What’s Your Soul Candy?
Feast your eyes on “Soul Candy” (9″ x 12″). It’s the last of the 7 small paintings I created during my Chakra Jewel Series art marathon week. It was also the first to find a good home. Enjoy Tara!
Doesn’t it just make you smile? For me, it was like a gargle of giggles in my gut.
I kept thinking “This is way over the top!” But Spirit said – “Nah! Go for it! Load on the sparkles!”
And I did – allowing myself to play and laugh – both with life and at myself.
I could also feel the expansion happening as the painting branched out with layer upon layer of transformation. Can you feel it?
This is one happy piece!
It’s like a springtime Christmas Tree – bringing out that big-eyed stare of the inner child.
What’s your soul candy?
What lights you up?
I’d love to know – please share in the comments below.
For me, I can think of 3 things right off the bat.
- Whenever I cross paths with a dog. I may be certified as a professional dog trainer and behaviour therapist, but I’ve never shared a home with a dog. I just took the course because I so wanted to spend time with them and understand them better. I’m still like I was when I was 5 – I just light up inside when I see one coming my way, hoping the owners are open to my saying hello (to the dog, not the owners… I have to make a conscious effort to remember the 2-legged beings if a 4-legged is around 🙂 ). I also have to remember to reign in my energy not to swarm the poor pup with it. It took me years to learn that.
* - Swinging (in a playground, not relationships). But I have to actually stop my destination-oriented walk and get on the swing. Then it’s like being a kid again – feeling free ! I’m told I spent countless hours on the backyard swing singing when I was 4 – with my superman cape…
* - Discovering a new place with or without my camera. This is probably one of the reasons I’ve moved around so much in my life (3 continents, 5 provinces). I love that feeling of childlike wonder when I jump into tourist mode. So do tour guides. I’ve had more than 1 offer me to come back on any of their day-tours for free because my excitement is contageous. And I’ve taken them up on it more than once too!
So what does that for you?
Can you bring any more of that into your life this week?