you can see all of my paintings at

Creative Multitasking & The Freedom Effect

The Freedom Effect dragonfly painting

“The Freedom Effect” (11″ x 14″) – SOLD – Acrylics, lapis lazuli, glass beads, mica on canvas

Warning… this blog post may ruin your idealized image of me. Hee hee…

I recently shared this with a few people who were so grateful I did that I’ve decided to share it with you now.

Whether it inspires you to get creative or leads to being more gentle on yourself, good!

I smile when folks talk about what it must be like in my painting studio: “You must have incredible focus and patience Dominique.” Sometimes…

It’s true that there are projects in which I’m totally in the creative flow, channeling visions, messages, and energy healing while painting – especially Soul Energy Portraits.

But that’s not always the case.

That would be awfully intense to keep up during my beloved 12 to 16-hour painting marathons.

So sometimes I sing along to Sanskrit chants in meditative bliss.

Other times, I’m simply playing and experimenting while listening to inspirational podcasts.  

Then there are the times I’m painting to escape – from my overly Left-brain to-do list or my overactive thoughts.  In this case, I’ll often play movies in the background.

“How can you do both at the same time?” you may ask.

Easy. It actually helps. It gives my ego and/or Left analytical brain a task or distraction so that the Right creative brain can be free to do it’s thing.

I call it creative multitasking.

It keeps the critic, worry-wart, risk-aversive little me busy in one corner while I connect to my Higher Self & Spirit to create.

The Freedom Effect

That’s what happened while creating the detailed layers of this painting called  “The Freedom Effect”.

I was in the mood for some dot-therapy. It can be so relaxing to just make dots for hours on end.

But parts of me were objecting – either out of boredom, frustration, or negative self-talk: “You’re overdoing it with the dots, Dominique. Keep it simple stupid! You’re ruining it!”

So on this dot-making day, I watched (or more accurately listened to) Netflix documentaries on Einstein, Ram Dass, Tesla, and Chris O’Neil (yoga photographer).  Very inspiring!

I watch Netflix for a living! Not bad, eh?

It’s all part of creating a life by design that incorporates so many of the elements I enjoy. I’m a total movie-buff!

And I apparently didn’t overdo it with the dots because this little jewel of a painting was sold after I posted work-in-progress photos on Facebook – before it even got posted in my online shop.

Now that’s a good day at work!

So now I ask you, what does or what could creative multitasking looking like for you?

Feel free to leave a comment below.

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Painting & Poem: A Call to Swana Grace

Thank you to the 23 who contributed name suggestions for this new painting. I’ve incorporated them all in this poem below.

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Bev’s Soul Energy Portrait & Traveller’s Prayer

Bev's Soul Energy Portrait

“Thanks so very much, from the bottom of my healing-so-quickly heart for my meditation and your inspirational, educational, thought-provoking emails. Your/my beautiful painting is moving me to the depths of my soul.

Our journey has opened my whole being to so much! You’ve ignited my fire so to speak, and I feel so much more alive and confident in my decision making. Thanks for being one of my intuition teachers/ guides. I truly feel I’ve grown tenfold in so little time … The tools you’ve provided, insight you’ve shared, and the motivation and support are – and I’ve no doubt will continue to be – an important part of this mindful intuitive journey.”

This was part of an email I received during Bev Sharpe’s Soul Energy Portrait Experience as 2016 became 2017. Now, 1.5 years later, Bev offered to share her experience as part of her unfolding process.

Interview with Bev 1.5 Years Later

1.  What inspired you to invest in a Soul Energy Portrait Experience back in 2016?

I met you at a Wellness Expo and started considering it then. Later, we were paired to share a room at a spiritual retreat where you were teaching. That confirmed it.

I was just finishing up a 5.5-year contract and ready to take time off to travel to be more in touch with the spiritual side of me. I knew I’d be in Canada to celebrate Christmas and England for New Year’s. Apart from that, I had no definite plan of where I was going.

2. How did our process influence your journey?

Communicating with you during my travels validated my experiences. This journey ( both with you and the travel) brought me so far! I was receiving all my Love Notes from you and it was divine timing. It gave me an opportunity to work on things. It was like the whole Universe was just open to me.

Our process allowed me to go inside and move away from ego and listen to what my body, my heart-mind, intuition was telling me. Seeing my painting electronically allowed me to see all the directions that I could go and the rivulets were never ending. It encouraged me to look around, ask myself what I needed & wanted, and listen attentively to the provided guidance & answers.

3.  How do you feel about your painting 1.5 years later?

I didn’t see the completed painting for 6 months (chuckle). My intended 2 months of travel evolved into 6 months. I feel that speaks loudly to the impact of the process for me!
I had all the digital photos, printed Love Notes, and meditation as part of my traveling altar. That was so important for me.
When I got my package upon my return to Newfoundland, I felt like I’d come home. Oh my goodness! Now, I’m still not sure if I want to stay or leave, or where I’m going to live or work, but I have my painting and so I’ll always be home.
I look at it daily. Recently, I’ve been sitting with it once a week. It has now reached a point where it’s helping with my creativity due in part to the messages it provides me and the journeys I take while sitting with it. A different aspect of it catches my attention at first  (sun, tree of life, labyrinth) – which helps me go into a meditative state, so I can listen to the messages.
On Friday, I created a sacred space with it.  I was torn in body, mind and spirit about a decision I needed to make, and sat with the painting.  My emotions were running really high. I rooted myself in my sitting space and in a very short time, I received my answer. It was amazing. Every one of my senses was heightened. I was feeling “Wow, I can tap into this?  That’s grace!”
Recently, I shared my Soul Energy Portrait with like minded people and it sparked such interesting conversations that would have never been opened up to me 2 years ago. I love it!

An Inspired Prayer

While co-creating Bev’s experience with her Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers, I was inspired to write this Traveller’s Prayer. It incorporates many of the messages I received for her and symbolism from the painting. Bev shared that it’s now travelling with her sweet soul sister. We offer it here for you, so that it may now support your transformational journey.


Dear God and Guiding Spirits,
Angels of Light and Love,
Guide me on my Path to my Highest Good.

Thank you for supporting me
As I transmute the energies
That no longer serve me
To live, learn, and laugh
on my transformational journey.

Bless me in the radiant beam
Of your unconditional Love
That I may mirror your Light
At my very core
In all that I am and all that I do.

As above so below.
As within, so without.
Give me divine patience
To allow the answers to evolve
From the questions of my soul.

Guide me as I continue to explore
The many paths and perspectives before me.
From my centre to the outer rings
Of infinite possibility,
I am rich in opportunities and blessings.

May I accept with ease and grace
the path of least resistance
Abundant in the fruits of my labour
And kisses from the Universe.

I am ready for this daily rebirth
Back to my Self
And my shapeshifting Path.

I am my magnific-essence
Born of the Tree of Life,
I flow, I grow
I overflow and glow.


Is it Your Turn?

A Soul Energy Portrait Experience is a beautifully intensive co-creative soul-shifting process that brings us together via email for 2 weeks or more. The larger your painting, the longer we work together. As you emerge more fully into your Self, so does your painting. Each layer of our journey together is filled with energy, symbolism, and meaning.

Your package includes a channeled meditation, daily Love Notes with photos, inspired energy work, a summary of the process, and the creation of a unique painting created just for you in your essence.

I work with only 1 Soul Energy Portrait client at a time and only 1 per month. I’m currently working on one now and have a client booked for August. Please reach out if you’d like to book yours for the fall/winter. Payment plans may be available. Prices in Canadian Dollars. Shipping Extra.

Self-Love Package (12″x 12″ or 12″ x 16″) – $3,497
Enhanced Self-Love Package (12″ x 24″ or 16″ x 20″) – $7,497
Premium Self-Love Package (15″x30″ or 18″x24″ or 24″x24″) – $11,497
Ultimate Self-Love Package (24″x48″ or 36″x36″) – $17,497

Learn more here…

Order yours now…

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From the Beginning – a New Painting

Doesn’t it feel great to get back to something you love doing but haven’t done in a while? What is that for you?

Although I’m a professional artist, I don’t always paint as much as I’d like. I hadn’t painted since May!

When July rolled around, I started work on a Soul Energy Portrait Experience for a client.

As is my custom, I used any leftover paint from each step of that process to begin a new painting on the side.

Then, about 4 layers in, this painting started taking on a life of its own.

It called to me through visions and extensions of the energy work I was doing for my client.

And that’s how “From the Beginning” came into being – inspired by the energy flowing through me in the service of someone else.

Then, the hours and hours of dot therapy – a form of meditative prayer – infused this painting with extra layers of high vibrational goodness. Can you feel it through the heart-warming and lower chakra nourishing colours?

From the Beginning


As the mighty oak tree is already present in the acorn, so is unconditional love already present in our hearts and souls.

Our job as spiritual beings having a human experience is to allow that Love & Light germinating at our core to sprout, grow, flow, and blossom with the dawning of each new day.

Be it in relationship with yourself or with others,
May that love grow
May your love flow
May you be and do love
Rooted in the rich soil of your inner work
Connected to Source and All That Is.
And may you meet, along your path,
The love of one who chooses to grow with you
Learning together the many ways in which
Unconditional Love can manifest in relationship.

This is my prayer for you.
This is my prayer for me.

So be it. So I let it be.

“From the Beginning” (20″ x 24″) – SOLD
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas. No framing required.


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The Layers of Life

“The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self”

You’re a work of art! Did you know that?

I didn’t say a piece of work… I said a work of art.

Who you are now is a result all your layers of experience from this lifetime and beyond.

They’re what brought you here. They’re the reasons you have the gifts you have to share. They’re why you have the compassion, understanding, perspectives, tools, skills & inner resources to be and do YOU!

As I share in the creative layering process for both my intuitive painting and photography, I invite you to honour the many layers of your life that make you who you are today: your experiences, challenges, blessings, relationships, dreams, etc.

Whether it be in intuitive painting or photography, the final art piece is infused with the energy, symbolism, texture, and colour of the layers that came before it.

Keep reading to discover the parallels between intuitive art & your life.

The Layers of Intuitive Painting

I paint in layers. Some paintings have 20 layers of paint on them. The creative process is as important, if not more so than the final piece.

I sometimes start with a vision I receive for what a painting wants to become, but I often have no idea. I just paint, following the flow of inspiration, layer by layer.

This asks me to:

  • embrace the mystery
  • let go of expectations
  • accept what is
  • be in the present while pulling from my experiences and skills set
  • enjoy the process.

Each layer, with its intentions, flow & designs, interaction with previous layers, happy accidents, channeled energy work, or misperceived disasters, helps shape what’s to come.

Here are but a few of the layers in the creation of: “The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self” – you can see all of them and close-ups in the blog post on its creation.

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In the end, the piece has a depth of texture, colour, energy, and meaning that goes beyond what the eyes can see. It’s a portal from the process to the Universal Energy Flow. This, I believe is why healers and spiritual seekers have long since been called to my work.

The Layers of Intuitive Photography

I use a similar process when I create the Visual Gifts for Divine Storytelling Time clients – these are a unique and empowering self-study intuitive reading package created at a distance to help you tune into your intuition and take inspired action in your life.

After channeling your soul story for about an hour, I am intuitively guided by your Team of Divine Helpers and mine to pull photographs from my vast collection of images from around the world.

Each of these holds additional symbolic or energetic clues for the client to explore on their Intuition into Action Treasure Map.

Together, these photographs hold the essence of their story and act as a visual portal to move them forward on their Path to their Highest Good. As I manipulate the layers digitally, I create a custom piece that the client can have printed up to wall size – with or without the affirmation.

For example, this client’s Visual Gift was created using 6 layers from 4 photographs (2 repeated with different effects):

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  1. a stone angel holding a tray with a shell necklace and a bigger shell in the middle;
  2. a strong perspective line of towering palms leading up to the Kalachakra Stupa in the Paleaku Gardens Peace Sanctuary in Hawaii;
  3. a nightlight in the bathroom that changed colours, attracting a beautiful moth
  4. on the way back from a ceremony in Bali, a picture of a street market through the rain splattered windows of the car

The final result is something new & unique, only possible with the meaningful and colourful layers of what came before it. It’s a work of art inspired by the client’s life and his / her Divine Storytelling Time guidance.

Your Life is a Work of Art

Can you see now how your life is also a work of art?

Sure, it may have had an awkward teenager phase or layers you’d rather scrub off.

But in truth, every layer is a gift.

It’s just about learning to look at each layer through the eyes of your soul, through the eyes of Source to see how each has added the necessary energy, texture, colour, and gifts to what is opening up to you now.

Please allow yourself to see that and to stay open to what the next layer is calling you to co-create.

You’re a work in progress – perfect in your imperfection – and the creation of this masterpiece won’t be over until it’s over.

Happy co-creation!

Oh – and feel free to comment below on how this post has helped you see with new eyes.

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Horsing Around – Emergence, the painting

“Emergence” (9″ x 12″) SOLD

What would you do if you had a week to horse around?

What lights up your fires of passion, play & purpose?

How can you do more of what uplifts you?

Making time for play and for giving to yourself is key to health & happiness.

It doesn’t mean you have to make it your channel for income as I have with my full-time art & intuitive play, but it does mean making it a priority.

So pause for a moment and ask yourself “What do I love to do that I haven’t done in a while?“.

Then take out your schedule make a date to add more play into your life – and more of the people, places, actions, objects that hold that essence for you.

Horsing Around in the Studio

Paint has long been my playmate & teacher. I was self-taught for the first 20 years or so, discovering my voice and my passion through play.

Intuitive painting is very freeing because you don’t know where you’re going when you start.

Layer by layer, you allow the painting to become what it wants to be. Do you want to try?  Check out my free Guide to Intuitive Painting.

Intuitive painting is an opening for me to embrace the mystery and channel energy, imagery, and whatever personal development lessons the process has in store for me and my clients.


This painting, “Emergence” came into being while I was a student in Derek Rydall’s Awakened Wealth Mastery Course. 

Personal development is also one of my passions, my play, and my work.

I’d been staring at the background for a couple of months, unsure of what would emerge from it.

Then, as I re-connected to a deeper truth, strength, freedom, joy, and abundance, the horse emerged from the fire – first in my mind’s eye and a week later, on canvas. 

As a Fire Horse (in Chinese Astrology), 2018 is the year for me to make peace with myself. So be it! So I let it be.

No more thinking small. No more playing small. No more undervaluing myself and my work. Instead, I emerge into yet another layer of potential that has always been there – an indomitable spirit of creativity, beauty, and love.

Our potential is inherent. It’s always been there!

What About You?

What gifts, talents, skills, passion are aching to come out if you would only give them space and time to shine?

They have so much to teach you about being who you truly are.

It’s not about improving, fixing, healing, controlling or manipulating anything or anyone.

It’s about allowing your truth to emerge, to make you free.

You’re like no one who has ever existed. Your gifts are precious.

Your passion, play & purpose – your happiness – brings a smile to the face of the planet and beyond.

So keep focusing on what brings you joy. Get hooked on your own passion, play and purpose.

And ask the Universe for the channels to allow these to emerge more fully in your life.

You’re worth it. We deserve it! We deserve you!

May you too emerge more fully into yourself this year.  

If you need a reminder of the power and potential that has always existed within your core and need the energetic support to allow it to emerge, this painting’s for you!

“Emergence” – 9″ x 12″ (SOLD)
Acrylics on canvas. No framing required. 

On a Side Note

Have you spent hours watching clips of “The Voice”, “The X Factor” “Britain / America’s Got Talent”, etc. on YouTube?

In my efforts to reduce the number of hours I spend on Netflix, I’ve started treating myself to shorter inspirational blasts of these talent shows.

Wow! It’s so moving to see people who’ve discovered their passion and want so badly to express and share it.

These people aren’t horsing around.

They’re emerging into their truth, their gifts, no matter their conditions. It’s sooooo beautiful!

I join in the applause for these bullied kids, dreamers, cancer survivors, burn victims, grief-stricken souls, and determined spirits.

These shows are doing so much for them and for us – our lives are enriched by holding a space for their emergence.

To be honest, I haven’t watched the clips entitled “most stupid”, “embarrassing”, “most rude”, etc. I’ve focused on witnessing examples of overcoming challenges and dreams coming true.  I’m hooked!


May your story & mine also inspire others to emerge more fully into the amazing being they already are.

What’s 1 gift that’s emerging in your life these days. Please share in the comments below!

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Visualization Vibration Radiation (VVR) Painting

unconditional love vibration radiation VVR painting

The beauty of unconditional giving – of love, respect, attention, support, etc. –  is that it returns to you manifold through the Universe’s many channels. That’s the Law of Compensation. As long as you’re not giving to get…

Inspired by a vision I receive when doing Derek Rydall’s  Visualization Vibration Radiation (VVR) meditation,  this painting celebrates the unfoldment of unconditional love within the couple relationship.

It’s about truly seeing, accepting, and loving your partner – wishing for his/her happiness without expecting anything in return. To learn more about this, I strongly recommend the books by Dr. Greg Baer of .

Does this painting speak to you? It could be because you’re committed to emerging into your inherent potential as an individual while sharing a path & vision with an equally committed partner.

The energy work involved in creating this piece is a continuation of what I channeled earlier this year in “A Return to Love“.

As they say, “Where attention goes, energy flows“.

Opening to Love

Doing the VVR meditation reminded me of elements of my ideal life I’d been ignoring – focused instead on my personal development and the growth of my career as an artist & intuitive.

What can I say? I’m happy alone.

And I’ll be happy when I meet the man who matches that vibration and also wants to focus on being in an increasingly unconditionally loving relationship.

But this doesn’t mean that the painting is meant to stay with me.

My joy / manifestation was in its creation. Once birthed, it’s meant to nourish more than one person’s transformational journey.

The Painting Elements


The couple’s reflection in the window shimmers in evidence of the manifestation of the potential radiating from our very being, our dreams, and our Highest Vibration.

It’s more visible in some lights than others due to a special paint I use – also symbolic.


The radiating sun over the ocean, shaped like the ancient nautilus shell, symbolizes our unfolding, our growth, our evolution – as individuals and within our relationships.

Emerging from the centre of the Universe, its warmth energizes our expansion, our movement, our spiritual evolution – from the inside out and the outside in.

It’s also representative of Source Energy, of God, of the movement into and out of Divine Mystery.


As for the ocean, I’m just a water baby. I need it. It nourishes me in body, mind, and spirit.

Water is a universal symbol of fertility, purity and higher wisdom.

No, I don’t want to get pregnant. But relationships are fertile grounds for growth, for love.

Water also speaks of blessings, intuition, reflection & transformation. Its’ a symbol of movement, of circulation – the ebb & flow present in the rhythms of life and relationships.

As this couple stands within the home they’ve built for themselves, their love reflects the beauty and magnificence of all there is – past, present & future.


unconditional love vibration radiation VVR painting

Title: Visualization Vibration Radiation” (VVR)
Year: © 2018
Size:  18“ x 36 “ ( 45.72cm x  91.44cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $2,267 CA  – purchase here

Prints available in many sizes & mediums.



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What’s Your Mini Delight?

You’re likely not a stranger to busy times. What’s important is that you make the time for a mini delight even in those hectic periods: short uplifting breaks that raise your vibration and nourish soul.

What are your mini delights? What people, places, activities, or objects awaken in you the feelings you love to feel?  How can you bring more of these into your life?

If you can’t spend a whole day with your BFF, grandchild, or parent right now, make a call or write a letter. Connect and add a smile to your heart.

If you can’t take a trip to your favourite destination, take a 5-minute video or photo album break.

If you can’t go shopping for a new dress, wear your favourite one, even if it’s to clean the house.

Trust me. Making the time for a mini delight will do wonders for your productivity, your effectiveness, your mood, your life!

My Mini Delights – Photography & Paintings

April has been the busiest month in years for me. When I wasn’t leading or speaking at one of many public events, I was preparing for these. It’s been amazing on so many levels!

But I haven’t had much time to paint or take as many nature photo walks as I like / need to.

Instead of dedicating full-days or even half-days to my photography and painting, I’ve been taking mini delight breaks.

Here are a few photos from short breaks in my backyard this month. I’m blessed to have a river to play with.

And here are a few from my walk to an appointment. Instead of borrowing my housemate’s car, I left an hour earlier and walked there, getting my exercise, fresh air, and photography bliss.

Can you believe that some of these mini delights came from a big ugly green plastic spout in a hillside gutter? And the others from a tiny creek I was drawn to by the trickling music of water. I had to precariously perch myself on unstable river stones and lean through the branches and barbed wire, but oh what fun!

And here are the mini delight paintings I’ve had fun creating lately. They’re only 5″ x 5″ and so conducive to short painting breaks.

Some have already found homes, but contact me if you’d like one for yourself or a Mother’s Day gift. 

Purple Petals (5″ x 5″) – SOLD

A happy little celebration of Spring.

Passion (5″ x 5″) – SOLD

If you look closely, you’ll see the 3D sparkly paint: a mix of wild & classic elegance.

Listen In (5″ x 5″) – SOLD

This conch shell is a symbolic reminder to pause, and to hear the echoes of your intuition, of your heart calling you onwards and upwards in your life. The shell is covered in glass beads, refracting the light, you Light.

Unfolding (5″ x 5″) – SOLD

This one’s a celebration of the natural evolution of the soul – an opening and emergence of who you truly are.

Daisies 1 & 2 (5″ x 5″) – Sold

These were the first created and purchased to celebrate a blossoming long-distance relationship. One hangs in each of their homes.

See all my available originals by clicking here.
To order prints of my paintings & photography, click here.

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A Return To Love – Painting & Vision

A Return to Love - Mermaid & Merman spiral / circle painting

“A Return To Love” – keep scrolling for more photos.

The energy still emanating from the painting “A Return to Love” supports those wanting to manifest or deepen a loving couple relationship. Is that you?


Focusing on the vision of your ideal life is an important step of the manifestation process.

By first imagining the various aspects of your ideal life (relationships, career, environment, social/recreational time, health, etc.) you put yourself in the  feeling state of that being, doing & having.  You’re increasing your vibration and sending your wish list to the Universe through your feeling state.

I knew that.

The added layer that Derek Rydall has added in the course work I’m doing in his Awakened Wealth Mastery program is to then let go of the details of the vision to amplify the feeling tone – ten times, fifty times, a hundred times… Really feel it!

By letting go of the details and focusing on amplifying the feeling, you allow yourself to trust that the Universe will respond with people, opportunities, etc. that match the amplified feeling tone. They’ll likely be even better than you originally imagined.

As Derek explains it, it’s about giving in, surrendering – of

“letting go of control or ego agendas, of struggling to make things happen and allowing something new and more to emerge, to be welcome. It’s about resigning from being the manager of the Universe and becoming an employee, a servant of it. It’s about letting go of the will.”

Envisioning The One … or the Next One

When doing Derek’s meditation, I’m no longer single.

I’m sharing life with the ideal-man-for-me and our cat & dog in our beachside home doing the work we love. Our intent is to grow more into the unconditional love we already are at our core with ease, grace, and joy.

In this vision, we were already vibrating high when we met and help raise each other higher through our commitment to our own and each other’s happiness.

I’ll spare you all the details, only to say that the feeling of it is wonder-full. When amplified, it’s divine! It takes my previous 2 long-term relationships to a whole new level.

In the past 7 years as a happy single, I’ve been focused on my art, my business, and my personal development.

It’s time to bring the romantic partnership energy back up from wherever I buried it.  My first step is to feel it and paint it.

A Return To Love – Painting in the Feeling Tone

Painting has always been a way for me to live in my feeling tone – to stay connected with my Higher Self and team of Divine Helpers for long periods of time, raising my vibration.

So I decided it was time to co-create a new couple painting.

The only 2 couple pieces I’ve painted since my return to Newfoundland were both in 2015: Side by Side and Divine Union .

Since then, that energy’s been on the back burner. It wasn’t on purpose. I was just too busy working at home or attendeding women-only events.

So here’s “A Return to Love” the first of what may be a new series featuring couples / partnership energy.

“A Return to Love” celebrates the union, or re-union of the divine masculine & feminine within ourselves and the couple.

Their movement towards each other is propelled by love & compassion (mica energy used in the scales on their tails).

This painting invites you to be in ideal partnership – to dance in the deep emotional pools for the natural evolution of your souls.

The Tibetan or Chinese turquoise is reported to add the energy of prayer to its subject. It’s a bringer of natural good fortune, fidelity & protection. It’s also a good stone for clearing the Throat Chakra – for self-expression. It supports the desire to be real, to be authentic in all you are, do, and have together.

As you’ll see in the photos, the figures appear white from one angle but are iridescent pink / blue from another. This encourages you to reveal and unconditionally love each others’ true colours in the fertile waters of relationship.

May “A Return to Love” also help you to manifest your ideal partnership – either with someone new or within your existing relationship.

Title: A Return To Love – SOLD
Year: © 2018
Size: 24″ x 24″ (61cm x 61cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, mica & Tibetan turqoise on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art

See all my original paintings here and prints at my print-on-demand store.


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Spirit Song Painting & Guided Meditation

Spirit Song whale painting with Derek Rydall Quote

My heart swells with love as I share these Spring Equinox / Easter gifts with you.

May they encourage you to sing your Spirit Song, blessing your own life and the lives of all those around you.

Spirit Song – the painting

“Spirit Song” is part of a growing series of paintings inspired by the great ocean that surround the island of Newfoundland, where I live.

It calls you to rise up from the depths to move upwards & onwards, creating momentum in your life.

When you raise your vibration, you align with your Higher Self, making it possible to connect and communicate with your team of Divine Helpers.

The energy infused into this work encourages you to emerge from the winter more fully as your Self.

On a side note, have you ever seen a humpback whale up close?

I was blessed to have this experience while in a zodiac a few summers ago. I found out that the bumps on their nose are called tubercles. They contain hair follicles. I include a few photos I took in the album below.

“Spirit Song” (12″ x 18″) – SOLD
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas – no framing required.

Sing Your Spirit Song – the meditation

“Sing Your Spirit Song Meditation” is a guided creative visualization I channeled to help you connect to your Light.

I’d asked my Facebook Friends what they needed support with.  I was then honoured to be used as a channel for Spirit to work through me.

Take 45 minutes in your day to close your eyes and be fully present in this participatory exercise.

May it open you up to the clarity & courage to sing your Spirit Song into the world.


  • raise your vibration,
  • melt away your obstacles,
  • see with the eyes of your soul,
  • and connect to the Guidance you need to transform 3 specific challenges in your life.

“Thank you so much! What a beautiful gift! I got some interesting insight that is helping me release the Winter and accept the positive as I accept my right work.” ~ Carol Galloway – San Diego, CA

P.S. If you’d like me to channel a meditation specifically for your needs, click here.

The background music, “Adrift Volume 2” is one of the new royalty free tracks I purchased from Christopher Lloyd Clarke to support your journey. I trust you’ll enjoy it.


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