you can see all of my paintings at

What’s Your Soul Candy?

Feast your eyes on “Soul Candy” (9″ x 12″).  It’s the last of the 7 small paintings I created during my Chakra Jewel Series art marathon week.  It was also the first to find a good home.  Enjoy Tara!

Doesn’t it just make you smile? For me, it was like a gargle of giggles in my gut.

I kept thinking “This is way over the top!” But Spirit said – “Nah! Go for it! Load on the sparkles!”

And I did – allowing myself to play and laugh – both with life and at myself.

I could also feel the expansion happening as the painting branched out with layer upon layer of transformation.  Can you feel it?

This is one happy piece!

It’s like a springtime Christmas Tree – bringing out that big-eyed stare of the inner child.

What’s your soul candy?

What lights you up? 

I’d love to know – please share in the comments below.

For me, I can think of 3 things right off the bat.

  1. Whenever I cross paths with a dog.  I may be certified as a professional dog trainer and behaviour therapist, but I’ve never shared a home with a dog. I just took the course because I so wanted to spend time with them and understand them better. I’m still like I was when I was 5 – I just light up inside when I see one coming my way, hoping the owners are open to my saying hello (to the dog, not the owners… I have to make a conscious effort to remember the 2-legged beings if a 4-legged is around  🙂 ).  I also have to remember to reign in my energy not to swarm the poor pup with it.  It took me years to learn that.
  2. Swinging (in a playground, not relationships).  But I have to actually stop my destination-oriented walk and get on the swing.  Then it’s like being a kid again – feeling free ! I’m told I spent countless hours on the backyard swing singing when I was 4 – with my superman cape…
  3. Discovering a new place with or without my camera. This is probably one of the reasons I’ve moved around so much in my life (3 continents, 5 provinces).  I love that feeling of childlike wonder when I jump into tourist mode. So do tour guides. I’ve had more than 1 offer me to come back on any of their day-tours for free because my excitement is contageous.  And I’ve taken them up on it more than once too!

So what does that for you?

Can you bring any more of that into your life this week?

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A Prayer for Your Transformational Journey

Yoga tree pose painting

“So Be It…” (9″ x 12″) – $357

Are you experiencing huge shifts these days?

Do you feel that when you’ve dealt with one challenge, another presents itself?

This is called the Year of Mastery in spiritual circles. That means it’s also a time of accelerated growth.

You’ve no doubt heard that by saying “yes” to the transformational journey, it presents you with limitless possibilities to see, accept, love, release, and grow from life and all it has to offer.

Don’t get discouraged. Focus on the gifts that are birthed from your process.

You know the expression “ignorance is bliss”. It’s also a choice.

But knowledge is power. And the more you know yourself, the more empowered you are to act in alignment with your true values. The more courage you’ll have to shine as your True Self.

Here’s a prayer I offer you, inspired by my new painting “So Be It…”, one of the chakra jewels series from my painting marathon (more on it here).


A Prayer for Your Transformational Journey


May your Light shine
Through the darkness
Of your Days and Nights.

May all that you’ve lived
Hold space for you
As you grow more fully
Into your Self.

May you feel tall & strong,
Flexible & adaptable,
As the winds of change
Flow through you with ease & grace
No matter the weather,
forever more.

So be it…

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Yoga Bliss and the Body Temple

honouring the body temple through yoga painting -anjaneyasana

“Yoga Bliss” (9″ x 12″) – SOLD

I confess… the only yoga I did during my painting marathon week was on canvas.

Sure, there are countless benefits of spending focused time in the creative flow. It was truly blissful in mind and spirit – which benefits my whole being.

Those marathons take a toll, though – whether they’re in the studio or at the computer.

I’m glad the mat called me back.  Or should I say my body called me back – refusing to be ignored any longer.

It’s always the way. If I don’t pay attention to my body’s murmurs, it eventually screams until I pay attention.  Why do I do that?!

Raise your hand if you’re as guilty of knowing how good it feels to stretch, to exercise, to honour your body temple in so many ways …. but don’t do it often enough?

Good for you if your hand’s still down.

If not, stop reading right now and make a commitment to doing something physical today. It’ll clear your mind and open your heart too!

I just stopped in the middle of writing this post and called a friend to go for a walk in the glorious sunshine.

What are you going to do?  

Go ahead, write it in the comments below. Help us generate ideas.

So whether you end up in this low lunge yoga pose (anjaneyasana), dancing in your room, going on a group hike, or getting a massage, hourray to you for honouring your body temple.

You won’t regret it!

I mean, just go back up to look at my new painting “Yoga Bliss”. Can’t you just feel the happiness that comes from allowing the Life Force to flow through the body?

May you be healthy and happy – in body, mind, and spirit!

P.S. You’ll find “Yoga Bliss” and the other chakra jewels I created during my painting marathon in the Original Paintings section of my online shop.

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Does Religion Matter?

painting of meditator with light rays from the heart

“One In Love” (9″ x 12″) – $357

Someone asked me this week: “Can I still benefit from your services if I have a traditional religious belief system?

It’s not the first time someone asks, so I’m glad to share.

My intuitive readings, guided meditations or energy painting commissions aren’t part of any one religion, nor are they meant to go against any.

In my opinion, my visionary skills are complimentary to your belief system, no matter what that is.

I offer what I do to help strengthen your Connection, your intuition, your ability to hear your Inner and Greater Guidance.

The true answer, though,  lies in how you feel.

I believe you’ll benefit no matter your religion, as long as you’re open to seeing your Self through the eyes of Unconditional Love.

The names and labels we put on that will vary.

But if you believe that you’re being supported by something greater than your human incarnation, then you’ll be open to the messages that flow through me.

I’ve come to realize that no matter the religion or language used, the essence and purpose are the same: to unite as One In Love (the name of this painting).

It’s about letting love in, so it can shine back into the world and beyond – whatever you call that.  

It’s about being the best we can be for our own Highest Good and the good of all humanity.

So it’s not about the names or categories of benevolent helpers that matter. It’s your openness to receiving their help.


Are you religious ?

I’m a deeply spiritual person.

My personal relationship with Source has been dear to me my whole life.

I was raised Catholic and am grateful for that upbringing because it put a language and context to the connection I already felt within me and around me.

Having lived in several continents and across Canada, however, my spirituality has become more universal.

I’m equally comfortable with

  • God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and saints
  • The Universe, Divine Oneness,
  • Great Spirit and totem animals
  • your ancestors
  • Hindu gods/goddesses like Ganesh or Saraswati
  • Mother Earth and the elementals
  • Father Sun, Mother Moon, astrology
  • Buddha and other wise teachers
  • Higher Self
  • Angels, Spirt Guides
  • Quantum physics
  • etc.

Will you know which of my Guides are working with you ?

Although I’m a highly visual person who’s been blessed with the gift of visions, I usually sense the presence of what I sometimes refer to as your “Team of Divine Helpers” or “Higher Council”.  I don’t necessarily see them, but the symbolism they want you to work with.

The essence of your team comes through me as One for you to meet them within your own belief system.

I feel their love flowing through me to you, but I don’t see them in a way that would allow me to identify them.  Not usually, anyway.

Who and what you’ll meet along the way (in a guided meditation, for example) will be unique to you. My offerings often present an opportunity for you to meet them, which is the real purpose.


How do your intuitive services fit within traditional religious belief systems ?

My intuitive readings, guided meditations, and energy paintings are simply tools to access your own Guidance.

If you’ve been curious about my offerings, this in itself is a sign that there may be something here for you.

The beauty is that you’re always free to take what serves you and leave the rest.

I offer my own exploration and expression of my love of beauty and the beauty of love to help you on your path.

Listen to your heart, and you’ll know if I can be of service to you.

And if you have any other questions, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

P.S. You can find “One In Love” in the Original Paintings section of my online shop.

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Where is Your Heart Calling You To?

painting of heart opening cobra pose wrapped around Celtic moon

“Anahata Awakening” (9″ x 12″) – SOLD

Remember after Christmas when I told you that Ireland’s been calling me (see post)?

Well, that’s not where I’m going.

Keep reading… I’ll eventually tell you where it is I am going. But first, more of a lead up.

I’ve been paying attention, but haven’t received any clearer guidance on Ireland, so I haven’t acted on it. Obviously, though, it’s influencing my art. You can see it above.

This is “Anahata Awakening”, one of the 7 chakra jewels I painted in my recent art marathon. Anahata means “heart”. Thanks to my friend Sadie Jane for giving me the name.

This simple cobra yoga pose is a heart-opening pose bathed in heart chakra greens. As she wraps around a magical Celtic design, she opens herself to the love flowing from the inside out and outside in.

Thanks also to the Irish artist Courtney Davis for allowing me to use the line drawing from his book “Knotwork & Spirals”, which is deepening my appreciation of Celtic design.

“The spiral has always been a very magical symbol representing the evolution of the universe and growth in nature, and is associated with primitive dances of healing and incantation. These offer escape from the material world, and an entrance into the otherworld through the ‘hole’ symbolized by the mystic centre.”

He speaks my language.

So there you have it. I’m still following my Irish flow, but have no idea where it’s leading. It won’t be a trip in May like I thought it might be.

Sure, I found many things I could do there and places I could go to deepen both my spiritual and cultural appreciation of some of my ancestral roots. But I didn’t get that clarity I’m used to when Spirit calls.

Not for that anyway.  Not yet.

How about you?

Is your heart calling you? Are you hearing whispers? Or are you feeling so pulled that you know you can overcome all obstacles – real or imagined – to get there?

Well I did.  And yes, the details surprised me.

I’m heading to the Ultimate Sales Bootcamp in San Diego in May.  It’s part of a more intensive online program I’m now doing with Lisa Sasevich called “Speak to Sell”.

Now you might cringe at that program name. I did.  But that’s part of the problem.

Obviously, I still think that sharing what I do might be a disservice to others. Isn’t it the other way around?

Also, it’s true that I paint and channel because I love it.  But if I don’t sell, I can’t keep going as a full-time artist and won’t be able to create the intuitive programs that are in me to create.  That whole “starving artist” thing just doesn’t fit me.

We’re not meant to continually concern ourselves with the nitty-gritty of earning a living. We’re meant to thrive and follow our calling!

Lisa’s work is targeted at big-hearted entrepreneurs who want to get their blessings out into the world. It’s about giving more than is expected. It’s also about formulating your offers and reaching more people.

Sounds good to me.

Remember my Twelve Universal Law mandalas? I know I’m meant to develop some sort of program to help people use these teaching tools to benefit themselves and their loved ones. But right now, they’re in the closet. Literally.

From the strength of the inner call I received to both dive into another study program and to attend the workshop in San Diego, I know I’m being handed another key piece of the puzzle. So I’m answering with trust and curiosity.

So there you have it.  I’m off to San Diego, and when I saw the resort it was at, I tagged on a few extra days to take a much-deserved holiday.

I’ll also be spending time with my parents/family in Ottawa before and after the workshop.

So just to let you know, I can still do intuitive readings and custom guided meditations while I’m in Ottawa, but I only have 1 spot for an energy painting commission in April and the next one will be after my return May 26th.

If you’d like to support this new scholarship fund while adding love & beauty to your life,  you’re also welcome to visit my online shop with your choice of original paintings and prints.

Here’s what I really want to leave you with.

Light up your life. 

Ignite your intuition and clear the Path to live in alignment with your True Self.

When you get your Spirit Calls, listen. Act. Allow.  It’s a courageous and exciting way to live. 

So, once again where or what is calling you?



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New Chakra Jewel Painting Series

DLH_4364I needed to paint. I love those urges! So I prepared myself and my space and opened to the mystery of an intuitive painting marathon.

What a great week!

The result is seven 9″ x 12″ paintings that I’ll reveal to you. one at a time, in the next few weeks.

Or, if you’d rather see them all now for your Easter giving, they’ve already been added to my online shop.

I started with the 7 colours of the chakras, the centers of spiritual power in the human body. You can still tell which chakra was being worked on in some of the final pieces, but there are so many layers on others that you couldn’t guess if you tried.

Of course, each layer is filled with meaning and energy. Trust what you feel as you contemplate these paintings.  They each hold a mirror, a message, and energy to support you on your Path.

Face to Face As One

When we look at ourselves straight on without our illusions and delusions, we open the portal to a fuller, more authentic life.

I used a drawing I’d made at The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art in 2014. We’d been studying the Hieratic Style: The ‘Eastern’ Canon of Ancient, Islamic & Hindu-Buddhist Art.

We then reflected on what sacred geometry underlies our own art and how to apply this to a makara, a figure which is recognizable straight on, but also as symmetrical profiles.

Mine is full of spirals and curves. There are many examples of these in architectural elements of places of worship around the world, but especially so in Hindu ones.

In “Face to Face As One”, the figure is a half human, half feline creature looking at herself. In her whole state, she’s Gaia, the primal Mother Goddess. 

Click here for more information and to purchase.

What else does she  speak to you about?

And as you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Your feelings are a reflection of your thoughts. 

Are you seeing your Self without illusion or delusions?  Can you see your beauty, your Light?

If not, what are some of the false thoughts that you’re ready to let go of.

Mirror work is powerful work. If you’re not familiar with it, Louise Hay explains it here.

P.S. “Soul Candy” from this series has already sold to one of my Facebook fans, but I’ll still introduce you to it later on.  Want to see all the original paintings I have available? Click here.

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New Energy Painting Commission: Jillian’s Magnific-Essence

We don’t have to do it all on our own.

There’s all sorts of support to help us on our journey.

Let’s take this video for example.

My first attempts resulted in last week’s out-of-focus blooper reel.

But thanks to my camera’s instruction manual, I was able to do a much better job this time. It reminded me of things I’d forgotten and showed me new options. It carried the knowledge and wisdom of its creators.

That’s similar to the work I’ve been called to do.  I co-create the tools for you to receive guidance from the experts: your team of Divine Helpers / The Universe / God (whatever term you’re comfortable with).

I explain this more in this week’s video, featuring a new energy painting commission – Jillian’s Magnific-Essence.

Each experience is truly unique.

Your painting and process take shape layer by layer.

You’re offered many opportunities to receive energy work, explore symbolism, and reflect on the guidance you receive.

Both the creative process and the final painting help create momentum in your life.

Our journey together is as much a mystery to me as it is to you.  I never know what the next layer will be until I’m guided.

All I know is to trust in the process because I’ve witnessed its transformative potential.

With every new layer comes new possibilities to connect, to shift, to empower, to reflect, to let go, and to open to receiving.

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It’s an intensively beautiful journey for both my clients and I.

Here’s what Jillian had to say about her energy painting commission experience.


“Working with Dominique on an energy painting was a very surreal experience. Not knowing what to expect, I was surprised to find the process both powerful and transformative.

Each layer Dominique provided – from the very first email to the shared images of the painting in progress – had profound meaning for me on a personal and spiritual level.

I was moved to tears more than once, shifting into a new awareness of self.

Now, when I look at the painting we accomplished together, I’m reminded of that transformation. I’m so grateful for this experience, as well as for the beautiful piece of artwork that’s mine, and mine alone.”

I co-create a maximum of 2 energy painting commissions a month so that I can be fully present for you.  Would you like to work with me? 

Click here for more information, examples, prices, and to contact me.

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Transformed Through a Splash of Colour

We can all be transformed through a splash of colour.

I love colour. Bright colours. They raise my vibrations and feed my soul.

Rodika Tchi says:

“Color is… nourishing and uplifting, and the more colors you harmoniously absorb throughout the day, the higher your sense of well-being is. Do not be afraid to bring vibrant colors into your space as color is light, and light is our number one nutrient.” Feng Shui Color Guide – How to Use Colors in Feng Shui

Silver Thaw Version 1

Yet in 2014, I’d been inspired to create Silver Thaw (top left – 18″ x 24″) – an iridescent pearl and silver tree piece, whose glass beads refracted the light in a most amazing way.

“Silver thaw” is a common expression here in Newfoundland for what’s also known as “silver frost” or “glitter ice” – that thick shiny ice that covers each blade of grass and twig if the weather is just right for it.  It’s magical to witness.

But almost devoid of colour, this painting never really appealed to me.

Still, I know that I’m often called to co-create a painting with Spirit that’s meant for someone in particular.

Sometimes it takes years for them to meet, but sometimes it happens quickly and surprisingly – like the time I brought a painting I really didn’t like to a fair and it sold while it was still sitting in a box.

I’ve learned to step out of the way.

Silver Thaw Version 2.0

But earlier this month, I heard whisperings from the corner of my studio.  Silver Thaw was beckoning from within its storage box.

How exciting! I’d thought about adding colour to it a few times in the past, but now the call came from the painting itself. Or perhaps it’s because its future owner needed it…

All I know is that it was ready for a transformation. It needed a splash of colour – a make-over.

And that’s what it got: one more layer in its evolutionary journey.

Nature-inspired, “Silver Thaw” reflects our own simple beauty.

The glass beads on this piece  still infuse it with light.  When you walk by it, it shimmers and changes, reflecting your inner and outer moods.

Silver Thaw (18″ x 24″)
Acrylics and glass beads on gallery-wrapped canvas.

 Click here for prints.

Take a look around your environment.  Is there a room, a wardrobe, or a meal that’s calling for transformation through a splash of colour? Be brave. Be bold. Nourish your soul…

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New Painting: “Radical Acceptance”

"Radical Acceptance" 12" x 36"

“Radical Acceptance” 12″ x 36″ – SOLD

“Radical Acceptance” is about saying YES to life. It’s about loving what is.

May this painting energize your intention to truly see the worthiness and the gift of all you are and all that is.

There’s not a tree in the forest that wishes it was other than what it is or elsewhere than where it is.

Its full potential has been present at its core from the time it was a seed in the ground. It simply reaches higher and higher, accepting itself and its circumstances. It grows at its own perfect speed.  It adapts to its environment while continuing to journey towards the sun.

For trees, radical acceptance isn’t a practice. It’s just a way of being.

Eternal witnesses and keepers of ancient wisdom, trees offer the planet life-sustaining energy, nourishment, and shelter. They also provide us with a mirror. Will you accept their invitation to love what is, no matter what? With their invitation comes a key to happiness.


Can You Believe It?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at myself.

I created this painting back in October / November 2015 to enter into a local contest. One of the rules was to keep our entry off all social media.

I’d finished it right before the deadline and hadn’t even photographed it.

So when it was time to pick it up recently, I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was called “Radical Acceptance”, but couldn’t remember the size or subject.

I’ve never been known for my long-term memory. It’s been like that since I was a kid.

I used to say that I’d experienced such a rich life as a child in a military family (we moved 4 times and traveled throughout Europe before I was 10) that I simply couldn’t store it all inside my brain.

Luckily, I have a great detail-oriented short-term memory. I did well in school exams and can easily learn the names of my students within the first day of class. But if I meet them later, I’ll only recognize their faces.

So never take it personally if I don’t remember your name or the details of an intuitive reading I did for you. It’s just the way I am. I’ve accepted that.

There are silver linings. My ex was grateful.  Plus it sure makes re-watching movies a lot more fun.

Now, I like to think that I’m mastering the art of living in the here and now…. being fully present.

I’ve also learned to adap.  I keep impeccable paperwork to keep track of things. And I blog a lot to share and have a record of my journey.

Sure, I admire those who have great memories. But that doesn’t take away from who and what I am. That’s all part of radical acceptance.

In this case, picking up my painting after it didn’t win the contest was like being reunited with an old friend.

I’d fully let it go into its new experience.  And when it came back, I was filled with joyful surprise at its playful happy energy. My heart sang as I unwrapped it. I immediately remembered knowing it.

P.S.  This is a highly textured piece. The colourful raised trees are super glossy while the white hazy background is more matte. Seeing my paintings in person is a whole different experience.

Radical Acceptance
12″ x 36″
Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas. 
No framing required

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Online Intuitive Painting Course


Intuitive painting is fun. It’s transformative. It’s empowering. That’s why I do it.

Want to try? Unleash your very own creative expression in this online intuitive painting course

I discovered Flora Bowley’s Brave Intuitive Painting book in 2013, took her Bloom True e-course that same year and attended one of her live workshops in Bali in 2014.  She’s truly inspiring!

I’ve been painting in this way since the 80s. And although I’ve been teaching it once in a while for about 5 years, it’s not where I feel drawn to put most of my energy.

So I’m thrilled to be able to spread the word about what Flora is doing with her very well designed self-paced online course.

She uses the same materials I’ve used for years and follows a very similar personal philosophy, which is such an integral part of her teaching.


Watch this to see what I mean.


I’ve decided to affiliate with Flora to help open more people to this amazing journey. I’ll receive a small stipend for every person who registers using this link.

It’s a true win-win-win situation. I get to help spread the joy of intuitive painting to you and your friends and receive extra support to continue my own artistic journey.

Click here for all the juicy details about this course. And thanks for sharing this post.


Flora Bowley




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