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New Painting: “Radical Acceptance”

"Radical Acceptance" 12" x 36"

“Radical Acceptance” 12″ x 36″ – SOLD

“Radical Acceptance” is about saying YES to life. It’s about loving what is.

May this painting energize your intention to truly see the worthiness and the gift of all you are and all that is.

There’s not a tree in the forest that wishes it was other than what it is or elsewhere than where it is.

Its full potential has been present at its core from the time it was a seed in the ground. It simply reaches higher and higher, accepting itself and its circumstances. It grows at its own perfect speed.  It adapts to its environment while continuing to journey towards the sun.

For trees, radical acceptance isn’t a practice. It’s just a way of being.

Eternal witnesses and keepers of ancient wisdom, trees offer the planet life-sustaining energy, nourishment, and shelter. They also provide us with a mirror. Will you accept their invitation to love what is, no matter what? With their invitation comes a key to happiness.


Can You Believe It?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at myself.

I created this painting back in October / November 2015 to enter into a local contest. One of the rules was to keep our entry off all social media.

I’d finished it right before the deadline and hadn’t even photographed it.

So when it was time to pick it up recently, I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was called “Radical Acceptance”, but couldn’t remember the size or subject.

I’ve never been known for my long-term memory. It’s been like that since I was a kid.

I used to say that I’d experienced such a rich life as a child in a military family (we moved 4 times and traveled throughout Europe before I was 10) that I simply couldn’t store it all inside my brain.

Luckily, I have a great detail-oriented short-term memory. I did well in school exams and can easily learn the names of my students within the first day of class. But if I meet them later, I’ll only recognize their faces.

So never take it personally if I don’t remember your name or the details of an intuitive reading I did for you. It’s just the way I am. I’ve accepted that.

There are silver linings. My ex was grateful.  Plus it sure makes re-watching movies a lot more fun.

Now, I like to think that I’m mastering the art of living in the here and now…. being fully present.

I’ve also learned to adap.  I keep impeccable paperwork to keep track of things. And I blog a lot to share and have a record of my journey.

Sure, I admire those who have great memories. But that doesn’t take away from who and what I am. That’s all part of radical acceptance.

In this case, picking up my painting after it didn’t win the contest was like being reunited with an old friend.

I’d fully let it go into its new experience.  And when it came back, I was filled with joyful surprise at its playful happy energy. My heart sang as I unwrapped it. I immediately remembered knowing it.

P.S.  This is a highly textured piece. The colourful raised trees are super glossy while the white hazy background is more matte. Seeing my paintings in person is a whole different experience.

Radical Acceptance
12″ x 36″
Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas. 
No framing required

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Online Intuitive Painting Course


Intuitive painting is fun. It’s transformative. It’s empowering. That’s why I do it.

Want to try? Unleash your very own creative expression in this online intuitive painting course

I discovered Flora Bowley’s Brave Intuitive Painting book in 2013, took her Bloom True e-course that same year and attended one of her live workshops in Bali in 2014.  She’s truly inspiring!

I’ve been painting in this way since the 80s. And although I’ve been teaching it once in a while for about 5 years, it’s not where I feel drawn to put most of my energy.

So I’m thrilled to be able to spread the word about what Flora is doing with her very well designed self-paced online course.

She uses the same materials I’ve used for years and follows a very similar personal philosophy, which is such an integral part of her teaching.


Watch this to see what I mean.


I’ve decided to affiliate with Flora to help open more people to this amazing journey. I’ll receive a small stipend for every person who registers using this link.

It’s a true win-win-win situation. I get to help spread the joy of intuitive painting to you and your friends and receive extra support to continue my own artistic journey.

Click here for all the juicy details about this course. And thanks for sharing this post.


Flora Bowley




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Homage to Brigid with Regina Wright

painting of double heart-shaped woamn inside hands and glowing circle

“Bridie’s Flame” (12″ x 12″) – Sold Click for PRINTS

I had tingles down my spine and a warm smile in my heart when I realized the bigger picture behind my new painting “Bridie’s Flame”.

I’ve got my friend and modern shaman Regina Wright to thank for that.

I’d started the 6 base layers in 2015 and waited until it spoke to me again to create its imagery. That happened on January 31st, the eve of St. Brigid’s day.  I just didn’t know it at the time.

You may have read in a previous post that I’m feeling called to Ireland lately.  This is just another piece of the puzzle.

When I first received a vision for this painting, I believed it to be a piece on Self-Love and positive body-image. The generously curved double heart-shaped figure was held in space by two hands.

As I was working on her, however, I realized she was also a flame – a radiant light surrounded by the halo of the sacred feminine glow.

The Celtic knots in the corner completed the piece before I had any idea of its timing.

I then blessed and varnished it for protection on February 1st – the day when the Irish celebrate St. Brigid of the Sacred Light, one of their two patron saints.

That’s also when I saw Regina’s Facebook post.  I knew my timing wasn’t a coincidence. I was unconsciously celebrating St. Brigid’s Day through the creation of Bridie’s Flame.

I love the new normal!

Instead of repeating everything I then read about Brigd, I’ve invited Regina to share in her knowledge and experience of this saint and goddess. Thanks Regina!


Homage to Brigid by Regina Wright

I’ve been immersed in the energy of Brigid for the last few weeks as I prepared for an annual retreat that I’ve been holding for the last four years. Each year, I learn more about her – both goddess and saint.

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t connected to Brigid. As a child, I heard stories of the saints, one of them being Brigid. My best friend’s mother when I was growing up was Irish and an amazing storyteller. I was eager to hear stories about the land of my ancestors.

I did a course in university in the 90s that explored the role of the goddess in religion and researched different goddesses in several cultures. I’ve been travelling to the UK for many years and found wells dedicated to Brigid in England, Scotland and Wales.

Regina Wright at Brigid's Well in Kildare, Ireland

Regina Wright at Brigid’s Well in Kildare, Ireland

When I finally made it to Ireland in 2010, I really felt the energy of Brigid permeate the land – I was guided to her sacred wells to ask for her blessings and to Kildare, the home of her fire temple and sacred flame. Brigid keeps inviting me back. I’ve been to Ireland five times since 2010!

Who is Brigid and why is she so important, not only to the Irish, but to many around the world? I’m discovering many answers to these questions.

In the beginning, people revered the Great Mother Goddess, the energy of Earth herself. These ancient Celts knew that life sprang from her loins as she mated with the Sun, the Energy of the Heavens.

In Springtime, she showed her young, fresh beautiful Maiden self, as new life appeared all around the earth. Crops started to push up form her rich dark soil and young animals and babies were born.

She became known as Brigid – noble, exalted and respected One.

Customs and ways of honouring her wove into the very fabric of Celtic life.

She’s associated with healing springs, wells and streams. She’s the Lady of the Sacred Flame – the flame of creativity, inspiration, and creative consciousness. She’s the patroness of poetry, healing, smithcraft, midwifery and animal care. Brigid is the bringer of prosperity, the goddess of fertility, new growth and birth.

Brigid is considered a Triple Goddess, not only of the stages of life of mother, maiden and crone, but also of the roles she plays – that of Lady of the healing Waters, Goddess of the Sacred Flame and Goddess of the Fertile Earth.

In the 5th century, a truly beautiful and loving soul was born who personified the gifts of the Goddess.

She grew up to become Saint Brigid and established her abbey at Kildare, which became a great centre of spirituality and learning.

The story of how Brigid got the land for her convent is often told in Ireland today. She approached the local chieftain and asked for land to build her abbey. He laughed and didn’t take her seriously. Brigid didn’t take no for an answer and kept asking.  The chieftain admired her courage and daring and told her she could have as much land as her long cloak would cover. Brigid nodded to her followers and gave a corner of it to four women and asked them to walk in the four directions – North, South, East and West. The chieftain was astonished as the women walked for miles and the cloak kept expanding over the lush green countryside.

This land in Kildare is where Brigid founded her Abbey and a perpetual flame was lit in a fire temple that remained lit for generations. It was extinguished by Cromwell’s men and remained unlit for centuries until it was relit by the Brigidine Sisters in 1993.

Today the flame is tended to in a beautiful new building, Solis Bhride, shaped like a Brigid Cross. I visited Solis Bhride in October and was gifted candles lit from the perpetual flame to bring back to Canada to share Brigid’s light and keep the fire alive.

Since the relighting of Brigid’s eternal flame in 1993, there’s been great interest in Brigid as goddess and Saint, not only in Ireland, but also in many other parts of the world.

This revival is seen in the number of books, songs, organizations, and events dedicated to her. Many traditions exist in Ireland from the early times of Brigid’s Abbey. Her day is celebrated on the first day of the Celtic spring, known as Imbolc (meaning in the belly) – there’s a whole week dedicated to the celebration of Brigid at this time – a festival of Brigid!

I feel it’s a reflection of us womenfolk reclaiming our power and our stewardship and responsibility for the healing of Mother Earth!

There are many sacred wells dedicated to Brigid around the British Isles and Ireland, but it is with Fire and her Sacred Flame that she is most frequently associated – the eternal flame of life, the flame of inspiration, and the flame of our creative consciousness.

She’s a solar goddess, and it’s said she was born at the exact moment of daybreak with her head radiant with rays of illuminated light.

I keep an altar dedicated to Brigid and light candles that have the energy of her flame that I brought back from Kildare.

Our ancestors brought Brigid with them to this land and this is reflected in some place names including St. Brides and Kilbride (which means church of Bride/Brigid).

I’ve heard stories of Brigid traditions been kept alive here in Newfoundland, including putting a small piece of cloth outside on January 31 to be blessed by Brigid during the night. This cloth was taken in before sunrise and kept in a safe place to be put on an injury, etc. It is said that this cloth is a strip of Brigid’s cloak.

For the past several months, I’ve been studying with a wonderful Celtic wise woman and shaman, Karen Ward, and have connected more deeply to Brigid through her.

I’m looking forward to going to Glastonbury in May – a place associated with Brigid – and back to Ireland in the fall – the seeds have been planted for me to offer my Brigid retreat in Ireland at Solis Bhride.

Brightest Blessings from Brigid,


P.S.  Prints available in many sizes & mediums.



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New Painting: “True Colours – Dancing the Dancer”

painting of dancer on layers of coloured designed

“True Colours – Dancing the Dancer” (16″ x 20″) – SOLD

Here it is – my second collaborative piece this year with friend and fellow artist Lori Reddy – “True Colours – Dancing the Dancer” .

Follow your bliss, letting your true colours shine.

This painting  is an invitation to move to your own rhythm. It’s also a celebration of life as you listen to your inner music and let it move through your ways of being and doing.

We are uniquely colourful spirits with layers of life experience, gifts, feelings, and modes of being and expressing. This is reflected in the many many layers of paint on this canvas.

Lori and I spent 3 full days of painting together in my studio, switching back and forth between this one and “Vibrations Arising” (see earlier post). I then worked on this painting for few extra days on my own. It kept calling me as I danced on my mini-trampoline, so I followed the movement onto the canvas.

“True Colours – Dancing the Dancer” (16″ x 20″)
Acrylics and oil-based markers on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required.


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New Piece – Collaborative Painting with Lori Reddy

collaborative painting - raising vibrations

“Vibrations Arising” ( 12″ x 12″) – acrylics & oil markers on canvas – $447

Have you ever been in a situation that repeated itself, only to realize how much better you handled it the next time around?

This little jewel of a painting came out of just such an experience.

My friend and fellow artist Lori Reddy came over in late December for a couple of days of collaborative painting. We finished one and are still working on the second.

This is Vibrations Arising (12″ x 12″ – SOLD) 

We’d paint on one canvas for a while, then switch back and forth throughout the day.

Our two days were blissful, peaceful, creative, and fun.

Collaborative painting is a beautiful exercise in letting go, trust, embracing the mystery, surprise, cooperation, learning, and coming up with something completely different than one person could on their own.

But you have to approach it with the right attitude.


A Mirror for Growth

This isn’t the first time we collaborate.

Lori and I painted these two yoga studio murals together 3 years ago. That was a rewarding stretch of my comfort zones and such joy!

But the first time Lori suggested we collaborate on a couple of canvases in 2012, it wasn’t so easy or fun.

One painting went super well. I created the coloured background and handed it over. Lori took it home and used black to reveal the phoenix. It blew my mind and opened my heart to collaborative painting.

But the other one was a trial that kept going on and on, layer after layer, week after week.

I remember feeling protective of some of the layers I produced. I was scared she’d change something I liked. I had a hard time letting go of control.

I was also judgmental and self-critical. I was scared of failure. I didn’t think I was making things better and worried about wasting expensive supplies on a futile effort. I simply wasn’t at my best…

I chose fear. I got frustrated. I wanted to quit. I fought the current, which is exhausting. Then I beat myself up for not doing better. Sounds familiar?

I’m sure it wasn’t all negative, but that’s what I remember.

The results reflected my inner reality, which I’m sure affected Lori’s experience too.

It took months and several layers back and forth to salvage it.

At first, I saw it as a reminder of how I didn’t allow myself to play. I didn’t like it.

Now I see its invitation to grow. And grow I did. Yay!

I love our new piece! It’s a mirror of our inner reality that day. It shines of the high vibrations of love, play, bliss, and collaborative creativity.

My heart sings when I look at it. Does yours?

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“All In One” – A Summary of the Twelve Universal Laws

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The Law of Gender: The Last Mandala

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The Law of Rhythm: Enter the Mandala



Welcome to the Law of Rhythm. This is  Mandala #11 in the Enter the Mandala Project, an artistic and spiritual quest to better understand the 12 Universal Laws.

The Law of Rhythm tells us that nothing is random. There’s order in the Universe through the repetitive movement, patterns, and cycles in everything:

  • the waxing and waning of the moon and planets
  • the ebb and flow of the oceans
  • the cycle of the seasons
  • the peaks and dips in the economy, politics, spirituality, and relationships
  • the ups and downs in our emotional, physical and mental energy
  • the successes and challenges in business,
  • etc.

Everything is either growing or dying.

By understanding this rhythm, we can act accordingly and sensibly.

Mastering the Law of Rhythm means finding balance and equanimity no matter which way the pendulum is swinging.  

It’s about getting off the emotional roller coaster to be in a state of inner peace and joy, no matter what.

Before getting more into the specifics of how to use the Law of Rhythm to your advantage, let me take you through the intuitive and creative process behind this painting.

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Listen In

I love the Guided Visual Journeys my team of Divine Helpers take me on. 

I ask a question, close my eyes, and start downloading a mini-movie filled with amazing imagery and symbolism. The interpretation comes later.

Listen in – this is the intuitive reading that gave birth to the Law of Rhythm mandala (18 minutes).

And here’s the Spirit Calling Card spread I got at the beginning of the reading.  They were right – the symbolism they gave me for this painting was very clear.


Would you like an intuitive reading to support your path to your Highest Good?

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The Creative Process

I didn’t know the names of all 12 laws before I started this project. But when my Guides asked me to do 12 mandalas on the Universal Laws, I found the list of 12 online. Right before I start my intuitive reading, I read an introduction sentence or two on each.  But it’s only after I’m done the Guided Visual Journey and painting that I like to read what others say about the Law online.

It’s amazing how this time, almost all the symbolism that’s in the painting was talked about on other sites. What great confirmation!

My Guided Visual Journey was accompanied by sound this time – the rhythmic tic tock of the clock or metronome. My first 3 layers of repetitive patterns and cycles were created to this rhythm.

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The Symbolism Close-Up

The Ginger Bread Man

The symbolism for the Law of Rhythm was really clear…

Except for the gingerbread man.

It was cute seeing him rock side to side as he walked to to the rhythm of the tic tock.  I smiled when he appeared again swinging from the pendulum. But if it wasn’t for Google, I don’t think I would’ve figured out why he appeared here.

Do you remember the story of the gingerbread man? I didn’t.

He escaped from the old woman who baked him only to be chased by a pig, cow, and horse. In the end, a fox tricked and ate him.

According to Wikipedia, the story “depends on rhythm and repetition for its effect with one event following hard upon another until the climax is reached”.  That’s life – rhythm and repetition. The trick is not letting it take you off guard. Don’t let it eat you up!

In my painting, I linked the gingerbread man to the emotional roller coaster that comes from not understanding the Law of Rhythm. What goes up must come down. But if you get that it’s all part of the ride, you’ll enjoy the journey more.

The Monk

In my vision, I saw a monk sitting on an island of calm.

I painted him under a 3-D disk of gel. When I apply this medium, it’s white. But it spreads for hours and takes about a day to dry. Observing this process reminded me of the patience and time it takes to train the mind.


Take a look. The roller coaster that started at the extremes turns into gamma brain waves on each side of the monk. This represents the transcendental mental states scientists found while studying Tibetan monks in meditation.

Your Turn

Can you see how the rhythm of nature is reflected in the cycles of life and everything in it?

How is this true in your

  • health & fitness?
  • relationships?
  • personal finances?
  • productivity?
  • emotions?

Are you living in the world of extremes or finding balance to overcome the negative downturns?

Know that the pendulum will keep swinging. If it’s down, know that it’s going to head back up. Don’t sabotage yourself by lowering your vibration and getting depressed. If it’s up, don’t overindulge so that there’s nothing left when it starts heading down again.


If your income is flowing in big time, don’t spend it all. Save some for when there’s a natural slow down in cash flow.

If you’re in a peak physical state for some competition, know it won’t stay that way forever. You’ll need rest. You can’t keep pushing yourself to the max year-round.

If the contracts / clients aren’t as frequent during a period of the year, take the time to learn new skills and create new products.

If your relationship is going through a rough patch, focus on being more unconditionally loving – to yourself and your partner. It doesn’t always mean it’s over.

If you’re mentally tired and not as productive as you’d like, don’t give up.  Take advantage of that natural flow to schedule time in nature or networking opportunities.

Basically, don’t fight the cycles. Work with them to your advantage.

Can you think of other examples to help us understand? Please add your comments to the discussion below.


Go to Mandala #10: The Law of Polarity
Go to Mandala #12: Law of Gender
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The Law of Polarity – Enter the Mandala

Law-of-Polarity-Dominique-HurleyWelcome to #10 in the Enter the Mandala Project, a series of 12 mandala paintings based on intuitive readings for each of the Universal Laws.

By entering this mandala, you’ll better understand “The Law Polarity”

What does it  mean?  This is how my Guides explained it. See if you can spot how I represented it in the painting.

We live in a dualistic world. It’s what makes existence possible. 

There’s no

  • left without right,
  • big without small,
  • north without south,
  • light without dark,
  • up without down,
  • hot without cold,
  • plus without minus,
  • success without failure,
  • etc.

The beauty is that there’s a whole continuum of existence between those polar opposites.

When you focus on the opposite of what you don’t want, you start moving along the continuum towards what you want.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

So if your thoughts aren’t serving you, think the opposite. If your actions aren’t serving you, do the opposite.  You always have a choice.

Which way do you want to tip the scale?  Which escalator will you get on?

Don’t criticize or condemn where you are. It’s what makes the opposite possible.

In every problem lies the potential for a solution. In every failure is the seed for success.

Learn from it.  Grow from it. Use the Law of Polarity to your advantage.

But don’t focus on the problem or failure.  Just know that it holds the opportunity for the opposite.

This reminds me of The Work by Byron Katie.  Through a series of 4 questions, you identify and examine the thoughts that cause anger, fear, depression, addiction, and violence in the world. These 4 questions help you turn that around to truly experience peace and happiness:

  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
  4. Who would you be without the thought?

It’s up to you to explore and experience life to its fullest.

If you don’t like where you’re standing on the continuum, turn around. Look the other way. You’ll naturally flow towards where you’re pointing. 

Keep reading to learn more about the intuitive process, creative process, and symbolism in this Law of Polarity mandala.

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The Intuitive Reading

The imagery in this reading was so much fun! I couldn’t wait to start painting.

You can listen in here (13 minutes). It starts with a Spirit Calling Card reading and then goes into one of my guided visual journeys – the mini-movies I download from Source / my Guides / The Universe.

These are the Spirit Calling Cards that started the intuitive process. SCC-TemplateI knew it was going to be great!

The Creative Process

In my usual intuitive painting process, I only know where it’s going one layer at a time. But because of all the symbolism given to me in the intuitive reading, I have more of a direction before it starts. Watch it evolve.

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More on the Symbolism in the Law of Polarity Mandala

The Circus

Life’s a circus. It’s power to engage, empower, educate, excite and entertain you rests in the kind of circus you choose to attend.  

There’s the boring ones where the animals are mistreated and the the staff is disgruntled, unmotivated, greedy, abused, abusive, and angry. Think freak shows, pickpockets, deadly elephants, and debauchery behind the scenes.

Or there’s the one created from a spirit of camaraderie, excellence, skill, balance, stamina, creativity, imagination, artistry, beauty, and daringness. Think Cirque du Soleil.

You’re the acrobat, the unicycle riding juggler, the clown, and the rider in this circus of life.

With focus, training, and motivation you can create the momentum to travel to the side of the continuum you want to live on. You can have the relationships, circumstances, abundance and happiness you want.

The Tower & The Tools

One of the characters in my vision was under the illusion of being trapped in a tower (the outer ring of the mandala). But there were staircases all around that tower! She just wasn’t looking the right way.

The tower symbolizes the mental and physical limitations we create within and around ourselves. It’s our self-limiting beliefs.

Law-of-Polarity-detail-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2816At the top of that tower lay tools and symbols of various faiths (mala beads, prayer rug, sacred books, etc.).

It felt like a buffet of resources. There was something there for everyone. It didn’t matter which tools or belief system you picked up, as long it supported you in your desire to live a full and happy life.

This meant using the tools for the Highest Good.

But as history shows, these same tools can be used for the opposite. They’ve led to war and fanaticism. It’s all part of the same continuum.  But where war and fanaticism exist, so does the opportunity for peace, harmony, unity, and respect.


Law-of-Polarity-detail-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2830Although Stonehenge was only one of the symbols I saw at the top of the tower, I was moved to give it more prominence in the painting.

When I looked up its symbolism after I finished, I learned that new studies suggest it was built as a symbol of unity and peace between east and west after a time of intense conflict.

According to the same article, it was a centre of balance in a world of polarities.

The solstice-aligned avenue between the stones sits on a series of natural landforms which mark out the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, suggesting people may have seen the spot as the “centre of the world”.

I especially liked the description on another website that describes what you can experience after you enter the symbolic gateway.

From then on, attaining the intermediary zone of the structure meant achieving the fullness of the human nature. That mostly meant surpassing his own contradictions and rediscovering unity beyond oppositions: fear and aggressiveness, sadness and anger, doubts and credo etc. Opposites as doubt and credo are overcome by trust. Similarly, the resolution of the antagonisms like sadness and anger is accomplished by compassion. As for the dilemma between fear and aggressiveness, it can only be solved by love and sharing.

The same author describes the central zone as a reconciliation of opposites –  day and night, light and dark, and a world of duality. By becoming One with the centre of the world, you reached “Unity at the source of the manifestation of everything”.

Learning how the Law of Polarity works will help you create a life of balance, gratitude, abundance, unity, and harmony.

It depends on your choices and willingness. With self-awareness, education, experience, and belief, it’s all possible.

The trick is to accept whatever shows up in your life instead of resisting it.  Know that your challenges happen for you and not to you.  What gifts, what seeds, what opportunities do they hold?

Then turn around and head the other way, shaping the outcomes you desire.

How can the Law of Polarity work in your life today? Please share your examples and reflections in the comments below. Trust that you’ll inspire us all. Thanks.


Go to Mandala #9: The Law of Relativity
Go to Mandala #11: The Law of Rhythm
Click to Buy Mandala Prints
Purchase the Collection of Original Paintings.
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Enter the Mandala: The Law of Relativity


Here it is! #9 in the Enter the Mandala Project. This is a series of 12 mandala paintings co-created with my Guides to help understand the Universal Laws.

This is “The Law of Relativity”

So what does it  mean?

You create your misery by comparing yourself and your life to what you judge as better people, circumstances, or times. Everything is relative. But do you use the Law of Relativity to your advantage or disadvantage? 

Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. Love what is and be happy.

You can break free from your limiting perceptions through the creative transformation of mind and spirit. Use your judgements to teach and guide you out of the darkness and into the Light.

Click to Buy Mandala Prints

Read on to find out more about the intuitive reading, creative process, and symbolism in this painting.

The Intuitive Reading

These guided visual journeys make for great entertainment. But they’re a lot more.

Packed with symbolism, they’re a source for creative inspiration and learning.

While you listen (23 minutes), notice your judgments about events in the story. Let your observer-self help you recognize that nothing has meaning but the meaning you give it.

You’ll notice my painting doesn’t include the whole story … I left out the prisoners being roasted on a skewer at the poolside feast…  they didn’t seem to mind their fate, but I definitely put meaning into it.

Here’s the Spirit Calling Card spread from the start of the reading.


Find out how one of my intuitive readings can help you answer questions in your life.

Click Here

The Creative Process

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All sorts of comparisons stopped me from being in love with the present:

  • I tried painting the animals in relation to the size of the children and they ended up lost on the canvas. I painted over those.
  • I kept comparing my representational figures to other artists’ work and to reality – yikes!
  • I  missed the vibrancy of colours in previous mandalas…

It’s only when I stopped comparing that I could enjoy the process.

But my experience wasn’t a loss. It was part of my Guides’ teachings – a gift. Seeing it that way cleared the path for my 12-hour flow the next day.

The Symbolism

Main Characters

Our main characters in this story created chaos through comparisons. Kids and bluejays arguing about games. Rattlesnakes fighting over a book. Rabbits having a tug-of-war with a carrot.

Instead of enjoying their fun, wisdom, clarity, abundance, creativity, and intelligence, they used the Law of Relativity to their disadvantage.

This isn’t good or bad. It just is. These experiences are what led them to the lessons that came after.

The Well


Once inside the fortress, they met a judge, who acted as both their teacher and their guide.

Everyone had a  different reaction when he showed them a well. They related it to their past.

For the kids and dog, it was a good thing. They remembered drinking and splashing around after playing in the heat.

But for the snakes, it was a bad thing. They were afraid because one fell down a well and the other had to pull him up with the bucket.

The rabbits also judged it negatively. They’d lost a baby when machinery arrived to dig up a new well.

The well on the screen had no meaning except the meaning they gave it.

Traditionally, a well symbolizes a womb, birth, rebirth, forgiveness, Divine Love, cleansing, and quenching our thirst for higher knowledge.

By understanding the Law of Relativity, we too are offered a chance at rebirth.


Law-of-Relativity-detail-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2776I’m not a chess player, so I was curious to read why my Guides had chosen this symbol. My first thought was that it had to do with contrast or black & white thinking.

According to,

“this game transposes cosmic archetypes, truths about the initiatory road and talks about the ingredients necessary to efficiently fight against the Ego.”

Many who teach the Law of Relativity say that it’s through our tests and initiations that we’re given what we need to strengthen our Light. Mindful effort and step-by-step decision-making will creatively transform our mind & spirit.  This is what the game of chess is all about.

Fortress & Firecrackers

A fortress can mean many things:

  • the obliteration of something at its roots
  • elimination of negativity or troubles
  • security / positive power

Firecrackers represent:

  • a fresh new outlook on life
  • celebration
  • beauty blossoming out of darkness
  • positive new changes

In my vision, the children and creatures strapped themselves to firecrackers to shoot above the fortress walls and back into a better version of their lives.

They broke free from their limiting beliefs and judgments.

Your Turn

Try this.  The next time you have a negative judgment about yourself, someone else, or anything at all, stop.

  1. Figure out what you’re comparing.
  2. Congratulate yourself for noticing it.
  3. Remind yourself that there are no judgments – good or bad, better or worse, until the mind gets involved and compares it to other things.
  4. Analyze what you’re meant to learn here.
  5. Love what is, no matter what. (The Work by Byron Katie is a great tool for this).

It’s your responses to the situations in your life that are important for your growth.  There will always be people who are richer, happier, thinner, more fit, more productive, more intelligent, more successful, etc.  The reverse is also true.

If you’re going to compare your life to others, focus on what’s working for you. Use the Law of Relativity to your advantage, not your disadvantage.

Are you focusing on what’s going well or what’s going wrong in your life.

Are you focusing on the challenges or on the gifts that came from them?

What’s one comparison you’ve made today that led to feeling bad? Turn it around to help you feel better. Tell us about it in the comments below.

Go to Mandala #8: Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Go to Mandala #10 - The Law of Polarity
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