to say about this piece entitled “I Saw the Lord in a Vision”, a quote from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene (found in 1896).

Finished in the week before I left to visit my family this Christmas, it was inspired by both the Gospel found in the desert and the book “Mary Magdalene Revealed:The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet” by Meggan Watterson.

Each of the 5 Mary Magdalene books I’ve read & listened to in the past few years has opened me up to a deeper understanding of the essence and energy that has been coming through me during my recent painting sessions.

It’s all part of the rising of the Divine Feminine for the Highest Good of the planet & humanity.

My Faith in the stories of Jesus and His family that I grew up with has been stretched and deepened. Tuning in, the resonance of Truth has helped me broaden my beliefs.

It’s also helped me understand my own direct experience through vision and feeling.

That’s what this painting honours – our communication with the Divine, in whatever way it manifests for us.

I always knew Jesus was the ultimate example, and now I can see how Mary Magdalene was taught to do the same through His Love, so that we could all learn how to connect with the God within. Together, they are still helping humanity with unity consciousness.

If you’re curious, I strongly recommend the books mentioned herein.
I also recommend this Mary Magdalene “We Are One Meditation – Unity Consciousness Activation” channelled by Opheana & Sikaal, available on YouTube. My friend played it during our annual Vision Board day and it was powerful! Another painting may come out of it one day. But first, the drums!

From Flamingos to France?

I started this painting on my birthday weekend back in November- you can see that vivid background in the video below.

Back then, I felt the essence of a flamingo in the background layers, but never got around to painting it.

My heart still jumped with joy though, when I read on a Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage website I was drawn to, that flamingos are one of the attractions of Sainte-Maries-de-la-Mer in France, where Mary & the holy family came ashore in a boat without oars or a sail – a story I’d also read in the 2 Anna- Grandmother of Jesus channeled book.

The next day, I went to my naturopath’s office to find a flamingo on their Christmas tree. I would expect that in South America, but not in Newfoundland!

This was all happening while I was painting this piece…

The flamingo vision/reference/ornament is just one of the many signs that had me choose Faith over fear around the funding for Part 2 of my summer of 2023 Spirit Call. 
By the time I left for my Christmas holidays, I’d paid the deposit for this amazing pilgrimage in the South of France.

You won’t believe what the Canadian price was on the invoice once the organizer had converted it from $U.S. … $8,888! I laughed!

This additional Spirit Call to join an 18-day guided pilgrimage (which includes a walk in the Chartres labyrinth I’ve been painting for years) before going to Italy only came through once I felt I could raise the funds necessary for my 2-month Transformative Art Certification studies near Assisi.

Spirit understands our human side…

So I’m open to finding out how it’s all going to come together, but I’m trusting I’m following Guidance for a reason.

Once I committed, a calm & content knowing washed over the fear and slight overwhelm.

I’m open to following as many inspired actions and opening to as many channels for abundance necessary.

Universal Team Work is required for intuitive living!

If you feel like you’re a part of that divinely orchestrated movement, there are lots of ways to contribute:
  • purchase a painting (I’m open to payment plans) or print
  • buy one of my 8 painted drums (see fundraising post here)
  • order a custom intuitive reading or custom meditation
  • send an e-transfer (in Canada) or Paypal donation to [email protected]
  • spread the word to those who may be inspired by another example of intuitive living
  • keep me in your prayers that whatever Highest Good for all that is meant to emerge from this experience manifest itself clearly
Thank you, and may we all be Universally supported in both hearing & following our Spirit Calls.

The Creation of the Painting

Before I share the Gospel passage that inspired the final touch to this painting, you can watch it evolve in this video.

You’re seeing a week’s work in a minute. If this is the piece that calls to you, you can purchase it here.

Title: I Saw the Lord in a Vision
Year: © 2022
Size: 24″ x 12″ (61cm x 30.5cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: SOLD

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

This passage from Mary Magdalene’s Gospel is what’s illustrated in my painting.

Chapter 5:

5) Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of women.

6) Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them.

7) Mary answered and said, What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.

8- And she began to speak to them these words: I, she said, I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision. He answered and said to me,

9) Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of Me. For where the mind is there is the treasure.

10) I said to Him, Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit?

11) The Savior answered and said, He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is […]

(pages 11 – 14 are missing from the manuscript)

Want To Go Deeper?

My pilgrimage leader, Ariana Brackenbury, recommended this 3-hour video on Youtube by Tricia McCannon, the author of the book “Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing the Earth through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of Jesus, Isis and Mary Magdalene” that we’re starting to study together today as part of our pre-travel preparation.

This video has stirred me, not only for all of its researched information but because of all the visionary art it contains.

I’m not used to seeing other artists’ channeled work – not since my return from the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art back in 2014.

It’s given me a glimpse at how my art and the symbolism that has come through me fits in a much larger picture. It’s mind-opening and heart-stirring. 

I know this pilgrimage to the South of France and summer of inner work in Italy are calling me to be even more committed to my Path. Let’s see what comes out of it.

Here’s the video.

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8 Painted Drums Fundraiser

UPDATE: All 8 drums have been painted & sold. You can find them all on my Blog tab, a post on each.


I’ve recently gotten back into drumming and I wonder why I ever stopped…

According to Dr. Christiane Northrup, drumming does a lot more than provide a way to access a Higher Power. 9 other health benefits she mentions are:

  • Makes you happy
  • Induces deep relaxation.
  • Helps control chronic pain.
  • Boosts your immune system.
  • Creates a sense of connectedness.
  • Aligns your body and mind with the natural world.
  • Releases negative feelings.
  • Puts you in the present moment.
  • Allows for personal transformation.

Want to drum?

It’s been 8 years since I’ve painted a series of drums, so I was thrilled when the inspiration dawned on me after asking Source how to fund my summer 2023 Spirit Call to Italy.

I love sacred drumming and painting drums is just as fulfilling!

This 8 Painted Drums Fundraiser will help cover the costs of 2 months of room & board at the Ananda Italy ashram across the street from the Awakening Arts Academy, where I’ll be getting my Transformative Art Certification. Tuition is already paid.

I’ve ordered 8 Remo Buffalo drums and they’ll be here early in January for me to start painting.

Update: Sold out!

Not into drumming? Perhaps you know someone who is. Please share this with your friends & family.

How it Works

The first to pay their $444 deposit will have first choice to Pick or Pass once I finish painting a drum.

If they Pick, they’ll pay their $444 balance and receive their energy-infused drum. Shipping & tax extra.

If they Pass, the next on the list of 8 gets to Pick or Pass.

It’ll take 2-3 months to finish all 8.

I trust that everyone will get the drum they are meant to have.

Why 8 drums at $888?

The short answer is that I received Guidance on this number and price.

The longer answer is that:

Eight (8) is a symbol of infinity and a constant flow of energy. Amongst other meanings, this angel number often relates to abundance and success in achieving goals. Perfect!

According to this website, the number 888 “may be one of the most positive angel messages you can receive… the endless flow of life, as well as the endless flow of abundance.

When I read that, I felt reassured that $888 would be a good price for both you & I.

Remo Buffalo Drums

Your drum will be a 16″ Remo Buffalo drum, perfect for humid weather like in Newfoundland.

The Remo Standard Buffalo Drum is inspired by the indigenous cultures of the Americas. Equipped with a rope handle and a single mallet. The Remo Standard Buffalo Drum is manufactured with Remo’s Fiberskyn® drumheads and patented Acousticon® drum shells for enhanced durability in any environment. Producing the same tonal characteristics found on traditional wood shell drums, the standard Buffalo Drums feature excellent projection and enhanced low-pitched fundamentals.

2014 Examples

Back in 2014, I painted 5 drums. These were 22″.

One comment some practitioners made was that they were a bit big/heavy for prolonged use. So this time, I decided to go for the 16″ ones.

Here are the 5 drums I painted back in 2014 to give you an idea of style. But what Spirit has in store for us during this co-creation process remains a mystery.

I’m sure I also have my friend Joanne Best to thank for fuelling this inspiration. She just moved to St. John’s, and has already led a few drum circles, using her red Communion Drum. It’s in excellent shape after many years of constant use in all indoor & outdoor weather. Being back in both their presence has been a blessing.



UPDATE: All 8 drums have been sold. Commissions are available for $1,111 CA. Contact me too enquire.

I appreciate your continued patronage in 2023.

Blessings & thanks,



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Birthday & Black Friday Sales Coming Up!

What better way to celebrate being born and still alive than to make it easier to share the Divine Love that is co-created through me when I paint.

I’ve got 2 sales in November that will help get more love, beauty & energy into your environment:

  1. Birthday Sale – $333 Originals
  2. Black Friday Sale – 20% off Prints & Calendars Sale ( Use Promo Code ‘ ARTsale ‘ at checkout)

Whether you’re looking for visual anchors to remind you that you are loved for who you truly are, or meaningful energy-infused holiday gifts, read on!

1. Birthday Sale – $333 Originals – November 12-19

It’s been amazing to walk into my studio after such a prolific year. The energy & beauty on my walls has nourished and supported me big time! But my paintings were meant to be shared, so that they can help raise the vibration of more than just my space. It’s time they found their new homes where they can do what they were designed to do with you.

It’s been 6 years since I’ve had a birthday sale! I’ve had special exhibitions, meditations, invitations for a collaborative tree-hugging video, but no sales.

The number 333 came to heart one morning in meditation. Looking it up, I see that it’s an angel number representing change & growth along with the support to make the right choices in life. Sounds perfect with what I’m feeling coming up in my life! What about you?

Plus it’s 3 x 111, my long-time favourite number, a reminder to trust that everything is happening together for our Highest Good as well as fresh new beginnings.

So here’s what I’ve been inspired to offer to celebrate my 56th birthday on the 12th.

All ORIGINAL paintings listed in my online shop at $600 or less will be ON SALE FOR $333 from November 12-19.

That’s the birthday gift of 111 x 3:

  • 111 for you
  • 111 for me
  • 111 for the art co-created through me

So mark your calendars and come back to my online shop starting Saturday to save up to $264 – 20 original paintings to choose from! Shipping not included.

And reach out if you’d rather pay cash or by e-transfer or need a payment plan.

P.S. For those in the St. John’s area, I’ll have some with me at the 2022 Art Festival at Murray’s Greenhouse on the 19th – 7-10pm. See poster here.

2. Black Friday Print & Calendar Sale – 20% off

Great news! I just heard from Newfoundland Canvas, my print-on-demand provider, that they’re having their annual Black Friday Sale from Thursday, November 17 to Monday, November 21.

20 % off PRINTS in your choice of medium and size & CALENDARS too!

*** Use Promo Code ‘ ARTsale ‘ at checkout ***

This is another great way to bring the Divine Love channeled through my art into your life.

Free Shipping in Canada for orders $75+, local pickup in St. John’s and great prices on international shipping.

I’ll post the sale CODE here & send in my newsletter as soon as I get it from them. I wanted to give you a heads up for your holiday shopping planning!

3 Calendars to Choose From

  • Heart to Heart
  • Angels and Saints
  • Nature Spirit

They print these gorgeous 13-month calendars on demand – takes about 4 days. These will also be 20% off during the sale (Nov. 17-21). Use Promo Code ‘ ARTsale ‘ at checkout

Regular price: $25 CA ($18 US). Free shipping in Canada for orders $75+

Watch this video and order them here.

Quality Prints

Every year, I invest in high-quality photographic scans of some of my paintings to provide you with the highest quality of prints possible.

Check out this video to give you an idea of what’s involved. I find this fascinating!

Go to my print-on-demand portal and save 20% OFF Nov. 17-21 with Promo Code ‘ ARTsale‘ at checkout!


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