you can see all of my paintings at

Two More Labyrinth Paintings

Two weeks ago, I introduced you to “Chakra Journey” and “Peace Flow”, my first 2 labyrinth paintings in this new series. It celebrates the various moods and blessings of my regular labyrinth walks. In painting them, my journey continues. In owning one of them, so can yours.

Today’s two labyrinth paintings show you the difference between a Chartres-style labyrinth and the classical 7 -circuit one.

3. Oasis of Inspiration Labyrinth Painting

Oasis labyrinth with 2 angels

“Oasis of Inspiration” – prints available

In this labyrinth painting, I wanted to thank my angels for their support in my intuitive process.  I know they’re there with me, waiting for me to invite them into my journey. Ask and you shall receive.

Thanks to all those on FB who contributed name suggestions. Once again, I incorporated them into a prayer.

Prayer: Oasis of Inspiration

Dear God and Guiding Spirits
Angels of Light & Love
Overseers of my Highest Good
I’ve come to this oasis
Ripe with in-sight
To walk in faith
Embraced by your love.

As I journey within,
May I breathe in the Life Force
That connects me to you.

I am a dream walker
Here to voyage in the silence of my inner soul
Seeking clarity and inspiration.

I am an angel walker,
Here to explore the space between your wings
Seeking balance and peace.

As I walk this labyrinth,
May I remain attentive to the signs
And be truly transformed
In the space between each step.

Walking for Answers

Labyrinths are a great tool to access intuitive guidance.

Before you enter, ask your question and pay attention to all your senses as you slowly make your way to and from the centre.

A memory may rise to the surface or a bug walk across your path. Everything has meaning when you’re on an intuitive walkabout. 

You can find out more about how to get the most out of the process in my free 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life online tutorial.

The original “Oasis of Inspiration” is 16″ x 20″ – SOLD
  • Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required
  • Several thick clear isolation coats and varnish were applied to give this piece a super high-gloss look.
  • It comes with a soft paintbrush that you can use to move your way through this Chartres style labyrinth.

Click here to order prints.

4. Mother Earth Labyrinth Painting

When I started creating these labyrinth paintings, my friend Jill asked if I would paint her a classical 7-circuit one instead of the Chartres-style one.

When I meditated on it, I envisioned a pregnant woman with the labyrinth as her belly. This didn’t surprise me as Jill is a doula who uses labyrinths to help expectant mothers in the birthing process.

Soon after, my vision of a pregnant woman turned into a primal goddess with the whole planet in her uterus. She’d become the Great Mother, Gaia, Mother Earth.

I’m glad to say Jill was thrilled with the results of her commission.

You too can have “Mother Earth”! Prints-on-demand are available by clicking here. Order yours on paper or canvas of many sizes.

P.S. The prints on canvas are great to use as finger labyrinths and can be wiped down with a moist cloth for hygiene purposes. This makes them great for wellness centres and hospitals as well as home.

Which speaks to you more? Why? Please comment below.

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New Labyrinth Painting Series

Peace Flow labyrinth painting

“Peace Flow”

This past Saturday was International Labyrinth Day.

I only found out the day before, but it’s not the first time that my creative projects somehow align with planetary movements.

As you may have read in a previous post, walking the floor labyrinth and using the finger labyrinths in a local chapel has become part of my regular meditative practice.

I’m amazed at how different my labyrinth journeys can feel.

That’s why, in April, I decided to paint 6 labyrinth paintings that celebrate my various experiences. In painting them, the journey continues.

Here are the first 2.

1. Chakra Journey Labyrinth

I created this one Easter weekend.

It honours the grounding, connecting, and chakra balancing effects of journeying a labyrinth.

  • RED governs the base or ROOT chakra situated at the base of the spine: vitality, courage, self-confidence, security, stability.
  • ORANGE governs the SACRAL chakra situated in the lower abdomen: self-respect, success, happiness, confidence, resourcefulness.
  • YELLOW governs the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, situated below the ribs: creativity, self-worth, wisdom, clarity.
  • GREEN governs the HEART chakra: unconditional love, self-love, balance, self-control.
  • BLUE governs the THROAT chakra: self-expression, knowledge, health, decisiveness.
  • INDIGO governs the brow or THIRD EYE chakra, in the centre of the forehead: intuition, mysticism, understanding
  • VIOLET/PURPLE governs the CROWN chakra, at the top of the head: spirituality, self-awareness, beauty, creativity, inspiration

This painting is assisted with the energy of dragonflies to dive beneath the surface and see beyond the illusions, delusions, and self-limiting beliefs.

Prints Available

The original (12″ x 12″) was sold before it was done, but you can order prints by clicking here.

Note: Prints on stretched canvas make great finger labyrinths and can easily be wiped down with a moist cloth if you work in a setting that requires it for hygiene reasons. I suggest you get larger than a 12″ x 12″ if you want to use your fingers. You can also use a soft paintbrush to journey through it.

2. Peace Flow Labyrinth

”Peace Flow’ honours the process of returning to one’s centre to reconnect with the peace that is always living there.  It helps shed whatever doesn’t serve you so that you can carry that peace back out with you.

Embraced by a peace dove, every dot in this labyrinth is a prayer, a meditation, a conscious opening to peace.

Buy Peace Flow

The original is 12″ x 16″ – SOLD
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required

The painting comes with a soft paintbrush that you can use to move your way through this Chartres style labyrinth.

Contact Otherworld Treasures to purchase.

Or click here to order prints in various sizes.

I’ll introduce you to two more in 2 weeks, but if you can’t wait, you can always see what’s available on my Original Paintings page and Prints Page.  

It’s been a meditative, productive, and  creative month!

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Embrace – a new painting

Do you have days when all you want to do is lie in bed and watch 6 movies in a row?

I do.

Those days have been a part of my natural rhythm for as long as I can remember.

But I’m no sloth.

When I’m focused on a work project or in the creative flow, I’m equally happy with the long active and productive hours. I’m no stranger to 16-hour workdays.

Embracing these personal rhythms has been key to my inner peace.

There’s no use feeling guilty if I choose the company of Netflix for a day. It’s not a waste if I enjoy it.

The same goes if I spend a day in nature mid-week instead of working.

There’s as much power and peace in acceptance as there is in knowing when it’s time to shift.

Just as with our beloved trees, there’s a time for us to:

  • be dormant
  • bud & blossom
  • bear fruit
  • let go

So allow yourself to be. Allow yourself to do. Embrace both your active and passive phases.

Respect  your needs for alone and social time.

Design a career and a life that supports your rhythms. You’re worth it!

This new painting called “Embrace” is about accepting your own rhythms in wellness and happiness.

In this painting, the triskele, or triple spiral is a symbol of both the active and passive. It’s a reminder to balance your being and doing.

As a symbol of motion, it also beckons you forward through the cycles of your Life Path, much as the moon influences the cycles of the oceans and the seasons.

The key is not to get stuck.

Workaholism can lead to burnout and other health issues. So can spending too many days watching movies in bed.

May you dance to your own tune in harmony with the rhythms of the Universe.

May you embrace and love yourself for who you truly are in all your ways of being and doing.

“Embrace” (12″ x 12″)
Acrylics on stretched canvas. No framing required. -SOLD


Click here if you’d like to see all my energy-infused intuitive paintings or click here for prints.

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New Painting: Interbeing – a rainbow forest

The studio was all set up for a painting play date with my Self while another blizzard hit St. John’s. I’d smudged (energetic cleansing ritual) with sacred palo santo smoke and invited my team of Divine Helpers to join the fun. Then, my housemate walked in to share about the concept of ‘interbeing’.

I got goosebumps. I knew that my as-yet-unborn painting had already chosen its name.

Interbeing -rainbow forest painting

“Interbeing (Rainbow Forest)” – 15″ x 30″ – SOLD

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, I used every one of my non-metallic fluid acrylic colours, layer after layer, to co-create”Interbeing – Rainbow Forest”.

I had no expectations. No demands. I just needed to play with the energy of colour.

Over the next few days, this rainbow forest emerged, its essence mirrored in both the textured trees and sky.

Coined by Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, scholar, and poet Thich Nhat Hanh, “interbeing”  means to inter-dependently co-exist.

Here’s how he explains it:

“If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without a cloud, there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow: and without trees, we cannot make paper. The cloud is essential for the paper to exist. If the cloud is not here, the sheet of paper cannot be here either. So we can say that the cloud and the paper inter-are.

“Interbeing” is a word that is not in the dictionary yet, but if we combine the prefix “inter” with the verb “to be”, we have a new verb, inter-be. Without a cloud, we cannot have paper, so we can say that the cloud and the sheet of paper inter-are.

If we look into this sheet of paper even more deeply, we can see the sunshine in it. If the sunshine is not there, the forest cannot grow. In fact nothing can grow. Even we cannot grow without sunshine. And so, we know that the sunshine is also in this sheet of paper. The paper and the sunshine inter-are. And if we continue to look we can see the logger who cut the tree and brought it to the mill to be transformed into paper. And we see the wheat. We know that the logger cannot exist without his daily bread, and therefore the wheat that became his bread is also in this sheet of paper. And the logger’s father and mother are in it too. When we look in this way we see that without all of these things, this sheet of paper cannot exist.

Looking even more deeply, we can see we are in it too. This is not difficult to see, because when we look at a sheet of paper, the sheet of paper is part of our perception. Your mind is in here and mine is also. So we can say that everything is in here with this sheet of paper. You cannot point out one thing that is not here-time, space, the earth, the rain, the minerals in the soil, the sunshine, the cloud, the river, the heat. Everything co-exists with this sheet of paper. That is why I think the word inter-be should be in the dictionary. “To be” is to inter-be. You cannot just be by yourself alone. You have to inter-be with every other thing. This sheet of paper is, because everything else is.

Suppose we try to return one of the elements to its source. Suppose we return the sunshine to the sun. Do you think that this sheet of paper will be possible? No, without sunshine nothing can be. And if we return the logger to his mother, then we have no sheet of paper either. The fact is that this sheet of paper is made up only of “non-paper elements.” And if we return these non-paper elements to their sources, then there can be no paper at all. Without “non-paper elements,” like mind, logger, sunshine and so on, there will be no paper. As thin as this sheet of paper is, it contains everything in the universe in it.” 

(as quoted on

Appreciation for Interbeing

Give this a try and observe how it’ll raise your vibration and reconnect you to your True Self and Divine Oneness.

Take a few minutes to list out loud with appreciation everything and everyone that is part of this interbeing with you.

Who and what has contributed to the Gift you are today? Who and what has positively contributed to your day, your work, your life?

Let your appreciation carry you, raise you, and connect you.

Interbeing – Forest Rainbow (15″ x 30″)
Acrylics and granular gel on stretched canvas. No framing required.

You can also see all my available original paintings here and prints here.

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I confess… this felt so good

“Promise (Springtime Lullaby)” – 9″ x 12″

Let me be transparent. That’s how I am.

This felt so good, I have to share.

As soon as I posted photos of this new painting on my Facebook Page, it sold. The Universe rewarded my passion and commitment with the perfect buyer, and fast.

Wow! What a feeling! Such ease & grace.

No years of bringing that painting from one exhibition or event to another; no countless hours working on online marketing for it; no worrying where this month’s grocery money will come from.

Instead, there was a beautiful energy exchange that opened us both to the flow of love, beauty, and abundance. And since this painting was purchased as a gift, the flow has kept on growing.

What would it be if all my paintings found good homes so quickly? I’m open to it!

I’ll admit, it would be much easier to manage my thoughts and feelings. I’m still in training! After all, everything I write for you in this blog comes out of my own transformational journey.

I create because my soul calls me to. The more I create, the happier I am. It elevates my vibration and adds beauty and universal energy to the world. It helps me be in a space of love instead of fear.

I believe that when I do what I love, the Universe supports me.

So thank you to all those who have purchased my work or hired me for my intuitive services, workshops, etc throughout the years.

Thanks also for sharing my work with your friends and family.

Please know that your gift to your Self and loved ones has also been a huge gift to me. One purchase makes such a difference – I trust for us both!

Whether you’re moved to buy right now or not, keep enjoying all I have to give. Some business consultants tell me I give too much, but that too is just part of what I love to do … so I’ll keep on giving.

May we both be supported with ease and grace on our Paths to our Highest Good.



P.S. If you’re on a computer (vs. mobile), you’ll see I added service icons to my right sidebar. You can always use the menu at the top to access Original Paintings, Prints, Soul Energy Portrait Experiences, Divine Storytelling Time intuitive reading packages, and custom Guided Discovery Journey Meditations (creative visualizations).

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Painting & Poem: Nesting in Peace Reborn

I’m so happy to share with you my latest co-creation, “Nesting in Peace Reborn”.

I say “co-creation” because I always paint with Source, my team of Divine Helpers, and energies that nourish my soul. This time, there’s an added layer of co-creation!

21 women contributed to today’s offering when I made a public call for names on Facebook. Often, the painting itself gives me its name, but this time, it asked for audience participation.

Once I’d gathered all the name suggestions, I was inspired to incorporate them in a poem. 

May the words, images, and painting itself (if you’re moved to add it to your collection), nest in your heart and illuminate your day.

New painting Nesting in Peace Reborn

Title: Nesting in Peace Reborn
Year: © 2017
Size: 12 “ x  36“ (30.48 cm x 91.44 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, pumice (lava stone dust for emotional calmness and grounding) & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art

Why this name?

Thank you to Pam Janes-Young and Pegan Mage, whose contributions I combined for this name-giving.

“Nesting” felt right from the moment I read it. It then kept calling back to me every time I contemplated the finished painting.

It resonated for its many meanings:

  • being cradled,
  • creating a nest (which this Celtic design resembles), and
  • the ritual performed by pregnant women in clearing the house of anything harmful to the soon to be born child.

As someone who uses the full moon’s light energy to clear my rocks and crystals, this 3rd meaning seemed like a perfect bonus.

Then, as I was writing the poem, there was great emotional impact by ending with the words “Peace reborn”. It felt like the culmination of the entire creative process.

Because of the lunar symbolism, I felt its reminder that peace is the result of a cyclical rebirth requiring intention and mindfulness.

The painting is thrilled with its name. You?

Nesting In Peace Reborn

Oh tranquil moon,
Eye of peace,
I’d been waiting in suspense
On this quiet snowy night
For a glimpse of your beauty.

A safe and blessed space
has been prepared
For your arrival.

Oh celestial satellite,
My heart alights
As you play peek-a-moon
Through the delicate snowfall.

Your eternal essence reaches me
Like whispers through the forest.

Separation is an illusion.
We are interconnected
Soul friend – Anam Cara.
Entwined in your sanctuary,
I rejoice in the splendour
Of your welcoming ceremony.

Connected in the heartbeat of this moment
I stand witness to your crowning.

Like a love meteor,
You’ve come home
To clear the nest
And give birth
To the fruit of life.

Your song resounds
Through the fields,
Rocking the oceans and
Holding all of life together.

Oh Mother Moon,
Nesting in the branches
Of the Arbor Vitae,
Cradled in its enduring power,
Your light travels
Down its rivers of serenity,
Through its roots,
And straight to my soul.

Peace reborn.


Nesting in Peace Reborn
12 “ x  36“ (30.48 cm x 91.44 cm)
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New Painting: “Night of the Firefly”

“Night of the Firefly” (12″ x 36″)
Acrylics & glass beads on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing required)

This painting was all about the triskelion moon (three-legged spiral) for the first 20 layers or so of the creative process (Yup! A lot of paint and energy channeling inform what you see now).

Then it happened.  

I felt it. Firefly energy.

I’ve never connected to that energy in the studio before, although I remember a spectacular evening in the rice fields of Bali.

So I consulted my favourite symbolism website to confirm much of what I’d sensed emerge from the painting itself.

Firefly Energy

Have you ever seen fireflies light up the night? It’s amazing!  It’s magical.

These little beacons of light shine, and in doing so, attract others to them.  It’s part of their mating ritual (appropriate for Valentine’s Day, right?!).

Firefly energy teaches you to shine from the inside out.

No matter what you look like or what your life is like, when you connect to the Spirit within, your Light illuminates the world and those around you.

Fireflies are also symbols of hope, energy, creativity, guidance, inspiration, attraction, and more.

Let your inner Light guide you into being and acting in ways that are aligned with your Highest Good.

Triskelion Moon

Firefly energy is amplified in this painting by the luminary presence of the moon shining bright through the colours of the forest.

She invites you to connect to the Oneness of which you are a microcosm.

Unlike the firefly, however, the moon’s light doesn’t come from within.

She mirrors the light of the sun- receiving it and sharing it in turn with the Universe.

So yes, connect to your inner Light.

But also mirror and reflect the Light from Source, Mother Nature, your team of Divine Helpers, and your fellow human beings.  

By witnessing and receiving their Light, which amplifies your own, you can then share it for the Highest Good of the planet and the Universe.

The Triskele

Once again, I thank the Irish artist Courtney Davis for allowing me to use the drawings from his book “Knotwork & Spirals” as the basis for this Celtic design.

The triskele, or triple spiral, is a symbol of both the active and passive. Here, it’s a reminder to balance your being and doing.

As a symbol of motion, it also beckons you forward through the cycles of your Life Path, much as the moon influences the cycles of the oceans.

Your Invitation

“Night of the Firefly” is your invitation to be a lightworker through love and self-love, in body, mind, and spirit, so that you can illuminate your own life and the lives of those around you. Can you feel its energy?

P.S. When the light shines on the glass beads of the moon and trees from a certain angle, the colours radiate in a most brilliant way.

Click here if you’d like to add this piece of energy-infused art to your collection. Feel free to inquire about payment plans.

“Night of the Firefly” (12″ x 36″)
Acrylics & glass beads on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing required)

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A Winter’s Prayer and Painting

New painting "A Winter's Prayer"

A Winter’s Prayer (9″ x 12″) – SOLD

A Winter’s Prayer

May this season of
Quiet contemplation
Rejuvenate me in its growing Light,
Connecting me to purpose, passion,
And divine timing.

May the silence of falling snowflakes
Bring inspiration and guidance
As I continue to embrace
The mystery of the unknown.

May Winter’s blanket of snow
Appease my gaze,
Soften my steps,
And lead me with ease and grace
to the hearth of mine own Self.

May I find comfort and peace
In the stillness of the night
To awaken within the mystical essence of life
That courses through my veins
And shines within my spirit.

May I be gently rocked
by the rhythms of the seasons
Accepting that there’s a time to listen
and a time to act.

With this prayer,
I join in Oneness with Winter
to be a part of its resplendent magic
and restful wonder.

So be it. Aho. Amen.

Created In Divine Time

iridescent effects of A Winter's PrayerI’ve said it before. The studio is not only my sanctuary, but my classroom. I learn so much about life without leaving the house. As you read about the creative process behind this painting, see how it relates to your life.

This little gem of a painting (if I can say so myself) took longer to create than some of my big ones.

Instead of being birthed from one of my beloved painting marathons, it came into being very slowly as other pieces emerged around it, including a couple of Soul Energy Portraits.

You see, I hate to waste paint. Some of my fluid Golden acrylics cost $50 a bottle. It’d be a shame to leave a small puddle of it on my palette to dry and throw out.

That’s why I usually have a small canvas around that evolves layer after layer with the leftovers of other paintings.

O,K. That doesn’t sound good. Let me rephrase.

This painting was blessed with the communal essence of its growing family of energy-infused visionary paintings.

It came into being from both the material and spiritual realms of inspiration.  

It sat there for months, open to the happy accidents of life as well as the application of intention and experience.

And then, in the end, it found a clarity of purpose and called itself into being, with my help.

P.S. The photo above shows how, from some angles, the soft snowflake shape and colours behind it become iridescent gold, violet, green, and blue. It’s magical!

So there you have it – the birthing of:

“A Winter’s Prayer” (9″ x 12″) – SOLD
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas – no framing required.

How do you feel gazing upon it?

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“Ask And You Shall Receive” mandala painting

I’m so excited! I actually finished this mandala painting before “Rise ‘N Shine” from the last post but wanted to wait to get my haircut before filming this video. Hee hee. I’m human.

I’m in love with it! The energy emanating from this piece is incredible! Can you feel it here on screen?

Title: Ask and You Shall Receive
Year: © 2016
Size: 36″ x 36″ (91.44 cm x 91.44 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $3997 CAD

Click here to purchase.

Prints are available (in your choice of size & medium) by clicking here.

Ask and You Shall Receive – Representing my Intuition into Action Treasure Map – 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life

Here’s what the various rings of the mandala mean, from the centre out.

Step 1 – Ask

“Ask and you shall receive”. You’re asking all the time, but best do it intentionally. Because of “free will”, you need to ask for answers, help, and clarity.

Many of the symbols I used here have more than one meaning.

The hands in prayer are also peace doves.

The flame is not only your Light, your passion, and your meditative focus, but also the Holy Spirit.

What else do you see?


Step 2 – Access

Step 2

You’re ­­constantly receiving Guidance, but it’s hard to hear with all the noise. When in a state of hyper-awareness, you can see/hear/feel/etc. the clues. Intuitive hearing aids can accelerate results and give focused practice. The right brain and heart are active here.

I included a solid ring here to remind us to create space.

Then I represented the 6 clairs and the power of symbolism plus The Eye of Ra (symbol of all intuitive channels) inside chakra or rainbow-coloured hexagons – part of sacred geometry.

In between these, I painted scenes representing my tips to access your intuition:  1) Trust  2) Create Space, 3) Centre, 4) Pay Attention, and 5) Record

Step 3 – Analyze

With practice, the gap between accessing and analyzing get shorter. Here, the left brain joins in to make connections between the question and the clues. Decipher the the symbolism. You’re the most qualified to understand the messages you receive.

As you can see, the hexagons (intuitive channels) overlap into this ring of the mandala. That’s because intuition continues to play a role here, but interpretation helps, especially with the symbolism.

In this ring of the mandala, I painted the yin-yang as a symbol of the harmony between your right feminine intuitive mind and left masculine analytical mind.  I also painted question marks between the puzzle pieces because your job here is to match the pieces with your original question.

Step 4 – Act

Guidance is of no use if you don’t act on it. Follow through with inspired action, from baby steps to leaps of faith. The more you act, the easier it’ll get.

Indeed, take inspired action in all areas of your life. Here, I chose to represent them as glowing arrows forward for your 1) physical environment; 2) fun/recreation; 3) business / career; 4) personal/spiritual development; 5) wellness & health; 6) Romance/Family; 7) Finances/life planning; 8) Society.

Step 5 – Allow

Go with YOUR flow. Let things evolve and stay tuned in. Miracles and magic will happen. Trust that if you’re guided, there’s a reason for it in the big picture. 

That’s why I used a design in here to indicate movement in both directions.  You can also see that divine timing is involved here in the rising and setting of the sun, day after day. Stand in your Truth and trust that all the pieces of the puzzle will eventually come together.

Don’t worry if you disconnect and fall out of alignment with your soul. Just start the 5 steps again.

P.S. Click here to sign-up for my free 75-minute video tutorial on the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life.

Ask and You Shall Receive Mandala painting

“Ask and You Shall Receive” – original 36″ x 36″ – $3,997 CAD or click to order prints on paper or canvas.

Title: Ask and You Shall Receive
Year: © 2016
Size: 36″ x 36″ (91.44 cm x 91.44 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $3997 CAD

Click here to purchase the original.


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Rise ‘n Shine – a new tree pose painting

yoga tree pose painting "Rise 'N Shine"

“Rise ‘N Shine” (24″ x 48″) – SOLD.
 Prints available

Rise ‘N Shine
– A Lightworker’s Prayer –

At the dawning of this new year,
May I rise and shine
In harmonious relationship
With the Universe.

May I join with the rhythms
Of the sun, moon and earth
To sing and dance
In dynamic stillness
To the mystic syllable

May I stand in balance,
Grounded and connected,
Opening my channels
And listening
To my Inner Guidance.

May I align
my True Self with Source
So that my Magnific-Essence
radiates Light, Love, and Peace
For the Good of All.

So be it. Aho. Amen.

Thank You For Stimulating The Creative Flow

I paint for many reasons, all of which can be summed up as the need for or the result of energy flow.

“Rise ‘N Shine” came into being because the sale of “Divine Union” left a big hole on the wall of a local yoga studio. I received instant inspiration and delved into another blissful painting marathon.

Thank you to all my customers for participating in my creative energy flow and for contributing to the love and beauty on this planet.

May “Rise ‘N Shine” bless you in return with its energy.

And may 2017 find more ways for us to support each other on our Paths to our Highest Good.

The Vesica Piscis

See how the circles of the sun and the moon join together to shape a vesica piscis?

This sacred geometry has been used in religion and spirituality for thousands of years to represent a source of immense power and energy. It’s also

  • an opening into the mysteries of higher consciousness
  • the seed of the tree of life and basic motif for the flower of life,
  • the intersection of spiritual and physical,
  • creation/ birthing/ yoni/ Goddess
  • two becoming one
  • a symbol for Jesus Christ (the fish shape in the middle).

Here, this Oneness represents both the seed and the fruit of All That Is in the cycle of Life.

Better Live, Of Course

I don’t know how many times folks tell me “Wow, Dominique, they’re even better in person. It’s a whole different experience!”

This painting is alive with ever changing light and energy which made it challenging to photograph.

Because of both the energy and paints I use, it’s constantly changing. As you can see in one of the photos below, the figure’s glow and the light rays are infused with an iridescent violet shimmer that can only be seen from certain angles or in certain lights.

Rise ‘N Shine  – SOLD

Acrylics & mica (love & compassion) on gallery-wrapped canvas – no framing required
Click here for prints.

What other messages, symbolism, or feelings do you receive from “Rise ‘N Shine”? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

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