Light Against Dark and Dark Against Light
I’m into moving meditation – dancing on my mini-trampoline singing Sanskrit chants in the morning.
Sometimes, I do that looking at my vision board. Lately, I’ve been contemplating my painting “All In One: The Twelve Universal Laws”.
It’s a portal to the Universal Energy Flow.
It’s also a great review of the Laws I studied last year channeling the Enter the Mandala series.
I’ve noticed that the dark ring around the sunflower pulls me right into another dimension. It also lifts that sunflower right off the canvas and into my third eye.
The Great Masters taught painters throughout the ages a lesson that’s as insightful in life as it is on canvas. Light against dark and dark against light.
They passed that knowledge down the lineage of visionary painters until my teachers taught me a couple of years ago at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.
Designers in many fields know this now – the eye is drawn to where there’s the greatest contrast.
It’s the same in life.
It’s from contrast that we create focus for our intentions and attention.
Our Light shines from out of the darkness.
When we’re fully into an experience we don’t want, we realize what it is we do want and create the momentum to reach it.
Sure, it’d be wonderful if our Light were constantly glowing at full force into the world.
But I’m not there yet.
I can only imagine how I’d be if I could stay in the state of wonder and unconditional love that I’m in when I channel a meditation, intuitive reading or energy painting commission.
That would be enlightenment.
For now, I appreciate the role the contrast between my Higher Self and little self plays.
Light against dark and dark against light. It’s beautiful. It’s necessary. It draws you in so that it can reflect right back at you.
We live in a world of contrast to help us choose.
Take a look at your life. What dark parts of your history have gifted you with the ability to shine your Light in your uniquely beautiful way today?
Is your personal story richer because of the contrasts in your life?
Are your good days even better because of your bad days?
As usual, I’d love your feedback on this morning’s musings. Feel free to comment below.
And if you’d like to add a print of “All In One: The Twelve Universal Laws” to your meditation space,