The Power of Symbolism
Our Teams of Divine Helpers are speaking to us all the time in response to our conscious and subconscious request.
Often, this communication comes in the form of symbolism in our everyday world – what you see.
They may place something on your path, in a newspaper headline, in a movie you’re watching, and in your dreams.
When you see it, if you’re open to such communication, you’ll recognize it as a clue or an answer to a prayer.
Yes, there are universal meanings to symbols. A quick Google search can help you access these.
I also believe that you are the best to interpret the symbols you receive based on your life experience.
Your Team knows what will speak to you.
An example I often use when teaching about intuition (free tutorial here) is breadcrumbs on the ground. This may remind you of:
- happy times feeding the pigeons with your grandmother, or;
- the sick feeling in your stomach you got when reading Hansel & Gretel when the birds ate the trail left by the children when their parents abandoned them in the forest. They got lost….
So you see that the same symbol can mean different things to different people. Trust that your Team is using symbols you will relate to.
That’s why, when I channel a Divine Storytelling Time intuitive reading package, I let the client decipher their symbolism-rich story on their own. You’re the very best person to figure out what something means to you.
The beauty with this empowering offering is that if you listen to your hour-long story on a week when certain issues are at the forefront of your life, certain parts of the story and symbolism will speak to you a certain way.
Two weeks later, when you’ve got a different question in your heart, the same symbol will have a different meaning. Or other parts of the story will catch your attention instead, providing Guidance on your path.
The more you work with your package over months and even years, the stronger your intuition and the clearer your decision-making will become.
Symbolic Inspiration on my Flight Home
The sky has always been a powerful symbol for me.
I’m fond of the expression that we are the sky. Thoughts and emotions are like weather passing through our sky, but we remain the clear sunny sky at our core.
Connecting with my Team when flying is something I enjoy, believing somehow that communication is easier without all the distractions and interference on the ground.
I’m sure my Catholic upbringing with stories of Heaven up in the sky has influenced that.
On my flight back to Newfoundland from Ottawa (via Halifax seen in the video), I was thrilled to get a window seat.
I’d set out to write to and pray for a loved one who is courageously moving forward on her healing journey.
As I asked for inspiration, the evolving scene outside my window kept pulling my attention.
The trip went by so quickly as I witnessed & filmed the progression of our flight through layers of clouds and finally up above into the sunlight.
I put my Team’s message of encouragement in this short video. I hope it will inspire you, no matter what kind of journey you’re on.
Remember, you are a Light, of the Light. May your radiance shine on!