Journey Into Divine Oneness – Enter the Mandala
This is the first painting of 12 in the Enter the Mandala Project. I’m so excited to share The Law of Divine Oneness with you!
What a journey! Here’s what I’ve learned through the co-creation of this mandala.
Sourced from Divine Energy, all that is seen and unseen comes from the field of infinite possibilities.
Together, we move as Divine Oneness in a spiralling web of interconnectedness. As to one, so to all.
Visionary artists receive their inspiration in many ways: through dreams, meditation, mind altering substances, etc. I’m one of the rare ones who’s never even tried drugs. That’s not a good or bad thing – it just is.
For this series of paintings, I decided to use my intuitive journeying process (which I call my mini-movies) to dive deeper into the Twelve Universal Laws.
As you’ll hear, I first asked Source and my team of Divine Helpers to guide me.
I then travelled through worlds of imagery to collect messages and symbols related to the Law of Divine Oneness.
Since I asked on behalf everyone, you get to play detective with me as we decipher these messages. Have fun with this. I did!
Listen In:
While listening to this 15-minute audio, take a look at the Spirit Calling Cards below and the Creative Process photos. See if you can find how I incorporated the symbols I was given. I’m not much into realism, so some symbols are, well, symbolic.
There’s no right or wrong way of doing this. If you’d rather just close your eyes and experience the journey that way, go for it.
The Spirit Calling Card Reading
These are the Spirit Calling Cards that acted as a doorway into the intuitive visual journey.
The Creative Process
Click on an image if you want to go through them larger – it shouldn’t stop the audio.
The Spiritual Process
I’m sure you’ve heard that spiritual growth isn’t always smooth.
Have you ever decided to work on an issue only to start having opportunities to do so hit you in the face? This form of “ask and you shall receive” can be challenging for sure! But the rewards are worthwhile.
It’s no surprise, therefore, that having asked to understand the Law of Divine Oneness, I got to do so – not only through my intuitive journey and painting, but in every day life. Immediately!
Right after a very absorbing painting session, I went to the kitchen, where my housemate presented me with a huge mirror (no, not literally). She helped me see that I was not only disconnected from her, but also from the here and now. I was still in my head and in my painting, reflecting on the meaning of Oneness. Wow!
After a few seconds of shock, we both recognized that we were being offered a wonderful opening for connection, unconditional love, and understanding. I suddenly realized on a cellular level (as my entire body was vibrating) how true it is that what we do to one person affects everyone and everything everywhere. At first, I could almost sense the shockwaves traveling around the planet. But then, because we chose to lovingly deal with the situation, I could see this having a much greater effect that reached far beyond the borders of our kitchen and even our world. I was grateful to my Divine Helpers for showing me that.
There have been quite a lot of shifts in my personal world since I started this exploration into the Law of Divine Oneness.
I’m coming out of hermit mode after a winter of diving more deeply into my Self and my art/business. I’m feeling called to being of service at a greater level. I’m reconnecting to the infinite possibilities, to gratitude, and to people. I’m letting go of fear, of judgment, of limiting beliefs. Great stuff!
Your Turn
I’d love to hear what this post/painting inspires in you. Please share your perspective, insights and comments in the discussion below. Your contribution is a valuable part of this community process.
What will your journey through this first Universal Law open up for you?
You are such a beautiful and important part of the Divine Oneness.
What you and I do to raise our level of consciousness will help us all.
We are all interconnected.