you can see all of my paintings at

Into the Sea of Infinity – Labyrinth Painting

Hold on to and nurture your dreams. It may take years for them to come to fruition, or just a few weeks. Trust in Divine Timing. The key is not to doubt them. Dive into your bliss and keep moving forward, one inspired action at a time.

May your dreams come true.

The Labyrinth in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

Years ago, I was approached by Dean Roger Whalen, newly appointed rector of the Anglican Cathedral of St John the Baptist here in St. John’s Newfoundland, to chat about labyrinths. He and Sue Cummings, lay minister, formed a committee to explore the possibilities of creating a permanent indoor labyrinth inside the church.

At that point, I’d walked several labyrinths and painted quite a few more – on canvas that is. These had mostly been inspired by the various feelings / experiences of walking the labyrinth in the chapel of the Waterford Hospital during their public-hour on Wednesdays. Sue Cummings led these walks and sharing circles.

Last Spring, while I was doing karma yoga (volunteering) in California, I was thrilled to hear from Sue that the cathedral’s labyrinth had finally come into being. She was contacting me to explore how I might be involved in the dedication ceremony in late September.

Upon my return to the island, I found out that the labyrinth was connected to the theme of Ocean Health. It’s now # 9 in an international network of labyrinths called the Legacy Labyrinth Project (LLP)

The project’s aim is to “integrate the impact of the labyrinth experience with global peace and healing, bringing together labyrinth builders, supporters, and communities around the globe.”

The dedication of the labyrinth will be held on the weekend of September 28th 2024. People are coming from across the world for a set program of workshops (see itinerary here).  There will also be public elements to the program, including the Sunday ceremony. Keep your eye on the cathedral website here for more details.

The Creation of Into the Sea of Infinity

After my chats with Sue, I was inspired to create the painting “Into the Sea of Infinity”.

It had been 5 months since I’d played with paint in the studio. Between my travels, exhibitions, videography projects, workshops and retreats, I simply hadn’t created any new paintings.

To start, I used sacred waters from Glastonbury & Lourdes and a Palo Santo smudge to bless the canvas and to get the flow going.

Then came a few layers of liquid acrylic washes in various ocean colours for the base.

After that, for the first time, I decided to use a collection of over 80 small stencils of sea creatures for layers and layers of play & prayers for ocean health.

I usually create my own stencils, as I did for the large whale. I used that one with both paint and a layer of tiny glass beads that cover the whale and reflects light in fantastic ways from some angles.

At first, using the small commercial stencils, albeit legal in terms of copyright for professional art purposes, felt a little like cheating. It’s interesting what limiting beliefs we hold that come up asking to be examined and released. This is all part of the process of going inwards to find peace and bringing that peace back out in the world – the very process of walking the labyrinth.

In the end, returning to this childlike play with an art tool that isn’t customary in my practice was part of what unblocked the creative flow after so many months outside of the studio.

It also unleashed the vision of what it was that wanted to be born on the canvas.

From days of layering sea creatures on the canvas emerged the vision of the large whale whose tail curved around the 7-circuit Chartres-styled labyrinth from the local Anglican Cathedral. That one was painted by Lisa Gidlow Moriarty.

Note: If you haven’t seen my video of the original 11-circuit labyrinth from the 1200s in the Chartres Cathedral in France, I recommend you watch it here.

Once I’d created the whale and labyrinth, the idea of the infinity symbol and the title of the painting came to me. I immediately saw it as a recreation of the motion of my hands in the initial application of holy water. But as I painted it, layers of meaning emerged as it related to our soul’s journey, the labyrinth walk, and ocean health.

I found out a week later, when Sue came to see the finished piece, that her online group had just been discussing the concept of infinity in relation to the labyrinth.

There truly are no coincidences in the intuitive painting or living process!

Last but not least came the circular waves filled with yet another few layers of sea creatures and days of what I love to call dot therapy. So meditative!

By the time it felt complete, I was completely enamoured with what Spirit had created through me – so grateful this painting had come into being.

I was also thrilled I’d followed inspiration to help bring it into being as a print twice the size of the original will soon be gracing the wooden wall at the far end of the labyrinth in the cathedral, enhancing visitors’ labyrinth experience. What an honour!

What does the infinity symbol in this painting mean to you?

How about the whale, one of our ancient wisdom keepers?

I invite you to contemplate and reflect on the symbology and energy of this painting as it relates to a question in your life. Then, if you can, walk a labyrinth or trace the journey with your fingers. That’s equally effective!

Keep reading below for information on the original and prints.

The Original & Prints for Sale

You can order a print of “Into the Sea of Infinity” on paper or stretched canvas in your choice of size. These can be delivered to you anywhere in the world.  Order yours here today.

Here’s the information on the original painting with its many iridescent highlights and glass bead reflections:

Title: Into the Sea of Infinity
Year: © 2024
Size: 24″ x 48″ (61cm x 122cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, glass beads & energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Regular Price: CAD$3,700 Canadian – Buy it here
NOW PART OF DOMINIQUE’S MAKE ME AN OFFER MOVING SALE – first round of selections March 6th.  – see all 56 here.


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Blue Lotus Feet Music Video

I’m elated to finally share this “Blue Lotus Feet” music video with you! I say “finally” because if you know me, I like to go from inspiration to realization in as short and intensive a burst of creative energy as possible.

This music video took over a year in 3 countries to create!

First, was the joy of manifesting my vision of the dancer Paramjyoti C. Stieber in front of the blue roof of the Temple of Light at Ananda Assisi in the summer of 2023.  This was at the tail end of my 2 months in Italy getting my Transformative Art Certification.

I fell in love with the iconic blue roofs of Ananda – they remind me of both a lotus flower and some sort of bloom arched over to protect its precious people.

Once I had Paramjyoti on video, I had a vision of what I wanted to paint on my own personal drum (featured in the video above). I’d painted & sold 26 drums, but didn’t have one of my own yet.

When it came time to write my blog post introducing the Temple Dancer Drum, I decided to make a video, licensing the chant “Blue Lotus Feet” composed by Paramhansa Yogananda sung on the Divine Mother Chants album available from Crystal Clarity Publishers.

But then, I was guided to spend 2 months volunteering at Ananda Village in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains in Northern California. So I decided to bring my drum – not only to chant at the weekly kirtan sessions, but also to finish shooting the music video.

I was looking forward to drumming in front of the Temple of Light (seen at the end of the video).  I also discovered I could do so in front of the blue roof of the Moksha Mandir (Swami Kriyananda’s final resting place) in the Crystal Hermitage Garden (seen at the beginning of the video).

I received plenty of inspiration at the Crystal Hermitage Garden during my many visits throughout March & April 2024. Shooting through the sprinklers at sunrise was pure awe-inspiring joy! My eyes and heart could hardly contain the beauty of the sun rays piercing through the water streams.

Then, one day, fellow karma yogi Kelsey Britton showed up to our volunteer shift with blue toe nails and well, that clinched it. I had her personify Divine Mother’s blue lotus feet by standing on a carpet of pink Chinese camellia petals I found by the gate, stepping out of the century-old Burmese standing Buddha statue at the upper pond, and gently enjoying the water of the lower pool. I also included the blue feet of a Shiva statue in one of the village’s residential neighbourhoods and the lap of a Babaji statue in the Crystal Hermitage Garden laden with floral offerings.

There are layers of footage and symbolism in this video. Enjoy discovering what they all mean for you. Chant along and feel your vibration rise!

And if you’re interested in donating towards my creative efforts, I welcome your contributions through PayPal here.

Who is the Divine Mother?

The Divine Mother is the feminine aspect of the Divine. For you, that may be the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, Mother Earth, Kali, Lakshmi, Dhurga or so many others. She is both personal and impersonal.

Paramhansa Yogananda says:

The Divine Mother is so beautiful! But remember, in Her higher manifestation even that beauty is formless. She is in everything. Her divine, compassionate love is expressed in the raindrops. Her beauty is reflected in the colors of the rainbow. She offers fresh hope to mankind with the rose-tinted clouds at dawn. Above all, be ever conscious of Her presence in your heart.

If you’d like to read more about the Divine Mother, I recommend these 2 articles:

  1. “Who is Divine Mother?” by Swami Kriyananda
  2. “The Many Faces of Divine Mother” by Tyagi Jayadev

Want a Drum?

I currently have 2 other one-of-a-kind drums available for sale for $999 Canadian.

The Labyrinth Drum – see it here

The Mother Drum – see it here

Drum commissions are $1111.  Contact me to discuss your vision or allow my Team of Divine Helpers to channel it with the help of your own.



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Love Oracle 36: Clearing the Communication Lines

Guidance is always there for you. Unfortunately, if the communication lines are blocked, messages simply aren’t coming through.

Think of intuition as your communication channel between you and your Team of Divine Helpers – including your Higher Self.

So what blocks your ability to tune into your intuition? Stress, anxiety, fear, depression, perfectionism, and mind-altering substance are all like static on the line.

Your questions and requests may have made it through to your Team, but their replies through the various intuitive channels aren’t being picked up.

If your usual clairsentience channel (clear feeling) is numbed because of substance abuse or medication, your Team will try again through other channels, including the 6 Clairs (clear seeing, hearing, knowing, tasting, smelling and feeling) as well as synchronicity.

But if that doesn’t work, you’ll miss out on important Guidance.

Your Team of Divine Helpers are here to help guide you and protect you. Their messages can be life-enhancing or life-saving. Whatever the case, wouldn’t you want to access those messages?

So what can you do to clear the communication lines? That’s what this week’s Love Oracle Messages are here to help you with.

Ask your Team of Divine Helpers “How can I better access my intuition?”. Then pick the painting that speaks to you the most. Scroll down to read its message.

Love Oracle Message 1: Meditation Magic

Custom Guided Meditations

Dear Beloved,

Meditation is the most important way to open and keep those communication lines clear. This is how you open your third eye to its present potential.

You may have heard the expression monkey-mind? If your mind is racing and screaming all over the place, how will you hear the whispers of your soul?

Slowing down your mind and your thoughts, allows you to pick up on those intuitive messages. 

It also increases your ability to recognize signs sent on the outside, not just on the inside.

If you walk through life as a walking meditation, you’ll be more aware of everything and everyone your Team places on your Path as an answer to your prayers.

What helps with meditation? Good sleep, fresh food, scheduling a regular practice, and coaching all help. Can you get behind that?

The more or the better you meditate, the more glimpses you’ll get of what your Team of Divine Helpers, your Higher Self and Source are trying to tell you.

What can you do today to focus more effectively on a life-affirming mediation practice?

Painting: One in Love (SOLD).   Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Champion Your Chakras

Dear Beloved,

Working  on opening and balancing your chakras is a great way for clearing the communication lines.

You have many chakras, but let’s focus on the 7 main ones. These are the energy centres along your spine, starting at the root located at your tailbone.

Each chakra is associated with a purpose, aspects of your health, etc.

When it comes to energy, you want it to be able to flow freely through your root (#1) up to and through the crown (#7).

Imagine it flowing from Mother Earth into your feet and through your subtle energy body up to the Heavens and back through you down to the core of the planet.

If there’s a block, your body won’t be able to act as the antenna it’s meant to be. Your intuitive channels won’t be optimized. 

For example, if your throat chakra (#5) is blocked, there is no communication between your heart chakra (#4) and your third eye (#6). If that happens, you’re walking around like a head without a body. Many do.

There’s much more to say than I can fit in this Oracle Message. But if this resonates with you, do more research on how to balance your chakras. Yoga and energy healing modalities are great! Also consider my Chakra Balance Meditation Bundle.

What’s really wonderful to remember is that the more you do to open and balance the lower 6 chakras, the more your crown chakra will naturally open.

A fully opened crown chakra means enlightenment. Then you become one with Source and fully intuitive. This can take lifetimes, but why not start now?

Enjoy the many benefits of clearing your communication lines by championing your chakras.

Painting: Sedona (SOLD).  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Create Space

Dear Beloved,

Your Team of Divine Helper is like a Guiding Light showing you the way that’s aligned with your Highest Good.

But if your space is so cluttered, inside and out, you will have a hard time spotting the light that’s right outside the door or deep within your core.

So if you picked this painting, you’re being asked to make space

  •  in your environment for the energy to flow,
  • in your body to become more sensitive to the messages
  • in your mind to better discern between fear and love
  • in your schedule to develop a regular intuition-development practice.
  • in your heart to trust your intuition – start with baby steps and one day you’ll take those leaps of faith

Clearing your communication lines requires focus and practice. 

You might:

  • do breath work to increase the flow of Life Force, that bridge between you and Spirit
  • walk in nature to get fresh air, reduce the stimulus and busyness of the city and try an intuitive walkabout
  • journal to process your thoughts and help your mind calm down
  • declutter your house and work with the Elements (Feng Shui) to ensure better energy flow
  • avoid overindulging in food, alcohol or drugs to keep your senses sharp
  • eat fresh and prioritize rest
  • meditate to open your third eye
  • join a meditation class or yoga class

There’s so much you can do to clear the communication lines. Your Team is there with you. With all the noise and distractions, however, it’s just hard to notice.

Please don’t get overwhelmed by this list. Pick 1 that appeals to you and follow your bliss. For when you’re relaxed and joyful, you’re vibrating at a higher frequency and better able to receive those oh so important messages.

Painting: Lighting the Way (Artist Collection). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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Love Oracle 35: Loving Your Labyrinth

Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the world participate in World Labyrinth Day. This year, that’s on May 4th.

World Labyrinth Day is more than a celebration of the labyrinth experience. It’s a massive moving meditation for world peace. Can you imagine the impact of that?

According to the Labyrinth Society,

“Labyrinths are tools for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation, also thought to enhance right-brain activity. Labyrinths evoke metaphor, sacred geometry, spiritual pilgrimage, religious practice, mindfulness, environmental art, and community building.”

There are many types of labyrinths. Although I’ve painted the Classical 7-circuit, I’m a big fan of the Medieval Chartres style labyrinth as depicted in the 3 paintings above and on my Labyrinth Drum. That’s also the style of labyrinth I often walk in Bowring Park, down the street from where I live.

If you haven’t already, or feel like revisiting them, I invite you watch 2 of my labyrinth videos from my time in Europe last spring/summer. The first was filmed in the Chartres Cathedral.  The second features a community labyrinth experience at the Academy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness, where I studied for 2 months. 

If you haven’t walked one before, there’s a big difference between a labyrinth and a maze. In a labyrinth, there’s only one way in to get to the centre. Then you take the same way back out.

There’s no stress of getting lost or taking the wrong turn.

Your focus is on taking one step forward at a time and on whatever intention you set at the start. Everything you encounter on the way is purposeful – on the inside & out. After pausing at the centre, you walk back toward your daily life, carrying with you the gifts of the labyrinth.

Every experience is different. This week’s Love Oracle paintings and Messages reflect that.

So ask your Team of Divine Helpers “How can I best contribute to peace on earth this week”? Then look at and pick the painting that speaks to you the most. Its message is below.

And if you have a chance, find or create a labyrinth nearby to join with those thousands doing the same on World Labyrinth Day.

Love Oracle Message 1: Tune Into Your Intuition

Oasis labyrinth with 2 angelsDear Beloved,

As you walk the labyrinth, down your city street or park trail, ask your Team of Divine Helpers how you can best contribute to peace on earth this week. 

Walk mindfully. Pay attention to what’s happening inside you. Also pay attention to your environment.

Intuitive messages may be experienced through many channels – sight, hearing, sensations, knowing / memories, smells and tastes.

Just like in an intuitive walkabout, be hyper vigilant to the symbolism of what meets you on your path.

Is is something someone is saying, a literal sign on the window, a snail crossing your path, the sound of sirens in the distance (no kidding, I just heard one after I wrote that, a rare occurrence where I live).

What you’re looking for are clues or downright messages about what inspired action you can take to help increase peace in your life and the lives of those around you. 

You may suddenly remember an aunt or a favour you promised to fulfill. Call your aunt. Do the favour and apologize for the delay.

You may feel the urge to shift something in your schedule to create more space for peace. Or is it your perceptions and judgments that need to shift?

Pay attention to everything as you walk towards your set destination.

Then, pause in gratitude and pray for support before feeling the joy, the peace, the freedom of intuitive living. One inspired step at a time.

Painting: Oasis of Inspiration (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Walk in Peace

Peace Flow labyrinth painting

“Peace Flow”

Dear Beloved,

The best thing you can do for peace in the world is focus on finding the peace within yourself first. 

If you’re feeling the divine peace that is always at your core, all those around you will feel the effects. So let it begin with you.

You are the peace dove. How you journey through life is the example. It sets the pace and the tone.

You can be super busy and still be at peace. You can also be super busy and be totally stressed. Often, it’s a matter of choice.

If you picked this painting, you’re asked to increase your self-awareness, your mindfulness as you go through your day.

If you find yourself getting stressed or anxious, pause. Then consciously continue doing what you were doing while choosing to do so peacefully.

For example, are you cooking dinner afraid you’ll be late and thinking of the laundry and errands that need doing? Or are you fully present in the moment, cooking while relishing in the smells, grateful for fresh ingredients, loving the act of feeding yourself and your loved ones?

It takes exactly the same time.

So how can you walk through your life choosing peace, cultivating peace, nourishing peace, spreading peace?

It starts here and now. And here and now. And here and now.

Peace be with you!

Painting: Peace Flow (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Aligning in Peace

Dear Beloved,

Are you feeling your life is out of alignment? Are you feeling off-balance?

If you picked this painting, you’re being invited to open and balance your 7 main chakras to live a life that’s more aligned with your Higher Self.

There are many ways to do so.

Find yourself a chakra-balancing yoga class, do the 9 meditations in my Chakra Balance Meditation Bundle, book a Reiki or acupuncture treatment, paint in the 7 chakra colours while praying for support on what each activates.

When you’re feeling more aligned with your True Self, you’ll naturally feel the peace and the joy of true balance.

Working on the 6 lower chakras naturally helps to open the 7th, your crown chakra, the lotus of enlightenment. 

So as you walk the labyrinth of your life, notice what is feeling out of whack and seek support to have it enhance your experience of the journey, not debilitate it.

Enjoy the journey on your way to The True Destination.

Painting: Chakra Journey (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

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Love Oracle 34: You’re Not Alone

Life is challenging. People struggle on all levels. Suffering is everywhere.

I doubt there’s one person whose circle isn’t touched by conflict, illness, addiction, grief, loneliness, sadness, and the list goes on.

Yes, challenges happen for us, not to us. That’s all well and good to say. It’s also easy to believe when those difficult times are far behind us.  It’s then simpler to see why they happened and the opportunities they brought into our lives.

My strong alignment with my True Self started at 10 years old after being bullied for refusing to bend to peer pressure.

My spiritual growth had a massive boost during the year a loved one suffered from an allergic reaction to medication that kept him in a suicidal state.

Today, I’m grateful for what those struggles opened on my Path. Back then, I would have wanted them gone!

I couldn’t have gotten through them if it hadn’t been for my Faith that I wasn’t alone. Along with my relatives, my Team of Divine Helpers pulled me through them.

It’s easy to forget to call on your angels and guides when all is going well. It doesn’t alway have to be for Guidance. Gratitude and continued communication about your dreams and intentions goes a long way.

Unfortunately, it’s also easy to forget to call on them when stuck in the mire, wallowing in the details and drama of life.

Today’s Love Oracle Messages are all reminders that you’re not alone. Pick the painting that speaks most to you and scroll down to read your message.

Love Oracle Message 1: Rebuild What Matters Most

Dear Beloved,

When was the last time you were cradled like a child in your parent’s arms?

Do you remember that feeling of being comforted? The gentle stroking of your hair? A soft hum or lullaby?

Perhaps you have a partner, parent or friend that still provides that for you in times of need.

But maybe you think that adults should be over that. Grown ups always need to be strong, show courage, be the comforter.

Think about it. Is that true?

If you have fellow humans in your circle that can provide such comfort and safety in their arms, count your blessings.

If you don’t, or even if you do, know that there’s a whole celestial Team of Divine Helpers ready to be there in that way for you too.

Close your eyes, ask for comfort, and use your imagination to connect, to feel, to let in that immense flow of unconditional love that is always there for you.

If an angel hug is what you’d like, visualize and feel it. Allow their touch to be felt through your own arms or that of a trusted other.

If words of comfort are what you’d like, open to them through automatic writing.

If a simple knowing that you’re being supported is what you crave, ask for a sign. It may come as the number 11:11 on a clock, a feather on your path, a dime, or anything else that has meaning to you.

Dear One, you are held. You are loved. You are never ever alone. Believe it and feel the comfort of it.

Ask for what you truly need and you shall receive. 

Painting: Held (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Devoted to You

Guardian Angel intuitive paintingDear Beloved,

Do you ever wish you were truly seen, heard, accepted and loved?

Good news! You are!

Your whole Team of Divine Helpers are your biggest fans.

They know you to your core and applaud your magnificence. They see through the foibles and know that every step on or off the path is part of your Path.

Imagine your Guardian Angel like a waiter at the very finest of restaurants. 

For the sake simplicity, let’s use “he” for this story.

Your Guardian Angel has been assigned exclusively to your table. He’s aware of your needs even before you are.

He received your soul’s wish list before you were born. He’s coordinating a whole staff behind the scenes to provide you with what will nourish you in body, mind and spirit.

He invites special guests to your table and keeps the paparazzi away – except for those your soul has an agreement with so that you may grow in ways you’d previously requested.

You may not notice the attention that was given to the linen or silverware. You may take it for granted that your water glass is always full.

Did you see him pick up your fallen napkin and place a new one beside you?

Did you ask which dish on the menu would be better for your health and your palette? Of course, you always have the choice to ignore his recommendations. But if you trust him, you won’t regret the delectable experience.

Did you thank him when he pointed the way to the washroom and ensured that all the toileteries you needed would be there ahead of time?

Your Guardian Angel is your celestial wait staff – at your soul’s complete service. It’s not just his job. It’s his vocation. He cares for you. He loves you. He wants your soul to have the very best experience possible here on Earth.

But it’s more than that. He’s also got one of those tiny earpieces with a direct communication line to God. He’s here to do God’s will, protect your soul, and guide you back Home.

So imagine the very finest of waiters and the ultimate Secret Service bodyguard mixed into one …. not quite, but you get the picture.

So why not recognize when he catches your glass of tomato juice before it splashes all over you.

Ask him for help when your clumsiness causes it to spill on the tablecloth the 2nd time around.

Order the best desert from him. Listen when he suggests that ordering another may cause indigestion. Recognize that when you ignored him and ordered one anyway, you felt sick. Feel his compassion as he comforts you. He feels your pain as if it were his own. Ask him to remind you again next time to avoid repeating the same mistake.

Thank him when he holds the door open for you. And don’t be surprised to find him ready to drive you home and watch over you as you sleep.

So if you think you’re not seen, heard, accepted and loved – think again.

Your Guardian Angel chose you because he shares an affinity with your soul.

You’re never alone. He is devoted to you. He welcomes appreciation and communication, but fully understands your being human when you forget.

Painting: Guardian Angel (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3:

Dear Beloved,

There’s always so much to be done in a day. It starts with having to get out of bed, wash yourself, dress yourself, and feed yourself.

For some, on some days, that’s tough enough.

Then for some, there’s taking care of others, work, volunteering, social coordinating, and so much more.

Being human takes effort! Some are lucky enough to have an assistant or even a full staff!

If you picked this painting, you’re being asked to remember that no matter how big or small your projects, duties and basic daily tasks are, your Team of Divine Helpers has your back. 

Yup! That’s right. Think about it. You can cook dinner alone or ask a cooking Guide to join you. It’s a lot more fun and you’ll be surprised at the inspirations you’ll get to add to the recipe.

You can feel crushed under the pressure of a goal or project or ask your Team for help. The task may be as challenging, but you’ll feel differently doing it. Surprising resources may show up. You’ll be inspired to take healthy breaks and go to places and talk to people in ways that will attract human help.

You can suffer through your grief alone or ask your angels to help you through it. It won’t magically disappear – it’s not meant to. But you will process through it differently and in divine timing.

If you’ve got a creative project, call upon celestial mentors with that kind of experience to work through you.

Nothing is too big or too small.

So whatever you need support with, ask! Asking is the key. Because of free will, you need to ask. 

If you think you have to do it all alone, you’re wrong. There are thousands of guides, angels, ancestors, ascended masters, totem animals, saints, and sages of all traditions at your service.

You are loved. You are supported. They’ve got your back!

Painting: I’ve Got Your Back (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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Love Oracle 33: Celebrating Earth Day

With Earth Day on April 22nd, let’s honour Mother Earth, Her rhythms, and Her Elements.

Born of Her, we humans are an integral part of nature.

We are not separate or superior. Any belief that we are is at the root of suffering – both on Her part and ours.

So let’s think of Earth Day like a Coming Home Day.

Isn’t our home worth appreciating, celebrating, protecting, maintaining?

This week’s Love Oracle Messages are all about fostering our relationship with our planet and therefore with ourselves. 

So ask your Team of Divine Helpers “How can I best live my week leading up to Earth Day?” Then, pick the painting that speaks most to you, and read its Love Oracle Message below.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Sacred Rhythms of Life

Same painting with splashes of purples and bluesDear Beloved,

How aware of you of the rhythms of Mother Nature?

What’s your relationship with Her World?

  • Are you in touch with the seasons and their influence on you? Do you fight or embrace them?
  • Are you aware of the cycle of the Moon and its influence on the ocean tides and on your life?
  • Can you spot the signs and teachings offered to you by the trees?
  • Do your plans and actions respect the presence of other creatures on this planet?
  • Do you truly know how dependent you are on the nature around you and around the world?
  • Have you noticed fluctuations in yearly berry bounties?
  • Do you garden and how do you garden?
  • Do you spend more time viewing Netflix or social media than you do the changes in weather and the beauty of the natural world?

I confess, I’m writing this message from my basement studio, where there’s only a small window to see if it’s sunny or snowing.

There’s been a lot less time in nature while in the flow of this channeled writing. I’m preparing blog posts in advance of my 2 months of karma yoga in the Sierra Foothills of California.

Yes, I’ll be very much in touch with nature on the 900 acres of Ananda Village. But for now, it takes conscious effort to get way from behind my computer screen. I’m living in my head more than in my body or in nature.

Are you also neglecting your relationship with Mother Earth? Can you feel the difference it’s making in the quality of your life too?

How can you nurture your relationship with the sacredness of nature this Earth Day and beyond – no matter the season, the weather, or your busy-ness?

If you picked this painting, you’re being asked to dance with nature, whatever that means for you. 

Don’t just grab Her by the arm and drag Her to the dance floor. Invite Nature into your life. Respect Her. Enjoy Her company. Learn from all She gives.

Your health will benefit from this relationship, even if you just nurture it a few hours every week. But the more, the better!

A date in a city park is fine, but you’ll both benefit more from time in a wild setting getting to know each other better.

Remember that what you do to the land, the water and the air, you’re ultimately doing to yourself and your loved ones. 

Be a conscious dance partner in the sacred dance of Life this Earth Day. Observe the rhythms of the seasonal songs and how they move you. And try not to step on any toes.

Painting: Silver Thaw (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Inspired Back to Nature

Dear Beloved,

Which of these quotes speaks most to your soul right now? Which ones inspire you to nurture your relationship with nature this Earth Day?

“I firmly believe nature brings solace in all troubles.” —Anne Frank

“We don’t own the planet Earth; we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.” —Steve Irwin

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods. There is a rapture on the lonely shore. There is society, where none intrudes by the deep sea, and music in its roar. I love not man the less, but nature more.” Lord Byron

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together … all things connect.” —Chief Seattle

“It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.” —David Attenborough

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” —Rachel Carson

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” Kahlil Gibran

Choose 1 or 2 and write them down on a piece of paper that you’ll post on your mirrors for the week. 

Every day, come up with a plan to live that quote. It can be a day-long event or 10 minutes on your way to work.

Consciously take inspired action to physically be in nature, not only think about it.

Feel yourself in Mother Earth’s womb, Her embrace, Her community. 

Make your way to Nature and bring back the essence of that relationship into the rest of your week.

Have fun with this process! You might enjoy it so much that it will continue long past Earth Day.

Painting: Mother Earth (SOLD). Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Rebuild What Matters Most

Dear Beloved,

There may be many reasons and many times when you simply can’t get out of populated areas to benefit from being in the Great Outdoors. But that doesn’t mean you have to feel separate from it.

There are ways to connect to nature by inviting the 5 Elements into your home and office space.

So, as you gear up for Earth Day, how can you add more of that element in your life through diet, activities, Feng Shui, etc.

It may mean adding something inside your home or simply stepping out into the back yard.

For example, if you need more:

  • Earth: ground by walking bare foot on the earth or hug a tree, wear or place rocks & crystals in your environment, garden, play with your pets, wear brown/green, etc.
  • Air: use breathing techniques, stand in the wind visualizing it blowing all your troubles away, open a window, become conscious of the air on your skin (temperature, movement), wear white, add wind chimes or air purifying plants to your home, etc.
  • Water: drink more water, take a cold shower, add a fountain in your yard, take a warm bath, wear blue, add mirrors to your home, etc.
  • Fire: light a candle, have a campfire, sit by the fireplace, ignite more passion in your relationship or your life; eat spicy food, wear red/orange, etc.
  • Aether: meditate, focus on your spiritual life, wear purple, use smudge, raise your vibration, pray, etc.

Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to support your intention and stay open to Guidance.

Whatever your need or inspiration, may something here today help you in re-aligning to your True Self in your relationship with Mother Earth and the Elements.

For you are one of Her precious creatures that contributes to raising the consciousness of the planet. And that’s what Earth Day is all about.

Painting: Equilibrium (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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Love Oracle 32: Make Me an Instrument of Thy …

Do you believe that you’re connected to something more than your individual self? If you follow my work, I imagine you do.

I like to visualize an interconnected web of Oneness lined in points of light in which everything and everyone works together for the Highest Good of All. 

Yummy, right?!

So how are you a channel for the Divine?

How does The Creator work through you? How does God direct you to the right place at the right time to express His/Her Love to those on your Path? How open are you to receiving it through others brought into your life for that very same purpose?

Intuition is that communication channel between the Divine and His/Her individualized expression – i.e. you!

If you receive the message through one of your intuitive channels and you act on it! Wonderful!

If there’s static on the line because of anxiety or depression or simple lack of attention, your Team of Divine Helpers will try to deliver it another way.

And if you’re just not able to let it through, the message will be sent to someone else so that everything still works in the Highest Good of All.

I’ll never forget my shock when I spotted Flora Bowley’s book “Brave Intuitive Painting” at the art supplies shop. The content and even some of the chapter titles were the same as I’d received. Of course her art is very different, but done similarly with similar supplies and for similar reasons.

I didn’t pick up on the divine request to create that book, and so it went to someone else who was willing and able to follow through.

I’m so glad she did! She’s done an amazing job helping people through intuitive painting. I admire and support what she’s doing. I’ve even attended some of her online retreats and a live workshop in Bali.

Do I have regrets of not publishing my version of that book? No. I couldn’t have done the project justice at the time. And I’ve been used as a channel in different and fulfilling ways since.

My Team of Divine Helpers wasn’t angry, I’m sure. There’s still Free Will in this lifetime. It’s more of an “OK, Next person, next project!” type of situation.  All good.

This week’s Love Oracle is to help you explore how open you are to being a channel for the Divine. 

If you’re ready, give Mother Father God permission by praying: “Make me an instrument of thy peace, of thy Love”.

Then see which of the 3 paintings above speaks to you the most. Its Oracle Message is below.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Power of Prayer

Dear Beloved,

Do you have a true appreciation of the power of your prayers? Where attention goes, energy flows. 

When thousands meditate or pray for peace on earth, it makes a difference. You make a difference.

When you ask God to support your loved ones as they suffer and struggle on their Path, it directs waves of energy their way.

What kind of energy are you sending though? Are your prayers coming from the divine spark within you that trusts and is connected to divine light & love? Or are prayers tainted with your pain, fear, and desperation?

Whether you’re praying for others or for yourself, the right frame of mind is important.

According to Paramhansa Yogananda, the guru whose teachings are at the foundation of Ananda (where I’m doing karma yoga right now),

“we must overcome any consciousness of “lack” or that “I am tiny and separate from God.” We don’t beg God to solve our problems for us; we pray for the consciousness that empowers us to attract what we need. A “begging” prayer actually limits the power of the soul to draw what it needs.”

If you picked this painting, you’re being asked to acknowledge the power of your prayer and to take consciousness of how you pray.

Are you begging in desperation or uniting with Source to communicate your support for the manifestation of the Highest Good?

Are you ready to accept that sometimes, you don’t know what that is?

So go ahead, take a few minutes to pray for yourself, your loved ones, and all of humanity.

Know that when you do, you’re an instrument of Divine Peace & Love. You’re helping the flow of light shine brighter on the web of All That Is.

Then trust that your prayer was heard. Trust that everything is indeed happening for the Highest Good of all, even when that just doesn’t seem true.

Painting: My Prayer for You (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Tune Your Instrument

yoga tree pose painting "Rise 'N Shine"Dear Beloved,

For an orchestra to sound good, all the instruments have to be in tune. If a violin is missing a string or the piano is off-key, the conductor won’t be able to deliver the concert as intended.

The same goes in the divine orchestra of spirits in human form.

For you to be an effective instrument of Divine Love & Peace, you have to keep your instrument in tune.

What does that mean to you?

For some, your instrument might be your mind. For others, your body. For others yet, your creativity or skills.

Just as there are many different kinds of musical instruments in an orchestra, there are many kinds of human instruments through which God can work through.

You are one of them for sure.

How are you serving this planet? How is Source able to use your individualized expression of itself to make a difference in the world?

If you imagine your Team of Divine Helpers saying, “We need to get a message to our person that their instrument is out of tune.”, what immediately comes to mind?

The first thing is likely the right one.

What inspired action can you take to tune your instrument?

Is it to focus on your physical strength or flexibility, eat healthier, calm the mind, devote time to learn new skills, follow your bliss, volunteer your services – or something else?

Just as a an orchestra conductor won’t expect the violin section to sound like the brass, you’ll never be asked to be or do something that isn’t you – the true you.

So go ahead, ask your Team of Divine Helpers to support your efforts to be in tune, so that you can add to the harmonious song of the Universe.

God’s orchestra needs you!

Painting: Rise N’ Shine (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Healing Hands

Dear Beloved,

You have healing hands.

Your touch is like a healing balm for the soul.

Have you ever been inspired to explore Reiki, Healing Touch, somatic touch therapy, Therapeutic Touch or any other modality that requires you to use your hands?

Practitioners of many of these therapeutic energy modalities are aware that they are channels for Divine Energy. They act as a conduit in order to help their patients.

There are many other ways that your hands can act as instruments of God’s love.

  • Preparing a meal with love,
  • baking bread,
  • playing music
  • creating art
  • stroking your child’s hair
  • holding your lover’s hand
  • writing a love note or an inspiring post
  • waiving joyously at a friend

The list is endless.

If you picked this painting, you’re being asked to become aware of the difference your hands make in a day.

Try this now.

Rub your hands together inviting Divine Energy to enter you.

Then place your arms up, palms facing forward to send that healing energy to the world. Now envision a loved one in your mind’s eye. Do it again. To strengthen the cosmic resonance, chant OM at the same time.

On behalf of the world, thank you.

Painting: Co-Creative Bliss (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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Love Oracle 31: Follow Your Path

What does “follow your path” mean to you?

Have you ever been on a huge highway during a traffic jam? The kind that has 5 lanes side by side at a standstill? Do you find that any fun?

That’s how I imagine a life in which everyone wanted to be the same, do the same, in the same place and at the same time.

Oh what a waste of time, what pollution, what boredom, what frustration, what stagnancy and likely with a bit of road rage in the mix.

Your soul didn’t come to Earth to live a wearisome life on the imitative highway.

You came here to follow Your Path, whatever that may be for you. 

Emerging more fully as your True Self on that Path is your purpose.

This requires:

  • discerning your way there despite all the pressure to take the onramp to the highway
  • choosing your travel buddies
  • learning the skills you need to navigate & drive it
  • gathering the necessary resources for the journey
  • dealing with unexpected challenges
  • delighting in the scenery
  • discovering the options and finding your way back after occasional side trips
  • researching healthy rest stops
  • and so much more.

This week’s Love Oracle invites you to follow Your Path.

Your Team of Divine Helpers are hooked in to your inner GPS. That’s your intuition. Call upon them and ask “What’s the next best step on my Path”.

Then look at the paintings above. Which one calls most to you right now. Scroll down to read your Directions.

Love Oracle Message 1: Live Your Life by Design

painting of woman with zentangleDear Beloved,

As you look ahead, you won’t see the whole Path. You don’t need to. All you need to see is the next step, one inspired step at a time. 

It’s also likely that your Path requires you to veer off the beaten path to explore your way into unique ways of being and doing that only your soul can guide you to. 

Your answers are within you. Ask your Team of Divine Helpers for Guidance and tune in to your intuition.

Imagine them higher above the scenery and better able to see what’s ahead. It’s their job to show you the way, but only if you ask.

Ask for the love, the strength, the courage, the curiosity, the playfulness, the resources, and all else you need to enjoy the twists and turns.

This is your life.

It’s as unique as you are.

Co-create your life by design. By following your inspiration, your truth, you’ll live a fulfilling life beyond your imagination.

You don’t need to know the details right now. You just need to know what the next best step is. So Ask, Access, Analyze if the messages aren’t clear, Act and Allow the path to unfold.

Those are the 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life. That’s the Intuition into Action Treasure Map.

Follow your path and enjoy the journey!

Painting: Life By Design  (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Embrace the Mystery

Dear Beloved,

Life is filled with joys, challenges, and expected & unexpected experiences of all kinds.

It’s OK not to have all the answers, not to know everything. Embrace the unknown, knowing that you won’t always understand the deeper meaning to what your life offers you.

Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wisely said, “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.”

Living an intuitive life means being fully present and fully responsive to what unfolds.

It means embracing the mystery with a child-like sense of curiosity and wonder.

If you’ve learned to trust your intuition, first by taking inspired baby-steps, you’ll then have the courage to take those inspired leaps of faith.

The intuitive life isn’t a straightforward path. It reveals itself one inspired step at a time.

You’ll even encounter contradictions along the way – success & failure / joys & sorrow. Don’t be too quick to judge those.

Life can be a paradox. The trick is to see what is, accept what is, and love what is as part of that unfolding mystery.

There’s so much to explore and express in your life, Dear One. If you knew everything that was coming, you’d be bored.

Pray for Guidance, take those inspired actions, and have fun. Remember that you’re a spirit in human form for the fun of it. Some aspects of life may not seem like fun from a human perspective, but are oh so rich from a spirit perspective.

So remember what it was like to be a child exploring new places, new games, new days with completely openness. Follow your Path and life will be a lot more interesting and infinitely more beautiful.

Painting: Walking the Moon Path (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: The Path Beyond This Lifetime

Dear Beloved,

Are you only fixated on how to survive day by day until the day you die?

If you picked this painting, likely not.

Your Path started a long time ago, way before you were born in this incarnation. And it continues once you die.

Depending on your beliefs, you might imagine several incarnations walking this Path one after the other or even some side by side in parallel universes.

You might explore the idea of your lifetimes as other than being human here on Earth.

Perhaps visions of the afterlife wander through your thoughts, reunited with loved one from this lifetime and with God.

Take a moment to visualize or even draw what this Path might look like according to your beliefs.

When did it start? When does it end? What’s at the end if there is an end?

When you look at Your Path from this viewpoint, how does your Here and Now appear to you?

Does it put things in perspective?

Does it help you prioritize how you spend your time each day?

May this exercise help you to focus more on what propells you upwards and forward instead of looping back so many times to repeat the same lessons?

If you picked this painting, you’re invited to find inspiration and motivation to live your best life by putting it into perspective.

Now imagine looking not only at your Path but at your Self on your Path from the eye level of your Team of Divine Helpers. What advice would you give yourself?

Then heed that advice. Take inspired action and follow Your Path.

And make sure to enjoy the ride on this section of your much longer avenue back home to Divine Oneness.

Painting: Cosmic Gateway (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

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Love Oracle 30: Rebirth Your Reality

Blessed Holy Week & Happy Easter! What does this time of year mean to you?

Do you celebrate the resurrection of Christ? Does it spark your soul to believe that through the clouds of trials, torture and apparent death emerged the Truth of everlasting life? Does Jesus’s connection with pure Christ Consciousness give you the strength to follow His example? Does His showing us the way remind you of how loved you truly are ?

Or is Easter simply a seasonal time of hope, rebirth, awakening? Does witnessing new beginnings in nature revitalize your faith after trudging through the slumber of frozen lands? Does the rejuvenation of life and colour all around you rekindle your faith in the future?

I tried to add a third blurb on the Easter bunny and chocolate, but I’ll stick to Jesus and Mother Nature…

The 3 paintings I chose for this week’s Love Oracle all touch on aspects of the Easter story, no matter your associations with this time of year. May they help you rebirth your reality.

Ask your Team of Divine Helpers a question about your life and then pick the painting that speaks most to you. Then scroll down to read its Oracle Message.

Love Oracle Message 1: What Matters Most?

The final Communing with Community paintingDear Beloved,

It’s time to salvage for salvation! What have you built in this lifetime that matters most to you?

What is so precious that it’s worth holding onto or letting go, nurturing, honouring? Perhaps you’ve taken it for granted. Perhaps it has started crumbling without your notice. Maybe it’s ripe for the flames to destroy, just as they did the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris?

Do you remember that day? Do you remember how the local community mourned? Did you feel the flames affect you from across the world as it did for so many others? I started painting the Rose Window of the Notre Dame Cathedral hours before we heard of the devastating fire. Community rallied around the painting process as their way of processing what was happening. Then, we witnessed over the air waves a rallying – a recognition of how valuable the Cathedral was to people. Funds came in and restoration began.

What stands in your life as a treasure worth saving before fire or neglect destroys it? It could be a way of being, a relationship, a project, your values, your vocation, your legacy.

If you’ve picked this painting, it’s time to add new life to your world by not taking what you value most for granted.

See it with renewed vision. Nourish it with renewed love. Be one with it with renewed faith. Connect to its purpose beyond the earthly realm and ask your Team of Divine Helpers to help infuse it with Cosmic Energy. May it blossom and grow to be what it has always been at its core.

Painting: Communing with Community (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Transform the Toxins

Dear Beloved,

Just as the peacock can transform the poison of snakes and plants into nourishment, it’s time for you to transform your challenges into blessings.

It’s time to review and renew your perspective.

Have you experienced trauma, troubles, challenges, judgment, complaints or criticism lately?

If you picked this painting, you’re being invited to look at the source of these under a new Light. 

How would your perspective change if you truly believed that your soul had agreed to these provocations before being born into this life?

Can you start to feel how this problem can help you learn something for your benefit and that of others?

What if what you’d perceived as a huge negative in your life, a toxin, was truly a treasure? What if within it lay the golden keys to open the door to your next growth spurt for the Highest Good of All?

What if you knew that therein lay the fuel for you to jump one step closer to Enlightenment, to Divine Wisdom?

Think back to when you may have had such a shift in perspective in the past. You’ve no doubt transformed toxins in your life before – it’s part of your Spirit Nature. Can you see how an earlier challenge became a blessing, a gift? Recognizing that it’s possible and true will help you use this super power again.

So call upon your Higher Self, your soul and your Team of Divine Helpers to support you in the transmutation of what you’d previously felt was a toxin into nourishment. 

Ask to be Guided to any inspired action or way of being that can help shift reality as you had seen it. Pray that your eyes may be open to how challenges happen for you, not to you.

Find your super power and watch the tree blossom before you. It is not an obstacle on your path. It’s a gift. Beauty lies beyond the veil of delusion. 

Painting: Reborn of Compassion (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Awaken to the Light

Dear Beloved,

We’re living in a challenging world. But are you focusing on the darkness or on the light?

Now is the time for you to be reborn in the Light. It’s time to live at a higher level of consciousness. 

The Light’s always there – it’s just that at times, you aren’t aware of it. You can’t perceive it. Your eyes are shrouded by thoughts, moods, wrong perceptions.

It’s not that the Light is weak. It’s that your awareness of it waivers. Life does that. That’s the human part of being a human being.

In truth, however, the Light is so strong that darkness cannot exist.

You’re invited to make a choice, Dear One. Will you do the inner work to get rid of the veils of illusion and delusion to connect to the Truth, the Light, the Love that is all around, all the time?

What can you do to remove the blocks to perceiving the Light in the world? What can you do to connect more often and more deeply with your Spirit Self?

If you’ve picked this painting, you’re invited to bring new life to your spiritual practices. What helps you to know that you are One with the Light. 

Tell your Higher Self, your soul, your Team of Divine Helpers that you want to embody more discipline and devotion. Ask them to help you raise your consciousness high about the dark clouds to become one with the Light that has and always will be there.

This is a time of reawakening to who you truly are. You are a part of the Divine Radiance. Shine on!

Painting: New Beginnings (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

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Love Oracle 29: Be Happy Now

Oh Blessed Be! Welcome to this New Season!

Happy Spring Equinox to those on my side of the celestial equator and Happy Fall Equinox to those on the other!

But did you know that tomorrow, March 20th, is also International Happiness Day?

The day recognizes that happiness is a fundamental human goal, and calls upon countries to approach public policies in ways that improve the well-being of all peoples. …The initiative to declare a day of happiness came from Bhutan – a country whose citizens are considered to be some of the happiest people in the world. The Himalayan Kingdom has championed an alternative measure of national and societal prosperity, called the Gross National Happiness Index (GNH). The GNH rejects the sole use of economic and material wealth as an indicator of development, and instead adopts a more holistic outlook, where spiritual well-being of citizens and communities is given as much importance as their material well-being.

So may this not only be a new season in our calendar year, but a new era on the planet.  Happiness is indeed a priority! And it starts with you.

Happiness comes from the inside out.

Although it’s important that governments jump on board the happiness wagon, let’s play our part.

Call in your Team of Divine Helpers and ask them “How can I be happier this week?”.  Pick the painting that speaks most to your heart. Then, scroll down to read its Oracle Message.

Each of the messages includes quotes by Paramhansa Yogananda, the author of “Autobiography of a Yogi” and the guru of the Ananda Village in California, where I’m currently doing karma yoga for 2 months.

Love Oracle Message 1: Open to the Divine Within You

Dear Beloved,

Stand tall and open yourself to the Divine within you.

Your Light is so bright, reflecting the Light of All that Is. Take the time to nurture and connect to it. Feel the exaltation of living as a unique expression of the Divine.

It’s true. Your life is not without challenges. How you experience them depends on you. Don’t wallow. Seek the Light. Where attention goes, energy flows.

As Paramhansa Yoganada said:

“The best way to be unendingly happy is to be conscious of the Divine.”

“Whatever comes of itself, let it come.”

“There are no obstacles: There are only opportunities!”

“Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.”

Focus on what you love and let all else to fall into its rightful place. Attract what you want. Align with the Universe, raise your vibration and shine!

Allow your wellspring of unconditional love, gratitude, purpose, and passion to overflow.  You are radiant. You are a lightworker.

If you’ve picked this painting, you’re invited to get up and dance to Bobby McFerrin’s song “Don’t Worry Be Happy“. And if dancing doesn’t do it for you, find what does and be happy now.

Painting: Exaltation (SOLD). Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Deep Roots Grow Rich Fruit

yoga tree post painting "Happy"Dear Beloved,

How are you growing and nourishing deep roots in your life so that you may bear the rich fruit of happiness? 

This is not an outward journey. It’s an inward one.

Are you dedicating enough time and energy to your spiritual practice? How can you invest more? or make what you have more quality time? 

When times get busy or moods get low, it’s easy to let your happiness practice aside. But that’s like depriving your roots of nourishment, only to result in the withering of your Life Force.

If you’ve picked this painting, you’re invited to make wise investments on what has the most returns – in the here and now and every here and now that comes after it.

As Paramhansa Yogananda said:

“Happiness blooms naturally in the hearts of those who are inwardly free. It flows spontaneously, like a mountain spring after April showers, in minds that are contented with simple living.”

“Accept change as life’s only constant. Life is change.”

“Never lose hope. Your soul, being a reflection of the ever joyous spirit, is, in essence, happiness itself.”

“Open the portals of calmness and you will find the bright sun of joy within yourself.”

So go ahead. Make your happiness a priority. It’s your birthright. It’s your magic. It’s the fruit that you will then share with others.

You all deserve your taking the time to find that peace, that calm, that happiness that’s already inside you.

Painting: Happy (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3:

Dear Beloved,

The happier you are, the easier it will be for those around you to be happy too.

There’s nothing selfish about doing what you need and being who you truly are in order to connect to that happiness at your core.

So what makes you truly happy? Is it really that new pair of shoes, chocolate sundae, compliments from your partner, achievement, or award?

Or is it the joy that bubbles up from being simply and completely in the present moment, loving what is, recognizing and feeling the Divine within yourself and all around you?

As Paramhansa Yogananda said:

“Even if life gave you at one time everything you wanted – wealth, power, friends — after awhile you would again become dissatisfied and need something more.  But there is one thing that can never become stale to you – joy itself.”

“In all your seeking among different things, directly or indirectly, you are in reality seeking happiness through the fulfillment of your desires. Why not seek joy directly? Why seek it through the intermediary of pleasures and objects?”

“Happiness comes, not by helplessly wishing for it, but by dreaming, thinking and living it in all circumstances.”

“A good rule to live by, and one that will take you sailing through many tests in life, is, under all circumstances, to remain even-minded and cheerful.”

“The self-improving man is the increasingly happy man. The happier you become, the happier will be the people around you.”

The key to happiness is that your soul and your life are in sync. Are you living as your True Self? Do you even remember who that is?

Pause for moment to take an inventory of what you prioritize in life. How can you raise your personal Happiness Index to contribute to the National Happiness Index and the International one too?

Take the time to reconnect – through meditation, Right Living, spiritual practices, loving service, and being content with life as it is.

Be happy now!

Painting: Divine Union (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

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