you can see all of my paintings at

Take the test: what’s your soul saying?

When I co-create intuitive paintings with Spirit, energy is infused into the art that raises both my and the viewer’s vibration. Whatever I’m working on at the time for me can then support you on your transformational journey.

So when you’re browsing my collection, know that the painting that attracts you the most holds within it a key to your Highest Good. Its energetic vibration can move you upward and forward.

So take the test.  Which of the three paintings above is calling you the strongest, then read below to find out what your soul is asking you to do.

Of course, feel free to add your own interpretation. Why else do you think you were called to that painting?

Choice 1: Life By Design


Dear One, You’re amazing! Your life has been rich in experiences and opportunities to grow, and you’ve said ‘Yes!’ to them. Bravo!

What’s next? It’s up to you. All that you are and all that you’ve lived has prepared you for the choices you have now. Keep co-creating your own True Life by following your Guidance.

Sure, it’ll take you off the beaten path, but isn’t that exciting?

Stretch those comfort zones. You’re ready. Take one inspired step in front of the other and have fun with it.

And remember, be loving and compassionate to yourself and others as you live and learn. Happy travels.

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Choice 2: Exaltation

painting ExaltationDear One, Stand tall and open yourself to the divine within you.

Your Light is so bright, reflecting the Light of All that Is. Take the time to nurture and connect to it. You’re worth it.

We know your life is not without challenges. How you experience them depends on you. Don’t wallow. Seek the Light. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Focus on what you love and let all else to fall into its rightful place. Attract what you want. Align with the Universe, raise your vibration and shine!

Allow your wellspring of unconditional love, gratitude, purpose, and passion to overflow.  You are radiant. You are a lightworker.

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Choice 3: I-ve Got Your Back

painting "I've Got Your Back"Dear One,  You’re not alone. Your whole team of Divine Helpers is here to support you. You’re wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love. Feel it.

You’ve been so hard on yourself. Isn’t it time to breathe, to connect, to open up to receiving? All you need to do is ask. We’re here.

Create space to reconnect to your Self and Guides. Give your monkey-mind a break. Get off the hamster wheel and dream a little.

Get back in the co-creative groove. Breathe Life Force back into your body, mind, and spirit. We’re here to help.

It’s time to choose peace. You deserve it. Please allow it.

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Tell Us About It

As usual, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Did your choice speak to you today? What inspired action might you take from it?


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Doreen’s Soul Energy Portrait Experience

Doreen's Soul Energy PortraitCo-creating a Soul Energy Portrait experience is as heart-opening for me as it is for my clients, wherever they may live.

What a blessing it was to witness Doreen’s Magnific-Essence and to support her in this way on her path to her Highest Good.

Today, you and I are both being treated to Doreen’s heartfelt sharing about her experience.

Keep reading, and you’ll also get to see how her painting evolved.

And if it moves you, you’re welcomed to use the prayer I was inspired to write for her based on her process and painting.



I first met Dominique when I went to her house to pick up a copy of her Universal Law Mandala calendar last fall. I didn’t know then how important meeting her would be, but I should have known after receiving her wonderful heart to heart hug!

We next met in the spring at a Body, Mind, Spirit Retreat.  I’d signed up for her Group Divine Storytelling Time session. I consider myself a spiritual seeker but had never worked with Divine Helpers before this.

We were told that, if asked, our team of Divine Helpers, along with Dominique’s, would download an intuitive reading, or story really, that would hold meaning for each one of us. Well, with a healthy dose of scepticism, I listened as Dominique described the almost Pixar-like story she saw in her mind’s eye. And it blew me away!

I felt as if she was talking just to me!

I had recently moved to Newfoundland after a series of difficult life changes, including the death of my husband a few years earlier. So I was looking for assurance that I had made the right decision. And I received it.

To my amazement, many objects described in this verbal video related to my life. Many of the scenes pointed to where I was at that time. At the end, I felt absolute peace. But that was short lived!! Why? Because Dominique revealed that we could commission an intuitive reading package just for us as well as a Soul Energy Portrait. I felt my heart start to pound and my face become red – and I knew this experience was for me. I was probably rude as I rushed to sign up at the end of the session, but it just felt so right!

On my birthday, to begin the process, Dominique downloaded a custom Discovery Journey Meditation, co-created with the help of our teams of divine helpers. And so began a most meaningful, joyful 2 weeks of my life.

Each day, as she worked on the painting, I would receive e-mails from her that she called Love Notes. I would reply with the results of my “homework” and to share what came up for me. The synchronicities that occurred during those 2 weeks convinced me that we were indeed joined together in this process.

I won’t go into all the symbolism and meaning that my painting holds or the inspired actions I took because of our process. But when I gaze at it now, I get such a feeling of peace – a confirmation that I am on the right path and that my life is unfolding as it should, here on The Rock, surrounded by ocean.

I am now swimming free, shedding feelings of loss, fear, regret, and an unhealthy over-attachment to the past .

Thank you is too weak a phrase, Dominique, but it’s all I have to offer.

I wish for others that they may receive as valuable a gift as I have if they decide to work with you.

Doreen Reglin  – St. John’s, NL


A Transformational Prayer

Dear God and Guiding Spirits, Angels of Light & Love,
Guide me on my Path to my Highest Good.

Help me to swim through life
With my heart wide open
And my gaze aimed high.

Help me to nurture true unconditional love
That I may turn it inward
So it can radiate outward.

May my every step follow the Light
That guides my path,
Shining brighter as I alight upon it.

With gratitude and appreciation,
I honour all that has made me who I am today.

May I continue to be a magnet
Of true abundance
On the garden path before me.

Help me to create a life by design
That flows in tune with my natural rhythm.

May I feel truly liberated, uniting with my past in non-attachment,
so that I may build upon its blessed foundation.

I am ready to let go of what no longer serves
to add depth and richness
to my experience.

Help me to embrace the mystery
As I welcome harmony and simplicity.

I am ready to loosen the bud scales
Around my heart
So that I may fully blossom
And share the gifts of
Self-expression in this world.

As the jewel encrusted walls
of my cavern spread open,
May life unfurl with ease and grace.

Yes. I am ready to dance
Through the depths of my soul,
Where peace reigns.

Yes, I am ready to emerge as my radiant Self.

Let all that I do be a reflection of the Gift I know I AM.

So be it. Aho. Amen.

Would you like to learn more about commissioning a Soul Energy Portrait Experience?


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New Soul Energy Portrait and Prayer

Nadine-HBs-Magnific-EssenceToday, one of my Soul Energy Portrait clients wanted to share her recent transformational experience co-created with her team of Divine Helpers.


This is the second Nadine I’ve had the pleasure to work with this year (see previous post). Both such beautiful souls!  I can vouch for that because the work I do connects me to their Higher Self, their divine essence and their Higher Councils. That’s how I can help them see themselves through the eyes of their soul no matter where they live in the world.

Although Nadine lives several hours away, I worked with her for more than a week. I sent her daily love notes filled with messages from her Guides, photos of the painting process, symbolic interpretations, and homework.  When guided, I also did energy work on her and her painting, so that it would continue to act as a portal to the Universal Energy Flow.

Keep reading to witness the evolution of her painting and to experience for yourself the prayer that was birthed from her process.  First, here’s Nadine’s testimonial.

“I felt as though I’d been “going through the motions of life” and I’d lost myself somewhat. As a mother, I placed my children’s (and others’) needs above my own. I also work in a helping profession where I see a lot of illness and situations one would wish never existed. A couple years ago, I wore my heart on my sleeve and had to listen to my body’s cues to take some time to look after myself. It’s been a long healing process, but I’ve moved forward, feeling more grounded and connected to my spirituality. 
When I walked into my last Body, Mind & Spirit Retreat, I was intrigued by Dominique Hurley’s beautiful artwork. Within minutes, I said to a friend: “I have to have one of her paintings”. I attended one of Dominique’s “Ignite Your Intuition” sessions, and my intuition told me I had to commission a Soul Energy Portrait. I felt having a painting made especially for me in my home would bring me positive energy each time I looked at it. I had faith and trust in Dominique, knowing that I would be happy with the end result.  

I chose “Rebirth” as my theme, feeling a new version of me was being born. Other related themes were: Self love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. I scheduled a couple of hours a day to meditate and focus on the messages I received from Dominique. I even had a couple of days away from my family, when I could really focus on my spirituality and enjoy the process of feeling my Soul Energy.  
It was wonderful to begin my day with a “love note” from my Divine Helpers through Dominique. The process started with a beautiful custom channeled Discovery Journey Meditation that I listened to daily. I emailed Dominique to share my experiences and she always emailed me back beautiful notes that helped me shift more into alignment with my Self. Through the week, this back and forth communication flowed effortlessly…. Each day, Dominique would provide me with pictures of my painting in progress as well as links and resources that were wonderful in enabling me to fully benefit from and enjoy this process of loving, understanding and accepting ME.  
I felt so connected with my heart and spirit, full of love, and forgave myself and others for any perceived wrongs.  This process was fascinating… 
I loved reading about and witnessing the evolution of my Soul Energy portrait.  One day, I was really moved when I read about the energy work that Dominique was called to do, including giving me/ my painting some TLC- cradling and rocking!   

Overall, this was an amazing process, and I love everything about my Soul Energy portrait.  I have it on my bedroom wall so I can admire it each time I lay down. I love how it’s 3D, and I’m the emerging beautiful butterfly. I see something new each time I look at it….. there are so many meaningful loving messages in it.  
Dominique also wrote a beautiful prayer that’s perfect for this time in my life… I’m so thankful each time I read it. Through this process, I realize that I need to make time to stay connected with ME and my guiding Spirits. I need to listen to my body and respect its messages. I need to maintain my faith and trust.    
Through working with Dominique, I’ve been able to feel a growing appreciation at how connected we are with each other and the earth. I’m enjoying more moments of “just letting go”  and “BEING”.  I’m more in tune with enjoying the day to day process of life and following my intuition. I’m so glad I listened to it when it moved me to invest in myself in this way.”
Nadine Harrison-Boyd
Gander, Newfoundland & Labrador


I leave you with this prayer.

It was inspired by all that Nadine and I experienced together during this beautifully intensive period of time.

May it serve you as it continues to serve her.


May I Spread My Wings And Fly

Dear God and Guiding Spirits
Angels of Light & Love
Thank you for infusing my heart
with the breath of life and divine Spirit.
I open onto You, my Self, and the world around me.

Thank you for your tender love and care
as I emerge more and more into my Self every day.
I have been gently rocked by your unconditional love
and know I can connect to it anytime.

Every cell of my being appreciates your support.
Thank you for this reminder that all I need to do is ask.

Thank you for showing me what no longer serves.
I welcome the release and relief.
I am grateful for the role that it all played until now.
I see and accept it for what it is as it shows itself on its way out.
May it be transmuted by the Universe
Into something that serves the Greater Good.

Thank you helping me see myself
through the eyes of my soul.
I honour the mirrors that present themselves
as I continue my transformational journey.

I ask for your continued love and support
that I may shine as my radiant Self.
I feel my blossoming, I see the openings.
I happily co-create my Path with you.

Please guide me in my days
So I may be open to giving and receiving
In all I am and all that I do.

Bless these wings that I may dance
my True Colours and fly in freedom,
Spreading my unique gifts
along the way.

May I then come to rest every evening
in tranquil slumber.
Hold me in your Love,
that I may refill my cup with
love, peace, joy, health, wealth, and happiness.

So be it, Aho, Amen.

Would you like a Co-Creative Soul Energy Portrait of your own? Click here for more information & prices in effect until September 1st.

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MindShift – the painting

painting "MindShift"

“MindShift” – original sold – click photo for prints.

What we do for others is truly a gift for ourselves and those around us.

That’s how I feel as I gaze upon this painting. It’s slowly come into being over the past 6 months (plus a lifetime).

Layer by layer, it evolved as I did. But before I could finish it, I had to allow the energies of the last few Soul Energy Portraits to bathe my own experience.

Ask any energy worker. When we channel Universal Love & Light, it’s as much a gift to us as it is for the person we’re channeling for.

The energy blesses us on its way through.

That’s not all though.

As I witnessed the radiance of my clients’ Higher Selves, their Magnific-Essence also touched my soul.

This painting brings our communal process to an even Higher level, opening space for all those ready to receive its energy. Are you ready?

MindShift Symbolism

In its essence, “MindShift” is about freeing the mind through a fine balance between insight and innovation.

It’s about realigning with your soul through a change of focus and perception to break through the barriers of illusion. It’s about seeing, knowing, being, and expressing your Truth.

Peacock energy is present to transform lurking poisons into beauty. It assists you to use your experiences for growth. You’re asked to shift your perspective. Challenges can then be accepted as happening for you, not to you.

Dragonfly energy circles around you to help cut through self-created illusion. It allows you to understand your ill-serving beliefs and self-beliefs. It encourages you to let go of your perceived limitations and doubts.  By focusing your attention on pearls of pure potential, it moves you forward to fulfill your birthright.

It’s through this inner work that peace of mind and peace of heart can be achieved.

You can now access your intuition – the full moon that spills over the edges of your physical being to light your Path.

This inner glow emanates from a Celtic design with a triple spiral (triskele). It represents the harmonious union, motion and transformation achieved through

  • life-death-rebirth,
  • spirit-mind-body,
  • mother-father-child,
  • past-present-future,
  • power-intellect-love,
  • and more.

Every dot in this inner sphere is a prayer, a seed, a portal to the Divine – nourishing you with Divine Love & Light as you journey on your path to our Highest Good.

MindShift is an invitation. It’s the birthplace of Acceptance, Self-Love, Love.  

Is there any wonder I’m in Love with this painting?

Your Turn

I now invite you to gaze upon “MindShift” and feel its energy.

What message does it hold for you?

Are you moved to form your own prayer?

Are you inspired to write a letter to your self from from your soul?

I’d love to hear how the work my clients and I have done together has inspired you here today. Free free to comment below.

“MindShift” – original sold – click here for prints
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing necessary.

See all original paintings for sale
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Nadine’s Soul Energy Portrait

Nadine holding her portrait

Nadine felt stuck and knew something had to change. She didn’t want to be held back by old negative beliefs.

That’s when she heard the call to work with me.

Nadine had felt the energy of my paintings in a local shaman’s treatment room and her mother had benefited from one of my Divine Storytelling Time packages.

Her husband, bless him, picked up on the hints and hired me to co-create a Soul Energy Portrait for Nadine’s birthday. What a gift!

We spent over a week via email (and through communication with her Divine Helpers) uncovering the layers of symbolism, releasing blockages, opening up transformational energy channels, receiving messages from Guides, and welcoming a soul shift.

Her process and painting were as unique as all my Co-Creative Soul Energy portrait experiences are.

But I believe that what one person does to raise their vibration helps all others. That’s how we affect the consciousness of the planet.

That’s why I felt inspired to write this prayer here for you today. It’s based on her process and painting. If it serves you, feel free to use it.


A Transformational Prayer

Dear God and Guiding Spirits,
Angels of Light and Love,
Guide me on my Path to my Highest Good.

Thank you for helping me stretch and grow.
Like the snake, I am ready to shed my skin.
I release all that no longer serves me
in the spirit of forgiveness, love, and compassion.

Help me feel your eternal support
As I wind my way through life,
Twisting and turning,
With your Light shining on my back.

Thank you for helping me see
That from the depths of my dark pools
Sparkles points of Light –
Every one a scale, prayer, or intention
Brilliant in the night sky.

May your unconditional love
Teach me to love myself more fully.

Thank you also for your peacock medicine
That helps me transform poison into beauty.
May I continue to accept that my challenges have happened for me, not to me.
I hear you when you say that I am perfect in my imperfection.

Help me to let go of the camouflage
And to embrace the mystery
So that my Radiance may ripple in waves of Light
Within my own heart and the heart of the world.

Help me to keep my vision High
And to express my authentic Voice
I have answered your call.
I am here.

May my unique creations continue to emerge and crystallize
Bringing love, peace, joy, health, wealth
and happiness into Being.

In your glow, I am ready to shine.
So be it. Aho. Amen.


“I knew there was something for me here. It was my time for this beautiful process to move me along my path. Your intuitive nature, painting style, and messages were exactly what I needed.

Initially, each day was an amazing process of discovery, for as each new layer was added on the canvas, a new level of subconscious beliefs was brought to the surface to be processed. With continued layers and daily intuitive messages, the truth took shape and my essences came to light.

Now, that the canvas is complete and a beautiful energy painting is hanging in my home, the process is not; it continues. As I look upon my painting, maybe a portion catches my eye and draws me in, and I continue to contemplate as I go about my day. Evolving reflection and growth happen well beyond the end of the “making”. This amazing process with you has been a truly uplifting journey that will continue for some time!”


Click here for more information on Soul Energy Portraits
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What do others see when they look at you?

painting Exaltation of blue woman in radiating Light

“Exaltation” prints available

Sorry for gazing at you so much. I just keep looking at you and saying to myself: “I want more of what she’s got”.

That’s what one of the participants told me after my Ignite Your Intuition workshop at last month’s Body Mind & Spirit retreat.

I was doing what I love with open-minded, open-hearted soul seekers. Not only had I been sharing my life experiences and teaching how to use intuition, I spent 40 minutes channeling a reading for the group and witnessing transformation all around me.

How could I not be radiant?!

It’s the same when I’m painting or channeling in the studio!

If you’re connected to Self and Spirit – you can’t help but light up the room. 

So my first question to you is:

“How can you bring more of what you love into your life? At home? At work? During your free time?”

I was grateful for the mirror.  I was obviously on track.

But as I told her, I don’t look / feel that way nearly often enough.

iridescent painting of woman with arms stretched in the light

“I AM” (24″ x 36″) – acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas.

Truth be told, when I look at myself in the mirror after a day of working on the administrative or marketing sides of my business, I don’t see what she saw.

There lies the challenge.

Our job is not only to do what we love, but also love all we do.

So my next question to you is:

“How can you connect to your Self and Source while working on the tasks that just need to be done?”

Until I have the resources to hire others who are passionate about doing the parts of my business that I’m not, I need to bring more curiosity and childlike wonder into all parts of my days.

I’m open to advice / musings on this. Please comment below.

P.S.  I created these sister paintings to represent the radiance that comes from connecting to Self and Source day and night – both literally and figuratively. Can you feel the energy coursing through her as she aligns with her soul to vibrate as both a physical and spiritual being?


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New Painting & Prayer: “Beyond Illusion”

Beyond Illusion-Dominique Hurley

“Beyond Illusion” (24″ x 48″) -SOLD

This is a process piece – a channeling of the energy I needed in my life.

It’s a prayer that took weeks to form in my heart and on canvas.

May this painting help you connect to all that is palpable and normally imperceptible as it activates your intuition, your heart.

I’m so glad I helped birth this baby into being!

Many layers of flowing paint and detail-work have completely disappeared beneath what you see here. Interestingly, so have the pictures I took of them.

That’s OK. The process itself and the Connection that came from it remains.

Even if you can’t see those first layers, their energy is part of what activates this portal into the Universal Energy Flow.

Both this painting and prayer have been co-created for you.



Beyond Illusion – A Prayer for True Sight

Dear God and Guiding Spirits
Angels of Light and Love,
Help me perceive the world
Through the Eyes of the Soul

Help me understand that my vision of “reality”
is limiting my growth, my clarity,
My ability to create transformation.

Release me of my limiting perceptions
So I may travel to the realms
Where Light and Colour
Make spiritual expansion possible.

Teach me to discern through inner knowing
That I may bear witness
To Your Radiance, Protection,
Holy Light and Power.

Open my heart with dragonfly medicine
So I may see below the surface –
Beyond the illusion
Of what I accept as reality.

May your Winged Ones,
Come from the world of nature spirits
And bring their magic
Into my everyday experience.
I welcome their messages
From the elemental world.

Ease me into my deepest truth
So I may decide for myself, with You
What everything means.

Help me shift my perception inward
So I may let go of  hindering judgments.

Help me evaluate
Both my intentions and attention
So I may focus on the heaven
that is here and now.

Guide me beyond
The veil of illusion
As I go within to commune directly with You.

I feel You resting there, Peace.

Make room.

I’m coming in to lie beside you.

So be it.

“Beyond Illusion”
24″ x 48″
Mixed media on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing required): acrylics, blue agate stone (protection, strength, harmony), mica (love & compassion)


If you’re feeling called to bring one of my energy-infused intuitive original paintings into your home or office, click here. If you’d like a painting or photography print, click here.

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Q & A Video: What Kinds of Paint Do You Use?

I’m a huge fan of Golden Artist Colours – a professional grade acrylic paint company from the States. Yes, it’s expensive, but you get what you pay for. I know because I’ve tried many other kinds in my time.

What many don’t know is that acrylic paint comes in 3 viscosities, or thicknesses.  Most people are familiar with “heavy body” paint. It’s thick like toothpaste.  I was never a big fan of these.

I prefer both “fluid ” (flows like a heavy cream) and high flow (flows like water). These act more like the acrylic inks I started playing with in the late 80s when I finally found my artistic medium of choice.

The beauty with professional acrylic paints is that there are no fillers or extenders. There’s the same saturation of pigments in all 3 thicknesses. No dilution. That’s why there’s no comparison to dollar store paints that don’t use the same quality of pigments and are full of chalk and other fillers.


Golden Artist Colours also has a whole line of gels, mediums, and varnishes to play with.

When I lived in Saskatchewan, I splurged by buying small containers of every gel and medium they had on offer. Then I just played in the studio until I found the ones that connected me to creative freedom and joy.

Art is part science. It’s good to know how materials work to get the most out of them and to make sure your paintings last.

But art is also about embracing the mystery. It’s about learning and playing with Spirit through the creative process.

There are no mistakes. There’s only learning and layering until one day you say: This one’s done. Next!

Keep playing until you find what speaks to you.

I almost failed art in high school, but that’s just because I hadn’t found my medium.

Thank God (literally) I didn’t give up!

P.S. They invited me back for a solo exhibition a few years later 🙂

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Light Against Dark and Dark Against Light

summary painting of the 12 Universal Laws

“All In One:The Twelve Universal Laws” – Prints available in many sizes & mediums

I’m into moving meditation – dancing on my mini-trampoline singing Sanskrit chants in the morning.

Sometimes, I do that looking at my vision board. Lately, I’ve been contemplating my painting “All In One: The Twelve Universal Laws”.

It’s a portal to the Universal Energy Flow.

It’s also a great review of the Laws I studied last year channeling the Enter the Mandala series.

I’ve noticed that the dark ring around the sunflower pulls me right into another dimension. It also lifts that sunflower right off the canvas and into my third eye.

Light Against Dark and Dark Against Light

The Great Masters taught painters throughout the ages a lesson that’s as insightful in life as it is on canvas. Light against dark and dark against light.

They passed that knowledge down the lineage of visionary painters until my teachers taught me a couple of years ago at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.

Designers in many fields know this now – the eye is drawn to where there’s the greatest contrast.

It’s the same in life.

It’s from contrast that we create focus for our intentions and attention.

Our Light shines from out of the darkness.

When we’re fully into an experience we don’t want, we realize what it is we do want and create the momentum to reach it.

Sure, it’d be wonderful if our Light were constantly glowing at full force into the world.

But I’m not there yet.

I can only imagine how I’d be if I could stay in the state of wonder and unconditional love that I’m in when I channel a meditation, intuitive reading or energy painting commission.

That would be enlightenment.

For now, I appreciate the role the contrast between my Higher Self and little self plays.

Light against dark and dark against light. It’s beautiful. It’s necessary. It draws you in so that it can reflect right back at you.

We live in a world of contrast to help us choose.

Take a look at your life.  What dark parts of your history have gifted you with the ability to shine your Light in your uniquely beautiful way today?

Is your personal story richer because of the contrasts in your life?

Are your good days even better because of your bad days?

As usual, I’d love your feedback on this morning’s musings. Feel free to comment below.


And  if you’d like to add a print of “All In One: The Twelve Universal Laws” to your meditation space,

Click to Order
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Take the Test: Which Face Speaks to You?

Want to play with me today?  Take a look at these 4 faces and what they’re saying.

Which face speaks most to your soul?

Which is your clearest mirror?

Answer in the comments below.

Face 1. In the Moment

In the Moment painting

“In the Moment” – 12″ x 12″ – SOLD – Click for prints.

There are huge shifts happening in my life. I’m answering the call to travel deep within my soul to let my True Colours shine. I’m a free spirit at heart.

Dragonflies are appearing everywhere, helping me see beyond the illusions and delusions. I’m supported in both my inner and outer work.

I’m focused on being the best I can be here and now. I’m learning to love what is, knowing that’s my path to freedom. I love myself unconditionally!

I’m letting go of stories of the past and hopes/fears for the future. I’m living in the moment and going with the flow.

I’m flexible and adaptable, joyously letting go of what no longer serves me as I’m carried by the winds of change.

Face 2. Maiden Voyage

painting of lady with hair in the wind

“Maiden Voyage” -Sold. Click for prints.

I’m courageously answering the call to live a life that’s aligned with my inner callings.

I believe in my purpose. I take healthy risks. Like a ship embarking into the night, I’m embracing the mystery.

I know that as the waves crest, I’ll be given glimpses of the lights in the distance. And when I find myself in a trough, I have faith that the flow will carry me to the next crest until the ocean calms again.

I’m listening to my intuition, carried forward by the life I was meant to live.

It’s in this Spirit Dance that my own beauty is reflected back to me.

Face 3. Zippora

red, ,black and gold face led by bird spirits

“Zippora” – 12″ x12″ – SOLD – Click for prints.

I am in tune with Mother Earth and her animal kingdom. I believe in the medicine of her four directions.

I work in harmony with my Higher Council – my angels, spirit guides, totem animals, and Great Spirit.

I may feel fear, but I go boldly and confidently into my life, knowing my prayers travel upon wings, leading me into the unknown.

I embrace all teachings that serve my Highest Good – be they eastern or western. My inner fire is fueled by the passionate, fulfilling life I know I am meant to live.

I am committed to my Path. I trust in my Guidance.

Face 4. Make A Wish

"Make a Wish" - 12" x 12" - $447

“Make a Wish” – 12″ x 12″ – SOLD – Click for prints

Life’s a game. I’m a spiritual being having a human experience for the fun of it!

I’m friends with The Universe.

If I need something, I ask for it. I’m a master manifester.

It’s easy – I know I’m loved. I know I’m worthy of whatever is in my Highest Good. So I choose to learn through ease and grace.

If my bubbles pop, I know they weren’t meant to be for longer than what they were. I blow more, sending my prayers and thanks to my angels and Guides.

The powers of my mind are limitless. I am part of the Divine Oneness – made of the same consciousness and energy as all there is.

Your Turn

Tell us which Face you resonate with the most and why.

I’d also love to hear what else it’s saying to you. Let its energy dance within your multi-dimensional being and translate its message to us in words.

Try it – it’s fun! It’s also part of becoming the face you see in the mirror.

P.S.   Click here to see all originals. For prints, click here.


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