Welcome to #10 in the Enter the Mandala Project, a series of 12 mandala paintings based on intuitive readings for each of the Universal Laws.
By entering this mandala, you’ll better understand “The Law Polarity”
What does it mean? This is how my Guides explained it. See if you can spot how I represented it in the painting.
We live in a dualistic world. It’s what makes existence possible.
There’s no
- left without right,
- big without small,
- north without south,
- light without dark,
- up without down,
- hot without cold,
- plus without minus,
- success without failure,
- etc.
The beauty is that there’s a whole continuum of existence between those polar opposites.
When you focus on the opposite of what you don’t want, you start moving along the continuum towards what you want.
Where attention goes, energy flows.
So if your thoughts aren’t serving you, think the opposite. If your actions aren’t serving you, do the opposite. You always have a choice.
Which way do you want to tip the scale? Which escalator will you get on?
Don’t criticize or condemn where you are. It’s what makes the opposite possible.
In every problem lies the potential for a solution. In every failure is the seed for success.
Learn from it. Grow from it. Use the Law of Polarity to your advantage.
But don’t focus on the problem or failure. Just know that it holds the opportunity for the opposite.
This reminds me of The Work by Byron Katie. Through a series of 4 questions, you identify and examine the thoughts that cause anger, fear, depression, addiction, and violence in the world. These 4 questions help you turn that around to truly experience peace and happiness:
- Is it true?
- Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
- How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
- Who would you be without the thought?
It’s up to you to explore and experience life to its fullest.
If you don’t like where you’re standing on the continuum, turn around. Look the other way. You’ll naturally flow towards where you’re pointing.
Keep reading to learn more about the intuitive process, creative process, and symbolism in this Law of Polarity mandala.
The imagery in this reading was so much fun! I couldn’t wait to start painting.
You can listen in here (13 minutes). It starts with a Spirit Calling Card reading and then goes into one of my guided visual journeys – the mini-movies I download from Source / my Guides / The Universe.
These are the Spirit Calling Cards that started the intuitive process.
I knew it was going to be great!
In my usual intuitive painting process, I only know where it’s going one layer at a time. But because of all the symbolism given to me in the intuitive reading, I have more of a direction before it starts. Watch it evolve.
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More on the Symbolism in the Law of Polarity Mandala
Life’s a circus. It’s power to engage, empower, educate, excite and entertain you rests in the kind of circus you choose to attend.
There’s the boring ones where the animals are mistreated and the the staff is disgruntled, unmotivated, greedy, abused, abusive, and angry. Think freak shows, pickpockets, deadly elephants, and debauchery behind the scenes.
Or there’s the one created from a spirit of camaraderie, excellence, skill, balance, stamina, creativity, imagination, artistry, beauty, and daringness. Think Cirque du Soleil.
You’re the acrobat, the unicycle riding juggler, the clown, and the rider in this circus of life.
With focus, training, and motivation you can create the momentum to travel to the side of the continuum you want to live on. You can have the relationships, circumstances, abundance and happiness you want.
One of the characters in my vision was under the illusion of being trapped in a tower (the outer ring of the mandala). But there were staircases all around that tower! She just wasn’t looking the right way.
The tower symbolizes the mental and physical limitations we create within and around ourselves. It’s our self-limiting beliefs.
At the top of that tower lay tools and symbols of various faiths (mala beads, prayer rug, sacred books, etc.).
It felt like a buffet of resources. There was something there for everyone. It didn’t matter which tools or belief system you picked up, as long it supported you in your desire to live a full and happy life.
This meant using the tools for the Highest Good.
But as history shows, these same tools can be used for the opposite. They’ve led to war and fanaticism. It’s all part of the same continuum. But where war and fanaticism exist, so does the opportunity for peace, harmony, unity, and respect.
Although Stonehenge was only one of the symbols I saw at the top of the tower, I was moved to give it more prominence in the painting.
When I looked up its symbolism after I finished, I learned that new studies suggest it was built as a symbol of unity and peace between east and west after a time of intense conflict.
According to the same article, it was a centre of balance in a world of polarities.
The solstice-aligned avenue between the stones sits on a series of natural landforms which mark out the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, suggesting people may have seen the spot as the “centre of the world”.
I especially liked the description on another website that describes what you can experience after you enter the symbolic gateway.
From then on, attaining the intermediary zone of the structure meant achieving the fullness of the human nature. That mostly meant surpassing his own contradictions and rediscovering unity beyond oppositions: fear and aggressiveness, sadness and anger, doubts and credo etc. Opposites as doubt and credo are overcome by trust. Similarly, the resolution of the antagonisms like sadness and anger is accomplished by compassion. As for the dilemma between fear and aggressiveness, it can only be solved by love and sharing.
The same author describes the central zone as a reconciliation of opposites – day and night, light and dark, and a world of duality. By becoming One with the centre of the world, you reached “Unity at the source of the manifestation of everything”.
Learning how the Law of Polarity works will help you create a life of balance, gratitude, abundance, unity, and harmony.
It depends on your choices and willingness. With self-awareness, education, experience, and belief, it’s all possible.
The trick is to accept whatever shows up in your life instead of resisting it. Know that your challenges happen for you and not to you. What gifts, what seeds, what opportunities do they hold?
Then turn around and head the other way, shaping the outcomes you desire.
How can the Law of Polarity work in your life today? Please share your examples and reflections in the comments below. Trust that you’ll inspire us all. Thanks.