Reconnecting to your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers through your intuition is made a whole lot easier when you’re aware of all your senses.
This mindfulness walk exercise will help you do that. As a bonus, time in nature does wonders for your health and happiness.
So give this a try!
It could be in your neighbourhood park, urban nature trail, or out in the wilderness.
Getting to know your inner landscape via a journey on Mother Earth’s landscapes is best done alone or with others also dedicated to the process. So if you choose to do it with friends, I encourage you to do each step respecting each other’s space. You can take time in between steps to share.
The more you practice, the more mindful and in tune you’ll become. Bring water & a snack for one of the exercises. Enjoy the process.
P.S. The video above is of a recent walk around Long Pond in St. John’s – a little eye candy to inspire you to explore neighbouring nature spots.
A. Intention Setting & Affirmation
As you arrive at your location, set an intention for your walk. What feeling would you like more of in your life?
Ask your heart, Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers (whomever that is for you) to support you on this journey to your intention.
Then create an affirmation that carries the essence of that intention.
Use the affirmative and present tense. Include what you’re aiming for, not what you’re trying to get away from. For example, “I am at peace.” is much better than “There is less chaos in my life”. In the latter, the Universe only hears “chaos please”. It doesn’t take negations into account.
Once you’re clear on your affirmation, activate your throat chakra by declaring it out loud with feeling. Your throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. Declaring that it’s already true on some level beyond time and space is empowering. This is a great opportunity to let go of what others think – lol!
Pick up a stone, stick, or other gift from nature that you’ll carry with you on your walk.
Take 3 deep breaths and blow your intention and affirmation into your object.
Next, ask your Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers to help you release everything that doesn’t serve you and to open you to what does.
Blow the first layer of blocks into your object, asking Mother Nature to help you transmute those energies. You don’t have to be conscious of what they are, but if you can name them, go ahead.
Put your stone/stick in your pocket until the end of the trail or hold it in your hand.
As you carry your chosen object, also carry all those who would benefit from your achieving this intention in your heart. For example, if you were more at peace, you may bring your family, co-workers, grocery store checkout clerks, and pets to mind and to heart.
Manifesting what we want in our lives is always improved by recognizing all others who would also benefit from that manifestation.
Decide in advance how long your first section of the path will be. Then, tell your Team of Divine Helpers and Higher Self, “From here to there, I’m awakening my sight”.
For this first part of the trail, focus on what you see.
Mindfully direct your gaze to what’s close-up, at medium-view and far away. Look up, look down, look all around.
Take the perspective of a squirrel, a child, and a bird.
Take your time. See like you’ve never seen before.
Allow your childlike curiosity & wonder to guide you.
For the next section, focus on what you hear.
Use your inner and outer ears: pay attention to the voices in your heart & mind as well as your environment.
What do you hear nearby or in the distance?
What sounds are you contributing?
What noise in your head is interfering with your being fully present?
Notice any judgments and let things be as they are. Simply increase your awareness.
As you walk your next declared section of the path, pay attention to what you feel, inside & out.
Does your environment or your emotions evoke memories?
What’s the temperature? Can you feel the elements on your skin, in your hair?
If someone is near you, close your eyes and feel their presence as they walk by.
What other body sensations can you feel? Again, close your eyes and take a full body scan.
Then pay attention to how things feel in your hands or against your body – tree branches, moss, wood railings, water, etc.
If you’re near a water current, on a bridge or next to the water, close your eyes and imagine the Water Elements energetically passing through you, carrying away yet another lawyer of the obstacles to your welcoming your intention into your life.
When that feels complete, repeat your affirmation out loud or in your heart.
For this section, breathe deeply and fill your lungs with Life Force, your connection to Spirit.
Then pay attention to what you’re smelling.
Does one kind of tree smell different than another? Rub pine needles . Get down on your knees to smell the moss or wildflowers. Hold up some dirt, rocks, etc.
Keep searching for new fragrances to awaken your sense of smell until you come to a nice spot to sit.
Mindfully enjoy your snack with your eyes closed. Fully taste each sip & bite, awakening your sense of taste.
It’s not true that water is tasteless… can you taste it?
Also, if there is anything in your environment that is safe to taste, go ahead. There is so much in nature that is tasty and healthy. Foraging is a great hobby if you want to learn more about where you live.
As you walk your next stated area, ask your heart, Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers an open question related to your intention.
For example, “How can I experience more peace in my life?”
Then open to answers.
You may get sudden ideas. Or you may know with confidence the meaning / interpretation of something that catches your attention.
Be aware that everything you see, hear, feel, remember, smell and taste holds a clue to your answer.
For example, if a snail catches your eye, it may be a message to slow down.
If the traffic noise annoys you, it could mean “Spend less time in traffic.”, or “Embrace city noises as just another part of your environment”. You’ll know which of these interpretations feels better to you. Trust yourself.
This tool for intuitive guidance is what I call an “Intuitive Walkabout”. Learn more about it in this blog post.
As you spend time in your next dedicated area, reflect on the messages and clues you received.
Come up with 3 inspired actions to implement in your life.
For example, if a snail inspired you to slow down, you may choose to eliminate something from your weekly schedule.
Change can be exciting or scary. Notice any resistance to the inspired actions that percolated to the top of your awareness.
Pause and hug a tree, asking it to help you release any new doubts, resistance and negative energies through its roots. The earth will transmute these to be of service to the planet.
Then ask the branches to help you raise your vibration to help you connect to your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers for even further insights and courage.
Feel the welcoming embrace of this wise connected presence. Let it be your witness as you speak aloud the 3 inspired actions you’re committing to take after today’s Mindfulness Walk. Ask it and its underground network with all trees around the world to support you with your intentions from this day forth.
Then thank your tree-friend for its assistance.
E. Grounding in Gratitude
Find a spot where you’re comfortable taking your shoes off to make skin contact with nature. If the weather and environment permits, lie on the ground with as much exposed skin as appropriate. If it doesn’t, use your bare hands or cheeks.
This will help ground you in the energies of Mother Earth, something that isn’t possible through rubber soles.
As you bask in the beauty of this meditative spot, bring to heart & mind all that you are grateful for (big or small). Don’t just list them, feel them.
Now focus on aspects of your intention that are already present in your life.
Imagine that gratitude like a light infusing every cell of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Feel that energy also being nourished by your contact with nature, be it grass, sand, water or snow.
While consciously walking your last section of your Mindful Walk Exercise, know that you’re leaving an energetic imprint with every step.
Consciously share some of the positive energy you’ve collected on this journey.
Also receive from all those who have walked before you. Only allow in what will serve your Highest Good (you can set this as an intention).
Truly feel that what you did for yourself today in self-care positively affects the whole world.
Greet those you meet along the way, smiling with your whole body. Allow your radiance to shine. You’ll see, it’s contagious.
When you come to the end, blow your affirmation once more into your object (stick, stone, etc.). Kiss it in thanks and give it back to nature.
Know that the current or energy lines of the earth will carry your intention and inspirations around the globe.
Give thanks or close your Mindfulness Walk in whatever manner feels appropriate.
Pay attention to how the Universe responds in the next few days as you turn intuition into action and continue your mindfulness practice in your everyday life.
P.S. Photo: “Dreampath: One Step at a Time” – I have a 24″ x 36″ print on canvas of it for sale if you’d like it – $350 CA. Contact me if interested.