My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

The Art of the Intuitive Mind- Interview & Guided Meditation

In May, Romilly of Rom Pom Pom in the UK hosted the Art of the Intuitive Mind Summit. She gathered 14 creatives, guides, artists, coaches & healers online to connect participants to their inner voice and [re]ignite their inner spark.

I was one of her guests. We pre-recorded both the interview and guided meditation before my sabbatical. Romilly has generously made this recording available so that I may now share it with you.

May it inspire you to live an intuitive life and open up to your creativity in whichever way you are called.

Part 1 – Interview

In this interview Romilly gets me talking about both my intuitive and creative practices & experience. If you’re moved to listen, know that there’s something in it for you. Have fun discovering what that is.

Part 2 – Guided Meditation

This channeled guided visioning meditation is meant to lead you into your own intuitive experience from which you may be inspired to create – in any medium – as an extension of the meditation experience. Feel your way into it.

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The Helping Hands Drum – a commission

When you’re of service to someone, it most often benefits both in some way.

That’s certainly what happened when a new client contacted me to commission a channeled drum for her.

Not only is she helping fund my studies in Italy, she helped me find another expression for my creativity through song. 

The first vision I received as we were chatting on the phone was of a woman standing on an hour-glass shaped path.

The rest came when I sat in meditation, along with many messages.

As I had to wait 2 weeks for this special-ordered drum to arrive in shop, I felt a strong need to express to her all that had come through during that meditation.

My notes became a poem, and the poem a song – my first ever recorded song. This was on week 1.

I sent this voice memo to my client, who shared significant personal meaning in the messages that was truly heart-warming (read her story below).

The following week, I was inspired to sing & record it again in different octaves, learning how to layer them all in Garage Band on my computer. That’s what you’ll hear in the video, along with 2 layers of drum beats from The Blessing Drum, which inspired me to sing.

Since we’re all interconnected, the messages of love & support we receive from our Team of Divine Helpers can also help those who resonate with it. That’s why I’m so big on sharing all I receive in many creative forms. And thats’ why my client agreed to share this song with you.

So if the lyrics in the video below resonate with you, feel free to sing along, imagining Source, angels, Guides, etc. singing to you.

Fly Free

Beloved daughter of the Universe

Cherished child of Mother Earth
Goddess of the Higher Realms
Divine fruit of Gaia’s womb
You’re a traveller on the bridges in between.
Take wings dear One
Set yourself free to soar in the Higher Dimensions
Reach up with an elevated heart
Let go of perceived limitations
And reclaim your innate freedom.
You’re an alchemist & holy dispenser
A vessel for Eternal Wisdom
As you travel your Path
Beyond time and space
Carried by pure consciousness
Your momentum helps raise the vibration
Of those ready to ascend with you
So fill your spirit with deLight
Activating the Gifts within
Open your channels to receive
Listen to your Callings
Then give through compassion & healing
Touching hearts and souls by your very being.
Lifted then lifting
Lifting and lifted
With a helping hand
On your journey between realms
Know you’re making a difference
With outstretched hands
And an open heart
Connected to All that Is
One breath, one heart beat
One drop of Divine essence at a time
You are welcomed
You are seen
You are accepted
You are loved
Thank you for the celestial song
Of your whole being
We are unified through intention and attention
For the Highest Good of All.
So be it. So let it be.

A Few Words From Roxanne

“For most of my life, I’ve hidden in the shadows with what I believe our Creator had planned for my life.

Over the past few years, I’ve accepted who I am truly meant to be, and I’m walking the path on the journey I was destined to take.

Dominique was obviously meant to be part of this journey. I didn’t know her or anything about her, but as things fell into place, so did the connection that we needed to make.

When we talked, Dominique conveyed to me her vision for the drum. I was completely shocked by how much of what she had seen was actually part of my life.

The energetic world has such a connection beyond what most people can understand.

The drum had so many similarities to things happening in my life. The name she was inspired to use, “Helping Hands”, was the same name I had given to a charity I started almost 20 years ago, which Dominique had no connection to.

I’m glad I’ve finally allowed myself to become who I am supposed to be, and I’m very grateful that this path has led me to Dominique, her spirit, her work, and her divine connection.”

Roxanne Weinheber Energetic You Wellness Center in Charlottetown, NL


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Crystal Journey Meditation accompanied by Joan Dohey on Crystal Bowls

When you say yes to a Spirit Call, it’s amazing what happens to help make it happen! 

As soon as I committed to spending 2 months in Italy for my Transformative Art Certification, a series of inspired steps were shown to me in order to both expand on the plan (Mary Magdalene pilgrimage , 4 days solo integration near Monet’s Gardens in Giverny & week in Damanhur) and to finance it (8-painted drum fundraiser which is sold out, FB Live Garage Sale, teaching contracts, painting sales, etc.).

I’ve gone through this before. It’s a lot of work, but when motivated by Guidance, the energy and flow are truly nourishing. 

The trick is to say ‘Yes!’ to all inspirations along the way, no matter how much of a stretch of your comfort zones.

The story behind the Crystal Journey Fundraiser caught me by surprise and so warmed my heart!

When on a walk with my friend Joan Dohey of Time to Heal, she offered to collaborate on an event as a fundraiser for my trip. Wow!

Yoga Kula Coop agreed to lend us the room for longer than I’d asked for in exchange for “Shanti”, a small painting that’s for sale on location.

So Joan & I decided to offer 2 sessions of crystal bowl sound baths & guided visioning meditation to help others connect to Guidance & take inspired action in their lives.

What an inspiring evening. Tickets sold out. Those in attendance were obviously moved.

It was heart opening for us all!

And during the second session, I remembered to press “record” on my iPhone so I could share the 50-minute meditation part here with you (at top of page).

I’m glad to report that we raised $1004 on tickets & art sales on March 3. I’m currently at 92% of my fundraising goal.

This will pay for my lodging and guioded tours in Damanhur, a conscious community of 600 and the site of what National Geographic called the 8th wonder of the world – the Temples of Humanity. I’ll be spending a week there in community before my studies.

How appropriate that our collaborative community offering will help this happy hermit become even more community conscious, part of my intentions to become more loving. 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I feel truly supported in so many ways. May you be too!

P.S. For other local fundraisers including the last ticket for next Sunday’s Messages from Spirit event, Private Paint Days, and my local Art Rental Fundraiser, please check out my Event Page. If you’re outside of my region but would like to support my journey, which I pray will benefit others in the long run, please visit my online shop. Blessings!


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Your Holiday Bucket List -my Stars on Ice Story

Part of intuitive living is listening to your Emotional Guidance System as taught by Abraham Hicks. So let’s raise our vibration and open up to the Joy of this holiday season! It’ll help the whole planet.

Here’s an example how.

When I spotted the billboard announcing that Stars on Ice was coming to St. John’s on December 1st, I felt a rise in my vibration, a joy in my heart. 

Memories of watching skating with my parents.

Flashbacks of my own skating & flying dreams that always followed.

I felt pleasantly warm and smiley as I drove by, inspired to invite my friends to join me for an evening of holiday Joy.

And that’s exactly what it was.

I was grinning, cheering and clapping the whole show. Oh, and something I didn’t used to do … I also shot video of a few seconds of each performance for the fun of it. Enjoy that above.

Your Holiday Bucket List

So what used to bring you joy during the holiday season?

  • baking?
  • skating on a pond?
  • Christmas carolling?
  • serving at the soup kitchen?
  • reading in bed the whole day?
  • colouring books & puzzles?
  • playing with your dog or children in the snow?
  • making snowmen?
  • family time around a fire or table?
  • snowshoeing or skiing?
  • attending craft fairs?
  • decorating the house?
  • going to a holiday cultural production of theatre, dance, etc.
  • gift-exchanges?
  • Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, or other ceremonies & rituals?
  • hot chocolate with marshmellows
  • spending a few hours focused on goals for the next year?

What are some happy memories you’d like to revive, even if the place & people have changed?

Let your joy guide you this holiday season.

Journey down memory lane and jot down a few items in your agenda for holiday bucket list.

Or simply listen to your emotions as you navigate the deluge of holiday ads and social media posts to FEEL your way to what new things you’d like to do, be, have & experience.

And feel free to say “no” to what drags your energy down.

Happy holiday week, no matter what and how you’re celebrating – the fun, the sacred, the restorative, the giving, etc.

Know that you’re loved and never alone in the Greater Picture.

Blessings & love from my heart & soul to yours.


P.S. I leave tomorrow for a week in Calgary to be with my father, sister and niece’s family. And I’m back on the 28th if you’d like anything from my online shop. Calendars and prints are handled by Newfoundland Canvas.


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Spirit Call to Italy-Transformative Arts Certification

Sharing this story of my latest Spirit Call to Italy has two purposes.

First, I believe that the more you read about how intuitive living works for me, the more you’ll open up to your intuitive channels, leading to a happier healthier life aligned with your True Self.

Second, for the artists who follow me, let me introduce you to the The Transformative Arts Certification Program at the Awakening Arts Academy near Assisi, Italy. You too may feel the Call.

A Needed Shift

I felt it. My friends noticed it.

For a few months, I’d been walking around feeling drained, off-track.

I knew something had to change. I also knew that these feelings were only the precursor to a needed shift. So I waited patiently (or impatiently at times), doing what I could to stay open, inspired, and hopeful for clarity & change.

At times, my creative thoughts and efforts revolved more around ways to earn an income than on what art has always been for me. This is decentering.

Luckily, my Team of Divine Helpers found ways to remind me of my true purpose during occasional blissful painting sessions.

In June & July, during breaks from caregiving for a friend, painting “Equilibrium” helped me regain balance.

In August, my Team encouraged me to Live Life through the vision & painting “Vive la Vida“.

In September, a visit to Ontario & Québec with my father reignited my love of travel & video-making. Our togetherness was the greatest blessing.

In October, through the co-creation of “Coming Forth-Mary Magdalene“, I reaffirmed my sacred reason for painting. This is the type of channeled work that Calls me!

It’s not the first time that finding my way between entrepreneurial realities and the Sacred Path of a lightworker has posed its challenges. I’m sure many can relate.

I recognized that the low-grade discontent in between blissful painting sessions and nature times was my soul speaking to me.

And I also knew that I needed to make space to hear and make changes before those intuitive taps on my shoulder became a 2×4 striking me down to get my attention.

After all, that’s exactly what I teach in my Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life. Everything I share comes from personal experience.

So if you remember, in early November, after weeks of focusing on detoxing my body, mind & spirit, I asked my Team of Divine Helpers to show me the way forward. I was ready for change …

And I asked that I be made aware of my direction during a solo retreat weekend at the Tree of Life, supported by massage and mind-clearing sessions with Meranda Squires.

Within a week, I had my answer.

The Signs

While waiting for Meranda to pick me up, I was dancing and chanting on my mini-trampoline, surrounded by my energy-infused art in the studio. This never fails to raise my vibration.

I was excited, knowing a shift was coming after months of what felt like stagnancy. I also recognized that those months were perfect in their preparation for what was coming. It’s all part of the journey.

Acceptance is peace.

I was grateful that my emotional guidance system was showing me the need for change. 

Living an intuitive life means embracing the mystery and trusting that everything works together for our Highest Good.

As I danced, I prayed, stating my intentions and asking for help during this retreat.

That’s when I received my first vision – of a yellow white and blue yoga pose poster that used to be on my studio wall years before.

It had been a gift from a friend at the Ananda Ashram across the street from the Awakening Arts Academy in Italy where I’d gone to be an artist in residence for a week in 2014. I also got to visit nearby Assisi during that week.

I’d ended up there by Dana Lynne Andersen‘s invitation after a workshop I’d booked with a long-admired artist there was cancelled.

Just after receiving her email offering a different possibility and necessitating a decision, I walked into the temple at an ashram in Bali to find myself face to face with a sculpture of Saint Francis of Assisi. Now that was a clear and unexpected sign on an island in Asia!

So back to 2022 in my studio on my rebounder, I imagined spending a longer period of time away from the Internet at an ashram and felt lighter. “A week wouldn’t cut it. 2 months would be nice. I need to contact Dana at the Awakening Arts Academy to see if she needs an assistant or something.

Then off I went to my Tree of Life mini-retreat, where the vision of the poster came back a few times. I wrote & circled Dana’s name in my journal.

While doing Mind Clearing with Meranda, I identified and cleared a belief about art sales & doing sacred work that I’d carried forth from previous lifetimes and had been reinforced in this one. Wow! I’m sure there are more layers to let go of, but that was major.

When I got back to the city, I had a busy week, but my journal on my desk kept reminding me to contact Dana. We follow each other as colleagues on Facebook, but I hadn’t talked to her in years.

At some point around this time, , daydreaming about spending a couple of months in Italy, I pulled a Spirit Calling Card spread with the deck in my studio. Not only was the reading completely encouraging, it was miraculous. How did 2 of the same card end up in that deck? And how did I pick both in one shuffle?

“Dance your path of purpose and manifest prosperity x 2!!!”

At the end of the week, a wonderful birthday gift arrived in my inbox.

A friend and ex-student from Korea living in the States with his wife and children wanted to buy 2 larger paintings, including “Equilibrium”.

Dana Lynne Andersen

Two days later, I received an email from Dana, a rare occurence.

I hadn’t reached out to her yet, but I didn’t hesitate to open & read this email thoroughly as she’d been on my mind. It advertised her 2-month Transformative Arts Certification Program. The early-bird price was roughly the same as the sale of those 2 paintings.

I knew! The signs were clear!

I contacted Dana and told her this whole story. She was thrilled at my offer to assist and I became open at the idea of joining as a participant.

“Experience the radical aliveness of your own authentic & original creative expression and learn how to catalyze that emergence in others.

The Arts have a unique capacity to heal, uplift and transform us in body, mind and soul.

Transformative Arts cultivates freedom of expression, heart opening joy, soul intuition and spiritual wisdom.”

We’ve decided to let my role in the Transformational Arts Program evolve naturally while on location, both listening to Guidance. I trust that.

Whether it’s for my own inner journey, to take more of a role at the Academy, or to become more active in my community with regular Transformative Arts courses here, I don’t know yet.

Again, I’m embracing the mystery and saying YES! to the signs, knowing this inspired action will lead to others.

Tuition is covered. Accommodation & transportation will manifest itself through further inspired actions – mine or yours.

I’ll be staying across the street at the ashram with daily yoga, meditation, great meals and community.

I can feel myself getting back on track. It feels wonderful! This is a movement towards being of greater service – first to myself and then to others. We’re all in this together.

That’s the intuitive life!

The Transformative Arts Certification Program

As stated in the 2023 brochure:

The Transformative Arts Certification Program is comprised of TWO LEVELS; a foundation and a teacher training.

  1. The foundation level is called INNER JOURNEY. It stands alone as a lovingly guided personal voyage of healing, self-discovery and self-expression. The Inner Journey provides deep structure support for profound inner exploration and guides you to expanded states of freedom and unconditional joy. (1 month)
  2. The TEACHER TRAINING is a closely mentored training in the Transformative Arts Method. You will learn how to spark and guide creative process and how to midwife the transformative process in others. Students are trained to lead workshops and to facilitate group process in a variety of settings. (1 month)

These can be taken separately. Both are required for certification. It’s happening in the Umbrian Hills near Assisi, Italy, June 4 – July 30th. Early-bird pricing ends February 14th.

Contact Dana Lynne Anderson at info@awakeningartsacademy if you’re interested. Limited to 12 students and I’m one of them!

Thank You for your Patronage

Know that every small and large purchase you make from me this holiday season and beyond is going towards my Highest Good and for the Highest Good of all those I am and will serve.

So thank you – every purchase counts – from a calendar, intuitive services or paintings – it all makes a difference in helping fund this latest Spirit Call. Donations are also welcome via [email protected].

I’ve got tuition covered. Now for accommodations, transportation and living expenses.

Plus something else is brewing… but this post is long enough. I’ll tell you more later.

As always, may something here inspire you on your Path as I continue to follow mine. Namaste,




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Sacred Sight Discovery Journey Meditation

Here is my holiday gift for you – the Sacred Sight Discovery Meditation channeled for the group at the Holistic Health & Wellness Weekend fundraiser for the 4Pillars Farm Coop in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador.

The visions I receive when I’m delivering these meditations are for the Highest Good of those present, based on their needs. I trust that process. I also trust that what helps some will help many, including you.

So enjoy this 37-minute journey through the breath of love to access your intuition, your inner guidance with the help of one of your Guides.

You may choose to have it guide you to welcoming more of a feeling  in your life or to receiving guidance in a particular area. I will give you a chance to form this request near the beginning of this guided visioning meditation. You can change this every time you listen to it for a completely new experience.

Don’t worry if you’re not visual. Your guidance will come through whatever channel is most accessible to you: sight, sound, feeling, knowledge, memory, smell, taste, symbolism, etc.

Trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need.

May this Sacred Sight Discovery Journey Meditation nourish your journey this holiday season and into 2023.

And if you’d like a meditation channeled just for you or as a gift, learn more here.

Painting: “Sacred Sight”(20″ x 20″)


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Guide to the Good Award & Studio Visit

Guide to the Good Award

What an honour to have received the 2022 Let’s Do Some Good Award for my role in co-creating last April’s Community Spirit Treasure Hunt.

This Guide to the Good award was conceived in memory of Katherine Saunders, who was the social enterprise’s Publication Specialist in 2018-2019.

The award recognizes a Guide to the Good member company that the review panel deemed best exemplifies the organization’s intent – “to build sustainable, flourishing communities through local, social and green choices, collaboration, and community-mindedness.

When I received the inspiration for this Treasure Hunt, I reached out to Guide to the Good. Their team helped me find 11 local businesses to display 60 of my paintings. We then invited the public to get back out into the community after the pandemic to engage in person with local businesses and to play with a chance to win one of their favourite paintings.

The project was a 2-month full-time investment of my time and energy.

I knew the benefits for both myself and the community extended beyond the great feedback I received. This award confirms it.

Thank you! Receiving this award really touched my heart & soul.

The beautiful pottery award mug by DollFace Pottery will be a constant reminder of why I do what I do – Let’s do some good!

Guide to the Good Studio Visit – The Inside Scoop

The week before receiving the call that I won the award, Kim Todd and Melissa Wong of Guide to the Good came by for a studio visit & chat.

Enjoy this 6.5-minute video they created for their “Inside Scoop” series.

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Clearing Your Body Mind & Spirit

What would self-care look like for you?

Are your body, mind or spirit speaking to you through signs & symptoms, asking for attention?

This is a period of immense change – on a global but also on a personal level.

As the world shifts, so do we. Our consciousness is ascending. Our vibration is rising. And amidst the celebration and resistance, there are growing pains.

I believe that our main job at this time is to be as aligned as we possibly can with our Higher Selves. This requires awareness and inspired action.

The more we take care of our own health, happiness and inner peace, the more we affect the health, happiness and peace on the entire planet.

“What would love do now?”

This is not only a question we need to ask in our interactions with others and the planet, but in our relationship and care for ourselves.

So I ask again, what are your body, mind & spirit asking of you? What would a loving follow-through be for you?

Let me share a bit of my recent story in case it inspires ideas for your own self-love project.

My Personal Detox Program

After a challenging summer, a few patches of eczema on my ankles had me questioning my state of mind & physical health. I thought I’d dealt well with the stress, but maybe not.

Perhaps it was a reaction to the chlorine in our local outdoor pool, which seemed particularly strong this year. But months after stopping my swims, the itch and scaling hadn’t stopped.

My acupuncturist had mentioned that my chi (energy flow) had slowed down. It was time to do even more than I already did in my preventative health routines.

I upped my body treatments – massage, acupuncture, daily skin brushing, nature walks, yoga, dancing on my mini-trampoline, even healthier eating and cutting out dairy.

When I returned from a fabulous 3-week trip to Ontario & Quebec with my father, I was kept awake with a clear message that the memory-foam pad on top of my mattress was off-gassing and toxic. I’d had that message a few times over the 8 years in my current house, but taking it away had been so uncomfortable, I’d put it back on. This time, I got rid of it and invested in a healthy natural one guaranteed not to off-gas. So often we get too comfortable with something that’s toxic for us (people, habits, products, etc.) that we don’t let go of it. No more!

I consulted a naturopath who did a Bioscan to reveal weaknesses and stressors (environmental, dietary, etc.) and prescribed homeopathic medicine to help strengthen my thyroid, liver, kidneys & gallbladder.

I gave Netflix a break for a few weeks and instead turned to more meditation & a sacred book that had been calling me back to it.

And as part of a barter arrangement with Meranda Squires, I designed a supported solo-retreat weekend at The Tree of Life last week to listen to Spirit as I traveled through both inner & outer landscapes.

First, that took me out of my routine and away from work and the Internet. I do tend to work, work, work, then watch, watch, watch in between nature walks …

And although I most often travel alone in my contemplative life, it was wonderful to have Meranda’s support when needed. I am so very grateful for my 2 Thai yoga massages, a crystal bowl sound bath, and 2 sessions of Mind Clearing in between nature walks. What an aha!! moment when she helped me identify a subconscious core belief that had been blocking my path my whole life and likely lifetimes before it.

My mini-retreat in nature quickly helped me regain trust in my Path as I continue to embrace the mystery and align with my Higher Purpose one inspired action at a time.

Plus my stay in the cozy Airbnb cabin with its wood stove and comfy bed surrounded by nature was just what I was hoping for.

This conscious personal detox and nourishment program of my body, mind, spirit, environment and whatever else is called for will continue for as long as it needs to.

I don’t have all the answers, but I’ve been given clues and resources to take care of myself so I can continue to channel Divine Love through my art & other creative offerings for you.

If I’m off track, that isn’t possible.

So if you’re at all feeling off track, please get creative and resourceful in how you too can take care of yourself. Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to show you the way and be open to acting on inspiration.

Your personal detox program will be as unique as you are.

All I hope to have done here is to highlight the importance of your contribution to the consciousness raising on the planet and to remind you that it starts with taking care of you.

Namaste sister / brother.

You are loved. I love you!

P.S. My Birthday Sale, a sharing of myself and the Divine Love that is channeled through my art is happening now until November 19th. All original paintings regularly priced between 427- $600 are now $333 – the gift of 111 x 3 (for you, me & what the art is co-created to do in the world). Choose yours here. Thank you.


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Mindfulness Walk Exercise

Reconnecting to your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers through your intuition is made a whole lot easier when you’re aware of all your senses.

This mindfulness walk exercise will help you do that. As a bonus, time in nature does wonders for your health and happiness.

So give this a try!

It could be in your neighbourhood park, urban nature trail, or out in the wilderness.

Getting to know your inner landscape via a journey on Mother Earth’s landscapes is best done alone or with others also dedicated to the process. So if you choose to do it with friends, I encourage you to do each step respecting each other’s space. You can take time in between steps to share.

The more you practice, the more mindful and in tune you’ll become. Bring water & a snack for one of the exercises. Enjoy the process.

P.S. The video above is of a recent walk around Long Pond in St. John’s – a little eye candy to inspire you to explore neighbouring nature spots.

A. Intention Setting & Affirmation

As you arrive at your location, set an intention for your walk. What feeling would you like more of in your life?

Ask your heart, Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers (whomever that is for you) to support you on this journey to your intention.

Then create an affirmation that carries the essence of that intention.

Use the affirmative and present tense. Include what you’re aiming for, not what you’re trying to get away from.  For example, “I am at peace.” is much better than “There is less chaos in my life”. In the latter, the Universe only hears “chaos please”. It doesn’t take negations into account.

Once you’re clear on your affirmation, activate your throat chakra by declaring it out loud with feeling. Your throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. Declaring that it’s already true on some level beyond time and space is empowering. This is a great opportunity to let go of what others think – lol!

B. Letting Go of Blocks

Pick up a stone, stick, or other gift from nature that you’ll carry with you on your walk.

Take 3 deep breaths and blow your intention and affirmation into your object.

Next, ask your Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers to help you release everything that doesn’t serve you and to open you to what does.

Blow the first layer of blocks into your object, asking Mother Nature to help you transmute those energies. You don’t have to be conscious of what they are, but if you can name them, go ahead.

Put your stone/stick in your pocket until the end of the trail or hold it in your hand.

As you carry your chosen object, also carry all those who would benefit from your achieving this intention in your heart. For example, if you were more at peace, you may bring your family, co-workers, grocery store checkout clerks, and pets to mind and to heart.

Manifesting what we want in our lives is always improved by recognizing all others who would also benefit from that manifestation.

C. Awakening Your Senses

1. Sight

Decide in advance how long your first section of the path will be. Then, tell your Team of Divine Helpers and Higher Self, “From here to there, I’m awakening my sight”.

For this first part of the trail, focus on what you see.

Mindfully direct your gaze to what’s close-up, at medium-view and far away. Look up, look down, look all around.

Take the perspective of a squirrel, a child, and a bird.

Take your time. See like you’ve never seen before.

Allow your childlike curiosity & wonder to guide you.

2. Hearing

For the next section, focus on what you hear.

Use your inner and outer ears: pay attention to the voices in your heart & mind as well as your environment.

What do you hear nearby or in the distance?

What sounds are you contributing?

What noise in your head is interfering with your being fully present?

Notice any judgments and let things be as they are. Simply increase your awareness.

3. Feeling

As you walk your next declared section of the path, pay attention to what you feel, inside & out.

Does your environment or your emotions evoke memories?

What’s the temperature? Can you feel the elements on your skin, in your hair?

If someone is near you, close your eyes and feel their presence as they walk by.

What other body sensations can you feel? Again, close your eyes and take a full body scan.

Then pay attention to how things feel in your hands or against your body – tree branches, moss, wood railings, water, etc.

If you’re near a water current, on a bridge or next to the water, close your eyes and imagine the Water Elements energetically passing through you, carrying away yet another lawyer of the obstacles to your welcoming your intention into your life. 

When that feels complete, repeat your affirmation out loud or in your heart.

4. Smell

For this section, breathe deeply and fill your lungs with Life Force, your connection to Spirit.

Then pay attention to what you’re smelling.

Does one kind of tree smell different than another? Rub pine needles . Get down on your knees to smell the moss or wildflowers. Hold up some dirt, rocks, etc.

Keep searching for new fragrances to awaken your sense of smell until you come to a nice spot to sit.

5. Taste

Mindfully enjoy your snack with your eyes closed. Fully taste each sip & bite, awakening your sense of taste.

It’s not true that water is tasteless… can you taste it?

Also, if there is anything in your environment that is safe to taste, go ahead. There is so much in nature that is tasty and healthy. Foraging is a great hobby if you want to learn more about where you live.

6. Knowing

As you walk your next stated area, ask your heart, Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers an open question related to your intention.

For example, “How can I experience more peace in my life?”

Then open to answers.

You may get sudden ideas. Or you may know with confidence the meaning / interpretation of something that catches your attention.

Be aware that everything you see, hear, feel, remember, smell and taste holds a clue to your answer.

For example, if a snail catches your eye, it may be a message to slow down.

If the traffic noise annoys you, it could mean “Spend less time in traffic.”, or “Embrace city noises as just another part of your environment”. You’ll know which of these interpretations feels better to you. Trust yourself.

This tool for intuitive guidance is what I call an “Intuitive Walkabout”. Learn more about it in this blog post.

D. Inspired Actions

As you spend time in your next dedicated area, reflect on the messages and clues you received.

Come up with 3 inspired actions to implement in your life.

For example, if a snail inspired you to slow down, you may choose to eliminate something from your weekly schedule.

Change can be exciting or scary. Notice any resistance to the inspired actions that percolated to the top of your awareness.

Pause and hug a tree, asking it to help you release any new doubts, resistance and negative energies through its roots. The earth will transmute these to be of service to the planet.

Then ask the branches to help you raise your vibration to help you connect to your Higher Self and Team of Divine Helpers for even further insights and courage.

Feel the welcoming embrace of this wise connected presence. Let it be your witness as you speak aloud the 3 inspired actions you’re committing to take after today’s Mindfulness Walk. Ask it and its underground network with all trees around the world to support you with your intentions from this day forth.

Then thank your tree-friend for its assistance.

E. Grounding in Gratitude

Find a spot where you’re comfortable taking your shoes off to make skin contact with nature. If the weather and environment permits, lie on the ground with as much exposed skin as appropriate. If it doesn’t, use your bare hands or cheeks.

This will help ground you in the energies of Mother Earth, something that isn’t possible through rubber soles.

As you bask in the beauty of this meditative spot, bring to heart & mind all that you are grateful for (big or small). Don’t just list them, feel them.

Now focus on aspects of your intention that are already present in your life.

Imagine that gratitude like a light infusing every cell of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Feel that energy also being nourished by your contact with nature, be it grass, sand, water or snow.

F. Gifting & Receiving

"One Step at a Time" from the Treedom CollectionWhile consciously walking your last section of your Mindful Walk Exercise, know that you’re leaving an energetic imprint with every step.

Consciously share some of the positive energy you’ve collected on this journey.

Also receive from all those who have walked before you. Only allow in what will serve your Highest Good (you can set this as an intention).

Truly feel that what you did for yourself today in self-care positively affects the whole world.

Greet those you meet along the way, smiling with your whole body. Allow your radiance to shine. You’ll see, it’s contagious.

When you come to the end, blow your affirmation once more into your object (stick, stone, etc.). Kiss it in thanks and give it back to nature.  

Know that the current or energy lines of the earth will carry your intention and inspirations around the globe.

Give thanks or close your Mindfulness Walk in whatever manner feels appropriate.

Pay attention to how the Universe responds in the next few days as you turn intuition into action and continue your mindfulness practice in your everyday life.


P.S. Photo:  “Dreampath: One Step at a Time” – I have a 24″ x 36″ print on canvas of it for sale if you’d like it – $350 CA. Contact me if interested.



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A Portal to Source Guided Meditation

Experience your inner landscape & guidance through this 33-minute A Portal to Source visioning meditation recorded live at A Body Mind Spirit retreat last week.

The meditations that I receive through me are co-created with Spirit to nourish your transformational journey. Visioning meditations give you both the structure and the space to connect to your own intuition.

As an intuitive hearing aid, visioning meditations are individual experiences.

Different people experience the meditation differently. And each time you listen to it, you may have a different intention and receive different Guidance based on the questions in your heart at that time.

One goal of visioning meditations is to help you let go of what doesn’t serve you and to raise your vibration so that you may more easily access your intuition.

Another goal is to help you take inspired action in your life.

Although I call them visioning meditations because they can be highly visual, everyone accesses their intuition differently.

Trust in your process. You may see, hear, feel, remember, know, smell, taste your way through the experience- all senses are channels to intuition.

So sit back (or lie down if you think you can stay awake to get the most out of process) and enjoy the meditation above.

Want a Custom Meditation?

Imagine an intuitive hearing aid co-created with Spirit just for you, based on your needs.

You can specify a theme (confidence, self-love, harmonious relationships, etc.) or let your Team of Divine Helpers communicate with mine to deliver what’s in your Highest Interest.

I will use your name throughout to add to the personalized experience.

These also make a wonderful gift.

Your investment for an individual professionally recorded meditations mixed with sacred harmonic music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke is $247 and will last you a lifetime. You can order yours here.

I also channel meditations for businesses and life coaches for their clients. Contact me if you’d like a quote.


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