you can see all of my paintings at

Truth On Fire – Painting & Prayer

“Truth On Fire” (18″ x 36″) – SOLD

Truth On Fire

Release me, Archangel Michael
From any shackles of falsehood
Cut way the cords of suffering & despair
Consume in your truth fire
My limiting beliefs and outdated habits
Burn away the illusions and delusions
That keep me from my Self.
Cleanse me from the soot of negativity
That I may be revealed naked
Basking in your glow
On fire for the Truth.

I welcome thee
Truth on fire
Igniting the embers of my heart
May I arise from the ashes
Eyes alight with the blue sparks of thy love
Reborn through thy sacred flames
Transformed by your glowing presence
Illumined by reflections of Source
That I may soar with phoenix wings of passion
Rising within this newfound freedom
Fuelled by Divine Union
With inspired momentum
On fire for the Truth
For my Highest Good and the Good of All
So be it – So I let it be


Happy Rebirthing Time

The Painting Process

The co-creation of “Truth On Fire” came immediately on the heels of “Beyond the Veil” as I continued to work with the fiery energy of Archangel Michael to transmute the suffering & pain that was being expressed in the world and in the many prayer requests I received via Facebook.

The poem above was my attempt to capture in words the cleansing, releasing, freeing, and hopeful rebirthing that arose from the process.

I wasn’t given a name for the painting in the many days I spent with it in the studio, so I put a call out for suggestions on Facebook. Some of those names and energies were included in the prayer.

The name “Truth On Fire” came to me while standing barefoot in the grass in the backyard after a heavy rain on an unusually warm December day for Newfoundland. It came to me in a flash. Go figure!

When the left brain got involved, I wondered if “On Fire for Truth” was better. So I asked my FB peeps and my friend Kim McPherson came up with “Truth Fire” , which also felt right. So I included all 3 in the prayer and kept Spirit’s name as the title.

A Winter Solstice Prayer

I’ll be reciting this prayer on the 21st for Winter Solstice, acknowledging the shortest day of the year and opening to the increasing Light in our lives with the returning sun.

It’s a time of rest, reflection & release. A great time to let go of what no longer serves us to reconnect to the Truth that lives at our core, under all that accumulated baggage.

This is not about changing or negating our darkness, our shadows. It’s about integrating them with love as we release that caked-up layer of soot that blinds us from our own radiance, our own Light as a reflection of Source.

Archangel Michael is a great one to call on to help you with this process. Focus in your mind’s eye on his sword and blue fiery energy as you invite him in and recite the prayer out loud.

May this painting & prayer nourish your transformational journey.

Happy Solstice!

Title: Truth On Fire
Year: © 2020
Size:  36“ x 18 “ (91.44 cm x 45.72 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, mica (love & compassion) and mirror  & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: SOLD
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“Beyond the Veil” Painting

“Beyond the Veil” (8″ x 24″) – $727 -buy it here

The Holy Trinity revealed Itself during the intuitive evolution of this painting, “Beyond the Veil”.

It was created in prayer, connected to my human community here on Earth and to my Team of Divine Helpers beyond the veil.

Early on, I sensed that the many layers of bubbles or orbs in the background were moving in two directions. They were the prayers going out into the Universe and the answers to those prayers coming back to us from God, from Source.

That’s when the portal revealed itself. The eye shape (if you look at the painting horizontally like above) or the key hole (if you look at it vertically), acts like a parting of the veil between worlds.

If you’re familiar with my art, you may recognize the portal shape as the centre piece of the Vesica Pisces created by overlapping circles. This sacred geometry symbolizes divine union.

Among its many uses throughout history, the vesica pisces has been used in the fish symbol that represents Jesus Christ.

I only thought of this contemplating the finished painting, once the flames had appeared in my mind’s eye and then on the canvas. This, I came to understand was the Holy Spirit.

As I was applying the finishing touches, I thought to myself: “God is here in the many layers of the background. The Holy Spirit is now here in the flames. Where is Jesus?” Then it clicked…. the portal. Jesus is the portal.

As we approach the holiday season, in which many celebrate the birth of Jesus, I got a sense that we were being invited through a portal, through the example set by Jesus, to connect to the love we are so as to co-create a new world. 

This will no doubt be a holiday season unlike all that came before it. Many are realigning their lives, asking deeper questions, finding greater purpose, and opening their hearts to a Greater Truth.

Your prayers matter. Your questions matter. Your requests for Guidance and support matter. You matter.

The suffering that called me to the studio was like a seed that focused my intention, attention and manifestation for the sacred work we did together in this piece.

From our suffering comes momentum for inspired action, for change.

May this very unique 2020 holiday season be a portal for you to bring more meaning, more purpose, more love into your life and the lives of others.

Remember to ask and you shall receive.

Peace be with you.

The Call to Prayers

I felt called to the studio for the first time in a while – firstly for my own peace. I was starting to take on too many of the world’s fears and negativity. It was time to let that go.

I’m a firm believer that reconnecting to our own peace is one of the best gifts we can give to others.

There’s nothing quite like energy-infused intuitive painting to get into the zone – creatively and spiritually.

Once I’d quickly found my centre in peace again, my next inspiration was to pray for all those in my circle that had either expressed suffering or who had asked for prayers.

And as I’m sometimes moved to do, I then put out a call on Facebook for anyone wanting me to hold space,  either for them or their loved ones. They either commented with first names or sent me an energetic request.

Layer upon layer, I silently channeled love for those open to receiving. I also chanted in Sanskrit for a few more hours until the vision of the portal revealed itself to me.

This painting holds the energy of all those prayers – of the beauty of people asking for and opening to the love that comes through me from beyond the veil. I feel very honoured to be called to do this work.

I don’t spend all my studio hours in a state of prayer, channeling, or energy healing. But when I do, it never fails to fill me … It’s hard to describe, but the deep connection I feel both vertically with my Team of Divine Helpers and horizontally with those in my prayers … it’s powerful.

I can feel it in the painting. Can you?

This painting can be hung vertically or horizontally – your choice! You may find that the symbolism and meaning that arises for you changes as you change its direction.

Either way, the crystal quartz standing tear drop acts like a mega focus – like a laser. White crystal is considered a “master healer.” It’s said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it.

Title: Beyond the Veil
Year: © 2020
Size: 8″ x 24″ (20.32 cm x 61 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, pumice (volcanic ash for grounding), quartz crystal drop (amplifies the energy) & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $727  CAD

To see all my available original paintings, visit my online shop here.  To order prints of your favourite paintings in your choice of size & medium, go here.


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Starseeds – Fulfill Your Destiny (painting)

“Starseeds – Fulfill Your Destiny” (12″x24″) – SOLD

Have you heard the term “Starseeds”?

You just may be one of the millions of Starseeds on Earth to help the planet ascend in this time of transition.

Many are awakening, shifting away from the 3D world towards a lighter, more loving, spiritually aware 5D existence.

It’s only been a few years since I started noticing the term “Starseeds” in my spiritual circles.

Sure, a healer told me I must be from Sirius because I was so serious over a decade ago, but the idea of being from another planet felt a bit odd at the time.

There’s a lot more talk about Starseeds these days. Steve Nobel, whose meditations, energy transmissions and affirmations on YouTube are a regular part of my practice, talks a lot about them. I repeat his advice:  “Believe nothing, be open to everything”.

So, what are Starseeds? 

In his free e-book “Starseeds – Dear Starseeds, Time to Wake up and Embrace the 5D-Love-Unity Revolution” , Steve writes

“A Starseed is someone not native to this dimension of earth. Now saying that it is also true that everyone here has Starseed material within them. The difference is that Earthseeds have been here for such a long time that they have shut down to their magical and spiritual roots 

Starseeds are here for a number of reasons and the main one is to hold and ground the high frequencies of light that is creating a new matrix. Without the help from millions of Starseeds it would be impossible to shift humanity into a new era of enlightened living. However, Starseeds are not just here to sit around meditating they are also here to do stuff. Broadly speaking Starseeds belong to six main groups. Within these groups there are many different subgroups. Basically, Starseeds are a new kind of frequency and light that are being injected into this dark world…

As this 5D timeline becomes more fully anchored on the earthplane then I believe we will witness the trend towards greater spiritual awareness, more technological innovation, greater care for the environment. Most importantly the 5D timeline is heading towards a time of peace and cooperation on the earth.”

Does any of this resonate? If yes or if you’re simply curious for more, I recommend you explore his website and sign-up for his e-book.

New Painting: Starseeds – Fulfill Your Destiny

After 5 months of focusing mostly on nature videography during a series of Newfoundland staycations, I found myself called back to the studio to paint.

I had no plan –  the best way to start an intuitive painting!

Creating a sacred space and devoting my total focus to the painting process for a weekend was answering an inner call, an inner need.

Layer by layer, this painting evolved gracefully and peace-fully.

It was only after hours of dot therapy that I received a vision of the embryos.

I knew something would go in the 3 gold circles, but didn’t know what until I did. Funny how that works.

The title “Starseeds – Fulfill Your Destiny” came in the same way. And once that came, I knew I’d be spending hours working on the tiny light rays. Bliss!

Equally gratifying was receiving a Facebook message from Judy Squires-Gleason of Hippies, Witches & Gypsies minutes after posting these images that this painting had called her to add it to her growing collection. 

She shares:

“First of all – I need to say that I am truly honored & humbled to have Dominique’s artistic creations in our home. Truly honored.

When I first saw my recent acquisition “Starseeds-Fulfill Your Destiny”  -it brought me to tears

At first I didn’t know why & I didn’t need to – I have come to learn that for me, if I have that reaction it’s for a reason. So I trust.

Dominique’s caption on this particular piece when she posted it was – “What does this painting say to you”?  – I replied & said it says SOLD.

On a deeper note- my first feeling was this piece clearly represents my three beautiful grown daughters -more tears. So much love for all three.

On a spiritual level for me, I’ve been connecting with what “Starseeds” mean for me for some time now….that I , we, are not simply & not so simply from the physical womb -but I am clearly connected to this earthly plane in more ways than being birthed through my physical mother that I know as Gloria.

As of late, I have had many experiences that some would likely feel are kind of “kooky” & that is ok as we all have our own individual truths & knowings.

In a reading many moons ago with a dear loved one – I was told that my/ our grandmother came here to “earth” as we know it as a “Starburst”  to “bring all of us -meaning what I know as my blood family” into being – that was her job at that time.

Not having a deep sense of connection to her other than that in my adult life -this resonated deeply with me.

I’ve had “other worldy” experiences -many as of late – many of which I am still processing. Many things that I have been shown.

This beautiful piece confirms what I feel, sense, have been shown & know in my heart of hearts & deep within my soul that I am/ we are “from many places”, arrive “here” in many ways & have many that we call “family” .

I cannot wait until she arrives & once again I am honored to adorn our home with another piece of Dominique’s amazing creations

Thank-you Dominique -with so much gratitude, love & respect for all that you do.

Judy (Troy, New York)”

I’m very grateful to Judy, who has purchased 4 paintings in the last year alone, supporting me in the work I feel called to do.

Thank you Judy and thanks to all those who support me in many many ways.

I too am awakening to my destiny – I feel I have my entire life – one inspired step at a time and so many more to come.

Whether the term & concept of  ‘Starseeds’ resonates with you, may you too feel loved & supported through these times of transition so that you can emerge to be all you were meant to be.

Lots More to Choose From This Holiday Season

As we head into the holiday season, please remember to support your favourite artists, me included.

Our lives are all better in the flow of love, beauty, creative energy, and abundance.

Payment plans may be available – contact me to enquire.

Check out everything I have in store, from

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“Letting Go” – a Snake Energy Painting

Do you know why snakes shed their skin?

First, the old skin can’t stretch enough to accommodate the new growth. So it rubs its head against a rock to make a tear, and sloughs off the old skin by slithering out of it, leaving it inside out on the trail.

Second, it’s a great way to get rid of any parasites that may have attached themselves along the way.

What great symbolism, right?!

I love snakes – always have. They’re a great symbol for transformation –  for letting go of the old to make room for the new.

This new painting, “Letting Go” (9″ x 12″ – buy it here) not only celebrates this time of molting on our planet, in our societies and within my own life. It’s also supporting this great time of change through the energy work that went into its co-creation with Spirit.

Painting Symbolism

The background of this painting represents your Higher Self and the new growth in your life, our societies, and on the planet.

It’s indicative of the size the snake is meant to become – representing just a patch of its beautifully designed skin.

It’s the vision we’re all striving for. It’s fresh, sunny, iridescent in spots, and has a depth and richness that’s made possible from all the inner work and life experience that came before it.

The shape is the old skin left behind.

Created from a thick layer of golden mica chips, it’s infused with the energy of love & compassion. True letting go is not about rejection, anger, new layers of hatred, or disgust. Rather, it’s about loving compassionately enough to recognize what we’ve outgrown and what needs to be left behind.

I chose to include a labradorite stone at the head of the snake – perhaps even the stone upon which it rubbed itself to make the tear that made it possible to crawl out of its old skin.  Labradorite is a powerful stone named after part of my province.

“A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.  It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies.  Excellent for strengthening intuition – promoting psychic abilities.  Powerful in revealing the truth behind illusions, Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.  It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.” (source)

These are the properties we need as individuals, nations, and the world to move beyond the habits, behaviours, prejudices, etc. that act like parasites infecting our lives and sapping energy away from growing into who we are meant to be.

Let’s not blame the rock. It’s just there to help break the skin open. We may have to rub against it and wriggle and squirm for a while. But let’s not forget that love and growth is what will help us move through and past what no longer served us.

As you read this, what limiting patterns of thought or behaviour come to mind in your own life? What are you ready to shed so you can emerge more fully into the individualized expression of the Divine you have always been? 

I’ll share a bit of my story in case it inspires.

Letting Go In My Life

Some patterns of thought or behaviour may lay dormant within you for years if that part of your life hasn’t been activated lately. That’s what happened to me.

As I made a conscious decision to welcome new friends into my life to help me practice the principles of Real Love (unconditional love as taught by Dr. Greg Baer in his great series of books), all sorts of old fear-based patterns came back to the surface when someone reached out to me online. I’d received a clear intuitive sign not to ignore this connection. But I read way more into this sign than allowed me to stay in the present. I’m still growing.

Now, I can chuckle at myself. “Oh, Dominique m’luv, it’s OK. You just had to see those tendencies were still there so you could choose to release them. All is well.”

When it became uncomfortable enough for both people in the situation, something he wrote snapped me out of my mental spin, and I was able to find and then expand on the peace at my core. Thank God for that!

Watch what you ask for! You will receive. I definitely got to practice the principles of Real Love – for myself and the other.

This has also been a rich month in terms of transforming my daily habits.

Another friend and I have been doing the Mindvalley Lifebook & Lifebook Mastery training- creating a vision & plan for the 12 areas of our lives. It’s been amazing! 2 weeks ago, we were asked to choose 12 Sacred Habits that move us towards that vision.

Some of my chosen 12 were already part of my life, but perhaps not on a daily basis: meditation, yoga, dance and outdoor time.

Others were new habits I wanted to incorporate or bring back into my life, based on my overriding & foundational goals for the year: grounding barefoot on the earth, journaling, and morning & night chats with my Team of Divine Helpers.

There’s only so much time in a day, so this meant looking at what low-level activities I needed to let go of and what stop-doing behaviours I would add to my list of sacred choices.

The results have been life-changing after only 2 weeks!

First, my bed is now a computer-free zone. No more eating meals or chips in bed watching movies, which often led to overindulgence on both!  No more working in bed, which had a negative effect on my posture, something I’m focusing on correcting this year. And, and no more falling asleep with the computer  on, affecting my sleep hours and quality of sleep, not to mention exposing me to harmful radiation. So that skin has been shed and left behind! Yay! Now, if I want to watch a movie (something I truly enjoy), I sit at my desk with my rocking chair and limit it to one. Much healthier!

Another major change I’m committed to is not to check social media or even emails before noon. That way, my morning is dedicated to connecting to my Team of Divine Helpers, my morning wellness routine, and focused work.  Instead of responding to each distracting “ding” from email & FB notifications, I dedicate a limited time to it mid-day and then again only near dinner time. I may have been a late comer to the world of cell phones, but I had gotten to the point where I was checking emails and social media 20 times a day or more. Yikes! Bye bye old skin. I’ve outgrown that habit too. It just didn’t serve me.

Lastly, I’ve decided to have 1 day a week completely offline. This Sunday was my first, and it was fine until evening when I really wanted to check… but I didn’t. I know I need to disconnect from the Internet to connect to my Self & Team of Divine Helpers at a much deeper level. I’m set to growing comfortably into this new skin.

What about you? What new growth are you ready for? What skins are you ready to shed?

May the energy of “Letting Go” inspire you to examine your life and thought patterns to make your own set of sacred choices. So be it. So we let it be.

Title: Letting Go
Year: © 2020
Size: 9 “ x 12“ (22.86 cm x 30.48 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, mica, labradorite & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: SOLD
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Salacia-Ocean Goddess Painting

“Salacia – Ocean Goddess” (16″ x 20″ on narrow-gauge stretched canvas) – SOLD

Because of COVID-19’s Stay Home Stay Safe guidelines, you’re likely no stranger to that longing feeling for a change of scenery. Perhaps it’s for a very specific landscape. Is it the mountains, forests, or lakes? For me, it was the ocean. I’m definitely a water baby. That’s what inspired this latest painting, “Salacia” – goddess of the sea.

We were lucky here in Newfoundland. Advised to stay home except for essential errands and neighbourhood walks, we could still hop in the car to seek out open spaces close to home. If you watched my Ocean Meditation, you know I borrowed my house sister’s car to drive close to Cape Spear on April 7th. They closed that road shortly after because it was part of a National Park.

There are many other ocean vistas I could have driven to, but I’ll admit, I got comfortable staying in the neighbourhood, hunting for crocuses and purple carpets of Scilla siberica blooms and walking the river trail.

I felt grateful to be out at all, hearing stories of countries where people had to get a permit to go grocery shopping.

Weeks after my last drive, my heart longed for the ocean again. So I took that longing to the canvas.

I didn’t have any of my regular gallery-wrapped canvases stretched on 1 1/2″ wooden frames. But I had a leftover student canvas from one of my workshops, stretched on a narrow-gauge 1/2″ frame.

Do you recognize the figure?

I used the leftover purple pumice gel and foam stencil I designed two weeks before to create the Spirit of Transformation butterfly body on “Visionary“. I had applied it to this blank canvas at the same time, before throwing out my stencil.  That figure had longed dried and was now beckoning for me to bring ocean energy into the studio.

Unlike “Visionary”, “Salacia-Ocean Goddess” (16″ x 20″) only has a few layers of paint on her. That’s all she needed.

Salacia – Ocean Goddess

An important goddess in Roman mythology, Salacia is the female divinity of the sea.

She eventually became the wife of Neptune after he sent a dolphin to search for her. In awe of her suitor, she had hid from him in the Atlantic Ocean. In thanks for persuading her to come back to him, Neptune gave the dolphin a place in the heavens in the form of the constellation Delphinus. Read more on Wikipedia.

Crowned in seaweed and gracefully  rising from the salt waters in the company of two dolphins, Salacia was brought to life on this canvas to help us navigate through the tumultuous waters to find serenity, gratitude, playfulness, and celebration.

“Salacia” (16″ x 20″) – acrylics, pearl mica (energy of love & compassion) & pumice on narrow-gauge canvas. Special price – SOLD

Neighbouring Seas

Within days of completing “Salacia”, I was on my bike for my first ride of the year. This was also the first time in months that I’d spent time with my friend Leslie in person (at a safe distance, of course).

How blessed I feel to have the ocean so close by. It took about 40 minutes to get to the entrance of Fort Amherst on the south shore of The Narrows in St. John’s harbour. Of course there were a few photo stops.

The fort is still closed, but we sat on the cliffside next to some houses to gaze at the open sea through The Narrows before braving the cold headwinds on the much slower way back.

Enjoy this change of scenery through my eyes!

P.S. At the time of publishing, I’ll be on a mini solo writing & walking retreat at an ocean-side airbnb on the Irish Loop. I may not be in Ireland as planned, but I’m definitely making the best of it. How about you? Please continue taking care of yourself in body, mind & spirit. Big virtual hug.  Dominique



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The Making of “Visionary” – the Painting

Enjoy this 23-minute video (click above) of the making of “Visionary”, a 24″x24″ intuitive painting based on a vision received during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its creation took a week in April 2020.

In this video, you’ll witness the co-creative process behind its 15 layers of intention, energy, paint, and textured gels. As usual, the process itself informed what the painting was to become.

The original is sold, but prints are available in your choice of size & medium.

The Basic Vision

About one month into the COVID-19 pandemic, I received a vision that reappeared periodically during times of meditation or contemplation.

It consisted of a female face with an Earth globe left eye (linked to the Right intuitive feminine receptive brain) and a right eye (linked to the Left masculine action-oriented analytical brain) covered by a sweeping bang.

I stared at my blank canvas for a week before making a basic compositional decision. Usually, I don’t even bother with that until the background layers get me deeper into the co-creative process.

I know this delay was partly due to nervousness. To get the Earth eye big enough to notice, I’d have to only focus on the face, not the full or partial figure.

Painting faces make me nervous. I still haven’t found my own unique way of expressing faces with paint, despite my focus on sketching figures during my last trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art back in 2013/14.

So I wanted to get a basic idea down on paper before I started.

Oops…. Being Human

Luckily, there are no mistakes in the intuitive painting process. Every layer becomes part of the overall energy & texture of the final piece.

That’s why I never mind covering up much of those initial soothing, flowing, cheerful, and chaotic layers of colours and shapes.

They not only add depth and interest to the background, they represent the rich full-bodied life experience of the Visionary.

I’ll admit though, I felt rather silly (just for a few minutes) when I realized that I’d based my face’s dimensions on a 20″ x 20″ composition before grasping that my canvas was actually a 24″ x 24″. Oops.

You see, I’d uncharacteristically decided to use a photo to map out the face instead of improvising.

Basing myself on one of the portraits that Christine Radnich took of me in the Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury last summer, I zoomed in to the face and adjusted the levels so I could more clearly see where the highlights and shadows were.

Then, I created a grid of 1-inch squares to base myself on for the composition.

It was only after I’d painted the eyes and the nose that I realized that my memory had played tricks on me. I’d bought a 24″x 24″, not a 20″x20″ stretched canvas. My dimensions were all “wrong”!

Once I let go of the woulda, coulda, shouldas, however, I embraced the mystery of what this would inspire.

The eyes were easy to correct – I went back to my original vision, covering up the right action-oriented eye with strands of golden mica – creating a filtering energy of love & compassion inherent to this mineral. So far, so good.

The Spirit of Transformation

As I danced on my mini-trampoline contemplating my improvised bottom half of the face, I decided that the painting needed additional layers.

I asked my Team of Divine Helpers to inspire me as I pondered the evolving COVID-19 situation from a visionary point of view.

A visionary not only sees visions, as I often describe my clairvoyant process. A visionary uses wise foresight and imagination to envision a better brighter future. 

From this point of view, I tuned into the Spirit of Transformation that is enveloping the planet.

Like the caterpillar protected in its chrysalis sack, our worldwide isolation and forced slow-down is pushing us towards radical transformation.

Our way of being is disappearing, bit by bit, opening us up to emerging from our cocoons in a much more expansive way, aligned with our Truth, aligned with Divine Oneness.

It’s an exciting time! We’re not meant to come out of this as caterpillars. We don’t want to go back to the old normal!

It’s time to spread our wings and be the butterflies we were always meant to be.

After my meditative dance session, I was back in the zone, moved moment-by-moment as to what to design and which materials & colours to use.

The butterfly’s highly-textured granular wings fuelled by love & compassion are filled with the passionate fiery energy of transformation.

It was only once these were completed that I was shown the butterfly’s body as a goddess with her arms up in the air, emulating antennae. This gave her a stance of balance, opening, celebration, and appreciation for this new world vision.

Please add your prayers

As has become my custom, I filled the butterfly wings with dots, each one a prayer, an intention or thanks for all those making a difference in these transformational times.

We need them. We need you.

We’re all contributing to our evolving Reality with our allowing, inspired actions, prayers, imagination, focus, and more.

What kind of world are you envisioning?

What new ways of being and doing would you like to see continue or emerge after the crisis is over?

Please comment below so that together we can shape our future in the Spirit of Transformation and with wings of change.

Thank you.

P.S. “Visionary”- (24″ x 24″) – mixed media on gallery-wrapped canvas – SOLD. Prints available in your choice of medium & size.


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In Passing – the Painting

“In Passing” (18″ x 36″) – $2,267 Cad. Purchase here.

There’s a story behind this painting that only revealed itself once my mother had passed from her human form back into spirit form. 

That’s often the case in intuitive painting – the meaning behind the visions and inspiration, gradually comes to light in the space of quiet contemplation. The full picture becomes clearer hour by hour, layer by layer, dot by dot or once something happens that sheds light on it from a different angle.

Back in the Studio:

This was the first painting I’d been moved to create in 5 months following the intensively personal, spiritual & artistic creation of the Re-Connecting Collection.

I felt blissful as I delved back into the sacred rituals of creating an energy-infused painting. I was open, listening, and moving with the flow of paint and the imagery dancing in my mind’s eye.

Not My Own:

It had been a strange week.

As an empath and intuitive, I’m often picking up thoughts and feelings that aren’t my own.

It’s why I’ve learned to carefully select how, when and with whom I spend my time. I have to prepare myself when going in crowds, avoiding shopping centres unless absolutely necessary.

Luckily, with the years, I’ve learned to discern what’s mine and what’s just passing through, needing to be released or processed in service to my peace and the peace of others.

Maman Reaching Out: 

For the week before my mother’s passing, however, I was having what many would consider suicidal thoughts. I knew they weren’t mine. They were like mind farts – just passing through.

These, however, repeated several times a day for several days in a row. That in itself was unusual, especially since they often popped up as I was peacefully snowshoeing or happily painting. “I’ve had enough.”, “I’m ready to go.”, “It’s over.”

I even mentioned it to my house sister and to a friend because something about these visiting thoughts was unusual. I wasn’t worried about myself – I had determined they weren’t mine. But I also didn’t stop to ask whose they were,  knowing that many around me are struggling right now.

Two More Intuitive Messages Missed:

In hindsight, the intuitive messages were clear. Part of me regrets not having put 2 and 2 together, but I also know it’s OK.

On the last day of working on this painting, I had an intuitive hit that I’d be spending a long time in Ottawa, where my family lives. I thought it strange since I’d just spent 3 weeks there at Christmas. Again, it was a fleeting knowing, but I didn’t pay much attention to it as I was engrossed in the joy of painting.

When I went up to my room, I looked at my self-love wall chart that was still blank since it was the beginning of the week. It’s where I mark my weekly meditations, yoga, nature breaks, etc to make sure I don’t neglect my needs when I get busy. As I looked at its blankness, my inner voice said it would stay white that week. Again, I didn’t clue in, thinking it strange that I’d rebel against what I so love doing for my highest good. Why would I ever spend a week not fulfilling my commitment to myself?

The News:

The night my painting was finished, I got the call from my sister, who was at the Long Term Care Home. She told me that Maman was in a coma and in her last hours.

It suddenly dawned on me – the source of those intuitive messages was from over 2,000 km away. My leaving for Ottawa on the next flight would also explain why my whiteboard would stay white.

Thanks to technology, I got to speak to my mother’s sleeping body via FaceTime before she passed, leading my family in prayer and expressing my thanks and my wishes for her peace. I continued talking with her heart to heart, soul to soul afterwards as I ran around packing.

She’d been preparing me. I just wasn’t picking up on it consciously.  I’m sure, however, that it contributed to the peace and acceptance I felt at her letting go of her mortal coil to return Home to God.

A few hours later, I was at my father’s side, where I feel so blessed to have spent a month. Our time together was a gift for us both.

In Passing – the Symbolism

On the night of Maman’s passing, as I was running around packing for my early morning flight to Ottawa, I found myself standing before my finished painting.

That’s when the name came to me – “In Passing”.

It wasn’t only about her soul passing from her body back into spirit form (notice how the pattern beneath the tree is the same as that of the orb above it).

It was also about her soul having been here on earth to live the life she had lived until her purpose was done. My mother was here in passing – part energy, part physical form – 88 human years, a drop in the ocean of time – her Soul Time and Time on this planet.

So that’s the story behind this painting.

“In Passing” honours the ephemeral quality of souls passing through the earth plane as individualized expressions of the Divine.

Made of the same essence as all sacred beings, we move in and out of physical form, leaving behind the everlasting effects of our love & light.

Thank you Maman for the time we spent here on earth as mother & daughter and for our evolving relationship through time & form.

Peace be with us all!

Tree: The textured tree filled with sparkly fruit symbolizes the human form. Rooted in Spirit and connected to all that it through its many branches, it’s half on the canvas and half beyond – moving between realities. Its sap is of same essence as the spirit orb above it.

Orb: Is it the sun? the moon? Source? a Team of Divine Helpers coming to greet the passing soul? A return back into spirit form? How would you interpret it? Covered in glass beads (see close-up photos above), it radiates light in fascinatingly changing ways as you walk past it.

P.S. As with many of my paintings, it’s the time I spend co-creating it that is important to me. Once the energy-work and artistic process are complete, it is meant to serve others. If this painting calls to you, contact me. I’m taking offers on my paintings to fundraise for a solo spiritual retreat in Ireland at the end of April (God willing with travel being so uncertain these days). 

Title: In Passing
Year: © 2020
Size: 36 “ x 18 “ ( 91.44 cm x 45.72 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art


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Reconnect Lesson 11: It’s Birthing Time


It’s very moving when a layer of the big picture reveals itself.

As I sat beside my father on Ash Wednesday at the Notre Dame Basilica in Ottawa after we created this video for the last Reconnect To Your True Self Lesson, it dawned on me…

The first time I sat with Papa alone in the very same pew after Maman had to be placed in long term care, I received the inspiration to create the Re-Connecting Collection – 11 intuitive visionary paintings answering an inner call to examine my roots and spiritual evolution.

9 months later, the collection was complete.

6 more months, so are the lessons.

What had initially appeared like procrastination on this last lesson turned out to be divine timing. My mother’s passing helped me understand the lesson this painting was to offer you as she entered the Gateway back Home to God.

As I sat beside my father again in the same pew during a mass dedicated to my mother’s memory, I realized we’d come full circle.

11:11 – 11 paintings, 11 lessons: a deeply personal and spiritual journey which can now serve others …

I dedicate this blessed project to both my parents, Jerry & Rita Hurley, who helped make my being a possibility in this lifetime. Rest in peace, Maman. Continue walking in love, Papa.

Reconnect To Your True Self Lesson 11 – Birthing Time

Welcome to the last of the Reconnect to your True Self lessons. It’s now time to birth what your Spirit has been calling for – be it a new way of being, doing, or co-creating.

Say yes to this year being the gateway into a new chapter of the life you are meant to live.

How is your Spirit moving you?  What will the next chapter of your life look like?

Every day is a gateway, a choice.

When you align those choices with your True Self, you’ll naturally feel happier and healthier. You’ll be living life on purpose.

In the past 20 weeks, the Reconnect to Your True Self lessons have given you the chance to get to know your Self better.

  • Lesson 1: creating space to listen within and to connect through prayer
  • Lesson 2: recognizing how your Light shines for yourself & others
  • Lesson 3: surrounding yourself with those who see, accept & love you – finding your tribe
  • Lesson 4: uncovering your superpowers through your unique hero’s journey
  • Lesson 5: getting rid of the accumulated dirt to see the truth & beauty of who you truly are
  • Lesson 6: reconnecting to your creativity
  • Lesson 7: consciously choosing your roles in community for a perfect fit
  • Lesson 8: nurturing mindfulness, gratitude & intuition in nature
  • Lesson 9: raising your vibration
  • Lesson 10: re-examining your identity building journey

And now, with Lesson 11, it’s time say yes to emerging more fully into your Self through the birthing of what’s next.

No matter if you’re clear on the big picture or simply need to take the next inspired step on the journey – enter the gateway.

My Gateway

When I started the Re-Connecting painting series in late 2018, I only knew I was being called to paint 11 2’x4’ paintings. Each piece was created intuitively over a period of 9 months, guided by my Team of Divine Helpers.

It was while creating the first painting that I understood I was being called to travel to Glastonbury near the end of the series, before creating the last piece.

I accepted that call, knowing the journey through the co-creative process for the series would prepare me for what was to come.

My trip to the UK to spend time in the sacred Chalice Well garden and participate in the Sun Lover Goddess Conference led to this final piece “The Gateway”.

It celebrates Divine Procreative Energy and the bridge between Heaven & Earth, the Etheric Field, the Akashic Field. That’s the sacred geometry of the Vesica Pisces that so fuels my creative quest.

Still, I wasn’t clear on what that gateway was inviting me to.

Birthing is not an immediate process. Just as I learned when being guided through the creation of the Law of Gender mandala, there are 2 aspects to consider.

First, there’s a need for both the feminine & masculine – the intuitive, receptive, open aspects of ourselves and the action-oriented implementer.

There’s also a gestation period – 9 months for humans and for my Re-Connecting Collection and various other time periods for various projects, transformations, etc.

I knew that my gestation period included the time to create these 11 video lessons for you. This is part of what I dedicated myself to after completing the collection. It also involved a 5-month hiatus in painting.

I thought I’d been procrastinating in the preparation of this last lesson. Known for being goal-oriented, organized, and efficient, I uncharacteristically delayed it.

Then, on February 3rd, my mother passed away, transitioning from her earthly body back to her Spirit Self. I knew she was ready to go, although I only understood the messages I’d intuitively received after she’d died.

At the age of 88, Maman chose to enter her gateway back Home to God. I was at peace with her passing and have been blessed to spend this month at my father’s side.

So, as this painting celebrates the Sun Goddess giving birth to the Earth and the birthing process itself, I said goodbye to the one who gave birth to me in this lifetime. Exactly one month later, I offer you this final post of the project.

Had I been procrastinating, or was the delay in designing this last lesson perfectly timed to understand what I was meant to share with you?

Divine Patience During Your Gestation Period

In our modern rushed times, when most have gotten used to running on the hamster wheel, we’re not always patient with the gestation time.

But as you wouldn’t want to rush a mother’s 9-month pregnancy, so too do you need to nurture your birthing or re-birthing process.

First, the seeds are planted through listening to your soul and implementing the inspired actions that will eventually bring your dreams and soul callings to fruition.

Then, divine patience is needed, focusing your attention on nurturing those dreams. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Going on Maternity Leave

What’s next for me now that the birthing of this Re-Connecting Collection project is over? I’m not sure.

The full picture of my next chapter is a mystery. I’ve only been shown the next Gateway and my heart is saying YES! to it. What I’ll birth at the end of it is unclear.

I know changes are required as the status quo of my career in the arts doesn’t seem financially viable.

Something has to change, but I’m not sure what or how. 

What I do know is that my soul has called me to travel to Ireland to spend time soaking up the energy of the land in solo contemplation at various hermitages, retreat centres and pilgrim walks.

It’s time to go deeper within – to pray, write, sketch, photograph, listen, and open to the next inspired action.

I’m ready to disconnect from the Internet and from the distractions of my everyday life. That’s the gateway I’m saying yes to at this time.

Excited & scared (the kind of fear that comes from a call to grow by healthily stretching our comfort zones), I bought my ticket. I’ll be there from April 27 – June 22.

The seed was planted a few years back on my intuitive vision boards.

When I applied to an art residency in Ireland in late in 2019, my excitement was a sure clue. One artist from Newfoundland would be chosen to spend a month, paid, in County Donegal.

Reading historic fiction novels, stories and researching spiritual travel on the land of some of my ancestors has fuelled that dream.

Residency applicants were told we’d know if we won by the end of February, so I guess that route wasn’t meant to be.

As I awaited the announcement of the residency winner, I became clear of my need to prioritize investing the time and financial resources into this project no matter what. Interestingly, submissions for other projects were also ‘unsuccessful’, leaving 2 blank months in my calendar.

Do I know what creation might come out of this? What I’m birthing next? No. I don’t need to know. I trust in the journey. Life has taught me that.

This spiritual maternity leave after the birthing of an intensive 15-month project will become the gestation period for the next birthing.

What about you?

Your Birthing Time

Is your status quo fulfilling? Or is your soul calling you to birth the next chapter of your life?

Is it a new project? A relationship renewal? A career change? A course of study? A soul-nourishing trip? The start of a family? A move? A letting go? An adoption?

Your gateway can take many shapes and open to many new possibilities.

The question is which gateway will you consciously say yes to, embracing the mystery of what lies beyond it while taking each inspired step necessary to make it happen.

Listen in, act, trust and be patient – knowing that each inspired step leads to the resources you need to take the next step. That’s the Law of Action.

If you’re feeling discontent, depressed, disconnected – these are all signs that your soul is calling for change.

If your whole being comes alive around a particular focus, that’s the direction you’re being called to.

Changes can take so many forms – within yourself and the details of your life.

The more you know who you truly are, which I hope this series has helped you with, the clearer you’ll be to knowing which gateways to say yes or no to.

Once you’ve said yes, put your trust in it and allow the Universe to reveal the “how” to make it all happen. Be patient as this can take time.

Birthing is a miracle, be it of a new life or a new chapter in your life. Here’s wishing you a life of miracles!


Make sure to discern if your calls feel like you’re moving towards something and not running away from something. Let your intuition & love guide you, not your fear.

For more on how to access your intuition, I offer a free online tutorial here.

Revelation UPDATE

Sometimes, the meaning of an intuitive process only becomes clear years later. The pandemic hit before my trip to Ireland, canceling most of my plans and delaying the 2-week bus tour (for which I couldn’t get a refund) until 2022.

When the pandemic hit, I realized that this painting’s messages were not personal but global. Oops…

My message to isolate for 2 months for a re-birthing of my world turned out to be a glimpse of the Gateway our entire planet would experience through 2 years of isolation. 

It is time for a re-birth of the planet, for a harmonizing of the Divine Feminine & Masculine for the Good of All.

When we started hearing reports of pollution lifting and wildlife thriving, I kept coming back to this painting and its messages.

Focus on your inner peace, the marriage of your Feminine and Masculine to birth the world you would like to see. We’re entering this Gateway together – this is a message of hope!

How has that manifested for you? Feel free to write a comment below.


P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “The Gateway” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints  in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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Reconnect Lesson 10: Who Are You?

Some of us spend our whole lives seeking the truth of who we are. That’s why we’re called seekers.

Both sides of the nature vs. nurture argument influences our self-concepts.

Our identity is shaped by our growing understanding during this journey of self-discovery. It’s part of the fun of being human.

The question remains – who are you? Or better yet, who do you understand yourself to be? 

When I was offered this question by my Team of Divine Helpers in the opening session of painting #10 of my Re-Connecting Collection, all sorts of symbolism and memories surfaced in my consciousness.

Today’s 2 exercises offer you the same opportunity – the first a creative project and the second, an opportunity to share your most influential books with others.

Exercise 1: Your Journey of Self-Discovery Artwork

What would your “Journey of Self-Discovery” artwork look like?

Whether you like to sketch, paint, or cut & paste magazine images and photographs into a collage, find a way to visually represent who you believe yourself to be.

In the case of my painting, I included

  • my ancestry,
  • the religion I was raised in,
  • the Akashic Record library holding information from all my past and future lives,
  • a representative from my Team of Divine Helpers,
  • my nationality,
  • my western & Chinese astrological signs,
  • spirals that I’ve been drawing since childhood
  • other spiritual symbolism that drives me (Vesica Pisces)
  • my eye with birthmark through which I see the beauty in the world,
  • my lifelong mission to harmoniously marry my Left masculine side with my Right feminine side (intuition into action)
  • my relationships that helped shape me
  • many of the books that helped me understand my human journey from my teenage years onward (the focus of Exercise 2).

So I ask again. What would your “Journey of Self-Discovery” piece look like?

Take the time to brainstorm, reflect and put it all together in your unique way.

Only include what matters to you. It all depends what you feel has shaped your belief in who you are. 

You may or may not identify strongly with your career, roles in your family & community, causes, your leading values, etc.

As you spend time seeing, accepting and loving yourself for who you are, you’re better able to see, accept, and love others for their unique make-up. It’s all part of being individualized expressions of the Divine.

Who knows?! This exercise on your self-discovery journey may help you make the life-changing decisions you need to get back on track with your True Self.

Exercise 2: Book Share

I’m not known for my memory, so when I was inspired to include a stack of important self-understanding books on my painting, it sent me digging both in my mental files and on Google.

I’m sure there were many others before and in between, but I started with some of the books I read in high school, including a life-changing gift from one of my teachers.

Since I give my books away as soon as I read them, I had fun looking for the titles, authors and cover designs to make up this stack of books from scratch using Photoshop.

That is not your task in this exercise.

Your mission if you so choose, is to put together a list of your most influential self-discovery books and share them  – on social media or however you choose.

When I posted this photo during my creative process, many responded that their list was similar. They added a few of mine to their reading list and shared a few of their own.

What has helped you in life can help others. So why not share? That’s the spirit of this exercise.

To start off, please share a few of yours in the comments below, I’d love that!


P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “Journey to Self-Discovery” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!


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Reconnect Lesson 9: Rise Up Rise Up!

Have you heard? We’re in a time of ascension! It may be hard to believe with all that’s happening in the world, but I believe it’s true. Of course there will be resistance. But together we can help raise the vibration of the planet and all those on it. How? By raising our own consciousness, our own vibration.

What you do for yourself, you do for others. It affects everyone else in this Divine Oneness.

So rise up, rise up dear one! It’s time to live in alignment with the divine essence you truly are.

Don’t let yourself spiral down in a funk from the many distractions, details and dramas that bombard our senses from every direction.

Remember that you are an individualized expression of the Divine. Yes, you’re human, and being in a funk is part of being human. But you’re also Spirit. 

Often, unhappiness, loneliness, despair, depression and other unpleasant realities of being human happen when we believe we are separate from God (or whatever term you resonate with) and from others.

So part of your job as a spirit in a human body is to recognize when you need to take the time to recognize, allow and process what’s triggering a funk and to then raise your vibration.

As the Law of Vibration taught us, our job as vibration managers is to raise our consciousness, our vibration so that we can attract more of the people, places, and events that resonate at that frequency. This is closely related to the Law of Attraction.

So don’t deny your sadness or frustration. Listen to it, love it, and then let it go. You’re often being shown things that are ready to be released as they’re leaving. Acknowledge them, and then let them leave.

Don’t hang on to the stories or feelings or allow them to drag you further down. That’s wallowing and yes, it’s also part of being human.

Instead, reconnect to your True Self, remembering who you truly are. Asking your Higher Consciousness to make wise choices to bring you back into alignment with the love, peace, and happiness at your very core.

Exercise: Create & Post your Raise My Vibration List

When the mind and heart are clouded by lower vibrations, it can be hard to motivate yourself to change gears. You may not even know you need to if that black cloud over your head is so thick you can’t see what’s happening.

That’s why having a very visible “Raise My Vibration List” can be such a blessing.

Whether you’re in a funk or simply busy, it’ll be a daily reminder to prioritize time to raise your vibration.

What does that for you?

I know that listening to one of my own meditations (available on YouTube) or an energy transmission from Steve Nobel- The Soul Matrix (which inspired this painting) helps me start my days on the right foot.

And if I’m going to have to deal with technical issues, lighting a candle, smudging, or saying a little prayer first can help me stay higher on the emotional guidance scale longer.

I also know that there’s no way I can get stuck in a bad mood if I sing & dance a few Sanskrit chants on my mini-trampoline.

And if at all possible, I make it outdoors to breathe the fresh air, take a few photos, and bask in beauty.

What raises your vibration? Make a list. Post it where you’ll see it every day. On the mirror where you brush your teeth is a good place.

After a while, you won’t need that reminder. As soon as you feel yourself dipping, you’ll recognize your desire for a higher vibration and make Higher Consciousness choices faster.

Do you need inspiration? Here are a few ideas.

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration List

* Meditation

* Stretching & exercise – even standing up tall in a power pose for a minute.

* Healthy eating

* Music

* Gratitude list

* Time with pets, children, loved ones

* Affirmations, mantras

* Time outdoors – lying on the ground, hugging a tree, etc.

* Smudging, prayer, or other sacred rituals

* Service to others, random acts of kindness

Leave room on your list so you can add to it.

The idea is to have a variety so that when you are heading down the emotional guidance scale, you can easily access what you already know will help you change directions.

Once you’re grooving in the higher vibes, you’re bound to feel more connected to Source & humanity as a whole.

What you do for your Highest Good, you’re doing for the Good of All.

You have an important role to play in the ascension of the planet. Thank you!

P.S. Click here to go to the blog post that describes the creative process for the painting “Time of Ascension”.

P.P.S. You can order prints in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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