My purpose is to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love. Here’s some of what I’ve come up with.

Create Your 2024 Intuitive Vision Board

Happy New Year! May 2024 be your best year yet, for reasons yet to unveil themselves and some you may already have an inkling about.

It’s that time of year again! It’s Vision Board time! Of all the kinds that exist out there, my favourite is the intuitive vision board.

Every year for the past 18 years, I’ve created an intuitive vision board

  • to add some sacred playtime to my New Year rituals
  • to help me uncover Spirit Calls
  • to shed light on potential choices and perspectives
  • to help me make decisions year-round based on Guidance
  • to give me courage to follow through on that Guidance
  • to keep me inspired to live my Best Life
  • to act as a daily mirror & reminder of what’s in my Highest Good for this year

I trust intuitive vision boards because they’ve been such an important support on my journey. Plus, they’re a fun & easy way to connect to your intuition. 

So that’s my New Year’s offering to you –  this 33-minute play-along video .

Get your supplies ready because you’ll be following the steps along with me for the first few.

Then, I explain the rest of the process for you to continue at your own pace. During vision board parties, it takes some 1 hour, some 3 and some 5.

So take your time. This is not a task to be accomplished but a process of communication with your Team of Divine Helpers to be relished.

Take advantage of this intuitive hearing aid to dive deep into what your heart & soul are calling for.

And know that the interpretations of your intuitive choices of words & images will evolve as your life does throughout the year.

Looking at your board often will inspire you to take the next best steps. It’ll encourage you to aim in the direction your heart & soul want you to.

Are you ready to play?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • a poster board (available at dollar stores)
  • a marker or pen
  • a glue stick (easiest to work with but other forms of glue work too_
  • scissors
  • a pile of magazines (at least 20 of a variety – the more inspirational the better)
  • instrumental music playlist for your gluing / Listening time (I recommend gentle music without lyrics for this part)
  • a journal & pen
  • stickers & paint / markers if you choose to continue decorating it once it’s done

If you want to see more examples, you can also visit my previous Guide to Intuitive Vision Boards – 7 Easy Steps.

Off to a Great Start – My 2024 Intuitive Vision Board in Action

My 2024 vision board has already had an impact on my life, and it’s only been in existence a few days.

It’s provided encouragement and guidance on how to prepare for my 2-month karma yoga (volunteering) at the Ananda ashram in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains in California this March & April.

I received an intuitive message on November 12th, my birthday, to spend 2 months there.

I thought I might go some day, but didn’t think it would be so soon after my summer in Europe. It didn’t seem … financially reasonable.

But it’s meant to be. It’s booked!

Instead of going as a guest, however, I’m joining the intentional community of karma yogis – volunteers serving the guests.

The Ananda ashrams were built by Swami Kriyananda, one of Paramhansa Yogananda’s direct disciples. You may have heard of the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” – one of the best selling spiritual books on the planet. I studied it in my Masters of Education program back in 2003. These ashrams are communities living Yogananda’s teachings.

I was at the Ananda ashram near Assisi, Italy for 2 months this summer while studying in the Transformative Art Certification program.

In Italy, I was a guest. I had my own room with a private bathroom. I was thankful for that every day! Apart from my art classes, my schedule was my own – free to come and go in programs, ceremonies, meals, etc.

This coming Spring at the Expanding Light Retreat inside Ananda Village, my situation will be very different and outside my comfort zone for sure!

Here, I’ll be sharing a room-  a bunkbed – with another volunteer. And the bathrooms are 40 feet outside our building. Knowing that last year in March they were buried in snow makes my mid-night pee … daunting.

Sure, I’ll be attending meditation, yoga, and Yogananda philosophy classes. That’s why I wanted to go in the first place- why I think I’m being guided there.

But I’ll also be working … or rather, serving God through serving the guests and the community. I imagine I’ll be doing the kinds of things I don’t think I’m great at – washing toilets, making beds, gardening, cooking & washing dishes, and whatever else I’m asked to do.

This, I believe on a deeper level,  is why I’m really being “sent” there – to open up to an even greater degree to love in action. To community. To a different kind of service than I do from my happy hermit studio and from behind this computer.

Can I handle 2 months of crowds?

The Ananda community is situated on 900 acres of meadows and forests amidst the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in northern California. That sounds idyllic!

But thousands of people come through in April to visit the famous tulip gardens at the Crystal Hermitage, so I’m not sure how much time I’ll get for solitude.

I confess, I also worry I won’t be strong enough or have enough energy to keep up with the group. 

Can I live in constant community, in a shared room, and serve long hours around people on top of the spiritual practices, etc?

If Guidance is sending me, I trust I’m ready. It’s time I let go of  limiting beliefs and get over my fears about …. a lot! Yay!

So how is my Intuitive Vision Board helping me?

  • it’s shown me that I need to expand my restorative yoga practice into more strength-building practices in the next 2 months
  • it’s highlighted that “energy” is my theme for the year – and that’s a big part of Ananda teachings – so it’s very confirming
  • it’s encouraged me to relax my fears and shown me that the result – peace of mind, calm energy, connection, planting seeds in my inner paradise, etc. – are worthwhile goals within my reach.
  • it’s assured me that I will come out of this year more inspired and inspirational, of better service to my community
  • it’s given me a preview that through light-hearted fun, I will set myself free of some longstanding fears, some yet to be identified.
  • It’s pointed out that the learning I’m about to undertake is not only for a healthy body & mind, but for connections rooted in vitality – the right kind of connections on both the horizontal (human community) and vertical (with God & my Team of Divine Helpers) planes.
  • it’s explained that now is the time for me to gather in person within a mindful movement.
  • it’s promised that it will help me age more actively, and stronger for a better future while tasting the best of Spring on many levels.

And that’s just after a few days.

So you see how it can work.

I’m motivated and inspired looking at it. It will inform my choices every day until I leave and beyond (as I’ll carry a photo of it during my travels).

Your Turn

So if you want to know what your Team of Divine Helpers, your Higher Self, your heart wants you to know and aim for in 2024, have fun creating your intuitive vision board using the video above.

And if you benefitted from this offering, and feel moved to encourage me in my journey,  I welcome donations by clicking here.

I’m currently working on making sure my blog and newsletter continue while I’m traveling.

Love, peace, joy, health, wealth, happiness and freedom in 2024!




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Interview: 3 Key Concepts to Creatively Ignite Your Intuition

Happy Week leading to 2024, dear Soul, and best wishes for whatever else you may be celebrating or processing!

Are you looking for some creative play this week? How about connecting to your intuition to align to your Highest Good? Why not both through a bit of intuitive painting? 

Three weeks ago, I shared a story of the transformational power of creativity. This week, I offer you a deeper discussion to help ignite both your creative process and intuition.

This 37-minute video interview was part of the “Best Intuitive Training on the Planet” online summit hosted by Allison Sutter back in October. She has generously offered her featured speakers the opportunity to share their video. Enjoy!

How to Creatively Ignite Your Intuition

Intuitive painting is a great way to explore & express your intuitive creative Self.

I’ve followed my intuition to live on 3 continents and 5 Canadian provinces – with no regrets! And I’m not someone who particularly likes change. But if it’s Guided, I’ve learned to listen and have created a happy healthy life, constantly stretching my comfort zones and growing – which is what intuition is for.

My work in the studio has helped so much in my being able to do that. That’s why people started to ask me how they too could connect with their intuition and how they can tap into their creativity to help transform their lives.

There’s such a parallel between intuitive living and intuitive painting. Art is a great way to practice the skills you need in life. I wouldn’t be as courageous, open, or peaceful if it weren’t for my intuitive painting practice.

Here are the top 3 challenges that come up in my painting workshops, which parallel challenges to intuitive living.

Top 3 Challenges

#1 – Challenge: ” I don’t know where to start” – people are afraid of the blank canvas

  1. Just like in life, I love to start by ceremoniously setting an intention. I light a candle, smudge myself, the studio and canvas, let my hands dance on the canvas with holy water I got in Lourdes and Glastonbury as I pray for my Team of Divine Helpers to play with me, write words, questions, feelings on the first layer and call in the energy I want to infuse in this piece. This is Step 1: ASK of my Intuition into Action Treasure Map . Your opening ceremony will be different, but bringing yourself here and now and asking for Divine help is the best way to start.

  2. Since I paint in layers and layers of acrylic paints (which dries much quicker than oils) it’s not about how things look at first. So there’s never a question of “what if I make a mistake” “what if it’s not good enough”, etc. There are no mistakes in intuitive painting. Everything has meaning and each layer builds and holds the transformational energy of what comes before it – adding depth &  texture to the final piece . It’s just about doing what feels good – what you’re moved to do. Same as in life.
#2 – Challenge: “I don’t like how it looks – it’s just mud!”

Intuitive painting is a perfect mirror to become aware of your self-talk, your judgments, reactions, etc. We’re often our worst critic, repeating the accumulation of things we’ve heard or feared others saying to us.


  1. From an easy technical point of view with acrylic colours, and as I suggest in my free Guide to Intuitive Painting , do a layer of warm colours and let that dry. Then do the cool colours. It’s by mixing those that you might create mud – until you get more experienced at knowing how to play with them together.

  2. From a process point of view, take this as an opportunity to love yourself. Most of my paintings go through an awkward stage. You’ve got to love that too! Keep asking for guidance, trying things, and if it doesn’t work, let it go. Focus on what is working. On what you like. On what feels good. And do more of that. When I’m painting, I’m constantly listening to both myself (my ego) and my Self (my intuition and Team of Divine Helpers). There’s a lesson in everything. Our Guides are talking to us through the experience. What are they trying to say? The more self-awareness we have, the easier it is to let go of what doesn’t serve us and focus on what does. Be mindful as you paint. Pay attention to your inner and outer experiences. Art is transformational. It’s not about diving deep in the darkness and analyzing that to bits. It’s about sometimes touching it if it’s there, recognizing it and heading for the Light. Aim for what you want – the Law of Polarity. And letting the layers dry in between – as in, sometimes you just need to step away and go for a walk in Nature… or watch a movie. No rush. No pressure. Listen if that’s what is called for. But do come back. Don’t give up. That too is a lesson.
The beauty is that what’s happening in your life or on the canvas now is just one layer. It can be completely transformed in the next one.

You’re now using the art to ACCESS your intuition. That’s Step 2 in my Intuition into Action Treasure Map- it’s a communication tool.

#3- Challenge:“I don’t know what to paint”


You don’t have to know. Start with mark-making, just to get in the flow. Anything. Contemplate each layer and ask it what it wants to become. I often do that while dancing on my mini-trampoline that’s in the studio. Then something pops up and I play with it. Sometimes it’s a vision, or something seems to be emerging from all the colours and textures. Sometimes, it’s something that I saw that I found inspiring, but mostly for me it’s what I see with my inner eye, not what’s in my environment. It’s different for everyone.

Also, it may never be about something in particular. It can simply be colour and texture. Let go of how things are supposed to look to open to how things can look. Abstract, realistic, it’ll be in your own unique creative voice, which will develop with time. This is about discovering You, not emulating others. Play. Explore. And know that the studio is also the perfect place to let go of perfectionism. Think of everything as perfectly there for a reason.

As you’ll see in the Free Guide to Intuitive Painting, I encourage the use of mark-making, using a lot of various tools. Play with symbolism that is meaningful to your initial intention. If you’re moved to paint with your hands, what is that telling you? If you’re moved to use a heart-shape cookie cutter or pinecones or a comb – give it meaning. This is Step 3-  ANALYZE step of my Treasure Map when symbolism comes through that we’re not sure what it means. Often, intuition is bang, out of the blue and clear. Sometimes, we know something is a message but we’re not sure what it means. It requires contemplation.

The canvas becomes a back and forth letter-writing medium with your intuition. Give yourself the space and time to really connect with your Self – leaving distractions aside that pull you away from hearing and seeing what’s truly happening. And have fun, taking one Inspired Step at a time. That’s Step 4: ACT.  Without acting on our Guidance, it’s useless. The canvas is where we build the courage to do so. I don’t know how many times I was afraid to ruin a painting after days of working on it because of Guidance I received. I would act on it and not once have I regretted it.

And step 5 is ALLOW. Allow your whole process to be and just see what evolves from it in Divine Timing – after you’ve asked, accessed, analyzed if need be, and definitely taken the inspired action.

We’re spiritual beings having a human experience for the fun of it. So have fun! And if acrylic paints aren’t your thing, try pastels, clay, collage, poetry … whatever calls you.

Last words of wisdom

We were born creative. We were born intuitive, connected to Source.

These were often trained out of us, but we can reclaim this birthright. It just takes practice.

Like with any muscle-building exercises, one visit to the gym won’t do it. It takes practice but also it takes finding which type of exercise most suits you. If intuitive painting isn’t your thing, try something else. Find your perfect play-space to reconnect to your True Self.

Life is so much better when we open our channels. I talk more about that in my free 75-minute tutorial on my Intuition into Action Treasure Map – 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life . So creatively ignite your intuition and enjoy! Happy New Year!
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Open Your Heart to the Divine

This is the calendar week I celebrate being born in this earthly form in this lifetime. I’m glad to be alive!

One of my gifts – to myself and you – is to share the messages I received during the “Healing Journey” week at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness. This Transformative Arts video was also inspired by my life at Ananda Assisi, where I lived during the 2-month program.

May something you hear, see, or feel during this 5.5-minute video experience open your heart to the Divine.

Open Your Heart to the Divine

Are you ready to embody the Divine Love & Joy
that created you?
Give yourself time & space to study
Your Treasure Map back to Source.
Familiarize yourself with the language of your soul.

Don’t concern yourself with the speed or direction
Of other people’s paths.
Focus on your inner landscape.
Know thyself.
For self-awareness is the threshold to self-realization.

Open the door to the Goddess
You already have the combination deep within you.
You are the lock, the key & the keyhole.
Freedom lies beyond the prison walls that keep you small.

Enter sacred process &
Transform your Journey from the inside out.
Dive deep into the ocean of devotion.
Use willpower to unlock the portals
Revealed through the keyholes of your very being.
So much to uncover.
So much to empower.
Wisdom guides the way.

Discover your deep-rooted beliefs and leading values.
Surf & soar on the airflows of inspiration.
Fuel the fires of your creative passions.
Breathe in the fragrance of Divine Mother
In the spaciousness of your soul.
Drink deeply of Her Love.
Cultivate good karma as you continue
To gather the nectar from lifetimes on the spiritual path.
And share the harvest through
Unconditional love for yourself, others,
And all that is – in service to Father/Mother God.

Align with the celestial rhythm
Attune to its sacred energy
Embody Divine Will
To blossom into who you truly are,
An individualized expression of the Divine.

Now open the door to your heart.
Say yes to Light.
Say yes to Love.
Say yes to Freedom.
Live your life fully as a creative expression of God’s Love.
For love encompasses the whole Universe.

Take in this Spirit Vision
And dance in Oneness with all Creation
Gracefully moving in harmony, in joy.

May your flow be a self-offering to the Divine Mother.
May your whole being be absorbed in God’s love.
May you step into happiness
As you get in sync with the Holy Music
That unites All That Is.
For the score to this Freedom Dance
Is already carved as sacred codes into your soul.

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Find Your Right Playmates – Temple of Isis Video

Once upon a time, my ex wisely said “Dominique, I can’t be your everything!”. I must have been disappointed that he wouldn’t attend an event with me or share my passion in some interest.

He was absolutely right!

Relying on one person to satisfy all our needs is a recipe for disaster.

Often, what you think you need from another is something it would be healthy to give to yourself. For example, if you’re looking for love, how can you love yourself more in this moment?

But that’s not really what I wanted to discuss here.

Today, I wanted to share how thrilled I was to have found the ideal playmate for a vision I received while at Ananda Assisi this summer.

The ease & grace with which this co-creation came about was the fulfillment of a dream I’d have for a few years to create a music video.

My efforts in the past had been thwarted by weather, logistics, etc. – group projects that lingered in my “mental wish list” for months until they just dissipated.

So WOW! how grateful I was for this creative bliss with the perfect playmate, Rose Saegusa, a classmate in my Transformative Arts Certification Program at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness.

From start to finish, this project took 5 days, in my spare time.

Here’s how it happened.

  • We attended the Ananda Joy Choir concert in the temple one evening. I’d asked the director, Peter Treichler, if I could record some songs for possible use in a video. Only about half the choir was there that night, but he generously said yes.
  • Both Rose and I resonated with the song “In the Temple of Isis”.
  • I woke up the next day with a vision of her dancing outside the temple.
  • Before morning meditation, Sanjaya shared a prayer to the Divine Mother that paired wonderfully with the song. It turns out he wrote it and gave me permission to use it.
  • I knew from what Rose was processing in class that week, that she’d be up to dancing in a video.
  • I asked.
  • She answered “When & where!”.
  • I replied: “5 am Saturday, before the yoga classes in the temple and our class trip to Assisi.”
  • She agreed!
  • I had most of my shots figured out before she arrived. She came up with some brilliant additions.
  • We shot it all within a couple of hours as the sun got higher in the sky.
  • Then I spent about 20 hours playing with the footage and new special effects I’d gotten access to by upgrading to the Pro version of CapCut on my phone.
  • Rose gave some excellent editing notes, a skill I also called upon for future projects.

Et voilà! Enjoy the fruits of our co-creative play in this 5-minute Temple of Isis music video.

Acting on Inspiration

I’m used to co-creating with Spirit without delay after receiving an inspiration – when it just involves me .

It’s harder with fellow human beings because of a multitude of practical and other reasons.

This experience was absolutely and completely (yes, they mean the same thing) fulfilling!

What fun! what creativity!

Is it perfect? Of course not!

But when that week was followed by a week of hazy white skies, a different flow pattern in the fountain,  and bare rose bushes, I was so relieved we’d acted on our inspiration while it was fresh and our enthusiasm high.

Thank you Rose for being the perfect playmate for this project.

Find Your Right Playmates

Do you rely on your romantic partner, family member, or best friend to be your everything?  To satisfy all your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical needs?

Or do you try to do it all on your own, refusing to ask for help or invite others to play with you?

We need a team and the courage to develop one.

Making friends can be a challenge when our efforts seem one sided or people decline our invitations for a play date.

Don’t give up. It’s all about finding the right playmates for the kinds of play you’d like do.

Some may love to go kayaking with you but would hate to visit a museum. Some may love going out for coffee while others would rather walk & talk on a nature trail. And others may simply need a lot more alone time than you.

Finding the right playmates is a key to health and happiness. 

So what do you need?

How can you invite that into your life?

I wish you the best in both finding and nurturing the friendships and collaborations that will add the quality you seek in your life.


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The Art of the Intuitive Mind- Interview & Guided Meditation

In May, Romilly of Rom Pom Pom in the UK hosted the Art of the Intuitive Mind Summit. She gathered 14 creatives, guides, artists, coaches & healers online to connect participants to their inner voice and [re]ignite their inner spark.

I was one of her guests. We pre-recorded both the interview and guided meditation before my sabbatical. Romilly has generously made this recording available so that I may now share it with you.

May it inspire you to live an intuitive life and open up to your creativity in whichever way you are called.

Part 1 – Interview

In this interview Romilly gets me talking about both my intuitive and creative practices & experience. If you’re moved to listen, know that there’s something in it for you. Have fun discovering what that is.

Part 2 – Guided Meditation

This channeled guided visioning meditation is meant to lead you into your own intuitive experience from which you may be inspired to create – in any medium – as an extension of the meditation experience. Feel your way into it.

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The Helping Hands Drum – a commission

When you’re of service to someone, it most often benefits both in some way.

That’s certainly what happened when a new client contacted me to commission a channeled drum for her.

Not only is she helping fund my studies in Italy, she helped me find another expression for my creativity through song. 

The first vision I received as we were chatting on the phone was of a woman standing on an hour-glass shaped path.

The rest came when I sat in meditation, along with many messages.

As I had to wait 2 weeks for this special-ordered drum to arrive in shop, I felt a strong need to express to her all that had come through during that meditation.

My notes became a poem, and the poem a song – my first ever recorded song. This was on week 1.

I sent this voice memo to my client, who shared significant personal meaning in the messages that was truly heart-warming (read her story below).

The following week, I was inspired to sing & record it again in different octaves, learning how to layer them all in Garage Band on my computer. That’s what you’ll hear in the video, along with 2 layers of drum beats from The Blessing Drum, which inspired me to sing.

Since we’re all interconnected, the messages of love & support we receive from our Team of Divine Helpers can also help those who resonate with it. That’s why I’m so big on sharing all I receive in many creative forms. And thats’ why my client agreed to share this song with you.

So if the lyrics in the video below resonate with you, feel free to sing along, imagining Source, angels, Guides, etc. singing to you.

Fly Free

Beloved daughter of the Universe

Cherished child of Mother Earth
Goddess of the Higher Realms
Divine fruit of Gaia’s womb
You’re a traveller on the bridges in between.
Take wings dear One
Set yourself free to soar in the Higher Dimensions
Reach up with an elevated heart
Let go of perceived limitations
And reclaim your innate freedom.
You’re an alchemist & holy dispenser
A vessel for Eternal Wisdom
As you travel your Path
Beyond time and space
Carried by pure consciousness
Your momentum helps raise the vibration
Of those ready to ascend with you
So fill your spirit with deLight
Activating the Gifts within
Open your channels to receive
Listen to your Callings
Then give through compassion & healing
Touching hearts and souls by your very being.
Lifted then lifting
Lifting and lifted
With a helping hand
On your journey between realms
Know you’re making a difference
With outstretched hands
And an open heart
Connected to All that Is
One breath, one heart beat
One drop of Divine essence at a time
You are welcomed
You are seen
You are accepted
You are loved
Thank you for the celestial song
Of your whole being
We are unified through intention and attention
For the Highest Good of All.
So be it. So let it be.

A Few Words From Roxanne

“For most of my life, I’ve hidden in the shadows with what I believe our Creator had planned for my life.

Over the past few years, I’ve accepted who I am truly meant to be, and I’m walking the path on the journey I was destined to take.

Dominique was obviously meant to be part of this journey. I didn’t know her or anything about her, but as things fell into place, so did the connection that we needed to make.

When we talked, Dominique conveyed to me her vision for the drum. I was completely shocked by how much of what she had seen was actually part of my life.

The energetic world has such a connection beyond what most people can understand.

The drum had so many similarities to things happening in my life. The name she was inspired to use, “Helping Hands”, was the same name I had given to a charity I started almost 20 years ago, which Dominique had no connection to.

I’m glad I’ve finally allowed myself to become who I am supposed to be, and I’m very grateful that this path has led me to Dominique, her spirit, her work, and her divine connection.”

Roxanne Weinheber Energetic You Wellness Center in Charlottetown, NL


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Crystal Journey Meditation accompanied by Joan Dohey on Crystal Bowls

When you say yes to a Spirit Call, it’s amazing what happens to help make it happen! 

As soon as I committed to spending 2 months in Italy for my Transformative Art Certification, a series of inspired steps were shown to me in order to both expand on the plan (Mary Magdalene pilgrimage , 4 days solo integration near Monet’s Gardens in Giverny & week in Damanhur) and to finance it (8-painted drum fundraiser which is sold out, FB Live Garage Sale, teaching contracts, painting sales, etc.).

I’ve gone through this before. It’s a lot of work, but when motivated by Guidance, the energy and flow are truly nourishing. 

The trick is to say ‘Yes!’ to all inspirations along the way, no matter how much of a stretch of your comfort zones.

The story behind the Crystal Journey Fundraiser caught me by surprise and so warmed my heart!

When on a walk with my friend Joan Dohey of Time to Heal, she offered to collaborate on an event as a fundraiser for my trip. Wow!

Yoga Kula Coop agreed to lend us the room for longer than I’d asked for in exchange for “Shanti”, a small painting that’s for sale on location.

So Joan & I decided to offer 2 sessions of crystal bowl sound baths & guided visioning meditation to help others connect to Guidance & take inspired action in their lives.

What an inspiring evening. Tickets sold out. Those in attendance were obviously moved.

It was heart opening for us all!

And during the second session, I remembered to press “record” on my iPhone so I could share the 50-minute meditation part here with you (at top of page).

I’m glad to report that we raised $1004 on tickets & art sales on March 3. I’m currently at 92% of my fundraising goal.

This will pay for my lodging and guioded tours in Damanhur, a conscious community of 600 and the site of what National Geographic called the 8th wonder of the world – the Temples of Humanity. I’ll be spending a week there in community before my studies.

How appropriate that our collaborative community offering will help this happy hermit become even more community conscious, part of my intentions to become more loving. 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I feel truly supported in so many ways. May you be too!

P.S. For other local fundraisers including the last ticket for next Sunday’s Messages from Spirit event, Private Paint Days, and my local Art Rental Fundraiser, please check out my Event Page. If you’re outside of my region but would like to support my journey, which I pray will benefit others in the long run, please visit my online shop. Blessings!


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Your Holiday Bucket List -my Stars on Ice Story

Part of intuitive living is listening to your Emotional Guidance System as taught by Abraham Hicks. So let’s raise our vibration and open up to the Joy of this holiday season! It’ll help the whole planet.

Here’s an example how.

When I spotted the billboard announcing that Stars on Ice was coming to St. John’s on December 1st, I felt a rise in my vibration, a joy in my heart. 

Memories of watching skating with my parents.

Flashbacks of my own skating & flying dreams that always followed.

I felt pleasantly warm and smiley as I drove by, inspired to invite my friends to join me for an evening of holiday Joy.

And that’s exactly what it was.

I was grinning, cheering and clapping the whole show. Oh, and something I didn’t used to do … I also shot video of a few seconds of each performance for the fun of it. Enjoy that above.

Your Holiday Bucket List

So what used to bring you joy during the holiday season?

  • baking?
  • skating on a pond?
  • Christmas carolling?
  • serving at the soup kitchen?
  • reading in bed the whole day?
  • colouring books & puzzles?
  • playing with your dog or children in the snow?
  • making snowmen?
  • family time around a fire or table?
  • snowshoeing or skiing?
  • attending craft fairs?
  • decorating the house?
  • going to a holiday cultural production of theatre, dance, etc.
  • gift-exchanges?
  • Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, or other ceremonies & rituals?
  • hot chocolate with marshmellows
  • spending a few hours focused on goals for the next year?

What are some happy memories you’d like to revive, even if the place & people have changed?

Let your joy guide you this holiday season.

Journey down memory lane and jot down a few items in your agenda for holiday bucket list.

Or simply listen to your emotions as you navigate the deluge of holiday ads and social media posts to FEEL your way to what new things you’d like to do, be, have & experience.

And feel free to say “no” to what drags your energy down.

Happy holiday week, no matter what and how you’re celebrating – the fun, the sacred, the restorative, the giving, etc.

Know that you’re loved and never alone in the Greater Picture.

Blessings & love from my heart & soul to yours.


P.S. I leave tomorrow for a week in Calgary to be with my father, sister and niece’s family. And I’m back on the 28th if you’d like anything from my online shop. Calendars and prints are handled by Newfoundland Canvas.


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Spirit Call to Italy-Transformative Arts Certification

Sharing this story of my latest Spirit Call to Italy has two purposes.

First, I believe that the more you read about how intuitive living works for me, the more you’ll open up to your intuitive channels, leading to a happier healthier life aligned with your True Self.

Second, for the artists who follow me, let me introduce you to the The Transformative Arts Certification Program at the Awakening Arts Academy near Assisi, Italy. You too may feel the Call.

A Needed Shift

I felt it. My friends noticed it.

For a few months, I’d been walking around feeling drained, off-track.

I knew something had to change. I also knew that these feelings were only the precursor to a needed shift. So I waited patiently (or impatiently at times), doing what I could to stay open, inspired, and hopeful for clarity & change.

At times, my creative thoughts and efforts revolved more around ways to earn an income than on what art has always been for me. This is decentering.

Luckily, my Team of Divine Helpers found ways to remind me of my true purpose during occasional blissful painting sessions.

In June & July, during breaks from caregiving for a friend, painting “Equilibrium” helped me regain balance.

In August, my Team encouraged me to Live Life through the vision & painting “Vive la Vida“.

In September, a visit to Ontario & Québec with my father reignited my love of travel & video-making. Our togetherness was the greatest blessing.

In October, through the co-creation of “Coming Forth-Mary Magdalene“, I reaffirmed my sacred reason for painting. This is the type of channeled work that Calls me!

It’s not the first time that finding my way between entrepreneurial realities and the Sacred Path of a lightworker has posed its challenges. I’m sure many can relate.

I recognized that the low-grade discontent in between blissful painting sessions and nature times was my soul speaking to me.

And I also knew that I needed to make space to hear and make changes before those intuitive taps on my shoulder became a 2×4 striking me down to get my attention.

After all, that’s exactly what I teach in my Intuition into Action Treasure Map: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life. Everything I share comes from personal experience.

So if you remember, in early November, after weeks of focusing on detoxing my body, mind & spirit, I asked my Team of Divine Helpers to show me the way forward. I was ready for change …

And I asked that I be made aware of my direction during a solo retreat weekend at the Tree of Life, supported by massage and mind-clearing sessions with Meranda Squires.

Within a week, I had my answer.

The Signs

While waiting for Meranda to pick me up, I was dancing and chanting on my mini-trampoline, surrounded by my energy-infused art in the studio. This never fails to raise my vibration.

I was excited, knowing a shift was coming after months of what felt like stagnancy. I also recognized that those months were perfect in their preparation for what was coming. It’s all part of the journey.

Acceptance is peace.

I was grateful that my emotional guidance system was showing me the need for change. 

Living an intuitive life means embracing the mystery and trusting that everything works together for our Highest Good.

As I danced, I prayed, stating my intentions and asking for help during this retreat.

That’s when I received my first vision – of a yellow white and blue yoga pose poster that used to be on my studio wall years before.

It had been a gift from a friend at the Ananda Ashram across the street from the Awakening Arts Academy in Italy where I’d gone to be an artist in residence for a week in 2014. I also got to visit nearby Assisi during that week.

I’d ended up there by Dana Lynne Andersen‘s invitation after a workshop I’d booked with a long-admired artist there was cancelled.

Just after receiving her email offering a different possibility and necessitating a decision, I walked into the temple at an ashram in Bali to find myself face to face with a sculpture of Saint Francis of Assisi. Now that was a clear and unexpected sign on an island in Asia!

So back to 2022 in my studio on my rebounder, I imagined spending a longer period of time away from the Internet at an ashram and felt lighter. “A week wouldn’t cut it. 2 months would be nice. I need to contact Dana at the Awakening Arts Academy to see if she needs an assistant or something.

Then off I went to my Tree of Life mini-retreat, where the vision of the poster came back a few times. I wrote & circled Dana’s name in my journal.

While doing Mind Clearing with Meranda, I identified and cleared a belief about art sales & doing sacred work that I’d carried forth from previous lifetimes and had been reinforced in this one. Wow! I’m sure there are more layers to let go of, but that was major.

When I got back to the city, I had a busy week, but my journal on my desk kept reminding me to contact Dana. We follow each other as colleagues on Facebook, but I hadn’t talked to her in years.

At some point around this time, , daydreaming about spending a couple of months in Italy, I pulled a Spirit Calling Card spread with the deck in my studio. Not only was the reading completely encouraging, it was miraculous. How did 2 of the same card end up in that deck? And how did I pick both in one shuffle?

“Dance your path of purpose and manifest prosperity x 2!!!”

At the end of the week, a wonderful birthday gift arrived in my inbox.

A friend and ex-student from Korea living in the States with his wife and children wanted to buy 2 larger paintings, including “Equilibrium”.

Dana Lynne Andersen

Two days later, I received an email from Dana, a rare occurence.

I hadn’t reached out to her yet, but I didn’t hesitate to open & read this email thoroughly as she’d been on my mind. It advertised her 2-month Transformative Arts Certification Program. The early-bird price was roughly the same as the sale of those 2 paintings.

I knew! The signs were clear!

I contacted Dana and told her this whole story. She was thrilled at my offer to assist and I became open at the idea of joining as a participant.

“Experience the radical aliveness of your own authentic & original creative expression and learn how to catalyze that emergence in others.

The Arts have a unique capacity to heal, uplift and transform us in body, mind and soul.

Transformative Arts cultivates freedom of expression, heart opening joy, soul intuition and spiritual wisdom.”

We’ve decided to let my role in the Transformational Arts Program evolve naturally while on location, both listening to Guidance. I trust that.

Whether it’s for my own inner journey, to take more of a role at the Academy, or to become more active in my community with regular Transformative Arts courses here, I don’t know yet.

Again, I’m embracing the mystery and saying YES! to the signs, knowing this inspired action will lead to others.

Tuition is covered. Accommodation & transportation will manifest itself through further inspired actions – mine or yours.

I’ll be staying across the street at the ashram with daily yoga, meditation, great meals and community.

I can feel myself getting back on track. It feels wonderful! This is a movement towards being of greater service – first to myself and then to others. We’re all in this together.

That’s the intuitive life!

The Transformative Arts Certification Program

As stated in the 2023 brochure:

The Transformative Arts Certification Program is comprised of TWO LEVELS; a foundation and a teacher training.

  1. The foundation level is called INNER JOURNEY. It stands alone as a lovingly guided personal voyage of healing, self-discovery and self-expression. The Inner Journey provides deep structure support for profound inner exploration and guides you to expanded states of freedom and unconditional joy. (1 month)
  2. The TEACHER TRAINING is a closely mentored training in the Transformative Arts Method. You will learn how to spark and guide creative process and how to midwife the transformative process in others. Students are trained to lead workshops and to facilitate group process in a variety of settings. (1 month)

These can be taken separately. Both are required for certification. It’s happening in the Umbrian Hills near Assisi, Italy, June 4 – July 30th. Early-bird pricing ends February 14th.

Contact Dana Lynne Anderson at info@awakeningartsacademy if you’re interested. Limited to 12 students and I’m one of them!

Thank You for your Patronage

Know that every small and large purchase you make from me this holiday season and beyond is going towards my Highest Good and for the Highest Good of all those I am and will serve.

So thank you – every purchase counts – from a calendar, intuitive services or paintings – it all makes a difference in helping fund this latest Spirit Call. Donations are also welcome via [email protected].

I’ve got tuition covered. Now for accommodations, transportation and living expenses.

Plus something else is brewing… but this post is long enough. I’ll tell you more later.

As always, may something here inspire you on your Path as I continue to follow mine. Namaste,




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Sacred Sight Discovery Journey Meditation

Here is my holiday gift for you – the Sacred Sight Discovery Meditation channeled for the group at the Holistic Health & Wellness Weekend fundraiser for the 4Pillars Farm Coop in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador.

The visions I receive when I’m delivering these meditations are for the Highest Good of those present, based on their needs. I trust that process. I also trust that what helps some will help many, including you.

So enjoy this 37-minute journey through the breath of love to access your intuition, your inner guidance with the help of one of your Guides.

You may choose to have it guide you to welcoming more of a feeling  in your life or to receiving guidance in a particular area. I will give you a chance to form this request near the beginning of this guided visioning meditation. You can change this every time you listen to it for a completely new experience.

Don’t worry if you’re not visual. Your guidance will come through whatever channel is most accessible to you: sight, sound, feeling, knowledge, memory, smell, taste, symbolism, etc.

Trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need.

May this Sacred Sight Discovery Journey Meditation nourish your journey this holiday season and into 2023.

And if you’d like a meditation channeled just for you or as a gift, learn more here.

Painting: “Sacred Sight”(20″ x 20″)


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