Love Oracle 28: Embrace Your Divine Feminine
Happy International Women’s Week!
As we gear up for International Women’s Day on March 8th, I invite you to embrace your Divine Feminine, no matter your gender.
Reclaiming my Divine Feminine was a crucial part of my personal journey. Intuitive painting and intuitive living have been amazing support to my embracing my Divine Feminine. That’s why I teach them!
In our western world, Masculine qualities are taught and reinforced. Success usually means doing, achieving, rational logical thinking, perseverance, resilience, courage, strength, Left Brain, etc. These are awesome qualities. But there’s too much emphasis on them.
At one point, an intuitive healer told me “Dominique! Your right brain is shrinking. Do anything! Cut paper dolls!” She wanted to encourage a rebirth of my creativity after I’d spent a few years focusing on being a Left-brain support to an artist that had enough Right Brain for a team of 20. I’d completely neglected my own creativity. I was living an unbalanced life, and it was taking a toll on my body, mind & spirit.
So today’s Love Oracle is all about embracing your Divine Feminine Qualities. These are:
- Creative
- Intuitive
- Emotionally intelligent
- Right-brained
- Vulnerable
- Nurturing
- Cooperative
- Wanting to be rather than do
- Acting for the experience of joy rather than outcomes
- Seeking self-mastery for the greater good
- Defining success through relationships
So ask your Team of Divine Helpers and Higher Self what you need to focus on to embrace your Divine Feminine.
Pick the painting that calls you the most. Then scroll down to read its message.
Love Oracle Message 1: Nurture Your Relationships
Dear Beloved,
Do you need a hug? Does someone in your circle?
If you’ve picked this painting, your Divine Feminine is asking you to reach out with your arms and heart wide open to connect, truly connect, with another human being.
Perhaps you’ve been so busy with your to-do list that you haven’t had or taken the time to reach out to a friend.
Are you so focused on the physical needs of your family that you’ve missed their emotional needs?
Maybe you’ve been in cocooning mode and it’s become so … comfortable.
Whatever the case, spread those lovely wings of your and spread your love.
You are pure Divine Love at your core. And so is everyone else around you.
Connect to that loving nurturing part of yourself and let Her be all she was meant to be – for yourself and for others.
Who comes to mind, to heart when you read these questions?
- “Who needs me right now?”
- “Who do I need right now?”
- “Whose company do I enjoy?”
- “With whom is it easiest for me to feel loving?”
Then take inspired action. Schedule a time to meet. Call them to remind them they are loved. Express your love in whatever way you’re intuitively guided.
Make someone’s day. It’ll make yours too.
Painting: With Arms Wide Open (SOLD). More on it here…. Order prints here.
Love Oracle Message 2: Follow Your Inner Light
“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine….” Come on, sing along.
That little light of yours is enough to dissipate the darkness. Let it shine. Let it guide you.
Every time you light a candle, call in your Team of Divine Helpers to be here with you. Let the flame remind you of that God-Essence that already shines brightly at your core.
Then close your eyes. Ask for Guidance for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All. Then Look. Listen. Sense. Know/remember. Smell. Taste. Use whatever intuitive channel is most open to receive.
Life is so much more fulfilling when your intuition leads the way.
Embrace your Divine Feminine. Let Her connect to the bigger picture – the one that can only be seen when you join your light with its Source.
Then engage your Divine Masculine to help you take inspired action to manifest your best life.
What are your Spirit Calls?
What does “Follow your Bliss” mean to. you?
What does your heart crave to be, to feel, to do?
Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to add their light to yours so that the road ahead becomes clearer.
The answers are all within you. They’re in your Light.
Use whatever intuitive hearing aids that you need to tap into them. Try an intuitive walkabout or an intuitive vision board. Do some automatic writing / journaling. Pull some oracle cards, use a pendulum.
Eventually, you won’t need the tools and will be able to simple shine the inner light of your Divine Feminine more brightly to immediately connect to the best answers for you.
If you haven’t already, listen to my 75-minute Intuition into Action free tutorial here.
May it help you strengthen your relationship with your intuition.
May it help you shine your unique light brighter in the world. You are an individualized expression of the Divine. Embrace that!
Painting: Our Lady of Light (SOLD). More on it here…. Order prints here.
Love Oracle Message 3: Honour Your Emotions
You are a beautifully emotional being – that’s part of the gift of being human. If you don’t acknowledge or accept your emotions, there’s a price to pay.
If you picked this painting, you’re being invited to embrace your Divine Feminine by honouring your emotions. That’s how you’ll increase your EQ – your Emotional Intelligence.
Let’s look at a lotus flower. Rooted in the mud, it rises through the water – the realm of emotions. By the time it emerges into the light above the water, it has completely cleansed itself of that mud. Its petals are designed to do just that.
So are you.
- Do you ever feel your emotions aren’t appropriate?
- Are you afraid you’ll be judged if you express them?
- Are you worried that your emotions aren’t as important as other people’s?
- Do you need to learn to explore and express your emotions in healthy ways?
The only way to live as your True Self is to get comfortable with your emotions.
If you’re not being real, being authentic, it can have health consequences in body, mind & spirit.
So embrace your Divine Feminine by increasing your mindfulness practice. Become more self-aware of how you feel. First with yourself. Journaling is a great way to do that.
Love yourself through those emotions. Be aware of how you judge yourself for what you feel. Do you even give yourself permission to feel?
Next, if needed, call upon your emotional support system. Let go of your story, the details and the drama. Work on staying focused on seeing, accepting and loving those emotions so you can process them more quickly.
What do you do to honour your emotions in a healthy way? What makes this challenging for you?
The majority have never been trained to comfortably and constructively process emotions.
According to Goleman’s EQ theory, there are five core components to EQ: empathy, effective communication or social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation.
If this peaks your curiosity, follow that intuitive nudge to learn more.
Your ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you is a skill that can be developed.
Investing time on fostering your EQ is a gift that will keep on giving.
Painting: The Perfect Unfolding (SOLD). More on it here…. Order prints here.