Studio Sneak Peek: From Seed to Tree
Wow! So much has happened in the studio since my last sneak peek – including about 30 hours of painting. Bliss! But first…
Time in the Studio:
Friday was the end of the online Thriving Artist Summit. Over the past 2 weeks, I listened to 24 different successful artists talk about various aspects of the life and business of arts. It was inspiring, educational, and ensured that I spent time in the studio every day, even if I had other projects on the go.
This is the Spirit Calling Card reading I got on Friday morning – the last day of the summit.
Did I ever have fun with that message from my Guides in my Morning Pages (3 pages of automatic writing – as taught by Julia Cameron, whom I mentioned in my Life by Design: Creativity post last week). Fun! Fun! Fun! What would a direction of pure passion and miracles look like for you?
Large Snowflake:
This is where we left off in my last Sneak Peek. I needed the couple to stand out more, so it was time to work inside the large snowflake behind them. I only worked in mid and dark tones as I didn’t want anything light to compete with the tree that would be painted on top. At least that was the plan until I did the outer edges in silver dots :-). Couldn’t resist.
More background:
I then worked on adding more patterns to the background, at the top and along the sides. My overall purpose was to darken the whole background so that the tree would stand out more. I kept some of the original pale layers showing as a representation of background snow. I love the mystery, texture, and layers of life that these patterns represent.
Sacred Geometry:
I then worked on the bottom circle that the couple is rooted to. These aren’t necessarily distinguishable in the end, but that’s not what was important. I simply wanted the energy of these symbols to infuse the image. They’re all about the sacred geometry of the creation of physical and spiritual Universes.
The circle – Wholeness, Supreme Spirit, One God
The Yin Yang – male/female aspects of the Great Spirit, dark/light, matter/spirit, passive/active, perfect balance, harmony. “Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts.” Wikipedia
Vesica Pisces – sacred geometry used in religion and spirituality for thousands of years to represent a source of immense power and energy. It’s also
- an opening into the mysteries of higher consciousness
- the seed of the tree of life and basic motif for the flower of life,
- the intersection of spiritual and physical,
- creation/ birthing/ yoni/ Goddess
- two becoming one
- a symbol for Jesus Christ (the fish shape in the middle).
I used to wear a vesica pisces pendent, a stylized version of the Chalice Well cover in Glastonbury, a place I feel drawn to, but haven’t visited yet. And it wasn’t until after I completed the overlapping layers and was contemplating it that it also reminded me of wedding bands.
I woke up excited and scared on Saturday morning, knowing I was going to create the tree that day. After spending so much time on the base layers, I didn’t want to ruin my painting. Then I remembered what I teach – there are no mistakes, just more layers. Play, have fun, take risks, stretch your comfort zones, and do something everyday that scares you. I then chose to let go of the “scared” and keep the “excited”.
So I used my new giant compass (sticking the end in my eraser not to make a hole in the canvas) to draw a circle for the overall shape of the tree. (Thanks to everyone on Facebook who shared their shape preference.) I then used my favourite brush to paint an intricate series of spiral roots: symbolic of holistic growth and union with the Divine.
Later, after I had completed the tree, my housemate commented that the roots weren’t translating as roots to her, but more like lace. Thanks to Orinda’s feedback, I later added another layer of roots that better mirrored the branches of the tree more. I liked the improvement.
As per my usual style, I wasn’t precise about the symmetry here. I free-handed branches that joined the couple to the overall circular shape. There wasn’t much planning here. The top kept calling to reach upwards more, so I actually incorporated a bit of the two designs I had been contemplating. I can see where a little more precision could have been nice, but I also see that life is messy at times and letting go of perfection is such a blessing. This tree simply grew as it was meant to grow and I love it! After a few layers of white, I used a new dark blue below the branches to add contrast and to simplify the foreground over such a busy background. I did the same for the roots and figures and just kept playing with that.
I then spent hours dotting the circle, and adding ice/snow crystals to the branches in silver, pearl, and gold. I have long been a fan of dots on my artwork, but I have fellow artist Fay Prince to thank for passing on her tip about using a stylus to make them.
As per usual, the photos don’t do the piece justice, but here’s a summary of its recent evolution.
This is still a work in progress… but
I received an email from the Craft Council of NL looking for submissions for a special February exhibition entitled “All Kinds of Love’. When space permits, they take a few pieces that fit more into the visual art than craft arena. Part of me would like to submit this piece for consideration, but like with any gallery representation, I hesitate as the gallery keeps a sales commission. They do attract the crowds though, and the exposure would be great. Tough decision. But if anyone is already considering this piece for themselves or as a gift, please let me know. I will reveal the final piece on Wednesday.