The 3 paintings in this week’s Love Oracle series were all contestants in the Newfoundland & Labrador Arts & Letters Awards competition in recent years.
The one on the left, “Every Dot a Prayer” was a 1st Prize winner in 2019 and hung in the prestigious The Rooms cultural facility.
After 4 months of keeping them a secret during the jurying process of their respective year, however, the other 2 didn’t win nor were they a part of the finalists exhibition. But that’s OK. They were still winners on many levels.
That’s what inspired this week’s Love Oracle Messages below.
Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, revealing which of the messages below speaks most to your life right now. May it confirm for you that you’re always a winner.
Love Oracle Message 1: Teach What You Learn
Dear Beloved,
Life is a learning process. Whether you’re learning something new, diving deeper into the layers of learning, or being reminded of previous lessons you need to re-connect to, know that your journey can serve more than just you.
The best way to integrate something is to repeat it – sharing what you’ve learned until it becomes even more ingrained in your way of being.
You may stumble and have to re-learn something. That’s OK. The stumble doesn’t make you a loser. The willingness to learn again or on a deeper level makes you a winner.
What part of your learning process can help those around you?
The best way to learn something is to teach it.
When I was guided to create the Re-Connecting Collection of 11 paintings exploring my spiritual journey, I had no idea what I would discover or recover from the depths of my soul and the steps of my life.
This painting, the first in the series, launched an intense year of co-creation.
The best way for me to integrate the lessons from Spirit and the intuitive painting process was to share them.
Once the whole collection was finished, I created a series of 11 Re-Connect to your True Self video lessons to help others benefit from the inner & outer work I’d done. My journey was now of service to others.
What about you?
Has a “mistake” led you to an opportunity to emerge more fully as your True Self?
You may be moved to share a humbling or inspiring story or a life-enhancing skill.
What now comes naturally to you may be exactly what someone else needs to learn.
Whether it be a skill or learning from a “mistake”, share of yourself.
Your life makes a difference.
You make a difference through all of your being & doing. Thank you!
Painting: Every Dot a Prayer (48″ x 24″) –Professional acrylics, green moss agate & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. SOLD Prints available here.
Love Oracle Message 2: Do What You Love
Dear Beloved,
When an artist submits to the Arts & Letters competition, they only submit images of the artwork without explanations.
One of the jury notes for this one stated that there was no obvious reason for my choice of using 2 canvases instead of one.
I could easily see why they would say that. Art is extremely personal and although the reasons were obvious to me, I couldn’t expect someone else to get it … unless they did.
I reflected on the comment and knew that if I could do it over again, I would still choose to do this painting on 2 canvases.
The space between the seen reality in “Sunset in the Dreamtime” is the gateway, the portal to the unseen, with the support of the crystals to help enter otherworld journeys – awake or asleep.
Although it wasn’t a winner in the competition, it was still a winner in my life.
First, as it hung on my wall during the 4 months when it couldn’t be revealed to the public in any way, it acted as a constant reminder of my magical sunset kayak journey on the Mobile Canal with friends.
Second, every time I walked by it, it reminded me of the importance to take time to get out in nature to enjoy the types of activities that elevate my vibration and nourish my soul.
The kayak, the stones, the energy-work, the texture and colours – and the space in between – all nudged me to co-create days & nights in a way to connect to the power of awe and gratitude.
Over and over, this painting worked its magic on me. And when I followed up on its intuitive nudges, I felt like a winner.
The fact it wasn’t a winner in others’ eyes didn’t make it a loser. It didn’t make me a loser either. I didn’t take it personally at all.
So be a winner in your own heart, mind and eyes. Do what you love for the reasons you love it. No explanations needed. No one else’s judgments need apply.
Painting: “Sunset in the dreamtime” (9″ x 12″ + 12″ x 24 = 12″ x 36″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, labradorite & rose quarts on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. CAD $1,277 – Buy it here.
Love Oracle Message 3: Re-Align Time and Time Again
Dear Beloved,
Your life is perfectly evolving layer by layer, building on all your past & present experiences, values, lessons, etc.
What you may consider mistakes, losses, or challenges are all opportunities to learn, grow, and know yourself better.
By recognizing and not harping on what doesn’t work or feel good in your life, you get to co-create what does.
Your job is to notice when your body, mind and spirit are getting out of alignment with your Higher Self and to be & do what it takes to get back on track – your track.
This doesn’t mean rejecting the past and all that’s in it. It also doesn’t mean hanging on to it so tightly that it can’t expand from there.
Take this painting, for example. I just found out it isn’t a finalist in this year’s Arts & Letters Awards. But every time I look it, it reminds me that I’ve already won.
What did I win? I won a huge lesson in non-attachment.
You see, beneath it, is the painting “The Universe is My Creative Playground” – # 6 in the Re-Connecting Collection. It was an important piece with many valuable lessons to share.
Painting people, and especially faces, however, has never been my forte. So although it was part of a few exhibitions and I still offer prints, I didn’t enjoy having it on my own walls and couldn’t imagine anyone buying it. So, one day, after weeks of being intuitively guided to, I finally decided to paint over it. And now I absolutely love it!!!
That was a huge step in non-attachment as it was part of a collection. But how absolutely freeing!
Elements of that original painting can still be seen, infusing the final piece with previous colour, symbolism, texture and energy blended into the newness that now makes “Divine Essence” what it is. Can you see the eye next to the wrist in the white light ray?
The whole intuitive painting process means having to let go of what is to open to what it’s becoming. In this case, even when the painting had been publicly declared “finished”.
You too are a work in progress. That in itself makes you a winner!
Enjoy the daily wins that come through your choices in being & doing, letting go of what keeps you stuck and stagnant.
Have fun being grateful for what was because it’s led you to what is and opens you up to what’s becoming. Bravo!
And when you notice that you’re out of alignment, time and time again, make the necessary adjustments to feel and be your best on all levels. Be true to Your Self and shine, beloved. You’re a radiant winning star … just as you are… for now!
Painting: Divine Essence (24″ x 48″) Professional acrylics, mica (love & compassion), lapis lazuli (for power, wisdom, honesty, truth, vision, harmony, inner peace, protection, self-awareness & self-expression) & energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. CAD $3700 – Buy it here.