My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Your Layers of Visual Symbolism


We receive our intuitive messages through many channels – our inner and outer sight, hearing, sensations, knowing, smell & taste.

It’s just like in school. Some people are auditory learners. Others are visual learners. Others are experiential learners. It’s good to teach with many learning styles in mind. Same with my Divine Storytelling Time Packages.

Your Team of Divine Helpers, your Higher Self, your inner wisdom – whatever you choose to call intuition will find a way to get Guidance to you, one way or another.

When I co-create a Divine Storytelling Time Package for you, I help you tune into your intuition by channeling both auditory & visual symbolic data for you to decipher.

I don’t tell you what your story or Visual Gifts mean. The more you work with your DST Package, the more you’ll develop your intuitive muscles.

No one can understand the meaning like you do – these are symbols and scenes delivered for you by your intuition. I’m just the conduit. It’s up to you to interpret them, depending on the questions you bring when you listen to your story or look at your Visual Gifts.

When I was guided to offer this service, I knew that the 1-hour dream-like story I receive (mostly through vision) was the core of the intuitive reading. It’s like listening to a fantastic radio play, filled with meaning – the meaning you give it.

Another element of the DST Package is a Visual Gift, a digital photographic art piece based on the essence of that Divine Storytelling Time.

It too is filled with layers of visual symbolism that can provide clues, inspiring action to help you co-create your best life.

These are created with several layers of photographs from my extensive international collection. The location, background, or content all act as intuitive data for you to work with.

For example, I was recently inspired to create the Visual Gift above for a European client. I was moved to use the 7 different photographs seen in the slideshow below:

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1) The base of the round tower & moat at the Bishop’s Garden in Wells, UK
2) One of the famous artist studios on Fogo Island in Newfoundland & Labrador, shot during a huge wind/rain storm
3) a turtle, somewhere in the Caribbean
4) the offerings at a Sacred Earth despacho ceremony
5) Light tunnel at the entrance of our Botanical Gardens here in St. John’s during a Christmas Lights celebration
6) The entrance to a cave in the Czech Republic
7) little boat ride at Disneyworld going inside a cave to the song “It’s a Small World”
As the client sees and learns about the layers, it creates another space for memories & meaning to come up for them.
Together, these 7 layers create a new symbol-filled reminder & inspiration for the client on their Path to their Highest Good.

I also provide more visual & word-based guidance throughSpirit Calling Card spread that opens the story. These oracle cards are based on both my photography & paintings.

Divine Storytelling Time Packages are for those who want to uncover the layers of their Best Life, identifying for themselves the inspired actions they need to take to allow it to emerge.

They’re not for those looking for someone outside of themselves to give them all the answers.

The answers are within. I can help you Access your intuition (Step 2 in my Intuition Into Action Treasure Map), but it’s up to you to understand what your Team of Divine Helpers is communicating to you.

It’ll always be an answer to your questions – those in your mind, but also those in your heart. Those you can consciously identify today and those that will arise for months to come.

Are you curious to know what your story will sound like? What your Visual Gifts will look like? Are you ready to uncover the layers of symbolic data that can help you evolve the meaning of your life?

These Divine Storytelling Time Packages are still at the 1/2 price rate of $247 Canadian. I’m not sure for how long.

They come with a 1-hour story mp3, 2 Visual Gifts, a Spirit Calling Card reading and worksheets.

I channel the whole package at a distance, which takes about 5-6 hours, and deliver it via a download link in your email.

Are you ready for yours? For a couple reading? A family reading?  Book here.

Want to listen to a 6-minute story sample to see how to work with that component? Go here.

We’re living in challenging times. If you feel this style of symbolic-rich intuitive reading is for you, please take inspired action. Gift certificates available.

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Breathe Yourself Back into Alignment for your Golden Buzzer

Have you ever had the feeling the Universe was giving you the Golden Buzzer- that judge’s decision to shower you in golden confetti on one of those Got Talent TV programs? When a performer so moves a judge to press that Golden Buzzer, the contestant goes straight to the live show!

That’s how I felt this week when I went skating for the first time in a long time.

May this story & video inspire you to breathe your way through your fear to realign with your Highest Joy, your Higher Self and your Golden Buzzer back to Life. (Note – the music makes this video – turn on the sound!)

It’s not like I was paralyzed by fear. Actually, my childlike enthusiasm was still present as I finally took my freshly sharpened skates to St. John’s public outdoor skating Loop in Bannerman Park.

I’d seen the tall orange fence and long line-ups driving by. COVID-19 had brought measures to limit the numbers of skaters on the ice. I’m sure part of me rationalized that it just wouldn’t be as enjoyable, so I delayed going.

I used to love skating!

2 years ago, however, I injured my arm skating at night on the Ottawa canal when my blade got caught in a crack and sent me flying. I’m still feeling the effects of that fall despite a couple of years of various therapies.

On the other hand (pun intended), I’ve been grateful for all the other benefits of that intentional body care. But back to my story.

So here I stood, on the edge of the ice, a bit shaky and wondering if I should ask someone to give me a hand up from the snowy walk to the rink.

Before you imagine a wide chasm or huge step, let me clarify that it might be all of an inch or two (2.5-5 cm) in height difference.

Fear is a tricky thing. A very small part of my skating past was interfering with the present, with my greater truth. “What ifs” were starting to enter my mind. 

I imagined saying to someone nearby “I’m a beginner – mind helping me up?”.

That would have been a lie, and I’m averse to lying. I’ve been skating on and off since I was a very young child.

Then I remembered.

This negative feeling, fear, was simply my Being’s way of communicating with me that I was out of alignment with my Higher Self.

I was letting my ego rule the show. It wanted to keep me safe, comfortable, small. Just becoming aware of my posture as I hesitated getting on made that quite visible.

So I did ask for help – not to a bystander, although there would have been nothing wrong with that, but to my Higher Self and All That Is.

I took a few deep breaths, connecting me to Spirit, and stood taller. I changed my frown to a smile and re-experienced in my body the joy of skating before I even got on the ice.

The ice was in great shape first thing in the morning. I didn’t need to look for cracks.

I took it slow for the first couple of loops until that confidence had a chance to spread through my body and mind.

And that’s when I got the Golden Buzzer from the Universe. A deluge of huge fluffy snowflakes fell upon my shoulders & the earth, congratulating me for re-aligning with love, joy, and my Higher Self. At least that’s how I chose to interpret it.

I stopped in awe, laughing and reaching for my camera.

This may not have been a world stage. No one there was even aware of my great performance. They didn’t need to.

A moment of fear was followed by a greater remembering, joy, and a breaking of a negative mental loop on The Loop. Bravo Dominique! You get to pass straight to Life!

Where is Fear Asking You to Breathe Yourself Back Into Alignment?

Fear is rampant in these COVID-19 times. Don’t let it stop you from your Live Show!

When you notice inappropriate fear trying to keep you small, trying to keep you from your joy, stand tall and connect to your Higher Self.

Let your breath inspire you (in-Spirit).

Ask whatever Higher Power you believe in for help. And know that as you re-align to your Self, the Universe celebrates with you.

May you experience your Golden Buzzer in whatever form it manifests, for all your feats of love – big or small. So be it!


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Goodbye & Hello

Every day is a new day. No two sunrises are alike. These two videos show that clearly – the last sunrise of 2020 and the first of 2021 from Signal Hill in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador.

What a feeling to be on Signal Hill for the closing of one year and opening of a new one.

We feel the transitions more easily because of a number on a calendar. New beginnings. New hope. New intentions. New plans.

But isn’t it true that every day offers you the same?

You’re not the same person 2 days in a row. Your experiences from yesterday and overnight communion with Spirit have the potential to change who you are – overnight!

Even on a physical level – you’re not who you were yesterday. Scientists have found “that the body’s cells largely replace themselves every 7 to 10 years”. You’re undergoing change all the time.

I had a partner who once told me something like “What I said to you yesterday was my truth at the time. Don’t hold me to it. My truths, preferences, opinions, feelings, etc may not be the same at all today. You’re waking up beside a new me every day.”

There was no taking much for granted – exhausting on one level, yet he opened up a door in my mind to so much more than just living through the motions of routine and expectations.

As these two sunrises demonstrate, no two days in the same location are alike.

Witnessing two in a row like this really brought this to heart.

Yes, we’re a new year. Exciting! New possibilities. New hope. Openings to new ways of being, doing, thinking, living, feeling.

What if we lived each day like this?

Filming time lapses for 2-3 hours in the cold as night turned into day gave me a lot of time to commune with my Self, Nature, my Team of Divine Helpers and the miracle of planets dancing with each other, lighting up our sky.

Even being spooked by a large fox darting in front of me in the pitch black was a gift … after the effects of fear down my spine relaxed. It encouraged me to dance, sing, chant mantras and prayers for my loved ones and the planet to make my presence felt until it became light enough to sit quietly and meditate on the changing weather while my camera did its thing.

So Happy New Year dear one. May each day be a new beginning filled with miracles and gratitude.

May you feel the limitless potential of each new day for yourself and your loved ones. May you see them as emerging more fully as themselves and relish in getting to know who they are today.

And may you tune in to your own inner Light to better see where your Intuition into Action Treasure Map will guide you each and every day of 2021 and beyond.



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Embrace the Hugs

Ready for a hug? May you feel totally hugged this holiday season as you enjoy this short video collection of hugs being stored in the wood wide web for you.

Go ahead. Open your arms & your heart to receive these hugs from those who responded to my birthday call for both tree-hugs & photos.

Then go out and hug a tree to keep the love flowing.

Not surprisingly, a few new tree-huggers told me how good it felt.

Try it. You just might like it.

Tune in to see which tree is inviting you in. Then connect to it and back to my friends and I – all of whom are giving and receiving hugs this way during these times of social distancing.

Thanks to all those who participated. I sure hope I didn’t forget any photos or names in the process.

Enjoy this holiday season hug-fest!



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Slow Down, You Move Too Fast…

Were you kicked off the hamster wheel when COVID-19 hit? After the initial shock, many started appreciating the slower pace and simpler lifestyle. Their awareness and gratitude were heightened because of the drastic change in routine & freedoms.

Have old habits kicked back in? Have you been cramming your schedule again?

A few weeks back, I signed up for too many online summits, courses and webinars on top of all the work I had scheduled. I may not have had to run all over town stuck in traffic jams, but I was jumping from one end of the world to another glued to the computer.

If you’re like me, you’ve come to appreciate an uncluttered schedule to follow your intuitive flow.

That’s why I decided to take a slow walk to work instead of borrowing my housesiter’s car to get there just in time.

I cleared my schedule to take 2.5 hours to walk to Bowring Park a few blocks away, so that I could play before teaching my in-person photo session with my francophone students. As you’ll see in the 4.5-minute video above, I thoroughly enjoyed my slow stroll there.

Simon & Garfunkel had it right with their song “Feelin’ Groovy”

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy
Hello lamppost, what’cha knowing
I’ve come to watch your flowers growin’
Ain’t you got no rhymes for me?
Doo-ait-n-doo-doo, feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy …
I’m guessing the fact there’s a couple of lampposts in this video isn’t a coincidence. They likely triggered my subconscious to remember this song, as I found myself singing it while creating the video.
I also trust it’s a message you may have needed. May the reminders life is offering me also serve you well.
swan paintingAnother lesson from this day was the importance of letting go of what others think.
At one point, a ray of sunshine lit up leaves by a creek that I could barely see through the thick brush. The spot of light, however, called my attention. To photograph it,  I had to crouch under the bushes with my butt sticking up next to the path. I felt a little vulnerable &  self-conscious, but I wasn’t going to pass up this magic light moment.
Following your flow sometimes means not minding what others think. 
Enjoy this 4.5-minute stroll with me in the video above.
Which is your favourite part? If you’re into swans like me, my painting “Call to Swana Grace” is still looking for a home this holiday season. See all my available originals here.
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When the Soul Protests, Listen!

Can you feel when your body, mind or soul protest the track you’re on?

It’s so important to listen to your intuition’s tap on the shoulder before you get hit by a two-by-four (a huge piece of wood for those not familiar with that expression).

I’m so glad I did last week.

I woke up feeling blah, likely because my whole day was planned around the computer again: tech support, webinars, zoom calls, teaching, marketing for this week’s print sale and other tech research & learning.

My soul was protesting, but I had so much work to do. 

I didn’t listen at first, but the physical, mental and emotional discomfort were growing as I sat at my desk trying to get into my work.

I was reminded of when I almost burned out building my website because of all the pressure I put on myself.

Luckily, I’ve learned that the energy we put into projects is as important, if not more, than just getting it done.

Getting into vibrational alignment with your True Self is crucial for good results and your personal definition of success. 

I’m getting faster at responding to those taps on the shoulder. Literally.

When the sun came out after a heavy night’s rain, warming my right shoulder, I smiled.

It felt like God telling me “You can’t afford to skip a morning walk today. You’re going to be on the computer until 9pm, Sweetheart. GET OUT!” Yes, that last part sounded very loud!

So I did. I took 2 hours to walk the neighbourhood loop, twice as long as usual, but you’ll see why in the 5.5-minute video above.

My heart warmed at all my puppy encounters and rejoiced at giving the sweetest cat a good loving in between filming. Isn’t it precious how she backtracked to thank me before saying goodbye to go visit Terri and her golden retriever Charlie?

I came home in a state of playful bliss, just in time for my 1.5-hour tech support call and still got all my work done after that – much more efficiently & effectively.

I was reminded of the quote I have on my wall –

“When you are in vibrational harmony, your body produces whatever it needs to remain in perfect balance” – Abraham Hicks

So when your soul protests and calls you to love yourself and others through a different way of being or doing, listen. 

You won’t regret it! I didn’t.

I even got another fun video to share from the experience. Yay! I do love to share!

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The Art of Sacred Ceremony

Co-creating sacred ceremony with friends is a powerful way to connect to an intention, each other, your intuition, and whatever Greater Divine Intelligence you believe in. 

Ceremony has brought people together throughout the ages, religious traditions, spiritual communities, special occasions, and more.

Attending a well-crafted, energy-filled event led by a ceremonial master is an amazing experience. You can likely find some in your area for everything from holidays, historical commemorations, significant life transitions, to the phases of the moon and the seasons.

Getting together with a few friends to create your own ceremony through a series of both planned and spontaneous rituals is what I’m inviting you to consider in these times when large events are discouraged.

  • Pick an occasion or intention, a time and a place.
  • Ask all involved to contribute in any way they feel inspired to.
  • Allow room for spontaneity within a structure.
  • Have an open mind and an open heart to give space for each other’s self-expression.
  • See each other with the eyes of your soul.
  • Have faith that your presence & offering makes a difference.
  • Be you.
  • Truly see, accept and love the others as they share.
  • Truly see, accept and love yourself for your thoughts, feelings, contributions and experiences.
  • Play with it – it doesn’t have to be solemn & serious.

Our 11/11 Sacred Ceremony

Did you watch the 5.5-minute video at the top of this post?

May our ceremony inspire ideas for your own. Here’s how it happened.

  1. My friend Kerri Best asked if I’d like to commemorate the 11/11 portal in nature with her.
  2. I invited my friend Leslie Bridger to join us as I knew they’d enjoy each others’ company
  3. Kerri suggested going to the waterfall at Flatrock, my favourite energy vortex on the island of Newfoundland, which she had never been to.
  4. We decided that the ceremony would start at 11:11am and go to at least 1:11pm, so we carpooled there early to spend time appreciating nature.
  5. Each brought something to contribute to the ceremony, warm clothes for comfort on the cold rocks, and lunch.
  6. We started by taking turns leading in a prayer or activity and followed the flow, knowing we’d likely not have time for everything, but that whatever happened would be perfect.

Be creative. Tune in and follow your inner guidance. What are objects, activities, texts, and rituals that are significant for you? Here are some of the elements we chose to include in our ceremony:

  • objects for the altar cloth (crystals, a candle, photo of “Arms Wide Open” created after a previous ceremony at the grotto nearby)
  • prayer for an opening to the 11/11 portal energies & intentions
  • a minute of silence for Remembrance Day
  • gratitude to our Teams of Divine Helpers,  Mother Earth & ancestors of the land
  • grounding with bare hands on the rocks
  • Gros Morne Elixirs herbal balms for “Surrender” and “Divine Union” created by our friend Alison Normore
  • Red & White Spring waters from my trip to Glastonbury to harmonize the sacred feminine & masculine – intuition into action
  • a selection of oracle cards – the one in the video is from the Earth Warriors Oracle: Rise of the Soul Tribe of Sacred Guardians and Inspired Visionaries deck
  • smudge with sacred Palo Santo wood smoke to help release what no longer serves us
  • a recorded 11:11 activation meditation with Melanie Beckler
  • holding space for each other’s intentions & Highest Good
  • writing & burning what we’re ready to let go of
  • writing and soaking in both holy & salt water what we’re ready to manifest
  • sharing in a meal together and nature contemplation
  • delighting in surprises, like when I discovered a patch of fresh mint as I was answering a call of nature- literally! Ha ha! (I did list “play” in the above list. Truly, realizing I was surrounded in the sweetest fragrance as I was peeing out in the open was a memorable moment in this wonderful day!

I am so grateful to my 2 good friends for having shared such a heart-warming, soul-nourishing time together in nature.

If you haven’t yet, watch the video at the top of the post and if you’re moved to, invite loved ones to share in whatever kind of sacred ceremony you’re inspired to co-create together for whatever reason. 


***P.S. All prints in your choice of size & medium, including “With Arms Wide Open”, are 20% off (plus free shipping in Canada) from November 19-25. Use the code ARTsale at checkout – see them all here.

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Hug a Tree For Me, For You, For Us & For Them All

Do you miss hugs? I do.

COVID-19 has put a real damper on the number of hugs I give & receive in a week.

I’m the kind of person who instilled hugging cultures even in unexpected places like entrepreneurial networking events. Of course I always ask if someone would like one first as some may not be comfortable hugging. That’s OK too.

I, however, love authentic hugs.

Hugs have so many benefits – they reduce pain, fear & stress and boost your heart health & immunity.

They’re also a great way to communicate love & support.

Tree Hugging

I’ve always been a tree hugger. I’m hugging a lot more this year because the human variety is less available.

Trees help me feel grounded and connected at the same time.

When I’m stressed, I can feel them absorb that stress and pour it into the ground, where it’s transmuted into something that can serve the planet … you know, like fertilizer.

I also feel trees help me reach higher, bring my energy up, reaching through their branches into the heavens, far above the drama of the details.

And sometimes, when a tree is stressed, I feel it reaching out to me, asking for my love and attention.

Every time I do energy healing on a tree, I can feel that the love flowing through me is also being passed along to a whole network of trees and plants via their roots.

Turns out, as the BBC video (1:48) below shows, that I wasn’t far off.

There’s all sorts of communication and exchange happening under the surface. This is so cool !

My Birthday Wish!

As I paused to think about my birthday this year (Thursday, November 12th), I received a vision.

I saw people all around the world hugging trees, knowing that I’d be receiving their hugs through the intricate communication system that exists between these Standing People.

So I’m going to be hugging trees all month… and beyond. When I do, I’ll not only connect to my tree brothers and sisters but to my human family too.

I’ll imagine those hugs being received by anyone asking for their messages when they hug a tree, tapping into the wood wide web.

So no matter where I am or where you are, we still get to hug each other! Yay!

Know that you’re not only receiving the love of Mother Earth, you’re getting mine too – not to mention the love of all those using the tree connection network.

And when you hug a tree, think of me. I’ll get it – if not on that day, whenever I hug a tree next.

This way, we all benefit. Me. You. Trees. And anyone connecting to the entire planet’s underground wood wide web.

Hug away! What a great way to celebrate life this year.

You’ve received the invitation. Will you come to the party?


Send Me Your Tree-Hugging Photo

To be included in my birthday hug video, please send me your photo by December 1st. Thank you! Send by email to [email protected] or by FB Messenger.

P.S. The model in my video at the top of this post is my good friend Leslie Bridger, another famous hugger here in St. John’s. We didn’t see much of each other in October due to both our travels – so I’m feeling the lack of hugs even more. But out of every challenge comes gifts – this inspiration is one of them.

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In Thanksgiving – Tors Cove Video

Gratitude is a powerful thing.

When you keep finding things to appreciate in your life, your positive feelings improve. And what’s not to like about raising your vibration?

The bonus is that each time you find something to be thankful for, you tell the Universe to bring more of what’s in that same essence to you.

I smiled in the middle of the night as I found myself thankful for the comfort of indoor plumbing! I didn’t do it to attract more comfort in my life. However, I know that will be a ripple effect of my attitude of gratitude.

Do you have a gratitude practice?

Some like to end their day writing in a gratitude journal. Others name 5 things they’re grateful for the instant their feet hit the ground in the morning. Many regularly practice a rampage of appreciation as taught by Abraham-Hicks. Others kneel in prayer to give thanks on Sundays. Some have gratitude buddies, with whom they share their daily appreciation. And, once a year, people gather on Thanksgiving weekend to feast and publicly share their appreciation.

No matter what your gratitude habit looks like, having one will definitely improve your life. It has mine!

Right before Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, I headed 45 minutes out of St. John’s with my friend Kerri Best for another barter staycation at The Alcove Airbnb on Tors Cove Pond, thanks again to my friend Gordon Martin of People, Places & Things.

There was so much to be grateful for during those 4 days, which I visually expressed in this video.

The text was written in the following 2 weeks. It isn’t based solely on what I’m grateful for now in my life. It’s also based on what I’m thankful for in the vision of the life I’m consciously creating and manifesting. This came out of the work I’d done in the past year writing my Lifebook, part of a Mindvalley course with Jon & Missy Butcher to help “design & achieve your vision of success in all 12 dimensions of your life.

Not everything in it may apply to you – for example, in the parenting category, I talk about pets. And being single, I express my thanks for the relationship I’m attracting.

As you listen to the 26-minute video above, allow the energy of gratitude to inspire you. It doesn’t matter that not all of it applies to you.

Sharing in my thanksgiving will add momentum to both our lives. Thanks for that!

Below is the written text in case you want to use it as the basis to write / record your own.

Your Turn

Let’s start a rampage of appreciation right here on my blog.

What are 3 things you’re grateful for? Big or small.

Write them in the comments at the end of this post.

In Thanksgiving

Thank you for this journey of constant transformation that I may emerge more fully into my True Self.

I know that when my heart sings, I am on the Right Path, ever growing in love & beauty, ever thriving through the Rhythms of life.



“I already have it all. I already am it all. I’m already more than enough. It’s already done. So it is. So I let it be.” Derek Rydall

I’m so thankful that as I answer my Spirit Calls, I clearly, easily, and gracefully manifest whatever is in my Highest Good.

Thank you for the deep happiness that arises within me as I open to the world of Guidance and synchronicities.

Thank you for my awakening into the highest vibrancy of a Reality of both spirit and matter.

Thank you for the love, beauty, and quality experiences that nourish my soul.

Thank you for my inner and outer travels and my presence in this life.

Thank you for the simple, peaceful, comfortable sanctuaries I call home.

Thank you for my healthy lifestyle supported by the Universe’s many helpers and channels for abundance.

I’m grateful for simple living.

I’m grateful that as I live true to my Higher Self, I allow my Light & Love to shine.

I appreciate that the more aligned my quality of life, the more fully I can live and the more deeply I can love.

I’m thankful for the happiness and joy I can radiate all around me.

Thank you for unveiling my birthright, experiences that spark my childlike curiosity and wonder.

And thank you for my ability to transform my experiences into contributions.



Thank you for this vessel through which Source Energy can flow.

I value my healthy body, this sacred vehicle full of energy & self-healing power.

Thank you for my ability to listen to its needs & messages.

I’m grateful for this body that works optimally and effortlessly to be well…

That I may have the freedom to be, do & have.

I feel blessed by physical, mental & emotional strength and intelligence,

The wisdom to make ever healthier choices,

Graceful posture and movement through life.

I’m so thankful for the vibrational harmony my body produces to remain in perfect balance.

Thank you, dear body, for helping me awaken the “I Am” presence in your living sensations that ground me in the here & now.

I’m grateful for vitality, for nourishing whole foods prepared with love, for body workers who support my commitment to optimal health, and for my physical expressions of joy, passion, and gratitude for life.

Thank you, dear body for taking care of me, for being my trusted partner and ally in this lifetime.



Thank you for my intelligence deeply rooted in my emotions and spirituality.

I appreciate the daily reminders to plug into the Earth and stay in tune with Creation.

I value the flourishing garden of my mind that I constantly weed & nourish.

I am so thankful for the power to change through awareness.

I’m grateful for my connection to my Higher Self to make choices that are aligned with it despite what my ego or subconscious mind say.

I’m blessed by the knowledge that I bring about what I think about.

And my ability to change my thoughts so that I can change my world.

So thank you for the tools & resources to cultivate my inner world,

For my love of learning,

For the inspiration within and all around me

For my imagination and intuition

I appreciate the guidance of my Higher Self,

My single-minded focus on achieving my heart-centred goals,

My clarity of vision & purpose

Thank you for the activation of my Divine Intelligence

And the courage to live my life the way I was meant to live it.

It makes my heart smile to know I’m motivated to nurture what serves my Highest Good and to let go of the rest.

I value conscious living and appreciate my commitment to think deeply and deliberately about my life.

I acknowledge the importance of an alert and calm mind, a source of happiness and health.

I’m so thankful for my growing ability to embrace life’s mystery & splendour.

Thank you for the resources to boost my brain power through nutrition, meditation, inspiration and true education.

I value this uncluttered focused mind and the balance between my intellectual input and output, the balance between giving & receiving in ways that nourish my heart, soul, and mind.



I’m so grateful for encountering the force field of my soul through my emotions.

Thank you for my Emotional Guidance System,

Opening me to the truth of who I am and the Divine Love that surrounds and infuses me.

I’m grateful for being guided to do the heart-smart things to do, choosing consistently great emotions, knowing that the emotions I feel are indicators of whether I’m in vibrational alignment with my Higher Self.

Thank you for my intuition as the compass to a life of love, peace, joy, health, wealth, happiness, freedom, integrity and creativity.

I’m thankful for the time I spend every day to fine tune my emotional instrument with meditation, grounding, nature, dance, yoga, and more.

I appreciate choosing to live in the feeling tone – scheduling time in activities, places, and with people that resonate with my heart’s desires.

Thank you for the ability to be conscious, accepting and learning from my emotions.

My emotional insight & control,

The ability to create the emotions that I want in my life.

I’m so grateful for all the times when what I think, say, and do are in harmony.

I value my understanding and wholehearted belief that nobody can create my happiness other than me.

Thank you for the knowledge that I can be happy no matter what.

My heart sings when I’m moved to nurture and guide the emotions that support the life I truly want to live,

Those emotions that empower my relationships.

Thank you for the gifts my emotions give me when I listen & learn from them.

I recognize that life is moving me in a more expansive direction with ease & grace.

I feel blessed to know that as I continue to reach for higher frequencies, I attract more of what resonates at that same frequency.

I acknowledge that I’m a spiritual being having a human experience for the fun of it – that being happy is the whole point.

I’m grateful for the paradigm shifts and my ability to let go.

Thank you for reminding me to ask “What would love do now?”,

I value my introspection and growing capacity to be grateful and to allow more joy into my life.



I’m so grateful that more of my true nature is emerging no matter the conditions.

I value my strong character that I continue to craft,

My self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-love.

Thank you for helping me make the choices and decisions to do and be the right thing.

I appreciate this life by design guided by deeply engrained values.

I’m so grateful for my life of love, spirituality, beauty, inspiration, integrity, freedom & creativity.

Thank you for the opportunities to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love

I’m so thankful for the growth that comes from stretching my comfort zones

I appreciate all the Universe’s support to choose love over fear in my actions, reactions and interactions.

I value my connection to my Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers and the time I invest in nurturing these life-affirming relationships.

Thank you for helping me be trustworthy, honest, reliable, sincere, and loving for myself and those around me

I’m so thankful that as I follow my flow, the who, what, when, where, why and how that best matches my inner callings reveal themselves

I’m grateful for my pleasure in being creative, my art, my life.

“I surrender to the Highest Vision of my life, to the Highest impulse of my soul. Yes, I’m willing, Yes, I’m ready. Yes, I can. Yes, I am!”

It warms my heart that I wake up and go to bed feeling good about myself and the difference I’m making in my various roles in life.

I feel blessed to know that as I strengthen my character, I allow the best of me I can be to emerge more fully into my life, inspiring others to do the same.



I’m grateful for my belief that there exists something mysterious, deep, invisible and eternal that connects everything and everyone everywhere.

I so value my personal relationship with God, the Universe, my entire Team of Divine Helpers.

Thank you for this Path I’ve chosen to walk in this lifetime as an individualized expression of the Divine.

I so appreciate my interconnectedness with All That Is.

I’m thankful that as I raise my consciousness and live my best life, I’m inherently in the service of others – inspiring and leading through example.

Thank you for reminding me of who I truly am, helping me find the peace, love and happiness that have always been at my core.

Thank you for teaching me that the more I thrive in my simply rich & happy Spirit driven life, the more I experience and inspire love, peace, joy, beauty, creativity, wellness, integrity and freedom.

Thank you for showing me that the more fellow human beings I serve as an instrument of Divine Peace, the happier, wealthier and freer we all become.

I appreciate your guiding me to be the shining Light & Love I was always meant to be

I’m grateful for my practice of the 7 Sacred Gifts – Giving Away, Forgiving, Giving Thanks, Giving Forth, Giving UP, Giving in, and Giving to myself.

I’m grateful that as I reconnect to my True Self, I journey the Path all the way home to my Self, God, and all beings.



Thank you for the love relationships of my past that have helped shape me into who I am today.

I value how they’ve allowed me to emerge more fully into who I truly am, into love.

Thank you for the extraordinary man, the right man for me, who is finding his way to me for the Highest Good of us both and the Greater Good of the planet.

I’m so grateful for my belief in the deepest kind of romantic connection, in divine union with a divine purpose as I attract the perfect partner for me.

Thank you for the unconditional love that I’m learning to give & receive, that love that comes from being seen, accepted and loved for who we truly are.

I so appreciate the vision of sacred teamwork nourishing this garden of truth, purpose, passion, abundance, fun, inspiration, love, beauty, happiness & creativity.

Thank you for supporting this openness to True Love, Real Love – a love that brings us closer to God.

Thank you for my Twin Flame and all my Soul Mates that have helped prepare me for our joining.



Thank you for the 4-legged creatures that have spent time in my life, offering me a window to my soul.

I’m grateful to have been a pack leader, a guardian and a companion to these blessed creatures.

It was my honour to have them open me even further to unconditional love.

I valued their support in my exploration and expression of the love of beauty and the beauty of love.

I welcomed the laughter these furry soul mates, friends and teachers offered.

I’m thankful that when the time is right, more pets will grace my life.

Until then, I value the joy & hugs I receive from my neighbours’ and friends’ bundles of joy.



Thank you for my human family, my blood relations and my friends.

I’m so grateful for the inner circles I have been blessed to have in all the places that I’ve lived.

I so value the giving and receiving, the heart to heart and soul to soul connections.

I’m thankful that I’ve learned more about myself through my deep connection to others – seeing myself through the mirror of their eyes, giving me a fresh perspective on myself and my life.

I value the relationships that stimulate me, open me up, pull me forward and never hold me back.

I recognize that some friendships are for a chapter and others for a lifetime, blessings both.

It warms my heart to know that it’s thanks to my family & friends that I’m increasingly present, loving, compassionate, and authentic with those I’m with at the time.

Thank you for the ability to attract, develop and keep extraordinarily deep & loving friendships that enhance the being, doing, giving and receiving in my life.

I’m grateful for our shared time and support we offer each other in our emergence – seeing, accepting and loving the truth in each other.

I’m grateful to have friends that help me lift myself up to greater heights as I do for them.

Thank you for the balance between my much-needed time alone and my quality soul-nourishing and fun time with others.

I recognize how these relationships connect me in a more tangible way with humanity.

I so value our mutual understanding, appreciation, acceptance and growing unconditional love.

I’m thankful for my healthy social network in my home environment, social circles and work – opening me up to new internal and external experiences.

I appreciate the people who inspire me, challenge me to rise higher, making me a better human being.



Thank you for the abundance in my life in all its forms.

I’m grateful for all the channels of wealth that open me up to creating, sharing and celebrating what is good in the world.

Thank you for my prosperity and the ability to fully experience life through it.

I’m so glad my inner and outer wealth mirror the abundant nature of the Universe. I love that I’m so rich in so many ways.

I recognize that money is a form of spiritual energy that fuels expanded freedom, choices and wellness.

I love what money can do for myself and others. I admire and respect it.

I’m so thankful that how I earn and spend money contributes to that flow of energy in the world.

I’m grateful for my healthy, peaceful, loving relationship with money as it flows into my life with ease & grace.

Thank you for my Right Living, my passive income, my ability to generate abundance in its many forms.

I’m so thankful that it’s helping me explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love in all areas of my life.

I’m grateful for the peace of mind wealth has fostered in me so that I may more easily connect to my intuition, my limitless potential and life purpose.

Thank you for my financial intelligence and the resources that have helped me earn, save, and spend in alignment with my values.



I’m so grateful for my successful life, which is as unique as is my definition of success.

I’m thankful for my rewarding career that is rooted in the rich soil of my soul.

I love what I do and it loves me.

I’m a natural at what I do and get better at it the more I do it.

I appreciate that what I do adds love and beauty to the world.

Thank you for guiding me to do what nourishes me on so many levels, including financially.

I’m so glad my work reflects my true spirit.

I so value that the more connected I am to my True Self, the greater difference my career makes in both my life and the lives of others.

Thank you for this me to we creative process that brings us all joy, fulfilment and inspiration.

I’m grateful to wake up excited to immerse myself in the latest Spirit guided creative project.

And thank you for the re-centering, re-generating, relaxing time in between projects to open up to the next inspiration.

I’m thankful to work on my own schedule and mostly on my own until what I’m creating is ready to be shared.

I’m also thankful for blessed collaborations.

My heart sings to know that the more fellow human beings I serve an instrument of love & light, the happier, healthier, wealthier and freer we all become.

I love that my career is my spiritual path and my spiritual path is my career.

I’m rich because of it – on all levels.

Thank you for the simplicity, clarity, alignment and abundance I strive for in the inner and outer work that guides my career path.

I’m grateful for the developing technical and heart-centred entrepreneurial skills that guide my practice.

Thank you for the resources, training and inspiration that keep me heading in the right direction.

Thank you for my growing self-resiliency, self-confidence, resourcefulness and courage that help me thrive in the service of the Greater Good.

I so value that what I do is in harmony with the Universe, turning transactional relationships into transformational ones.



Thank you for my ideal home.

Thank you for my ideal day.

Thank you for my level of health & fitness.

Thank you for how I grow intellectually.

Thank you for my constant emotional experience.

Thank you for the specific character traits I’ve built.

Thank you for all I do to feel spiritually connected.

Thank you for my ideal relationship.

Thank you for my wonderful family life.

Thank you for my beloved friendships.

Thank you for my new & improved financial life.

Thank you for my dream career.

Thank you for my high-quality lifestyle.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Life’s a Puzzle!

I have to thank my friends Elaine Hann and Kerri Best  for inspiring this fun 3-minute video. 

I must have lit up last week when I spotted the puzzles on a shelf at an Airbnb Kerri and I were staying at. I told her it had been about 40 years since I’d made one. I used to love puzzles! But between my photography job, filming, walks, kayak rides, cooking and reading, I never pulled one off the shelf.

So after our hike last Tuesday, when Kerri dropped me off for my housesitting gig at Elaine’s Whale Watcher House & Apartments in St. Micheal’s, she handed me gift – a puzzle box with 500 tiny pieces.

I admit, I was intimidated after pouring the contents of the box on the table.

I almost put the pieces back in the box. “I don’t have time for this!”, “That’s way too big a job!”, “This doesn’t look fun!”, “You need a magnifying glass to do this!”

But then I put those thoughts aside.

I remembered some of the strategies I’d learned as a kid.

First, pull aside the pieces with flat edges.

Next, group them by colour.

Then, work on one small section at a time.

When it’s no longer fun, take a break and come back with a fresh perspective.

As soon as I’d started, I let go of everything I thought I should be doing.

I really got into it – both the puzzle-making and the life lessons the process brought to the surface.

After all, my time was mine. No obligations!

This was the first of my 9 staycations this year that I wasn’t “on the job” – either as an exchange for my photography or full-time sketching. Plus, I’d already made a movie of my stay here.

This St. Michael’s staycation brought me full circle from my adventure here last May, when I created “A Prayer For Our Times“.

This time, my intention was to connect to my Team of Divine Helpers, relax one day in nature, and work on a few unfinished creative projects.

Then this happened and I’m glad it did. Enjoy!

Life is a Puzzle

Here’s the text from the 3-minute video above. Enjoy both its scenery & message. 


Embrace the mystery with the dawning of each new day.
Greet it, open and willing to allow Love & Light to reveal themselves.
Fear not. Step into your life with eyes wide open.
Be ready. Be willing. You’ve got this!

And when you feel overwhelmed or scared of the task at hand,
Pause, breathe deeply, reconnect to your Life Force.
Bring the vision of your ideal life to mind and to heart.
Look how far you’ve already come in building the framework of your life.
Listen to your inner guidance.
Then, create a strategy.
Focus single-mindedly on your heart goals
One inspired step at a time.
Be fully present
And watch the windows of opportunity reveal themselves to you.

Your here & now are your home.
Live fully in it
With a clear picture of where you’re going in your heart.
Stay tuned in to your emotional guidance system
That keeps you on track and aligned
No matter the weather.

One piece at a time
Through the blessings and challenges
Happening for you, not to you
Stay on track.
And let the sheep go about their business.

Open the windows to your heart.
Trust in your evolving life purpose.
Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to assist you
And know their answers are all around you.
Piece by piece
With each window of opportunity
The picture reveals itself.

Some sections may be harder than others.
The missing piece to one project might show up much later.
You may have to rearrange pieces to find the perfect fit.
Trust in Divine Timing
And stand tall in the strong winds of life.

You are more than good enough.
You’re magnificent.
Your life is already the full picture of who you are.
Allow it to emerge one inspired piece at a time.
As you awaken your soul
And fulfill your destiny.

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