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What an Honour and Such a Pleasure

I was in Bay Roberts all weekend working on the 2 commissions I got through my Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship crowdfunding campaign. This was a blessing for so many reasons!

Seventeen hours of painting – not only with my team of angels and guides, but that of my 2 Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship funders. My temporary seaside studio was crowded at times, but I’m certainly not complaining about the celestial company. What an honour it was to co-create in this manner.

Wow! I can’t show you the results until my clients have received their Energy Paintings, but I can say that I’m thrilled!

Thanks so much to my friend Sogno Art – Lori Reddy who drove me out to Bay Roberts (she had quite the creative weekend too!) and to my friend Victoria Munavish who provided us with an ocean-side house, lovely dinners, great company, a fire, a short tour of the area’s natural beauty, and the use of all the art supplies that she had bought from me with the stipulation that I could borrow them should a commission come in before the end of my campaign.

The whole series of events surrounding this weekend and how it came about makes for quite the story – all I’ll say for now is that I’m so grateful for all the lessons and experiences it has provided me with. Thanks everyone – including Guy and Patrick for your support – your paintings will soon be on their way – a few days of curing before applying the UV-resistant varnish.

iPhone Photo Note: We took a short break on Saturday morning to visit Mad Rock Trail, named for its infamous crashing surf … (yah, not this weekend). Did you know the ocean could be perfectly still? I didn’t! Wow!

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Baby Grace’s Placenta Painting

Here’s the finished placenta painting I was commissioned to create – once the placenta print was laminated and protected from smearing, I got in there with many layers of acrylic glazes and paints, glass beads, etching, mica, and the addition of a goldstone – all very symbolic (  I’m glad to report that both of baby Grace’s parents are happy with it.

I also created some digital art for them with the original photo I took of the print. I made these one day while waiting for layers of the painting to dry. Playing with contrast and layers of the original, I was really able to bring out the gorgeous detail of the placenta, which is not as evident in the painting. The family now has a few display options.

Thanks Fiona Cunningham for approaching me with this sacred honour and for funding my campaign. Through this project, I have grown as an artist and learned so much about life itself. This morning, Fiona told me about an artist in New York who “preserves blood to create works that evoke the connections between life, death, body, spirit, and the Universe… “. I can’t say I’ll make blood my medium of choice, but I can definitely relate to this quote after working on this project – check this out- it’s gorgeous! (

Final Grace

FinalGrace_DLH_1757 Grace D3 Grace D4 GraceD1 GraceD2

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A Sacred Honour

Have you heard of a placenta print? I hadn’t, but this morning I received a visit from Fiona and little Grace (a very new and precious being on this planet) and learned all about the significance of this nutrient-rich organ and the various things some people / cultures do with it after a child is born (including eating it, dehydrating it to make potent energy capsules, tree planting ceremonies, and placenta art). After Grace was born, Fiona made this print by lying the Tree of Life side of the placenta on a canvas, creating what I already feel is a powerful and beautiful image. She has commissioned me to enhance the print with my art. What a sacred honour! Thank you Fiona for helping me expand the depth and breadth of my energism art practice and for welcoming my desire to share what I learned with others.


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