Has Spirit got an amazing gift for us both!
There has been no better time for you to bring one of my paintings into your life, which will also help me move to Ottawa, where I’ve been Guided to live with my Papa.
Inspired change is a beautiful thing—an act of trust, a flow of energy, a step into the unknown.
After 14 years in Newfoundland and a decade as a full-time artist and lightworker, I’m embracing this moment of transition with an open heart.
All 56 of my paintings need new homes! Each one holds a story, a vibration, a co-creation with Spirit—and now it’s time for them to continue their journey where they can continue to inspire.
There are no set prices and no auction bids. I’m taking offers instead. Then, I’ll be tuning in with Spirit to see who is meant to have what.
For me, this isn’t devaluing the time, energy or cost of materials that went into my art—it’s about sharing the love and vision that has flowed through me, knowing that each piece will land where it’s meant to be.
I’ve already received such a blessing from this work. As Yogananda, author of “Autobiography of a Yogi” said: “The instrument is blessed by what flows through it.”
Know, however, that your support at this time will help me gather the professional nest eggs I need for my next chapter—one filled with purpose, companionship, and new beginnings with my 92-year-old father. (see previous post)
This way of letting go of my art was also Guided, and so I trust the process.
So check out my online shop, feel into your heart what a loving offer would be, and reach out. Happy Valentines!
My goal is to fly to Ottawa this Spring with my suitcases and bicycle-in-a-box. Nothing else. After all, part of what I’m going to be doing at my father’s is helping him de-clutter the house for eventual sale, so bringing lots of stuff or paying for storage just doesn’t feel right.
There’s a deep sense of freedom in letting go.
Releasing these paintings means releasing the need to store, manage, or ship them—lightening my load as I step forward. It’s a liberating act, one that aligns perfectly with the spiritual path of trust and surrender.
I also trust that my collectors and those who have invested in my work will recognize this as an expansion, not a loss—an opportunity to deepen their connection to my art and its journey. May this Moving Sale enrich, rather than diminish, the energy we’ve already shared.
So, I invite you to let your heart and soul choose a painting, to bring a piece of this journey into your own space.
Make me an offer, and together, we’ll honour the cycles of creation, movement, and renewal.
Are You Uncomfortable Making an Offer?
I know that for many, making an offer can feel uncomfortable. But this is a heart-centered exchange, not a business transaction.
I want my art to be with those who feel called to it.
So I encourage you to go within—feel what a fair and loving offer looks like for you.
Some may offer my asking price or even more as a way to support this transition, while others will offer what they can afford. All offers welcome. There is no wrong answer.
Spirit will guide each piece to its rightful place.
It’s not about numbers; it’s about energy, alignment, and trust.
And if offering a payment plan makes it easier to follow through on your guided offer, I’m open to those as well.
This is not a traditional sale—it’s an intuitive exchange.
I encourage you to tune into your heart and make an offer that feels right, one that honours both the value of the art and what feels aligned for you.
There’s a flow to life, a natural rhythm to giving and receiving, and I invite you to step into that flow with me.
If a painting is calling to you, listen.
If you feel drawn to support my transition while welcoming a piece of my soul into your space, trust that feeling.
Think of this as a heart-led exchange, not a negotiation. Your offer is a reflection of what feels right for you.
First, take a look at my Original Painting pages in my online shop here. (prints-on-demand from NL Canvas are not included and will continue to be available after I move.)
Then ask your heart / Team of Divine Helpers what a win-win offer would be. Sit with it. Meditate on it. Don’t stress out about it.
Next, contact me with the name of the painting(s) you’d like and your offer(s). This is an opportunity to practice what I’ve been teaching here for years—taking inspired action and trusting your intuition.
What feels like a loving offer? One that is generous to me as the artist, but also honours your own needs?
Note that shipping, taxes for Canadians, and duties for those outside of Canada are extra.
I’ll take time in early March to sit with the offers that have come in so far, tuning into Spirit to guide me in choosing where each piece belongs. Then I’ll be in touch with my first round of selections.
Missed the first round? No worries—I’ll continue accepting offers on unsold pieces until I leave Newfoundland! If the painting is still in my online shop, that means it hasn’t found a home yet.
56 paintings have to have found homes by the time I move – that date in the spring is yet to be determined.
However this unfolds, I know it will be in perfect harmony. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.
Yes, I’m Also Letting Go of the Universal Law Mandala Collection

I confess, I hesitated about letting go of my twelve 30″ x 30″ Universal Law mandalas + 36″ x 36″ summary piece.
But I confirmed it with my Team of Divine Helpers. It’s time for them to find a home too.
I will always have the digital images and energy of these mandalas to continue guiding my own life and the teachings that came out of this 1-year channeling project.
My hope is to find a home where they can all be displayed and shared together, either as a grid or in a row.
Are they meant to be with you or someone / somewhere you know? Make an offer! Spread the news!
They are already crated and ready for shipping as I toured with them in Newfoundland and New Brunswick.
The collection as a whole was marked at $111,111. Like with all my other paintings, I’m open to whatever Spirit has planned for these.
I will hold off selling them individually until I can see if I can find a home for the whole collection.
But feel free to include offers for individual pieces anytime.
I’ll be in touch again if I decide to open up to individual sales. Someone has already expressed interest in a few.
Your Turn – Make Me an Offer. Help Me Move
OK – I’m following the guidance I received in meditation, which I later confirmed during a walk in nature and again with my pendulum.
Now it’s your turn.
Enjoy browsing my original energy-infused art, feel your way to an offer that’s loving to both yourself and me, and reach out.
Have fun with this! I am.
I trust that each piece will land exactly where it’s meant to, in its perfect timing. Thank you for being part of this flow with me!
If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to help spread the word.
Share this with anyone who might be moved by this offering—whether they’re looking for a special piece of art or simply want to support this beautiful transition.
Every share, comment, and conversation helps these paintings find their perfect homes. Thank you!
With Love & Light as this journey unfolds,